Gladiator Heart (25 page)

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Authors: Alyssa Morgan

BOOK: Gladiator Heart
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Tristan sat against the wall in the large holding cell with his leg drawn up and his arm resting upon it. Valeria’s breath caught in her throat every time she saw him. He’d gotten more muscular from his training at the ludus and he looked even more intimidating than usual. His rugged, handsome features captured her attention and she found herself ogling him like some wanton woman of the streets. His short hair was more brown now than auburn, and she liked that his beard was only a scruffy stubble on his face so she could see the lines of his strong jaw. He settled his penetrating gaze on her, his grey eyes still hard and fierce.

Valeria managed a nervous smile, her thoughts taking her back to those days she’d spent in his tent, and the nights she’d spent in his arms. Their time together had been cut short, and she’d give anything to be back in that tent with him. If she could have foreseen all that would happen after the Romans caught up with them, she’d have taken his hand when he’d offered it and never looked back.

“Valeria? What are you doing here?” Crispus came up beside her.

She practically jumped right out of her skin when she saw him. Her cousin never came down here to see the gladiators. “I—I caught the last of the games for the day.”

“I thought you were spending the day with Gaius,” he said smoothly, with no expression on his face.

She saw a vision of Gaius lying at the edge of the pool. The blood was so red, and there’d been so much, enough to drown her. “I wanted to leave before the storm so I wouldn’t get stranded at his house.”

Crispus smiled without emotion. “He must have been disappointed.”

She laughed nervously. Gaius was more than disappointed. “We’ll have plenty of time together once we’re wed.”

“Right you are, dear cousin.” Crispus scanned the crowd of people gathered around the caged gladiators with a detached curiosity. “In the meantime, I want you to accompany me to the games if you wish to attend. You shouldn’t come here alone.”

“Yes, of course I shall.” She didn’t dare argue with him. It was a blatant show of disrespect for her to be at the games on her own, and he’d caught her in the act. He could do worse than make her sit with him in the future.

“If you’re done here, I’ll bring you home with me.”

So much for going to see Vorenus to collect on her bet. She waved a farewell to Rufus and Lucia standing off in the distance and followed her cousin out to his carriage. Arguing with Crispus was not worth the trouble it would bring, and she didn’t mind returning to the palace. After this awful day, she wanted a bath and a soft bed where she could drift off to sleep and let the rest of the world fall away.

Chapter Nineteen

Three agonizing days dragged by with a slowness Valeria couldn’t fathom. Her cousin and Septima hardly left their rooms and she hadn’t heard a word about Gaius, nor had she heard from him. The three people who tormented her the most had been strangely absent from her life, and it had started to alarm her, until Crispus informed her they would be attending a party at the home of Legatus Dias.

The Legatus at least knew how to throw a party. His villa wasn’t far from the palace and it held just as many luxuries. Fine furnishings, lavish décor, a large number of rooms and a maze of outdoor gardens with fountains and statues.

The main party was located in the center atrium because it was the largest room. Tables were laid out with breads, salads, cheese, fruit, nuts, a variety of olives and cold meats. Servants moved through the throngs of partygoers, keeping their cups filled with spiced wine. A group of musicians played for a troupe of exotic dancing girls with gold dust painted on their naked bodies and tinkling bells around their wrists and ankles.

Valeria’s nerves were hardly calmed as the night continued, no matter how much wine she consumed. There was no sign of Gaius, and still no word from him. It was like he’d vanished into thin air, but she knew she wasn’t that lucky. Dead or alive, he’d be back to haunt her. The terrifying dreams she’d been having ensured she got no rest. Whether asleep or awake, she saw Gaius get up from the floor, his face covered in blood, his hands reaching out for her, closing around her neck and choking her. No amount of wine could make the vision disappear.

As the revelry carried on into the night, she relaxed into the festive mood and spent time catching up with her friends and listening to their gossip as they filled her in on what she’d missed while she was away. All their idle talk and tales of intrigue meant nothing to her and eventually her mind went numb and she only pretended to be listening. She needed a better distraction from her ghastly thoughts.

