Read Good Girl Gone Plaid Online

Authors: Shelli Stevens

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

Good Girl Gone Plaid (14 page)

BOOK: Good Girl Gone Plaid
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Her cheeks reddened and she looked uncertain. “Okay,” she finally relented. “But take my tip money.”

She dropped a twenty on the table and rushed toward the door before anyone could argue.

“The cheeky lass.” Colin grinned and reached for the money. “Don’t mind if I do.”

“Actually, I mind.” Ian stood and plucked the bill from his brother and handed it to Kenzie. “You should be ashamed, stealing from your sister. She earned this.”

“Appalling manners. The lot of you.” Kenzie tucked the twenty into her bra. “And are none of you going to offer to drive her home?”

“Actually, was making my way to do just that.” Ian flashed a quick smile and strode toward the door.

Kenzie intercepted him before he reached it. “I’m glad you’re driving her home, but don’t mess things up this time.”

“How would I mess things up?”

“Don’t break her heart. It took her grandmother dying to return to the island. I’ve missed my best friend, and if you do anything—”

“I’ll not do anything she doesn’t want me to do,” he said softly. “I love you, dear sister, but this really is none of your business.”

She shook her head and fire flashed in her eyes. “I think it is, but I’ll trust you. You’re a good man, Ian. When you want to be.”

“When I want to be,” he agreed lightly, and then hurried outside after Sarah.

Chapter Ten

Ian caught up with her when she was halfway across the gravel parking lot of the pub. She seemed to make her way to the street.

“Sarah,” he called out. “Hold up, please.”

She glanced over her shoulder, and he smiled when he heard her sigh of frustration.

“How are you getting home?”

“I took the bus, if you must know.”

He caught up to her. “Let me drive you home.”

“It’d really be better if you didn’t.”

“Might not be better, but it’s safer. It’s late. You shouldn’t be out walking alone at night.”

“The island isn’t really all that dangerous from what I remember. Just the occasional deer bent on a suicide mission.”

His lips twitched at that comment. “We may be safer than Seattle, but the island is not without crime.”

And when you were a woman barely five feet tall, beautiful and out alone at night, you could be seen as an open invitation to be attacked.

He didn’t add that last bit, but knew she had the sense to have realized it. Though she had walked out of the bar alone, without even asking anyone to walk her to the bus stop.

Irritation pricked that she could be so foolish.

She was probably just trying to escape from you
, his conscience argued. Still it did little to alleviate his irritation that she took her safety so lightly.

“I’d really rather take the bus—”

really not negotiating with you on this, Sarah. Either you let me drive you home, or I’ll toss you over my shoulder and place you in my car.”

“Did you really just threaten to abduct me?” she sputtered.

Tired of her stalling, he took another step toward her.

“Fine. I’ll let you drive me home. But you can be such a bully,” she grumbled, not looking pleased in the slightest.

“You call it bullying. I call it being protective.” He gestured for her to walk in front of him. “I’m parked in the back.”

Once they were in his car and heading to her gran’s place, he made little effort to talk. Knew she wasn’t really in the mood after he’d pretty much strong-armed her into driving with him.

When he pulled up outside her house she’d opened the door before he’d even stopped.

“Thanks for the ride.” She climbed out, slammed the door and ran toward the front porch.

Did she really think he’d let her go scamper off that easily? He smothered a laugh and followed her.


Hearing the car door open, and then the sound of footsteps, Sarah’s heart started pounding twice as fast.

Nighttime. A glass of wine. And that dance with Ian at the pub. It all equaled her having foolish thoughts she shouldn’t be harboring.

“I don’t need front door service,” she said tightly.

“It’s included with the ride home.” He stood beside her as she fumbled in her purse for her keys.

He wasn’t making a move to touch her, and she said thanks silently for that. Because she knew the minute he did, she would come undone. It would be as if someone tugged the center of a bow that had already come loose.

She found her keys and then unlocked the door. Still, he didn’t move.

“Thank you. And as you can see, I’m safely home.” She stepped inside, the doorframe in a death grip between her fingers.

“Yes. I can see.” He didn’t move.

All she had to do was say goodnight and shut the door. That was it. She didn’t move.


Her name on his lips was almost a sigh of regret. A whisper for permission.

She didn’t know what to say. To do. Emotion thickened in her throat and she struggled to breathe in. Her chest rose with the effort, and then shuddered as she exhaled raggedly.

He finally moved. Took the step to close the distance between them.

“Invite me in.” His deep, honeyed words made everything inside her turn to liquid.

“What are you, a vampire?” she whispered, trying for humor. Anything to diffuse the thick awareness and tension between them.

Their mutual need was so vibrant it was almost visible.

“No.” He cupped her cheek. “I’m the man who’s going to make you come at least five times tonight. If you’ll let me.”

Her panties dampened and her knees gave out. There was a moment she literally had to pull herself up and get a grip on herself.

His words didn’t even shock her anymore. This was Ian. He lived to shock. Lived to offend. Nothing had changed.

Only he was even worse now. This man was trouble. He was a damn felon, for God’s sake. Why was she even considering letting him into her life again? Let alone her body.

He wouldn’t be good for her, and certainly not for Emily. Her heart twisted at that last thought and she shook her head.

“How long has it been since you’ve been touched?” His lips hovered over hers. “Since you’ve been with a man?”

Too long
. Especially since her last experience was one she’d tried to block out.

“We can’t do this.”

