Good Girls Don't (22 page)

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Authors: Kelley St. John

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She turned around and swallowed past the regret. So they weren’t playing with a bunch of kids this afternoon. She’d still be with Bill, and that’s what she really wanted. Sighing, she backtracked, until she located the correct address.

A shoe store?

Thinking she’d misread the numbers, she withdrew the paper once more and double-checked. This was definitely the address. She opened the door, and a blast of frigid air made her gasp. But the heat in the dark eyes waiting inside warmed her to her core.

“I was beginning to think you weren’t coming,” Bill said, standing beside a big display of Keds.

“You didn’t get my email saying I’d be here?” she asked, moving toward him and trying her best to act mature and civilized, when all she wanted to do was jump in his arms and kiss those gorgeous lips.

He smiled, and Lettie gave up the act. She laughed, hurried toward him and hugged him. He’d foregone a jacket, and his starched shirt emphasized the muscled man beneath. Lettie turned her head toward his neck, nuzzled him playfully, then fingered his tie. “I haven’t been able to stop thinking about this morning,” she admitted.

Bill kissed her softly, then indicated the pink dress. “I gathered that from the outfit.”

Leave it to Bill to remember Lettie’s clothing choices typically matched her mood. “You like the dress?” she asked, stepping back to offer him a better view.

“Oh yeah,” he admitted. “And while it may not be the most appropriate clothing for what I have in mind, it will definitely make things interesting.” His eyes all but smoldered.

“What do you have in mind?” she asked, eyeing the large shoe display.

“I’ll show you. But first, I need to know your shoe size. Six?” He held up a pair of white tennis shoes.

She grinned. “Seven.”

“I was close,” he said, turning toward the cashier. “We’ll take a pair of these in a seven.”

“Yes,” Lettie said, moving beside him while he paid for the shoes, “You were close.”

They left the store and started down the street. “Do you know where we’re going?” he asked.

“I have an idea.”

“You up for a little double Dutch, Lettie?”

“I can hardly wait.”

Within ten minutes, they entered the rec center playground and found the chanting group of girls in the same shady spot as they’d been two days ago.

“Hey, Mr. Brannon,” Regina called, running over to greet them. She wore a pink and yellow shorts set, and her braids were christened with matching pink and yellow beads. Smiling broadly at Bill, she winked, then turned her attention to Lettie. “Mr. Brannon told us you were coming to jump today.”

Lettie cast an accusing eye at the gorgeous, grinning man. “Pretty sure of yourself, aren’t ya?”

He noted her pink dress and gave her a heated look that immediately brought thoughts of this morning’s orgasm to mind. “Let’s just say I didn’t think you’d turn me down.”

Lettie was suddenly very aware of her nipples pressing against her lacy bra. “I guess you were right,” she said, barely controlling the desire in her tone. They were standing in the middle of a playground, after all.

“I guess I was.”

“You are jumping then, right?” Regina asked, thankfully clueless to the sexual tension zinging between the two adults.

“Yes,” Lettie said, taking her attention from Bill to the adorable girl. “I’ll jump.”

“Then come on,” Regina said, grabbing Lettie’s hand and tugging her across the yard. “She’s jumping!” Regina yelled to her friends, who all applauded, while Lettie sat on a bench and swapped shoes.

Bill had never seen a whole lot of appeal in the look many Atlanta businesswomen adorned while heading to and from the office. Tennis shoes just didn’t fit with the power suits, in his opinion. However, he reasoned that wearing those high heels while pounding the concrete would be a burden most women wouldn’t want to bear, so he understood why they donned tennis shoes during the lengthy treks to work, then slipped into their business shoes upon arrival.

But looking at Lettie, her sexy little pink dress clinging to her curves and the cute white Keds on her feet, Bill changed his tune. He really liked this look.

“Well,” she said, standing from the bench and striking a pose, “What do you think of my outfit?”

He raised his brows and nodded in approval. “No complaints here.”

She giggled, then moved toward the girls, who already had two big black ropes circling through the air. “Okay, here I come!” she yelled, then bounded between the loops and started jumping.

