Glass Towers, Shattered (Glass Towers Trilogy) (12 page)

BOOK: Glass Towers, Shattered (Glass Towers Trilogy)
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I stick my tongue out at her and head over to the door. Just as I hear Garrin coming in the mudroom, I open the door to an exuberant Henry.  I have clearly won this dog over.  I give him a squeeze and shut and lock the door.

Turning to Simone as Garrin enters the room, “Shall we postpone our pow-wow for tomorrow?” She looks from me to Garrin and says, “Do you mind?”

I laugh, “Of course not. I need a good sleep after this morning anyway.  Let’s chat while we pack tomorrow night.”

I turn to Garrin, “Thanks for everything, see you in the morning, then?”

“Oui, goodnight Miss Austen, uh Danielle.”

I smile and bid them both goodnight.  As I head down the hallway, I hear Henry scrambling to his feet behind me, then I hear his nails clicking on the hardwood floor, following me to my room.  I change into a pair of pink sweats and a black, long-sleeved thermal shirt.  I slip on a pair of fuzzy socks and head to the bathroom.  As I cross the hall, I hear Clarke giggling in the other room.  Oh, poor Garrin has no idea what he is getting into!  I laugh to myself as I finish my bedtime rituals of washing my face and brushing my teeth.

Once in bed, with Henry at his post outside my door, I finally settle in to get a good night’s sleep.  I reach over to set the alarm on my phone, and I notice  a text from Harrison.  I feel my stomach flip-flop, and a rush of excitement takes me over.  I open the text message as fast as I can.

9:48 PM

Harrison Towers

Goodnight Danielle. Glad you had a nice evening. See you tomorrow. Wear something enticing for me. I miss you.

Gasp.  Wear something enticing?  Guess I will need to enlist Simone for help with that.   I miss you!  That is like music to my ears.  I am guessing it was Harrison on the other end of the line, when Garrin was speaking  in French tonight. 

10:02 PM


Thank you for tonight. I miss you too. Maybe you should wear something enticing for ME! XOXO

I giggle while I hit the send button.

I turn out the light and wait for my phone to light up with a response from Harrison.

10:04 PM

Harrison Towers

Interesting but I think we’ll stick with you enticing me. Hugs and kisses huh?

What does he mean by “hugs and kisses huh?”  I lay in the dark, staring at the phone, when it finally occurred to me he is referring to the XOXO with which I ended my text.  I wonder if he thinks it was an immature gesture? 

10:06 PM


Yes hugs and kisses! Goodnight see you in the AM! XOXO!!

There, I hope he gets that I am being playful, and it’s not an age difference thing.  I forget sometimes that there is almost a fifteen-year age difference between us.  I never knew I would find an older man so appealing.  He is always so capable and in control of things, and the sex is mind blowing.  I think older men have the advantage over younger men.  They have experience on their side,  know how to finesse a woman’s body, and are less concerned for their own pleasure.  I think an older man also knows that if he is doing his job well, and the woman is pleasured, his own needs are satisfied as well.

10:07 PM

Harrison Towers


I hug myself with excitement.  This is fun.  I just wish everything else would just go away, so we can be together.  I wish the little moments like this weren’t all we have.  For now.  It is.  I put the phone back on the night stand and snuggle in to sleep, hoping to dream of Harrison and all that could be.

I am awoken by my buzzing cell phone.  At first, I think it is my alarm, but I realize it’s an incoming call.  I look at caller ID, and it is that damn unknown caller again.  I think for one second that I might answer the call, but then decide against it.  What a lousy way to start my day.  I let my sleepy eyes adjust for a minute and see that it is 6:10 AM.  I might as well get up and try again for a run.  I wonder if that is going to be possible with my scraped up knees.  I put ice packs on my knees yesterday afternoon while I sat at the dining table working.  It seemed to help a little, but I probably should have iced them again last night before bed.

I move to stretch and notice, out of the corner of my eye, a sleepy Henry giving me an apprehensive look.  It is probably too early for him.  I climb out of bed and bend over to stretch my legs.  Ouch, they are still sore, but I think I will manage.  I continue to do more stretching, while Henry fights to keep his eyes open.  At some point during the night, he must have nudged his way through the door, as he is now fully in my room. He spent the night sleeping on the round area rug near my bed.

