Gold Shimmer (9 page)

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Authors: P. T. Michelle

Tags: #romance

BOOK: Gold Shimmer
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My mind isn’t my own, because I gasp as I stare up at him.

He tsks, then tugs down on my chin as he strokes his erection. “A bit more, sexy.”

Moving his hand to my head, he yanks at my hair. “Kiss me like you’ve always wanted to. This is the only kind of kiss I’ll allow you.”

I start to shake my head, but he tugs me forward and presses the hard tip of his cock against my lips.

My jaw flexes and he groans as he slides his cock inside my mouth.

Looking down at me, he commands, “Suck me off. Worship my dick.”

His fist tightens in my hair and he moves me up and down his erection. “Ah, that’s it, Celeste. Fuck yes, take me deep.” Lust sparks in his eyes as he stares down at me, his hips jerking. Twisting his hand in my hair, he yanks me forward.

The guy behind me—one of Jake’s teammates?—was chuckling at first, but now he’s pressing against my back, his breathing heavy along my neck. “Fuck this is hot,” he murmurs as he slides his hand between my legs and cups my crotch through my thin skinny jeans. “Come on, babe. Enjoy this,” he grates in my ear as he begins to run his hand back and forth, rubbing me.

My mind feels disconnected from what’s happening to me, but my body reacts despite my wishes. I shouldn’t feel any kind of pleasure.
This isn’t what I want!

The guy laughs against my neck. “I feel how wet you are. You gonna come for me, baby? May as well get something out of this too...”

The smell of alcohol on Jake’s breath and his signature cologne brings me back to the present, and a swift gag reflex rushes forth. As fear and rage swell within me, I swallow back the bitter taste. He’s smiling and flexing his fingers around my arms.

You’re Celeste, not Cass. You’re Celeste.
I feel my chest rising and falling and try to get a grip.
He doesn’t know you’re Cass
. Be

“Hey Jake.” I shrug free of his hold. “I’ve got to go.”

When I start to walk past him, my head held high, he laughs and pulls me against his muscular chest. “Come on, dance with me, Celeste.”

The moment I tense in his arms, the confident cockiness in his smile fades and a flash of vulnerability reflects in his gaze before shifting back to friendly appraisal. “You ready to graduate? How long has it been…two years since we last saw each other?” He reaches up and touches the edge of my mask, his voice softening. “Damn, you’re even more beautiful.”

Nothing drills home the fact that he doesn’t realize I’m Cass faster than his deferential treatment of Celeste. He’s being sweet and attentive, practically begging her for attention. That combined with the feel of his sweaty body pressed against mine explodes the simmering volcano inside me.

I shove against his chest. “Don’t touch me,” I hiss out through gritted teeth as he stumbles back.

Jake blinks at me in surprise, his hands held up. “What’d I do?” When he tries to take a step toward me, concern etched on his forehead, I hold my hand up.

“Just leave me alone!”

Before he can say another word, I turn and move away from him as fast as I can in my heels, my stomach churning with nausea.

I reach the bathroom at the same time the house lights flare to life. My stomach heaving, I grab for the door handle just as a guy exits. Ignoring the gasps of outrage from the few girls waiting in line, I tug the door closed behind me and hold my hand over my mouth, stumbling to the toilet.

My stomach empties quickly, nothing but champagne, then dry heaves.

I shiver as hot and cold flashes up and down my body, but once the dry heaves stop, I manage to drag myself over to the sink to rinse my mouth out.

I’ve just turned off the tap when my gaze locks with Calder’s steady one in the mirror. He’s leaning against the wall directly behind me, arms crossed.

“Care to tell me what that disappearing act was about?”

As embarrassment heats my cheeks, I gesture to the toilet and what he obviously just now witnessed. My voice shakes as I answer, “Too much champagne apparently.”

Without a word, he removes his hat and sets it on the counter, then steps behind me, his green gaze holding mine in the mirror. “Fifteen minutes have passed since you left me. And I find you on the other side of the fucking house? What the hell is—?”

I spin and wrap my arms around his waist. Pressing my face against his chest, I mumble, “I’m sorry, Calder. You—” I inhale deeply, dragging in his comforting smell. If I can’t wipe out Jake’s memory, I want to at least erase his smell. “—overwhelmed me. I’ve obviously had too much to drink tonight.”

Calder tips my chin up, his warm gaze slowly sliding along my jaw and neck. “A lesser man would take advantage of you in this condition.”

I sigh and close my eyes, then jerk them open when the room starts to spin. “One thing you aren’t is a
man. Your stats remain unchallenged. You’re still at one hundred percent. I need to find Scarlett so she can take me home.”

Smirking, he wraps an arm around my waist as if he doesn’t want to let me go. “I can take you. Bash will bring Scarlett later.”

I start to shake my head, then wince at the ringing the sudden movement causes. “No, we came together. I want her to take me home. Can you call Bash and see if he knows where she is?”

Someone knocks impatiently on the door while Calder calls Bash. I pop a mint in my mouth that I discover in the glass dispenser on the vanity, then open the door and say, “There’s another bathroom near the back kitchen entrance. It’s going to be a few minutes.”