The girls surrounding the ropes cheered wildly as Lettie quickly started the fancy footwork she’d learned at Sheldon so many years ago. Bill laughed. He may have taught her the basics of double Dutch behind that stage curtain, but Lettie had perfected her technique aplenty since that first time.

Evidently, she still remembered the most popular chants for the activity too. While her Keds punched the asphalt, she squealed, “Hey, do you know this one?” Then she continued, “Apple sticks—make me sick—make my heart beat two-forty-six . . .”

Bill sat on the bench and watched, mesmerized by the girl he’d adored so many years ago merged with the woman who was currently taking his breath away, and making his own heart beat two-forty-six. Her blond curls bounced madly and her smile was absolutely contagious, as he could attest by all of the grins on the little girls’ faces. And on his own.

Then Lettie, her feet still moving to the beat, stopped chanting with the tiny group and looked at Bill. Her body may have been bouncing madly, but her eyes were locked on his and holding him captive. The look she gave him was one of sincere gratitude. Was she thankful he’d brought her here? Yeah, she was. And more. He swallowed. Obviously, he’d done more for Lettie today than he’d realized, until now. She’d broken free of that settled professional persona and had worn the sassy pink dress that was currently moving up and down on her thighs and providing sporadic glimpses of white lace underneath. And she’d broken free of being the controlled adult and let the fun-loving girl of the past enjoy a spontaneous game of double-Dutch.

She’d opened up today, for him.

As if knowing his thoughts, she mouthed a silent “thank you” mid-jump.

Bill grinned, tipped his head in acknowledgment, then turned toward a shrill ringing echoing from her pink purse.

The ropes tangled as Lettie darted toward the noise. “I’ll get it!” she said, her eyes wide with panic.

Bill sighed. At least he gave her a few moments away from work commitments. Undoubtedly, this was her client on the line, and she’d have to return to work. “Here,” he said, handing her the purse.

Still panting from her jump, Lettie reached for the pink bag. Her fingertips touched his hand, lingered there for a moment before sliding the purse away. She visibly swallowed. “I really enjoyed this,” she whispered, her eyes glistening as though she were on the verge of tears.

“I did too,” he said, while the ringing continued. “I guess you need to get that.”

“I guess I do.”


LBROOKS: Can’t wait till weekend. Want to go out before that?

my looked at the flashing interoffice message on her computer monitor. She’d rarely seen a use for the chat feature Vernon had wanted for his employees. Now, however, her opinion changed. Landon couldn’t wait until the weekend?

She grinned. Last night, she’d been thinking the same thing when she’d headed to Cowboys again, hoping to see the good-looking Texan on the dance floor. When it hadn’t happened, she’d been more disappointed than she cared to admit. Then today, she’d gone through all the motions at work, ventured to other departments, had her meetings and had silently prayed for some sort of interaction with Landon Brooks in the process.

It hadn’t happened.

And again, she’d been disappointed.

Had he felt the same thing? This odd sensation in the pit of your stomach like you wanted something to happen—couldn’t wait for it to happen—but had to wait, anyway.

She read the screen again:
Can’t wait till weekend.



She looked down at her black pantsuit and colorful tanks beneath. If she’d known he wanted to go out, she’d have definitely brought a change of clothes.

ACAMPBELL: After work?

LBROOKS: No. Now. Vernon is always telling us to take an afternoon or two for research. Let’s research.

Amy laughed out loud. Lord, he was one feisty cowboy. And he was right. Their boss did encourage project leads to research. In fact, Vernon Miller told them in no uncertain terms that they were to go out and investigate the intricacies of physical interaction between couples.

Which was exactly what she and Landon planned to do.

ACAMPBELL: Where do you want to go?

LBROOKS: It’s a surprise. Are you ready?

ACAMPBELL: As ready as I’ll ever be.

LBROOKS: On my way.

And within five minutes, the tall Texan she’d thought about nonstop all day stood in her office wearing his black Stetson, black shirt, black jeans and, naturally, black Ropers. He looked every bit the dark and brooding, rough and ready, willing and able, cowboy.

“You wore that to work?” she asked, not used to seeing him in anything but business clothes at the office.

“Let’s just say I’d hoped you would say yes.”

