Good Intentions (6 page)

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Authors: Elliott Kay

Tags: #Romance, #Fantasy

BOOK: Good Intentions
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but your lust is connected to me. When I claim a new prey, his lusts are inflamed, and they feed me. I enjoy sex. I truly cannot get enough. Yet my power is drawn not from my pleasure or my desire, but from yours.” “Until you take over?” “No,” she shook her head. “I have thought on this a great deal, and I see nothing that can change it short of your destruction, which I would not permit. I may prey upon your lusts, but I must also protect and serve you. Unlike other prey, you will not whither away in servicing my desires. “Alex… I can feel your arousal. I have known when you have sought to pleasure yourself, and to find release. No, don’t be embarrassed,” she said, reaching up to gently touch his lips. “It was natural, even sensible. I am certain you sought relief only to save yourself and others from embarrassment or discomfort. But I can sense that even now, you grow only more aroused. I would be happy to relieve you.” “You shouldn’t have to.” “I want to, Alex. The more you want me, the more I want you.” There was a plea in her voice, yet her composure never wavered. “This torments us both. Please, Alex.” Almost in shame, Alex said, “If it’s real y…” then he just shrugged. “I feel like a complete tool here.” Lorelei gave a tiny shake of her head. “Your desires and your body are at war with your conscience. You amaze me with your will by resisting at al , but you should not be embarrassed. You need not carry such a conflict at al , Alex.” “I want you, Lorelei,” he said finally. She slipped up against him to kiss his cheek. He had dated before. He had kissed girls, but had gotten little further than that. Intimacy of this degree was alien to him. He was overwhelmed. For al her aggressiveness, Lorelei seemed to understand perfectly. They stood close to one another for a long, lingering moment as Lorelei slipped her hand in his. Lorelei whispered, “This is a thing of joy, Alex,” offering up a disarming grin before she led him from the living room.

Walking behind her on the stairs, Alex’s eyes immediately went up her skirt. Lorelei cast a glance over her shoulder at him. She knew. She knew exactly what he was thinking, and she smiled in approval. If anything, she deliberately walked to give him a better view. Lorelei tugged him into his room, closed the door, and then pushed him up against it as she slid her body along his. She pul ed him into a deep, longing kiss. This time, he didn’t fight against being lost within it. While kiss deepened, Lorelei deftly loosened Alex’s pants. She cast aside his belt and unbuttoned his jeans. Her hands slipped under his shirt, pushing it up and over his head during a brief lul in their kiss. “You can do no wrong here,” she murmured to him. “Do not worry about being clumsy or rushed or nervous. Fol ow your desires,” she encouraged before her lips came to his again. His hands slid al over her back, her shoulders and her arms. Surrendering to an urge, Alex grabbed the strings tying up her dress behind her neck and slipped the knot free. Lorelei lured his tongue into her mouth and cooed with delight as his kiss grew aggressive. Then her mouth slipped away. As her dress fell from her shoulders, she slowly sank down to her knees. Her touch became increasingly familiar. “Have no shame,” she said softly, so close to his skin that he felt the breath of her words. “Just enjoy. I want this even more than you.” Her next kiss was overwhelming. Alex had never felt anything like this, even from an ordinary woman, and Lorelei was certainly not ordinary. Waves of ecstasy flooded through his body from head to toe. Lorelei held him prisoner to this pleasure for a long while, enjoying the exercise of control and the renewal of her power. The more he wanted of her, the stronger she became. She had no reason at al to rush. By the time she finished, Alex was slumped against the door. He gasped breathlessly as Lorelei finally pul ed away, but even then, she kept him at her mercy with expert hands.

“Master,” she purred. “You like?” “Oh my god,” he huffed. “I… wow…” he looked down at her, marveling at how pleased she appeared. He felt so good that he could hardly form words. “Thank you,” he managed. “Anytime, master,” she said. “You don’t have to cal me that.” “So you say… but you like it, master.” There was a mischievous flash in her eyes. She rose to press herself against him again, whispering into his ear, “I know al your lusts now. We share them. And now I know everything I need to do to please you.” He groaned as she stroked his flesh, which already burned with need again. It plainly wasn’t natural, he realized…but he really didn’t care at the moment. “No regrets,” she whispered into his ear with a naughty grin. “I like it. I like you, and I like what I have found. You’re a very lusty, naughty boy, Alex. You want me so much.” “I do,” he nodded. “So much desire you will not al ow yourself to voice. You’ve wanted someone like me al your life, haven’t you? Your own personal porn star. You’d have a dozen like me if you could.” “I don’t,” Alex shook his head. “It’s not like that.” “Ssshhh, it’s me, it’s me,” Lorelei consoled him. “I understand. We won’t hurt anyone. Al those things you want from me are what I want, too.” “I thought we were doing this so I could think more clearly.”