I get dressed in my violet running pants and a tank and jacket that match and head across the hall. In the bathroom,  I quickly splash cold water on my face and brush my teeth.  With my phone and ear buds in my pocket, Henry and I head out to the main room.  I don’t see Garrin anywhere.  My hand quickly travels to my gaping mouth.  I wonder if he slept with Simone last night??  I peer out the front window and see his car is still parked out front.  Yep, he is still here.  Maybe, he slept in the other spare room.  Hmm.  It’s none of my business anyway, so I go into the kitchen and pull out a piece of scrap paper from the overflowing junk drawer.  I write them a quick note, grab the house key off the counter, turn off the alarm at the key pad, and head out to the mudroom.  Henry is now alert and at my heels.  “Want to try this again?”  He wags his tail.  I grab his leash and put it on him.  We head outside to the crisp and seriously cool Fall morning.  I lock the door and turn on the music, heading down the path.  I pause for a moment to see if anything seems out of place.  Or, if there are any black SUV’s lurking about.  I notice nothing.  I turn down the volume, just in case.

I decide to head down the hill, instead of uphill this morning.  With Henry by my side, we run down the tree-lined sidewalk, past other cute bungalow-style homes.  I take notice of the chalk-covered sidewalks outside of homes with tricycles and bikes piled up by the detached garages.  I see two cars in the driveway and a basketball hoop.  I wonder to myself if this really the ideal and is it something I want someday?  Is this something I could ever have with Harrison, or am I fooling myself?  I laugh inside at myself.  Yes.  That is actually the reality.  I am fooling myself, if I think there could actually be this type of future with Harrison.  I have to decide whether I just want to have fun and enjoy what I do have with him now, or if I want to dwell on what I won’t have with him in the future.  Deep in my thoughts, I don’t  notice that I have run down the hill, toward the waterfront developments.  I stop and look ahead in the distance at The Towers.  Harrison’s Towers.  The way the sun is rising, the light is reflecting off the other buildings and back onto Harrison’s Penthouse, the glass looks shattered.  A bitter taste develops in my mouth.  A reminder of how I felt just 48 hours ago.  Shattered, broken into pieces.  My stomach starts churning from the thought.  I remind myself that things are not as dire as my negative internal voice keeps trying to make them seem.  I turn back the way I came and cross the busy street to head back up into the hills.  I didn’t realize how far I had ran, until I got back to the house.  Henry is practically frothing at the mouth.  I let him into the mudroom and immediately make sure his water bowl is full.  I lock the door and look at the app on my phone that records steps, miles, and other useless things.  I had gone a total of just over 6 miles. No wonder, I am so winded. 

Wow, I had not noticed how close the Towers were to this neighborhood.  Harrison is in those Towers.  I get to see Harrison this morning.  The very thought sends a warming sensation starting in my stomach and radiating through my loins.  Down girl! I think to myself.

After I make some coffee and scrounged up a yogurt in the fridge, I head down the hallway to start operation beautification.  I am pretty sure that the way I look right now would not qualify as enticing in Harrison’s world.  Henry appears to be opting for his cozy bed after his long run.

I grab my robe, pink lace panties and bra, then head across the hall to the bathroom.  I turn the handle and open the door.  To my shock, standing there in all of his naked glory is Garrin.  “Oh I’m so sorry!  The door was unlocked and I didn’t hear you in here!”  I quickly slam the door behind me.  I scurry back across the hall to my room.  I have no idea if he said anything when I opened the door or what expression he had on his face. I feel ashamed because all I could focus on was the incredible body Garrin has.  Wow, if Harrison didn’t have my heart, I could certainly be distracted by that gorgeous specimen.  Shit!  Now I am sounding like a cat in heat, like Simone.  I feel my face is on fire!

I lay on my bed and wait for the bathroom to be free.  I think about seeing Harrison in a couple hours.  He never did say if anyone else would be in the final meeting.  Gasp!  I wonder if Marion will be there.  I really hope not.  I am certainly not ready to face her.  How can I put on that kind of act?  As if nothing has happened or pretend that I don’t know anything about her treachery.  I hear a faint knock at my door.  I unwind the hair off my finger as I slowly open the door and peer out at a smiling Garrin.  I fully open the door,  “I am so sorry Garrin.”

He is still smiling, “Do not worry.  It was an accident.  The bathroom is free now.”

