Read God Has Spoken Online

Authors: Theresa A. Campbell

God Has Spoken (3 page)

BOOK: God Has Spoken
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Chapter Three
As Officer Gregg hurriedly stripped off his uniform, Tiny watched him in fascination. However, her eyes grew wide in alarm when the tall, masculine, naked man walked toward her. Fear washed over her exposed body, instantly evaporating the alcohol and marijuana out of her system. She began to tremble slightly. Tiny was now a scared, innocent, virgin girl, playing a grown-up game with a very sexual, mature man.
“Hmmm, maybe this wasn't such . . .” her voice trailed off when she felt the heavy weight of Officer Gregg weighing down on her. With her eyes tightly closed, Tiny flinched at the sharp pain that swept through her body, frightened out of her mind. This was no longer a game.
Early the next morning, Tiny dragged her sore body over to Dolly's house. “I did it.” Tiny looked at Dolly solemnly.
“Girl, I'm so proud of you!” Dolly replied enthusiastically, oblivious to Tiny's dreary mood. “Welcome to the club.” Dolly grinned sheepishly. “You are a grown woman now.”
Tiny hung down her head, shame plastered on her face. “I think I made a big mistake, Dolly.”
Dolly stared at Tiny. “No, you didn't. You are just feeling that way because it was your first time,” she informed her friend. “Things are only going to get better from now on.”
Tiny nodded her head, ignoring the feeling of apprehension in her gut. “You are right. Everything will be just fine.”
“You better believe it, girl,” Dolly replied amusingly, and the two friends high-fived each other. “Sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride.”
Tiny did exactly that and what a ride it was. “So, will I see you tomorrow night?” Tiny asked Officer Gregg a few nights later as they both hastily pulled on their clothes after having sex.
“Not tomorrow. My wife and I are having dinner with my in-laws who are visiting from New York.”
Tiny pouted like the child she was and sucked her teeth in disappointment.
“Hey, don't be like that.” Officer Gregg, now fully clothed in his stiff police uniform, crept up behind her and kissed her lightly on her neck. “I'll see you the day after, and I'll have something special for you as always.”
Tiny's eyes gleamed like fireworks, and she smiled in anticipation. After giving her virginity to the dashing policeman almost two months prior, the need to be with him had only intensified with each passing day. So like clockwork the two would meet for their quick, nightly sex encounters in the same classroom in the high school.
For this, Officer Gregg rewarded Tiny with nice gifts and money. Some of the money Tiny hid at home for her move to Kingston; the rest was spent by her and Dolly on weed, alcohol, and skimpy clothes.
Officer Gregg, on the other hand, knew what he was doing was wrong and that he had a lot to lose, including his wife. Also, as an officer of the law, what he was doing went against everything his profession represented, but he couldn't stop himself. Tiny was like a drug, and he was addicted to her. To have such a beautiful, young girl vying for his attention and who wanted to be with him every day was a big boost to his ego. It was almost like he was back in high school, sneaking out of the house to be with his girlfriend.
Aunt Madge watched in horror as her little girl changed for the worse right before her eyes. “What's gotten into you, chile?” she asked Tiny one night when she came home wearing a tight bodysuit and stank of weed. “Where did I go wrong with you?” Tears ran down her face as she looked at her niece trying to act like a woman.
Tiny's eyes welled up as she watched her aunt's small shoulders shake as she cried. She knew her recent behavior went against everything Aunt Madge had taught her, but she was young and having fun. What was the harm in that?
“I'm sorry, Aunt Madge. But I'm just having a good time,” Tiny informed her.
“Good time? Is
what you call having a good time?” Aunt Madge asked. “I guess you are also going to stop going to school like your partner in crime?”
“No!” Tiny quickly assured her aunt. “I'll never do that, Aunt Madge. I promise.”
And Tiny kept her promise. How she did it was a mystery, but she managed to be a good student by day and a hellion by night.
“Remember, what tastes sweet in your mouth burns the belly.” This was one of Aunt Madge's frequently used Jamaican proverbs that sliced through Tiny's worried mind a few weeks later. The silence filled every creak and cranny of the pitch-black classroom as Officer Gregg's labored breathing slowly returned to normal.