The Legatus called everyone around the center of the room and proudly announced the highlight of the party. A batch of gladiators was brought into the villa, and among them were Tristan and Angus. The warriors had been well-bathed and their muscled bodies were covered only by white loincloths. The guests all circled around in excitement to watch them spar and wrestle with each other. It was a rare treat to be so up close and personal with the gladiators.

Valeria couldn’t take her eyes off Tristan. He was a magnificent fighter, his every move graceful and efficient. She saw just how strong and powerful he was as he fought and grappled with the other gladiators and bested them all. She’d once been his prisoner, completely helpless against him, and he hadn’t used his strength to violate her like Gaius had. Tristan was a good man, and he deserved his freedom. She wished the Gods would lend her a little more help.

When the show was over, the gladiators were shackled and put on display at the far side of the room so people could get a close look at them and touch them. She thought of going over to speak to Tristan, but what would she say to him? He’d made it clear he didn’t want her help, that he wanted her to leave him alone, so she thought it best to keep her distance and went back to pretending she was enjoying the party.

It was only a short time later that her friend Octavia rushed up to her and grabbed her hand, pulling her along. “Come on, we have to hurry.”

“Hurry where?” Valeria took a sip of her wine. She was finally starting to get drunk. Thank the Gods for small miracles.

Octavia led her down a darkened hallway, her colorful silk skirts trailing along the floor behind her. Marina ran along after them. She’d been dancing for most of the night and her brown hair was coming loose from its upswept style and stray strands curled around her petite face.

“They’re going to mate one of the gladiators,” she said, out of breath.

Valeria almost choked on her wine. “They’re going to what?”

“You heard me.” Marina gave a devilish smile. “Maybe you’d better stay behind. We wouldn’t want to offend your virgin eyes.”

A rush of heat speared through her as she envisioned bronzed muscles, covered in sweat, straining and flexing in the pursuit of sexual pleasure. What would it be like to watch people having sex?


Valeria was a virgin no more. She was a wanton harlot. And it was all Tristan’s fault. He’d awakened these desires in her and left her wanting.

“The Legatus was called away on business,” Octavia said, “so his wife Sabina wants to play. What kind of friend would I be if I didn’t let you girls in on the secret?”

Marina brought her hand to her mouth and giggled playfully. “You haven’t seen anything until you’ve watched a gladiator fuck a woman. It’s the most amazing thing you’ll ever witness.”

“Gods, listen to the way you speak,” Valeria scolded the girl, while suppressing her own mirthful smile. “You’re depraved.”

“That’s what my mother keeps telling me.”

“Are you two coming, or not?” Octavia called in a loud whisper from the end of the hallway.

They hurried to catch up with her. Valeria knew what she was about to do was indecent and improper, shameless even, but none of that could make her turn back. The thought of watching one of the hardened gladiators taking a woman aroused her beyond words. Every cell in her body was on fire. She abandoned her cup of wine on a hall table as their group moved with swift strides down the deserted hallway. The buzz from the wine, along with her growing curiosity, ensured she was not going to miss this show.

As they followed Octavia down another darkened hallway, Septima appeared out of the shadows. Valeria cringed and drew back. Here was the one bitch in the world who could ruin a good time for her.

“Going somewhere?” Septima stepped in front of them. She repositioned her jeweled headpiece and smoothed out her silken skirts before her dark eyes landed back on their group.

“Just exploring.” Octavia pushed past her with a confident stride and continued on.

Marina silently followed, giving her a nervous look, and Valeria moved to go after them, but Septima caught her by the arm, stopping her as she tried to pass.

Her dark eyes snapped with fire. “I hope there’s nothing going on that I’ll have to report to Crispus.”

For a long moment Valeria looked back at her, pinning the woman with a repugnant stare. “When it comes to my cousin, you’re only good for one thing.” She jerked her arm free of her hold. “And from what I hear, you’re not even very good at that.”

The look of shock and outrageon Septima’s face filled Valeria with a sudden audacity.

“Maybe you should be more concerned with finding a way to remedy that, rather than chasing around after me and my friends.” She raced down the dark hallway to catch up with Octavia and Marina, leaving Septima behind in a fuming rage.

