Goddess by Chance (Demi-God Daughters Book 2) (7 page)

BOOK: Goddess by Chance (Demi-God Daughters Book 2)
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Chapter Thirteen


When did it get so dark? It seemed like the sun was just shining. Arienne moved from her seat beneath the large palm tree and picked up the blanket she’d been sitting on. Folding up the blanket, Arienne tucked it underneath her arm before grabbing the book she’d been reading and stuffing it into her messenger bag with the throw. The rumble of thunder made her look up.

“I hope I can beat the rain home,” Arienne said digging out her keys. She walked briskly as the first drops of rain hit her face.

“I knew I should’ve just gone straight home, but no, I had to stop for some fresh air.”

Just as Arienne made it to the parking lot, the rain poured. She started to run but almost slipped. “Crap.”

No running for her.

“Hey, cutie.”

Arienne turned around. Behind her approached a white man wearing a leather jacket and blue jeans. His dark hair and scruffy beard made him look like a biker. She turned around and kept walking.

“Come on, baby. Don’t run away.”

She had to get to her car. Swallowing hard, she tried to maintain her composure. Arienne started to run as her red Mazda came into view. She aimed her remote and unlocked the car before hurriedly opening the door. Abruptly she was pushed inside the car. Her head hit the passenger side door hard as hands pulled at her skirt.

“No. Stop. Stop!”

“Shut up. We’re going to have a little fun, darling.”

Arienne tried to move. She tried to kick at him. Trying to turn over so she could fight her attacker, she was held immobile and her face was smashed against the side of the door. The console dug into her ribs. She screamed when her panties ripped and then a blow to the head made her taste blood. She sobbed. Her legs were pinned. She couldn’t fight him. She was helpless, so she closed her eyes and waited for it to be over.


“Thank you, Morpheus.”

“Is there anything else I can do for you?” the blue-haired imp asked.

“No. That will be it.”

The God of Dreams disappeared leaving Triton alone in Arienne’s bedroom. He stood over her watching as she tossed and turned. A slash of lightning illuminated the bedroom showing her tangled in red sheets. The white and red heart decorated comforter lay folded at the foot of her bed.

Back and forth, she turned in the bed, whimpering. Another flash of lightning lit up the room, and Triton’s eyes fell to her chest. He couldn’t help his eyes as he noted the rise and fall of her breasts.
It isn’t supposed to be like this.
The girl was supposed to be like Athena. She wasn’t supposed to be the scared girl caught in the grips of a terrifying nightmare lying before him.

Triton didn’t like the feeling creeping up his spine. Guilt. For invading her privacy and reading the notes her doctor made and using the information to attack her mentally. He tried to shake the thoughts away. Arienne was his nemesis. He couldn’t forget that, but for tonight he didn’t have it in him to cause her any more pain.

He walked closer to Arienne as another strike of lightning revealed tears running down her cheeks.
You’re a bastard. A real one.
He knew that, but it couldn’t be helped. Triton placed his hands on the bed and leaned down over Arienne. Pressing his lips to hers, a smidge of magic flowed into her body. She stopped tossing and turning immediately. As she lay still, he kissed her full on the mouth again, and when her eyes opened, he disappeared.


Arienne came awake with a gasp. Sweat trickled down her forehead. Her heart was like a cheetah running, and her eyes were wet.

“I must’ve been crying in my sleep.”

She could’ve sworn someone kissed her as she lay trapped in the midst of her real life nightmare, but that was crazy. No one was here but her. Shaking her head, she turned on the bedside lamp. She hadn’t dreamed about her rape in years, so why was she suddenly reliving the worst thing that had ever happened to her?

Two weeks from graduating and turning eighteen, she’d been attacked. When her rapist had finished violating her body she’d lain in her car crying. Her mind had raced with fears of an unwanted pregnancy. Of disease. She still didn’t know where she’d found the strength to dry her tears and drive home. Sitting in a tub of nearly scalding water she’d scrubbed compulsively and decided to tell no one. And although two weeks later, her powers had manifested, that was much too late. How she wished that things had been different. That she had been able to protect herself from the monster who’d taken her innocence. Instead, silent suffering had become her new way of life.

For almost four years she’d held the terrible secret inside, and then on her twenty-second birthday something snapped and she knew she couldn’t keep the secret anymore. Telling her father had relieved the burden. Raymond had held her as she cried, and then he’d called R.A.I.N.N. to get her the help she needed.