When the girl gives me a knowing, snarky look, it’s on the tip of my tongue to tell her it’s not what she thinks, but she and her girlfriends walk away before I can utter a word.

The second I shut and lock the door, Calder tugs me back into his arms. “They’ll meet us at the door in a couple minutes.”

I take his phone and add an old email to his notes app. He won’t be able to trace it back to me, but a part of me can’t let him go without a way to connect. “Just in case you want a note from home while you’re away.”

Smiling, he tucks his phone away in his pocket. When his gaze drops to my mouth, I start to step back, but his arm only cinches tighter around me.

“I thought you weren’t a lesser man,” I say lightly, even as my chest constricts with a mixture of apprehension and anticipation. I can’t let him reel me in again. I might not be able to walk away this time.

Calder swipes his thumb across my bottom lip, his gaze following its path. “I have to know, Celeste.”

“Raven,” I correct.

His gaze meets mine. “Will
let me kiss her?”

I swallow and nod, wanting nothing more, yet fearing where it might lead.

Calder tucks his finger under my chin, then presses his mouth firmly, but gently against mine.

When he doesn’t do anything more than that, I allow myself the brief luxury of melting against his hard frame. He feels so solid and safe, I can’t help it.

His warm breath bathes my lips as his fingers slide into my hair. “I want to be a lesser man right now. So fucking much,” he mutters just before his lips claim mine.

His kiss parts my lips with possessive intensity, the erotic glide of his tongue provoking and enticing as he consumes every breath. Slanting his mouth against mine, he delves intimately deep, showing me how he plans to have me—wholly, completely, and without reservation. It’s so unfair that he’s hitting me with a parting kiss that skips permission and goes straight for forgiveness, so I dig my fingers into his muscular back and return his kiss with equal intensity, determined he’ll leave this bathroom just as affected.

The door handle rattles and a knock sounds as someone calls through the wood, “Anyone in there?”

I break our kiss and whisper against his mouth, “I’m sorry about tonight, Calder. You’ll never know how much.”

He runs his nose along my cheekbone, his erection pressing between my legs. “Actually, I do.” When I wince, he pulls back. “The next time I kiss you, I won’t stop until I’m sliding inside you as deep as I can get.” Clasping my jaw, he lifts me to my toes, his serious gaze scanning my face. “No masks, no costumes. No fake names. No
anything. Just you and me, and unending pleasure and sweat.”

The sincerity in his vow turns me to mush while at the same time crushing my heart. I hate that he’s making promises to an imposter. “Calder, I can’t—”

“Hey…can you hurry up. I’ve got to go,” the girl calls as she knocks impatiently.

Calder presses his forehead to mine. “Your friend is probably at the door by now.”

he moment she sees Scarlett, Celeste throws herself into her friend’s arms. “Scarlett, tague me home. I feewl awfuz.”

Bash instantly cuts an accusing gaze my way. I just shake my head and shrug.
What the hell?
“She sounds a lot more drunk than she did a minute ago, man,” I say under my breath.

Once we follow them outside and I see a cab waiting, my concern for Celeste raises. “Doesn’t she have a driver?”

“Oh, she’s staying with me tonight, so no driver. We decided to taxi it,” Scarlett says, looking flustered while trying to make sure Celeste doesn’t hit her head getting into the cab.

As I watch Bash lean on the open car door trying to convince Scarlett to let him ride along with them, I can tell he’s as frustrated as I feel. Of course she turns him down, but when he lifts Scarlett’s hand and kisses the inside of her palm, my gaze narrows. So he’s not
as frustrated as me.
Lucky fucker.
At least one of us won’t go home with blue balls tonight.

Then again, of the two of us, he deserves to get laid more. The guy is entirely too intense. Though I’m surprised he connected with someone at a party. This kind of hookup isn’t his scene. Then again, he did go toe-to-toe with Gavin earlier, so he’s not acting entirely out of character. A smirk tugs at my lips. Scarlett must have an amazing body underneath that costume to draw Bash out of the shadows.

When the cab drives away, Bash stares after it for a couple of seconds, then claps me on the shoulder. “Let’s head inside. I need to check on Mina now that she’s decided to join the party.”

“You going to tell me about that?” I ask, nodding after the car’s taillights.

none of your damn business,” he says, walking away.

His curt tone makes me laugh as I follow him inside.

Apparently, Celeste’s quick departure has drawn a crowd. The group of gawkers move away from the glass on either side of the door as Bash and I walk in. The sight of them ogling ticks me off. Scowling, I bark out, “Nothing to see here. Get back to the party.”

Bash slides me a sideways look as we pass through the crowd and move further into the main room. “Settle down, Cald.”

I start to say something about despising gossipmongers when a blond guy dressed as a gladiator steps into my path. “I’ve never seen Celeste so out-of-it before. What’d you do to her?”

A couple inches shorter than my six-two height, the guy might be a year or so younger than me, but his accusation raises my protective instincts. I clench my fists by my side and vaguely hear Bash tell me to walk away. “Celeste is fine and none of your concern,” I manage to say in an even tone.

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