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Authors: P. C. Cast

Goddess of Legend

BOOK: Goddess of Legend
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Table of Contents
Dear Readers,
Okay, I’ll admit it—authors have favorite books. I know, I know, books are like children, and we don’t always want to admit to liking one better than another, but it’s true. The Goddess Summoning books are my favorite children.
As with my bestselling young adult series, the House of Night, my Goddess Summoning books celebrate the independence, intelligence, and unique beauty of modern women. My heroes all have one thing in common: they appreciate powerful women and are wise enough to value brains as well as beauty. Aren’t respect and appreciation excellent aphrodisiacs?
Delving into mythology and reworking ancient myths is fun! In
Goddess of the Sea
, I retell the story of the mermaid Undine, who switches places with a female U.S. Air Force sergeant who needs to do some escaping of her own. In
Goddess of Spring
, I turn my attention to the Persephone/Hades myth and send a modern woman to Hell. Who knew Hell and its brooding god could be hot in so many wonderful, seductive ways?
From there we took a lovely vacation in Las Vegas with the divine twins, Apollo and Artemis, in
Goddess of Light
. And then we come to what is my favorite of all fairy tales, “Beauty and the Beast.” In
Goddess of the Rose
, I created my own version of this beloved tale, building a magical realm from whence dreams originate—good and bad—and bringing to life a beast who absolutely took my breath away.
From fairy tale let’s move to comedy and hotness in
Goddess of Love
. It is perhaps the funniest and steamiest of all the Goddess Summoning books. After all, Venus herself is my heroine! Finally, we move to an epic story that has intrigued me for a long time, the Trojan War, and Achilles, a hero who I think has deserved his own happily ever after for a couple thousand years. Check out how I manage it in
Warrior Rising
I hope you enjoy my worlds, and my wish for you is that you discover a spark of goddess magic of your own!
P. C. Cast
Praise for
Goddess of Love
“Sexy, charming and fun,
Goddess of Love
is the fantasy romance of the year! You will fall in love with this book. (I did!)”
—Susan Grant,
New York Times
bestselling author
“Ms. Cast has taken mythology, Cinderella, a bit of Shakespeare and a dash of Shaw and mixed them with her own style of comedy for a winning read that is [as] heartwarming as it is funny.”
—Huntress Book Reviews
“As always with Ms. Cast’s Goddess saga, the blending of mythology and the modern world feels smooth and effortless . . . Delightful.”
—Midwest Book Review
“Touching, clever and an excellent heiress to the Goddess Summoning series.”
Warrior Rising
“A riveting page-turner . . . [
Warrior Rising
] is a shining example of just why this author is on the top of many readers’ favorites lists. Simply put, it’s a Perfect 10 for this reader.”
—Romance Reviews Today
“An amusingly tongue-in-cheek take on the Trojan War featuring a modern-day heroine . . . Funny, irreverent and clever . . . You can’t go wrong.”
—The Romance Reader
Goddess of the Rose
“P. C. Cast [is] well-known for her blending of mythological tales and romance . . . [A] beautiful adult fairy tale . . . Readers will be enchanted.”
—The Best Reviews
“Outstanding . . . magic, myth and romance with a decidedly modern twist. Her imagination and storytelling abilities are true gifts to the genre.”
—Romantic Times
Goddess of Light
“A charmer . . . Cast continues her unique brand of delightfully mixing a modern-day romance with a mythological legend . . . Creative.”
—Midwest Book Review
“Pure enjoyment . . . Anything can [happen] when gods and mortals mix.”
“A fanciful mix of mythology and romance with a dash of humor for good measure . . . Engages and entertains . . . Lovely.”
—Romance Reviews Today
Goddess of Spring
“One of the top romantic-fantasy mythologists today.”
—Midwest Book Review
“As always, there’s a dash of humor and lots of meltingly hot sex.”
—Affaire de Coeur
“Enchanting ... Lovely.”
—The Romance Readers Connection
“A veritable feast for readers who just can’t get enough fantasy dished up with their romance. Mythology has never been so fun!”
—Romance Reviews Today
Goddess of the Sea
“Captivating—poignant, funny, erotic! Lovely characters, wonderful romance, constant action and a truly whimsical fantasy . . . Delightful. A great read.”
—The Best Reviews
“A fun combination of myth, girl power and sweet romance [with] a bit of suspense. A must-read . . . A romance that celebrates the magic of being a woman.”
—Affaire de Coeur
Sensation titles by P. C. Cast
(with MaryJanice Davidson, Susan Grant, and Gena Showalter)
(with MaryJanice Davidson, Susan Grant, and Gena Showalter)
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Copyright © 2010 by P. C. Cast.
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Berkley Sensation trade paperback edition / December 2010
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Cast, P. C. Goddess of legend / P.C. Cast.—Berkley Sensation trade pbk. ed. p. cm.
eISBN : 978-1-101-44567-9
1. Time travel—Fiction. 2. Seduction—Fiction. 3. Lancelot (Legendary character)—Fiction.
4. Arthur, King—Fiction. I. Title.
PS3603.A869G634 2010

To Trish Jensen—
the best pinch hitter I know.
You can be on my team anytime, Fluffy!
Thank you to my wonderful editor, Wendy McCurdy, for being sure this book was born.
As always, I appreciate my friend and agent, Meredith Bernstein. You know this book (and LOTS of other books) wouldn’t have happened without you.
And a special acknowledgment to my fabulous author friend Trish Jensen. You’re wonderful, baby! Fans o’ mine, please check her out at
“THEY will believe I entrapped you.” Coventina, the great water goddess, turned her head, unable to look at him.
“I am not entrapped, my love. I am simply resting from the darkness of this world,” Merlin said. He touched her smooth cheek so that she had to turn back and meet his gaze. “And since when have we cared what others say, Viviane?”
His use of the nickname he called her at their most intimate moments couldn’t even make her smile. “It is a curse to have the ability to see into the future,” she said.
“In many ways, love.”
“Yes. But have you always seen this for you? For me? For us? Why let me love you, knowing what you have known?”
“’Tis a man in the far future, a healer named Phil, who proclaims love is what it is. It has no future or past, but simply the present.”
“This healer does not impress me,” Viviane said. “We have a past, and we could also have a future. See it. Believe in it.”
“I cannot see our future, my love. It pains me too much when I am not allowed to alter what I see.” His sigh was deep. “The future of Arthur and Camelot pierced me enough that more wounds feel unbearable.”
She gazed at his wonderfully familiar face and saw the goodness, strength and kindness that had first drawn her to him. But she also saw something else—his visage was shadowed by a weariness that made him appear a decade older than he had just months ago.
BOOK: Goddess of Legend
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