It had been a long road. Trying to convince herself she wasn’t to blame hadn’t been easy. Being touched by anyone besides her father had left her feeling dirty and fearful, but R.A.I.N.N. had changed all that. When she looked back over everything she’d gone through, Arienne was grateful for the progress she’d made, but the battle wasn’t over.

Intimacy still scared her, but for the first time in years, she found herself attracted to a man and that was very real progress. Chris Triton. In his presence she was just a girl nervous around a crush. The man was gorgeous, debonair, and had a fantastic smile, but his motives were a mystery. But maybe she’d find out more about the man sooner than she thought.

Chapter Fourteen


“Son. It’s been a while.”

Triton turned his attention from the sea life swimming by the balcony he was on. “Father. What a surprise.”

The green eyed God of the Seas stared at him, arching a bushy brow. “Not unpleasant I hope.”

“Of course not.”

“Your mother and I haven’t seen you for some time, and you know how worried she gets about you and your sister.”

Triton rolled his eyes good-naturedly. Amphitrite might be worshipped as a fearsome goddess by Merfolk and seafaring humans, but to Triton she was just an overprotective mother. “Can you please tell her not to worry? Benthesikyme and I are eons old and immortal. She has no reason for concern.”

“You know how your mother is. She loves you kids.”

“I know, and I love her, too.”

“Then perhaps you could stop by sometimes and tell her that,” Poseidon suggested.

“I’ll do that,” Triton promised.

“Good. Nice to know you’re not too busy with Cerceis.”

Triton cleared his throat, giving his father an incredulous look. “Why would you bring Cerceis up? You know how I feel about that deceitful bitch.”

“I thought I knew, but since you two have been spending time together again, I have to wonder.”

Apparently even under the sea you can’t keep a secret.
Triton frowned. “It’s not what you think.”

“I certainly hope not. At least when your sister married her human king, she knew what she was getting into. You were blindsided.”

“I know.”

Triton meandered away from his father.

“Son, talk to me.” The god’s arm clasped his son’s shoulder.

Triton released a breath. His hands grasped the railing so tight the metal started to bend. “Her birthday. A few days ago.”

“I see.”

“No, you don’t, but I appreciate the empathy.”

“Triton, I may not be able to understand exactly what you feel, but I loved her, too. She brought such joy to all of our lives.”

“Yes, she did.”

“I know you will never forget her, but don’t let Cerceis take advantage of your grief.”

Triton gave his father a terse smile. “You don’t have to be concerned about that. If anything, another passing birthday only reminded me just how much Cerceis was at fault. She and Athena, the bane of my existence.”

“I know. No one deserves vengeance more than you.”

“Then help me. For eons I’ve watched Athena live with no consequences for what she’s done. It’s time for her to pay.” Triton stared into his father’s face, beseeching the sea god to offer to stand with him.

Poseidon shook his head. “I wish I could, but I can’t.”

Triton sneered. “No, you can, but you won’t.”

“Son, please…”

“No … Poseidon. You jumped into a full scale war at the bidding of Zeus, even though there was a very real chance that you wouldn’t survive. But that didn’t matter. Almighty Zeus spoke and you ran. It’s a shame your own son doesn’t merit such a response.”

“I fought not for vengeance but to protect our way of life. To protect my family.”

“If that’s what you want to keep telling yourself so be it. But I know the truth.”

“And what do you think is the truth?”

“It doesn’t matter. Farewell, Poseidon.”

Triton disappeared, transporting himself to Tritonis Shipping. Quickly cloaking himself in a black suit, he entered the building. Mortals greeted him. He gave them a terse nod.
You should’ve known what his response was going to be.
Jamming his hand against the elevator button, he could feel a knot of tension forming in his neck.

Damn Poseidon.
His father could never be counted on when it really mattered, but that was fine. Triton’s plan was already in motion, and no one was going to get in the way of his vengeance. He was done pussy footing around. It was time to kick things into high gear and begin his seduction of Athena’s daughter.


Cerceis lay in bed inside her small seaside palace. Triton’s treatment of her played over and over in her mind. He’d dared to mock her and then dismiss her like she was nothing. There was no way she could leave things to him now. Doubt was slowly creeping into her mind and all because Triton thought Athena’s progeny was beautiful. Was Triton losing his nerve for their dastardly plan? Had meeting the girl changed something? Cerceis didn’t know, but either way, Triton was proving he couldn’t be trusted. It was up to her to put her own plans in motion. Materializing a phone into her hand, Cerceis dialed.


Arienne was watching one of her favorite TV shows,
CSI: Miami
. As another episode started, her cell phone rang. Grabbing the phone from her nightstand, she swiped the screen.