“Thanks, Garrin.”  I have noticed a huge change in him over the last day.  He is usually very reserved and rarely smiles at me.  Gee, I wonder what has inspired the change.

I follow him out to the hallway, and he continues toward the kitchen, while I barricade myself in the bathroom.  I am so embarrassed, but have to admit that I enjoyed the peep show.

After I finish getting ready in the bathroom, I head back to my room to figure out what to wear to entice my mogul.  Simone seems to be getting her beauty sleep, so I think I might just be on my own this morning.  I finally select a dark, charcoal-gray, high-waist pencil skirt with an emerald-green silk, button-up blouse with a low v-neckline.  I bought this outfit when Simone and I updated my wardrobe a few weeks ago.  I tuck the blouse into my skirt and put on the chain and pearl belt that I wore the first time we had sex in his penthouse in Portland.  I feel my face flush, as I remember that when he undressed me, he left my chain belt on.  I put on my black sling-back peep-toe stilettos.  It’s a simple look, but I hope enticing.  I stand away from the mirror, examining my reflection.  I like how the skirt hugs my slight curves and the blouse is soft and feminine, but alluring.  Yes, I think Mr. Towers will approve.

I hear a bubbling voice coming from the main room and decide that Simone is up.  Good, I can get her opinion after all.   I grab my briefcase, purse, and a lightweight black swing jacket.  I head out to join them in the kitchen, after I deposit my things in the entry.

“Oh hello hottie!” Simone squeaks, “Where are you headed off to this fine morning?”  She is positively beaming.  I wonder what sparked her perkiness this morning.  I walk to the counter, grab my cup, and put it in the microwave to warm. I turn back to face her and see the googly eyes that she is giving Garrin.  Ah, there we go, duh!!  I should have known.  I can’t believe how slow on the uptake I can be sometimes.

“Does this look okay?  I am meeting with Harrison at the new office space.  Remember, I am decorating after they relocate.”

She eyes me up and down, “Yeah, that works. It’s sexy, yet sophisticated.  I am proud of you; my girl is getting fashionable!  There is hope for you yet.”

“Is that supposed to help with my confidence, cause trust me, it’s not really working.”  I snap at her.  I grab my coffee out of the microwave that beeps incessantly, if you don’t open it right away.

“No need to be snarky.  You look great!  Anyway, I’d still like to know why you are being so forgiving.  It is beyond me why you would give that guy an inch.”  She holds up her hand before I interrupt.  “I know, I know, you have an explanation.  Tonight, you will tell me all, then I will decide if he is a complete louse or not.”

I let out a big sigh.  “I think it’s too early in the morning for all of this.”  I glance at the clock on the microwave.  I have ten minutes before the car should arrive to take me downtown.

“I gotta run out to my car.  Can I get your key to the garage?”

“Sure, it’s in my handbag, on my key ring.  It’s the square-headed key.”

“Thanks,”  I say over my shoulder.  I slip on my jacket and fish around in her bag for her keys.  With keys in hand, I walk back through the kitchen to exit through the mudroom.  I open the back door, and on the doormat is a single red carnation. “Garrin, Garrin!” I yell.

Garrin, Simone and Henry come running to the mudroom, and all stop to look at where I am pointing.  Simone gasps.  Garrin steps closer to examine the flower.  “Don’t touch anything I want to get a picture of this.”

Simone and I just look at each other and nod.  Henry comes closer to sniff at the flower, turns away, and heads over to his empty food bowl.  “You okay, Dani?”

I take a deep breath and exhale.  I look at her again with tears brimming my eyes.  “I am just sick of this, Clarke.  We are not safe here, and I just feel awful that you have been brought into this.  I’m sorry, Clarke.”

She walks over to me, and takes me in her fuzzy-robe clad arms.  “Oh honey, don’t give it another thought.  I am not worried about me, and you shouldn’t be either. It’s clearly some unstable freak.  I know that someone will eventually get to the bottom of this!  I mean, think about this, it’s pretty harmless stuff.  It could be a lot worse, so let’s just hang onto that for now.”  She releases me from her bear hug.  I feel tears trickling down my face.  Crap! Now, I have to touch up my makeup before I see Harrison.

BOOK: Glass Towers, Shattered (Glass Towers Trilogy)
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