“Am I dressed okay?” She indicated the suit. It wasn’t overly fancy, but it didn’t fit the casual but sexy look he had going. “Because we could go by my place, and I could change, if you want.”

“No time,” he said. “I don’t want to miss a minute. And I’ve got it covered.”

“Have you got reservations somewhere?” she asked, her curiosity spiking.

“Not exactly.” He crossed her office and kissed her softly, while Amy’s heart beat out a jittery, happy tune. Then he took her hand. “You ready?”

“I guess so. What do you mean you’ve got it covered?”

“Trust me,” he said, leading her out.

“I am. Haven’t you noticed?” she asked as they moved down the hall.

“Yeah, and I like it. I have a question, though.” He opened the side door of Adventurous Accessories and led her toward his truck, a big black Dodge Ram Dually. It suited him, particularly while he wore his cowboy duds and looked like he was ready to take on the toughest bull—or anxious female.

“What’s the question?” she asked, staring up at the intimidating truck.

“Have you ever changed clothes in a vehicle?” he asked, opening her door, while Amy wondered how the heck to climb in.

“I’ve changed in the car before. Why?”

“Because I bought you something to wear.” Then, to Amy’s amazement, he lifted her from the ground and slid her up his body until her behind hit the seat.

She tingled . . . everywhere.

“You bought me something?” Amy liked surprises. From everything Landon had said and done so far, she was finding out this cowboy was full of them. Turning, she saw a green tank and black shorts folded on the backseat.

Landon climbed in on his side. “It’ll be more comfortable, considering where we’re going.”

“You’re in jeans,” she pointed out.

He shrugged, grinning. “Jeans will work for me.”

“They won’t work for me?”

“Okay. I confess. I’ve been thinking about seeing those long legs uncovered for quite a while.”

She looked down at her black heels. “But my shoes . . .”

“Sandals, size six.” He nodded his Stetson toward the backseat. “They’re under the shorts.”

“How’d you know my sizes?” Amy asked, reaching through the open console area to check the tags.

“Your sister.”

“Lettie?” she asked, once again surprised. “How did you get her number?”

“It wasn’t that difficult. You have her info listed as backup contact in the executive roster. I called her a couple of hours ago. I’m afraid I may have interrupted something at her work. She seemed very uncomfortable when she answered the phone, but when I told her who I was and what I wanted, she didn’t seem to mind helping.”

Amy laughed. “I’m sure she didn’t. Then I’m supposed to climb back there and change, right?”

“Unless you want to change in the front seat.” He tilted his head as if questioning his suggestion. “Or if you’d rather, you can head back into the office and change in one of the rest rooms. I’m just anxious to get where we’re going.”

“And you like the thought of me getting naked in your truck,” she completed.

His smile provided his answer.

“I trust you won’t peek,” she said.

“I don’t remember promising that,” he said, and raised sexy sandy brows.

“No, you didn’t.”

He’d see all of her before the night ended, if this date went the way she thought it would. So, why not tease him a little now? He asked for it, anyway, didn’t he?

She crawled through the opening to the backseat as he backed up, then headed out of the parking lot. Removing her jacket, she shimmied out of her colorful tanks. She’d worn a strapless red bra, but now she debated. . . .

“All right. I have a question,” she said, tossing the two tanks on the other side of the backseat and silently praising the tinted windows. She could torture the secretive cowboy, and the only one who’d see would be him.

“Shoot,” he said, stopping at a red light.

“I can’t figure this shirt out. It has one of those shelf liners, so I guess it’s up to you.”

“What’s up to me?” he asked, his gray eyes connecting with hers in the rearview mirror.

“Bra or no bra?”

Take that, cowboy.

His throat bobbed as he swallowed, but then, as she was quickly learning was his custom, Landon Brooks surprised her again.

Ignoring that the light could change at any moment, he turned in the seat. Looking at her, then letting his gaze fall to her chest, he specifically studied the two swells of flesh plumped over the cups of her strapless bra. “No bra,” he said, then continued watching.

Amy’s skin prickled beneath his stare, but she wasn’t about to back down. She loved a challenge, and the look he gave her said he’d just issued one. Big time.

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