“Arienne Marcos.”

“Arienne, it’s Chris Triton.”

“Mr. Triton, what a surprise.”

“I thought you and I were past such formality.”

“I’m sorry … Chris. What can I do for you?”

“I was wondering if you were free tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow?” Arienne repeated.

“Yes. I thought perhaps we could go make your donation to R.A.I.N.N. and maybe have a light lunch.”

Arienne’s palms were sweating, and her mouth was suddenly dry.

“Arienne, are you still there?”

“Yeah. I was just looking at my calendar,” she lied.

“And does that calendar have a space for me?”


“Great. I’ll set everything up.”

“Would you like me to meet you?”

“Arienne, I’d be less than a gentleman if I didn’t pick you up.”

“I wouldn’t want you to go out of your way.”

“It’s no problem. I’m happy to offer door to door service.”

Arienne smiled. “So does this mean I have to dress up?”

“No. Whatever you wear will make you look beautiful. Text me your address and I’ll pick you up around ten thirty.”

“Okay. See you tomorrow.”

“I’m looking forward to it. Take care.”

Arienne ended the call and laid her phone down on the bed. She had a lunch date with Chris Triton.
Wait. He didn’t say it was a date.
But she couldn’t help wondering if there was more to it. After all, they could’ve just made the donation without going to lunch afterwards.

“What does this mean?”

When it came to men, Arienne was clueless, and there was a real possibility she was obsessing for nothing. Unfortunately only tomorrow had the answers she was looking for. Right now she had to decide what to wear.


The game was about to commence. Triton had a date with the girl, and for some reason he couldn’t help smiling about it. With Arienne alone with him, he would use his charm to put her at ease. He was sure getting her to open up so he could see what she was really made of would be a breeze.

Chapter Fifteen


Today was the day, and Arienne couldn’t stop sweating. Standing in front of the mirror in her bathroom, she dabbed at the bead of sweat forming on her brow. Her heart hadn’t stopped its hummingbird like pace since she woke up.
I’m going to need another shower if this keeps up.

Inhaling and exhaling in an effort to calm her nerves, she applied a dusty shimmering gold to her eyelids. Clad in a white, short sleeved dress with gold buttons and trim, Arienne hoped she was dressed well enough to be in Chris Triton’s presence. She’d even straightened her unruly hair for the occasion, and it fell almost to her waist.

If I went through all this trouble for nothing, I’m going to be pretty pissed.
Arienne put on her small gold hoop earrings.
You’re ready, girl.
Giving herself one last look over, she went back to her room and strapped on her white Mary Jane heels. Purse in hand, Arienne walked into her living room and settled down to wait leaning against the couch. A knock at the door startled her.
No turning back now.
Rising from the couch, Arienne walked to the front door and looked through the peephole before she undid the chain and deadbolt locks.


“Wow. You look incredible.”

“I could say the same,” Arienne said.

Chris Triton took devastatingly handsome to a whole new level. His sandy blond hair looked freshly cut. He was wearing a charcoal grey suit, with a crisp white shirt that shone underneath his suit jacket. Even something as mundane as a business suit couldn’t hide Chris’s muscular physique. Arienne was having a hard time looking away.

“I’m glad you approve. Are you ready?”

“Yes.” Purse in hand, Arienne pulled the door closed behind her and locked it. Turning to Christ, she couldn’t help but note the wide smile on his face.

“Shall we?” He offered her his arm.

Arienne swallowed. “Yes,” she said taking his arm.

He tucked it through his, and together they walked to the elevator. Chris pressed the button for the underground garage.

“I’m trying my best to avoid some of these nuts with cameras,” he explained.

“I take it you’re not too fond of the paparazzi,” Arienne said as the elevator doors opened.

“Hardly. They’re social pariahs.”

Arienne smiled. “Nice to see you don’t take the Kardashian approach to free publicity.”

“Never. I prefer to be as low key as I can manage. That way I’m less likely to be a target of someone’s frivolous lawsuit. You learn to be cautious with people,” Chris said.

“That’s terrible. Do people really come after you like that?”

The elevator doors opened. “You’d be surprised at the numbers.”

They walked together in companionable silence for a moment before Chris pointed ahead of them. “Here’s my car.”

A black Rolls Royce with tinted windows so dark you couldn’t see inside sat in front of them.

“Nice,” Arienne said.

“Thank you.” Chris opened the back passenger side door.

Arienne stepped inside the Rolls and taking her seat, she was surprised to see a divider between the front and back of the car. Quickly she slid over and made room for Chris, who sat next to her and closed the door right before the car started to move.