“She’ll be out for your blood now,” Octavia remarked dryly.

“She already is.” Valeria knew she might pay dearly for those harsh words to Septima in the near future, but she didn’t care. She had worse things to worry about.

They came to a door that was slightly open and a dim light poured out into the dark hallway. Octavia slipped into the room, Marina followed, then Valeria. An intimate group of men and women stood around a bed in the center of the room, whispering amongst themselves. When Valeria edged her way to the front, she saw a slave girl spread out naked on the bed. She had a white sash covering her eyes and her wrists were tied to the bed by ropes. The girl was young and pretty with fair skin and dark, ebony hair. On the bed between her creamy thighs, a slave with dark skin moved his fingers over the girl’s sex, causing her to moan and thrash about as he brought her close to climax and then denied her finish. It appeared he was playing with her, keeping her on the edge for a purpose.

The Legatus’s wife, Sabina, entered the room and dismissed the male slave with a curt nod of her head, while behind her, Tristan stepped forward in all his male glory. His wide shoulders, firm, sculpted muscles and long, lean legs glistened with oil. He was completely naked and his impressive manhood caught the attention of all the women in the room, and some of the men as well.

Valeria’s cheeks burned with embarrassment. She shouldn’t be here. How could she watch this happen? Of all the gladiators, why did it have to be Tristan they wanted? He was hers, and she didn’t want to share him with anyone. She suddenly wished it was her tied to that bed. How she longed to have him again.

But Tristan didn’t want her. He made no secret about it. No matter his feelings, it didn’t change the way she felt about him. Her heart raced, her stomach fluttered, her thoughts became muddled. He was the most handsome man she’d ever beheld. And brave. Strong. He fought with honor. He’d made her laugh, he’d taken her to heights of unimaginable pleasure. How would she ever let him go?

Tristan swore he wouldn’t become a whore for Rome, but he would be forced into the role anyway. When the master gave the order, the slave must obey, or face the consequences. He scanned the richly attired nobles in the room, surprised to see such a large audience. His gaze landed on Valeria and he frowned. What was she doing here?

She stared back at him, kicking up her chin with a haughty air. Was this kind of display something she was used to seeing? He’d thought her sweet and rather innocent when he’d first found her, but now he wasn’t so certain. She was a Roman at heart after all. No different from the rest of them.

The Legatus’s wife sat on the bed next to the restrained slave girl. The girl’s legs were spread wide in invitation. Tristan tried not to look there, but the woman started stroking the glistening folds of the girl’s sex as she looked up at him to note his reaction.

He had none.

How could he with Valeria so close?

Despite all his doubts about her, she was the one woman he wanted, the one he dreamed about.

“Zara will be honored to receive you, gladiator.”

He glanced to where the girl’s hands were tied to the bed. “Is that why she’s restrained?”

Everything about this city and its people was wrong. Gods, how he wanted to leave Rome.

“It’s more for our entertainment,” the Legatus’s wife informed him.

She reached out and wrapped her hand around his manhood, then began to stroke him, up and down, trying to bring forth a reaction. He clenched his jaw, not wanting to feel any pleasure from her touch, but the woman knew how to arouse a man.

“That’s better.” She rose from the bed. “Give us a performance, gladiator.” She looked him over from head to toe, a wicked smile spreading over her thin lips. “We’re all aware of your stamina in the arena. Now is the chance to prove your other skills.”

The woman moved away and took a place standing beside Valeria. He quickly averted his gaze to avoid looking at her. Her blue eyes were full of lust and longing, just like all the others in the room. For some reason, he’d expected more from her, and it left him disappointed.

“What are you waiting for, gladiator?” the woman berated him. “Take her.”

Tristan hesitated. He’d never been so humiliated in his life. At least as a gladiator he felt he had some purpose. A whore had none.

“Do it!” the woman ordered. “Fuck her!”

He looked down at the naked slave girl, bound and most likely drugged into submission. The one thing he would never lose to Rome was his soul. They could beat him, starve him, force him to fight for his life, but this he would not do.

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