God's Doodle (29 page)

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Authors: Tom Hickman

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gonorrhoea (or clap) 131, 133, 135

syphilis (or great pox) 131–3

treatments for 132–4

and use of condoms 134–5

Viagra 152, 154, 157, 160

Victoria & Albert Museum 162

Victoria, Queen 108, 144, 162

Victorian period 14, 76–7, 112, 125, 140, 141, 145, 176, 180, 190

Vidal, Gore 20

Vilar, Esther 51, 54–5, 56

Virag, Ronald 156–7

Voltaire, François Marie Arouet de 129, 182

Voronoff, Serge 156

Walbiri of central Australia 106

Washington State University 102

Watton (Yorkshire) 118

Waugh, Alexander 22

The Way, The Supreme Path

Webb, Geoffrey 79

Weissmuller, Johnny ‘Tarzan’ 90

West, Mae 207

What Men Want
(Gerstman, Pizzo, Seldes) 185, 194

White, Charles 18

Whitman, Walt 85, 182

Whythorne, Thomas 130

William of Poitiers 116

Williams, Esther 90

Williams, Robin 108

Wilmot, John, 2nd Earl of Rochester 38

witches 126–7

Wogan, Terry 98


and aesthetics of the penis 51–2

ambivalent attitude 2–3

benefits of intercourse 197–8

benefits of sperm 203–4

blamed for venereal disease 132, 133

conception and menstruation 71–2, 74–5

and curiosity concerning what an erection feels like 56

and damaging of male genitalia 77–8

and first encounters 55, 86

as the gateway of the devil 140–1

gender-change 63

inferior status of 64

and knowledge of paternity 164

knowledge of their anatomy 64–5

libido and infidelity 217

and male bridal-night fears 128–9

and male expectations of awe 54

and male fear of the vagina 128–31

and male marital duties 214–15

mismatch with male sexuality 135–9

mockery of the penis 43–4, 53

moving during intercourse 165

in mythology 65–6

and oral sex 183–6

and orgasm 195, 196

and penis envy 69

and physical emasculation of men 118–20

repulsion felt by 55–6

and sex with castrati 123

and sexual positions 187–9

sexual superiority of 137–8

size and look of the penis 56–9

Women in Love
(film) 25

The Women’s History of the World
(Miles) 46

Woolf, Virginia 175

World Health Organisation 207

Worsley, T.C. 175

Xhosa 162


Yapese tribe (island in the Carolines) 213

The Years of Lyndon Johnson
(Caro) 90

Yeats, William Butler 155, 174–5

Yiddish proverb 2

yin-yang 107

(film) 26

Zeus 83, 137

Zilbergeld, Dr Bernie 26

Zola, Emile 119

Zulu 162

Zuni tribe (New Mexico) 71

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Version 1.0

Epub ISBN 9781448137459


Published by Square Peg 2012

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Copyright © Tom Hickman 2012

The author has asserted his right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 to be identied as the author of this work

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ISBN 9780224095532

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