Tiny felt his body moving away from her, but she quickly wrapped her small arms around his neck and forcibly held on to him. She knew she couldn't allow him to leave until she told him her news. With her eyes tightly closed in fright, Tiny stuttered as she tried to speak, but no words came out. She wished she could take a draw from a strong marijuana spliff right about then. Where was Dolly when she needed her?
Now impatient and frustrated with her actions, Officer Gregg reached up to unclasp her hands from around his neck and was surprised at her strength as Tiny held on.
Still visibly shaking but determined to be heard, in a small but clear voice she whispered softly in his ears, “I think I'm pregnant.”
Officer Gregg froze in shock as he saw his entire life flash before his eyes. He was as good as dead, for surely his wife was going to kill him.
” he shouted. “You
be pregnant. Weren't you on the pill?” he asked.
Tiny looked at him blankly. She had no idea what he was talking about. Dolly didn't tell her anything about any pill.
Officer Gregg stared down at the naïve naked girl under his body and felt sick to his stomach. It had just dawned on him that he had been abusing this young girl for a few weeks now. And to make matters worse, he never took the necessary precaution to protect them both. Now here she was, a child who was going to have a child: his child. But maybe, just maybe, there was a way out of this awful situation.
“You can't have this baby. I'll give you money to go to Kingston and get an abortion. No one has to even know you were pregnant.”
Tiny looked at him as if he had lost his mind. Her mother had lost her life to give her life, and she would rather die herself than to kill her baby.
“I am
killing my baby,” Tiny screamed. Her anger gave her the courage to go against his wishes.
And then it happened.
Officer Gregg snapped and changed into a terrifying animal right before her eyes. In a flash he jumped to his feet, reached over, and grabbed her by the neck, lifting her small naked body like a ragdoll high into the air.
“Oh, yes, you will,” he growled. “One or both of you will have to go, some way, somehow, and I am going to make sure of it.” Then he began to squeeze the life out of her, literally.
I'm going to die now,
Tiny thought as she kicked wildly and scratched at his face. Things had not turned out the way Dolly said they would.
Tiny thought back to the conversation she'd had with Dolly earlier that day.
“Pregnant? Oh my God! Girl, you done hit the jackpot now,” Dolly screamed excitedly as she jiggled around her yard. “I bet he is going to divorce that old goat he is married to and marry you.”
“You think so?” Tiny asked in a small voice. “I love him so much, Dolly. I know this started out as a plan to get money, but I really do love him.”
“What's love got to do with this? As long as you get the paper, it's all good,” Dolly replied.
But Tiny shook her head stubbornly. Without the weed and booze, her naivety shone through like a full moon on a dark night. “I love him,” she repeated forcefully. “And he loves me too.”
Dolly looked at her and shook her head. Tiny still had a long way to go in this business, but she was a good student and Dolly refused to accept defeat. “Fine, you love him. Listen, tonight you must tell him about the baby. I bet he is going to suggest you move to Kingston until his divorce. As a matter of fact, we can both move as planned. I'll be like y'all's nanny or something.” Dolly squealed in excitement. “This is so cool. It will be you and him and me and Big Dread. Hey, maybe we can all be roommates. What do you think?”
Tiny rolled her eyes at Dolly and worriedly chewed on her bottom lip. “So everything will be all right?” she asked Dolly.
“Girlfriend, everything is everything,” Dolly said with full conviction.
As the room spun around and around, Officer Gregg's grip on her neck tightened. Tiny felt light-headed and knew she was about to lose consciousness. Suddenly her head seemed to explode as she was flung roughly into the wall, where she bounced off like a ball before landing facedown on the dirty concrete ground. Pain exploded in every available artery in her body. Choking and coughing, she desperately sucked some much-needed air into her burning lungs. Tears poured from her red eyes as she whimpered weakly, folding her aching body into a protective ball. She wasn't sure why he didn't kill her, but she knew she needed to get away from him quickly before he changed his mind and finished the job. But she was hurting too much and was too weak to move.
