Read Gone Away Online

Authors: Elizabeth Noble

Tags: #gay romance

Gone Away (17 page)

BOOK: Gone Away
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Despite the cool air swirling in lazy eddies around his room, he was drenched in sweat. He rolled to his back and let his arm fall to the other side of the bed. He was alone. However, it had been his choice.

Riece seemed to have settled into his new job and had made some friends in the few weeks since first arriving in Custer. That made Mason ridiculously happy. He kept reminding himself this Riece was a different man than he’d known. This Riece had grown and changed in good ways. The old Riece would’ve never been capable of doing what they needed to survive their ordeal. He’d loved that old Riece. He loved this new Riece even more.

“So why am I sleeping alone?” Mason sat up and asked the room. “Hell, why am I living alone?”

The answer was complicated. He and Riece were good together. Mason kept arguing with himself that a weekend getaway and a camping trip shouldn’t be the meter he judged their relationship by. Challenging that thought was the faith Riece had put in Mason when their situation turned deadly dangerous. Riece had certainly risen to the occasion. They wouldn’t have gotten out alive without working together so well. That was a connection Mason couldn’t ignore.

Most impressive was despite being offered as much time off as needed because of their ordeal, Riece hadn’t taken more than a day. They hadn’t traveled more than an hour or two from the station, but they’d gotten plenty of work completed. Riece kept reiterating how important it was that he worked the schedule set up for him. He had to finish the assignment he’d started.

Mason’s therapist had pointed out not only was the sex between Mason and Riece good, they communicated well and put each other first in a number of situations. The only thing holding Mason back was his own fears. Fears that seemed sillier with every passing day, and every night spent with Riece was a night Mason slept nightmare free.

He needed Riece on many levels.

Mason sat up and reached for his phone.
It’s the middle of the night.
He scrolled through his contacts.
Riece’ll be asleep.
Without hesitation he hit the call button. No one ever accused him of diplomacy. Riece wouldn’t be surprised.

Riece answered almost immediately. “It’s nearly 3:00 a.m.” His voice sounded groggy, and Mason could hear him move around.

“Want to get something to eat?”

“Now?” Riece asked.

“Or in a few hours,” Mason said.

“Okay. I’ll see you at eight.”

“No, wait, I was being—” Mason heaved a sigh when Riece disconnected the call, wondering if there would ever come a time Riece understood Mason’s version of sarcasm.

Mason’s phone rang a few seconds later. “You meant now, didn’t you? Pancakes.”

“Yes. I know an all-night place. They have pancakes.”

“Is this because you want sex? You don’t have to buy me a meal every time you’re horny,” Riece said.

“Actually, I’d really like to talk,” Mason admitted.

“I’ll be ready in fifteen.” Riece ended the call again.

Mason was waiting in front of Riece’s hotel in twelve minutes. He waved when Riece came out of the building, carting his camera bag and something else in a long nylon bag with a handle.

“You don’t have to wave. There isn’t anyone else around at this hour,” Riece said and climbed into the Jeep. He put the longer bag in the backseat. “My new equipment came.”

“I see. Where to? I’m guessing you want to try it out first.”

Riece looked out the window to the sky. “It’s a pretty night. I want hills in the background.”

Mason put the Jeep in gear. “You came to the right place, then.” A fifteen-minute drive and they found an acceptable spot. Mason pulled the bag from the backseat, surprised at how heavy it was compared to the thing’s structure. “What is this?”

“I’ll show you.” Riece took it and extracted a tripod mount. “See this thing here?” He pointed to a small box attached to the mount. “It’s a computerized motor. The stars and moon move, this will move the camera with them. I have new filters and a couple of lenses….” He laughed when he looked at Mason. “You didn’t call me in the middle of the night to talk about filters.”

Mason helped Riece fasten the camera to the mount. He’d rehearsed what he wanted to say during the drive to pick up Riece. Now he couldn’t think of a single word. “Are you going to stay in the motel?”

Riece shrugged. “It’s comfortable. I gave up my place when I came here to work. Everything is in storage other than what is in my mom’s house. I should do something about moving everything here.”

“We could rent a truck. Wouldn’t take more than a few days to complete that little errand,” Mason said. “I’d like to see your mother.” When Riece raised an eyebrow, Mason corrected himself. “I’d like your mother to see us together. She’ll know I proved her wrong.”

Riece fiddled with the camera for another minute, then slipped one arm around Mason’s waist and pressed close. Fire ignited all through Mason. He pulled Riece in tight and kissed him. He slipped his tongue into Riece’s mouth and moved his hand down and found that spot between Riece’s legs that made him moan every time Mason touched it.