“We can do whatever we please, doll. It’s the beauty of being an adult. It doesn’t have to be serious. It can simply be about the pleasure. About having fun while you’re here.” He brushed his lips across hers, so very lightly. “Are you looking for something more serious right now?”

“No.” The idea of another relationship with him just distressed her. Made her stomach hurt. “But I don’t know if I can do a fling.”

“You could try. We’re good together. You can’t deny it.”

They were. And that memory, combined with the way her body came to life with him now, was tempting her beyond the threshold of restraint.

He caught a strand of her hair and coiled it around a long finger. “You’re more than a mother, Sarah. You deserve to feel like a woman for a bit. Let me help you.”

It had been so long. And his words were too close to the thoughts she’d had that day in his garage.

Sex. Rarely did she have the urge for it. But since she’d come across Ian, the urges had not only been there, they’d been constant.

“You want to. It’s something your body can’t hide from me. Nor your eyes.”

He kissed her then. His lips were firm, seeking, and pulling a reluctant response from her.

“I don’t know if I can,” she whispered when he lifted his head. “You’re right. I want to…”

“I know I’ve hurt you.” He kissed her forehead. “And I’m sorry. I’m going to try like hell not to do it again.”

The sex would be good with him. So good. But could she do it? Just have great sex with Ian and walk away at the end of the month? Never look back?

. Logic told her this was a bad, horribly bad, idea. But her body and heart were begging for more. Craved the intimate contact from the only man who’d ever truly brought her soul to life.

“Invite me inside,” he urged again. “Let’s see what happens. If you want me to stop—at any time—I swear to you I will.”

She closed her eyes and drew in a slow breath. Then, ignoring the voice in her head that told her she’d regret it, she stepped back into the house and pushed the door open wide.

In the porch light she saw the flare of his nostrils and darkening of his gaze. He didn’t hesitate, but stepped into the house and closed the door behind them.

The loud grandfather clock in the living room ticked away, seeming like minutes passed, when it must’ve only been seconds.

He again took control—which she was thankful for, because she didn’t know what the hell to do next—pulling her fully into his arms.

Her body pressed flush against his. He was so hard and unyielding, while her breasts crushed against his chest to accommodate.

His mouth took hers again, but it wasn’t a gentle or light kiss. It was deep and demanding. A warning that the road ahead could be pretty damn intense.

It thrilled her.

She kissed him back, throwing all her hesitations to the wind. She must have subconsciously known that the moment she’d stepped foot on this island, and realized they were both single, this moment was inevitable.

Every nerve end on her body was aflame. She needed him to touch her. Everywhere. A whimper of need passed her lips as she pressed herself harder against him, stroking her tongue over his.

He slid a hand between them, cupping her breast through her tank top, and she moaned low in her throat as a tremble wracked through her.

It wasn’t enough.

She tore her mouth from his and whispered a ragged, “Please. I need more.”

Before he could make a move, she stepped back to pull off her top, unable to meet his gaze though.

“So pretty.”

She flushed when he murmured the soft words. She knew her bra and underwear weren’t sexy, just plain white cotton that did the job. But she was a single working mom who had little time for dating—let alone sex.

If she’d let herself consider the possibility of
happening then she might’ve gone shopping before flying out here. Oh, who was she kidding? If she’d suspected this was a possibility she would’ve just given up on inheriting Gran’s house.

“Don’t look so skeptical.” He laughed softly. “You’re beautiful.”

“I’m plain.”

He shook his head and the heat in his eyes made her dampen further.

“You are nowhere near plain. Why don’t I show you exactly what you do to me?”

Her mouth went dry as he unhooked the back clasp of her bra and tossed it to the ground.

His groan of appreciation sent chills of anticipation through her. Then his hands replaced the bra, cupping her and teasing her nipples to stiff peaks.

Pleasure spiked through her and she pressed into him. Her breathing already turning ragged.

He abandoned her breasts and she gave a murmur of protest, which died when he grabbed her arse and lifted her. She wrapped her legs around his waist, holding on as he crossed the floor to the sofa.

After dropping her onto the cushions, his body soon followed. The weight of him pressed her down as he slid a knee between her legs.

Her denim skirt hiked up, which he only encouraged by grabbing the ends and tugging it above her hips.

His head dipped, nuzzling her breasts. He’d just flicked his tongue over one tip when she felt the brush of his fingers over her panties.

“Mmm.” His throat rumbled against her chest. “You’re already soaking wet for me.”

She didn’t even have time to be self-conscious about the statement, because then he drew her nipple into his mouth and began to suck.

Pleasure built rapidly inside of her. Spiraling so dangerously high she knew she’d fall hard.

He didn’t remove her panties, just found and teased her hot spot through the fabric.

Gripping his shoulders, she breathed heavier, not bothering to smother her cries of pleasure. Her hips lifted against his touch and her toes curled as she got closer to a climax.

When he grazed his teeth over her nipple she was pushed over the edge.


Oh hell but he’d missed this. Missed her.

Ian watched as Sarah rode out her orgasm. She’d locked her legs around his hand, but he didn’t stop rubbing her clit through the damp, soft fabric.

When her lashes finally fluttered open, the blue of her eyes was shiny with passion and her lips were parted.

That mouth. He turned his attention to her lips. He hardened at the idea of sliding his cock past them and deep into her mouth.

Would she still take him that way? Damn, but he wanted to find out.

But first, there was so much else he wanted. Like to see her completely unclothed.

BOOK: Good Girl Gone Plaid
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