Tiny felt her aching head jerk back as Officer Gregg grabbed a handful of hair and snapped her head off the floor. She felt the cold metal of the gun pressing into her neck, and she screamed in terror. “Please, don't kill me,” Tiny pleaded. “I'm sorry. Please.”
“You better not call my name to anyone!” Officer Gregg screamed into her ringing ears, spit flying out his mouth. “If you do, I
come back and kill you. In fact, I will kill your precious Aunt Madge first. You wouldn't want anything to happen to her now, would you?” he threatened.
Tiny shivered in fear.
“Would you?” Officer Gregg growled.
Tiny shook her head and winced at the pain. He waited a few seconds before he loosened his tight hold on her hair and stood up before hurriedly pulling on his clothes. Officer Gregg then stormed out of the classroom without a backward glance at the wounded young girl he had almost killed.
Tiny breathed a sigh of relief after the rackety door slammed shut. Pain she had never known before pierced her body from head to toe, but she found the strength to roll over onto her back, and then into a sitting position. Even her shallow, labored breathing sent arrows of piercing agony through her body, but down on all fours she slowly crawled to an old metal chair close by. Feebly hanging on to its unsteady legs, Tiny painfully stood up and wobbled over to a window that overlooked the tall bushes where he usually parked. Trembling in fear, she peeked outside, noticed his vehicle was gone, and breathed a sigh of relief.
She had no idea how she made it out of the classroom to her house, but Aunt Madge's scream echoed in Tiny's bloated head as she crumbled into her aunt's arms before she lost consciousness.
Aunt Madge whimpered in despair as she lifted Tiny into her small arms. Walking gingerly over to Tiny's twin bed which was directly across the room from hers, she carefully laid her down before dashing into the bathroom. Reaching under the face basin, Aunt Madge quickly grabbed her medicine chest of homemade remedies and medicines before rushing back into the room to attend to Tiny's injuries.
“Tiny? Baby? Come on, sweetie, open your eyes for me.” Aunt Madge gently slapped Tiny's bruised cheeks and watched as she blinked her eyes rapidly, before she slowly stole a peek through her swollen left eye.
“Baby, it's me,” Aunt Madge whispered. “You're going to be all right.” The tears poured down Aunt Madge's face as she sat on the edge of the small metal bed looking down on her niece's bruised body.
“Where are you, Lord? If there is a time that we need you, it's now,” Aunt Madge prayed with her hands raised high in the air. “Help us through this trial. Please, I'm begging you.”
Tiny cried softly as she watched Aunt Madge praying for her.
I can't let anything happen to her.
Tiny thought to herself.
I have to take this secret to my grave.
“Tiny. Tiny.” Tiny realized Aunt Madge was talking to her. She opened her busted lips to speak, but it was too strenuous, so she allowed the silent tears to speak for her.
“Baby, were you raped?” Aunt Madge asked worriedly but Tiny shook her head. Aunt Madge breathed a sigh of relief. That was one less problem to deal with.
“Sweetheart, I cleaned the wounds with my bay rum and cerasee medicine and applied some heated kerosene oil and gauze,” Aunt Madge told Tiny. “Tomorrow I'm going to take you to the clinic for a checkup, then we're going straight to the police station to file a report.”
Tiny's eyes grew wide in fright as she shook her head from side to side. “No no no,” Tiny murmured in panic.
“What do you mean by no?” Aunt Madge asked puzzled. “You were attacked. We can't let them hooligans get away with it. By the way, do you know who attacked you?”
Again, Tiny's eyes bulged in terror, and she shook her head in distress. She could not afford for Aunt Madge to go to the police because she was attacked by a police officer. He was one of them. They would be on his side. She couldn't win. There was no use . . . no use at all.
The next day Aunt Madge gave in to Tiny's refusal to go seek treatment, telling her aunt she felt okay, that it wasn't that bad. So Aunt Madge applied some more of her home remedy and let Tiny stay in bed. Tiny still refused to go to the police station.
“I bet it was Dolly those people were after and attacked my poor niece in retaliation,” Aunt Madge muttered to herself, refusing to accept what Tiny had become. “Maybe Tiny will now stay away from that little she-devil.”
BOOK: God Has Spoken
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