Mason broke their kiss and licked a lazy path down Riece’s neck. “All that stuff you own won’t fit in your motel room.”

“Another storage locker would be a waste of money.” Riece leaned back against Mason’s arms. His head fell back, giving Mason access to his throat.

Mason sat on the ground, drawing Riece down beside him. “That’s sort of what I wanted to talk about. You told me you were staying in Custer, and I love that idea, but not the part where you stay in a motel.”

“Where would I live?”

“You’re going to make me say it, aren’t you?” Mason asked.

“You know I need things spelled out,” Riece countered.

“Move into my house, Riece. I love you, and I want to really make this work,” Mason said.

“I get to photograph you naked when the sun comes up.” Riece pulled his shirt off and shifted around so he straddled Mason.

“No.” Mason wound both arms around Riece and circled his belly button with small kisses. When Riece shivered, Mason rolled so he hovered over Riece. “You’re not rearranging the closets either.”

Riece nipped at Mason’s jaw. “You keep right on thinking that.” He chuckled, shimmied out of his jeans, and murmured, “Love you.”

In short order Riece was writhing and moaning beneath him. Mason drank in the sight of him. Riece was more desirable with every passing day. Feeling more at peace than he had in far too long, Mason reveled in Riece’s body, and in the knowledge that he was no longer alone.

More from Elizabeth Noble



Circles: Book One


Wanting to end his pattern of choosing controlling and abusive men, Vladimir ‘Val’ Mihalic figures it’s better to live alone than live in fear. Just when things are settling down—his biggest trouble recently is a Kentucky Derby hopeful that won’t load into a starting gate—his best friend Janelle’s violent ex-boyfriend kidnaps her. After she’s seriously injured in a car wreck, Wyatt Harig, Janelle’s estranged father, comes around to tend to his daughter. Despite Val’s determination to avoid relationships, Wyatt interests him in ways that make his resolve waver. As complications and repercussions pile on in the aftermath of Janelle’s kidnapping—including a gambling charge and a murder—Wyatt and Val must work together to seek answers. And the closer they get to each other, the more Val wants them to stay that way.


Circles: Book Two


While planning a future with his partner, Val, Wyatt’s past refuses to be forgotten. Wyatt’s old friend asks him to look into the mysterious death of her uncle in a fire back in 1927, when men were silent, tough, and did not love other men—except when they did. Working with Val, Wyatt digs up clues uncovering the truth behind the tragic school fire and the one responsible. The story of Tom and Philip slowly reveals itself, and Wyatt and Val realize nothing is as simple as they originally believed. As their trail heats up, an old enemy of Wyatt’s decides he’s waited long enough for revenge. If Wyatt can’t tie everything together, history might repeat itself.


Circles: Book Three


Through ten wonderful years Griff Diamond and Clint Bishop weathered good times and bad together. Lately they haven’t spent as much time together as they’d like, and their physical relationship is suffering. Then Clint loses his job at the steel mill. Instead of worrying, he sees it as an opportunity to lean on his steady partner, start his writing career, and rekindle the passion they’ve lost.

But a friendly relationship with another author turns to obsession, putting Clint’s life in danger. Taken against his will to the Jewel Cave system in South Dakota, Clint must rely on the skills he’s learned from Griff to survive.

Fearing the worst, Griff tracks Clint across the country. As a US Marshal, Griff’s always been the man who keeps everyone safe, but he doesn’t know how he and Clint will survive this.

started telling stories before she actually knew how to write, and her family was very happy when she learned to put words on a page. Those words turned into books and fan fiction that turned into a genuine love of M/M romance fiction. Being able to share her works with Dreamspinner is really a dream come true. She has a real love for a good mystery complete with murder and twisty plots as well as all things sci-fi, futuristic, and supernatural and a bit of an unnatural interest in a super-volcano in Wyoming.

Elizabeth has three grown children and is now happily owned by an adorable mixed-breed canine princess and her sidekick tabby cat. She lives in her native northeast Ohio, the perfect place for gardening, winter and summer sports (go Tribe and Cavs!), and stargazing all year long. When she’s not writing she’s working as a veterinary nurse, so don’t be surprised to see her men with a pet or three who are a very big part of their lives.

Two of Elizabeth’s books have received Honorable Mentions in the Rainbow Awards.


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By Elizabeth Noble



Always Plan Ahead

For the Long Run




Run for the Roses

A Barlow Lens

Jewel Cave

Gone Away



Marked Yours

Together Bound

Chained Hearts

Collared Souls

BOOK: Gone Away
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