“You know, Arienne, I’m really looking forward to spending time with you.”

“Really? And why is that?”

“I’d like to get to know you better. When I saw you on the news, I knew there was something special about you and that you were a woman worth getting to know.”

Arienne raised a brow. “You could tell all that from seeing me on the news?”

“I’m a pretty good judge of character,” Chris said winking at her.

“Sorry to disappoint you, but I’m just an ordinary librarian.”

“You and I both know you’re more than just a librarian.” Chris’s gaze bored into hers.

What does he mean? Does he know something?
Arienne smiled. “And what exactly am I?”

“A beautiful, courageous woman.”

“I’m flattered you think so highly of me.”

“You should, too, but I’m getting the feeling that you don’t.”

Arienne’s mouth hung open. “I cannot believe you just said that.”

“I didn’t mean anything by it, but I’m pretty good at reading people, and there’s a sadness about you. A disbelief in yourself.”

“So you’re psychoanalyzing me now?”

“No. I’m just saying that you and I just met and I think you’re pretty damn incredible. You should, too.”

Arienne shivered as Chris took her hand. His thumb brushed over the front of her hand, and she couldn’t help looking into his eyes.
His eyes are just like the ocean. A girl could get lost in them. Fight it, Arienne. Fight it.
His thumb continued stroking her hand, and her pulse sped up.
All this from him touching my hand? I’m in trouble.
Arienne swallowed. “Thank you for thinking so highly of me.”

“You’re very welcome.”

When his hand moved toward her face, Arienne was sure she was going to scream. Casually his thumb swept across her cheek.

“You had an eyelash,” he said. He dropped his hand.


“Sure. Now how about we go inside?”

Arienne blinked rapidly. “What?”

“We’re here, sweetheart.”

“I’m so embarrassed. I didn’t even realize the car had stopped moving.”

“No need to be embarrassed. We can just chalk it up to us enjoying each other’s company.”

“Yeah. Let’s go with that.”

“Great.” Chris opened the door and stepped outside. Turning around he reached for her hand and helped her from the car. Chris shut the door and still holding her hand, made his way to the front of the glass entrance way.

Second thoughts started to creep into Arienne’s mind.
What were you thinking agreeing to come here with him? He’s going to find out. How could he not?
She pushed the thoughts away. It had been a long time since she’d set foot inside this building and the same staff wouldn’t likely be there. Would they?

Chris opened the door, allowing her to step inside first. She entered and strode to where the front desk was. A petite, raven-haired girl was sitting at the desk.

“Welcome to R.A.I.N.N. How can I help you?”

“We’re here to make a donation. I’m Chris Triton, and this lovely lady is Arienne Marcos.”

“Arienne? Arienne Marcos?” a voice rang out.

Arienne looked past the receptionist. Coming towards her at full speed was a heavy set Latina with bountiful breasts and hips. A wide smile stretched across the woman’s face. Arienne’s heart dropped to her stomach.


The woman enfolded Arienne in a warm embrace. “Arienne, it’s been so long.”

Wincing, Arienne’s eyes met Chris’s as she hugged Trisha back. She had no clue what he was thinking, but she was sure that whatever it was, it wasn’t good.


Arienne looked like a deer about to be plowed down by a pickup truck. He could fairly taste the fear radiating from her. As she and the matronly Latin woman broke apart, he extended his hand. “Chris Triton. A pleasure to meet you.”

“This is an honor. Trisha Fernandez,” the woman said shaking his hand.

He could see the surprise on her face as her eyes darted back and forth between him and Arienne.

“The honor is mine. Arienne has told me some really great things about this place.”

“I’m so glad. Arienne, I didn’t realize you were on a first name basis with Mr. Triton,” Trisha said.

“We met recently.”

There was a pinched look around Arienne’s eyebrows, and her mouth was in a thin line.

“Great. So what brings you by?”

Triton walked closer to Arienne, placing his hand on the small of her back. She looked at him with eyes narrowed before turning her attention back to Trisha.

“We’re here to make a donation of a million dollars.”

Trisha’s mouth hung open. Tears formed in her eyes.
Hook, line, and sinker.

“Bless you. Bless you both. If you’ll follow me,” Trisha said.

Arienne gave Trisha a terse smile before falling in line. Triton did the same, his hand still on Arienne’s back. Before this day was over he vowed that Arienne would confess her secret to him, even though he already knew. Sometimes there was nothing better than good old-fashioned reverse psychology.


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