God’s Traitors: Terror & Faith in Elizabethan England (75 page)

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   PRO E 178/3628. The eleven-year trust was ostensibly to secure a dowry for Lord Vaux’s sister, Katherine. The four trustees were Sir George Shirley, Sir George Fermor, Sir Richard Wenman and Sir William Tate. The first two were conforming Catholics. Wenman was the Protestant husband of Eliza’s friend, Agnes, and apparently disapproving of Eliza. Tate was the courteous official in charge of the search of Harrowden Hall in November 1605.

The Following of Christ
, trans. ‘B.F.’ (Anthony Hoskins, S.J.), sig. *2. The dedication is dated 1 November 1612 NS. Hoskins had previously written
A Briefe and Cleare Declaration of Sundry Pointes
(St Omer, 1611).

, VII, pp. 1039–40; Questier,
Catholicism and Community
, p. 369.

   The Jacobean oath still provokes lively debate. Cf., for example, Sommerville, ‘Papalist Political Thought’, and Questier, ‘Catholic Loyalism in Early Stuart England’. For one way of dealing with the oath, see Redworth,
Letters of Luisa de Carvajal
, I, pp. 285–6.

   ABSI Anglia A III, 111.

   BL Lans. MS 153, ff. 89–90. Also ff. 44–7 for the £2,000 offered by the Vaux tenants in composition for Lord Vaux and his mother. For the Vaux estate, see also PRO E 178/3628. For Lord Vaux’s pardon and the restitution of his lands, see PRO SO 3/5 (October 1612 and April 1613).

, III, pp. 209, 211, 216; Questier,
Catholicism and Community
, pp. 409–10.

   PRO 16/9, f. 26; BL Harl. MS 1580, ff. 201r, 342–3; HMC Buccleuch, 1, pp. 261–2; vol. 3, pp. 254, 258, 267; HMC Cowper, 1, p. 235;
, 1625–6, pp. 228–9, 231, 234, 237–8, 248, 249; Pollen, ‘Notebook of John Southcote’, p. 101;
, III, p. 496. See too PRO SO 3/8 (June 1626); SP 14/155, ff. 31v–32r; SP 16/12, f. 106; Questier,
Stuart Dynastic Policy and Religious Politics
, pp. 27–8; 124–7; R. Cust, ‘Knightley, Richard’,
; Seaver, ‘Puritan Preachers and Their Patrons’, pp. 141–2.

The Montagu Musters Book
, p. 224 and note on p. xlv. For the Vaux contribution to the musters, see ibid., pp. 6, 18, 21, 45, 51, 61, 76, 92, 100, 117, 145, 163, 189, 205.

   PRO PROB 11/155/169.

, II, p. 561; PRO C 203/4, no. 46; BL Add. MS 61681, f. 95r; Cal. Committee for Compounding, p. 88;
, IX, pp. 67–8 (18 June 1660).

   Champion, ‘Popes and Guys and Anti-Catholicism’, in Buchanan et al.,
Gunpowder Plots
, pp. 104–5; M. Murphy,
St. Gregory’s College, Seville
, CRS 73 (1992), p. 174. For Edward’s death, see
The Case of William Earl of Banbury
, Minutes, pp. 14–15.

   William Knollys was born on 20 March 1545. See Varlow, ‘Sir Francis Knollys’s Latin Dictionary’, App.

   L. Hotson,
The First Night of Twelfth Night
(1954), pp. 97–119; Lady Newdigate-Newdegate,
Gossip from a Muniment Room

   The main sources here are
The Case of William Earl of Banbury
, which includes minutes of the evidence given before the Committee of Privileges, and Nicolas,
A Treatise on the Law of Adulterine Bastardy

Adulterine Bastardy
, pp. 302, 311–16, 319. Knollys did not mention the boy in his will of 19 May 1630.

The Case of William Earl of Banbury
, Minutes, pp. 57–9, 254.

Newsletters from the Caroline Court
, p. 122. John Southcot, who wrote those words, was, admittedly, incensed that Edward had assented to the ‘Protestatio Declaratoria’ against the jurisdiction of Richard Smith, Bishop of Chalcedon, in England, although secular disapproval of Edward and Elizabeth’s relationship seems to have pre-dated the petition. See ibid., pp. 78–81.

   HMC Salisbury, 22, p. 433.

   BL Harl MS 5808, f. 9r.

The Case of William Earl of Banbury
, Minutes, pp. 219–30.

   V. Stater, ‘Knollys, William’,

Adulterine Bastardy
, but esp. pp. 65–6, 72, 529–31.

   PRO PROB 11/305/356.

Vaux Petitions
, p. 5.

   Hansard, 21 Feb. 1962, 4.44 pm (cols 758–9).

   NRO V 375. The anonymous author seems confused; Lord Vaux was already a monk.

The Gunpowder-Treason
, pp. 1–2.

   PRO SP 14/216/180; Howell,
State Trials
, II, cols 186–7.

Select Bibliography


Archivum Britannicum Societatis Iesu, London

Collectanea Manuscripts

Anglia Manuscripts

Bodleian Library, Oxford

Ashmole Manuscripts

Laudian Collection

MSS Eng.

Rawlinson Manuscripts

Tanner Manuscripts

British Library, London

Additional Manuscripts

Cotton Manuscripts

Harley Manuscripts

Lansdowne Manuscripts

Royal Manuscripts

Stowe Manuscripts

Microfilms of the Cecil Papers at Hatfield House, Hertfordshire

College of Arms, London

Vincent Collection

Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, D.C.

Henry Vaux Poems (Bd.w. STC 22957)

Inner Temple Library, London

Petyt Manuscripts

Leicestershire Record Office

Parish Registers, Ashby Magna

National Archives, Kew

Records of: Chancery (C), the Exchequer (E), the Court of King’s Bench (KB), the Prerogative Court of Canterbury (PROB), the Court of Wards and Liveries (WARD), the Signet Office (SO), the Court of Star Chamber (STAC)

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Transcripts (PRO 31)

Northamptonshire Record Office

Clayton Collection

Family and Estate Collections: Brudenell (BRU), Finch Hatton (FH), Vaux (V), Watson (WR)

Parish Registers, Irthlingborough

YZ series

The Shakespeare Centre, Stratford-upon-Avon

Baddesley Clinton Deeds (DR 3)

Westminster Diocesan Archives, London

A Series


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