“Mmm? Can’t you? What do you think now?” she asked, kissing his neck and nibbling on his ear. “I think I want you,” Alex said evenly. Lorelei looked at him with undisguised excitement before he pul ed her toward the bed. He paused only to shuck off his shoes and pants and to watch as Lorelei al uringly slipped her dress the rest of the way off her hips. Then he ran his fingers through her hair, gently but hungrily pulling her into another long, deep kiss. Lorelei felt her heart pounding. Alex was delicious. His desires were much stronger than she had expected. Before now, though, every man she had ever had was selfish and corrupt. She enjoyed their slavish adoration and every moment of sex that led to each man’s downfall , but in the end she was also happy to see them destroyed. Alex was entirely different. He was decent. Kind. Unselfish. Caring, even while giving in to base instincts. The taste of him aroused an elation that she’d never felt before. She trembled as she lay back on the bed and felt his body rest against hers. It was in her nature to enjoy any lover; it had always been about the act for her, regardless of the partner. Details were just a matter of flavor. Yet this was so genuine that it had her panting. She wrapped her legs and arms around him. “I’m yours, Alex,” she pleaded between gasps and little moans. “I’m al yours.” Alex needed no further encouragement. She had him on the cusp of orgasm from the very first moment and yet his pleasure climbed ever higher without release. Lorelei’s head swam in ecstasy. Nothing had ever been this good. His desires only built, and hers along with them. The longer they carried on, the less she ever wanted it to end. Some tiny space in her mind wondered if this was how her victims felt as she wrapped them around her finger, but she didn’t care. For the first time, al the deeply ingrained responses she felt at the touch and pleasure of her master could be enjoyed without revulsion or regret. She loved… loved? Her eyes snapped open. This feeling was far too alien for her, no matter how good it was. It must be the ritual, she realized. It wasn’t finished!

“Alex,” she grunted. He didn’t respond. She had driven him willd, and she knew instinctively that she would soon be just as out of control. Her hedonistic nature smothered the panicked thoughts in her mind. “Alex…oh…master…you must… oh…hhhh…” “What?” She couldn’t help but clutch at him with undeniable need. Instinctively, Alex grabbed a fistful of hair and wrenched her head up to kiss him. She surrendered to it, finding greater release than she ever had in al her many centuries. Eventually he slowed, his embrace becoming tender while they both gasped for air. There was something instinctively territorial in the way he held her, though, and Lorelei found it irresistible. It was al so good. So good. “Alex,” she whispered hoarsely. She couldn’t even think of trying to break free from him now. She no longer wanted to. “Lorelei?” he moaned. “Thank you, Alex. Thank you…” Chapter 4

Coming to Terms

He had no idea how long he had been plundering her, but no matter how long it had been it wasn’t nearly long

enough. The feeling was entirely mutual; Lorelei encouraged him in every way she could. They paused only to bask in the afterglow of every finish, kiss one another deeply and longingly, and inevitably fall into irresistible hunger again. The sun had long since set by the time Alex finally came up for air. “We must have been going at it for hours,” he breathed. “And yet you are not tired, nor spent,” Lorelei pointed out triumphantly. She brushed her fingers through his hair, now rather matted, looking up at him with unmistakable affection. “Not real y, no,” Alex agreed. He was breathing heavy, but not unpleasantly so. “Is that you? That’s not…that’s not normal, right?” She nodded. “You have youth, virility and passion, but even al that carries one only so far. I have certain affects on my prey that encourage cooperation. wellcome to your new sex life.” “I thought it was supposed to work the other way?” he breathed. “Aren’t you supposed to kil me like this?” He smirked at how casually he could ask such a thing, but at this point, his mind was completely blown anyway. “My victims, yes. But not right away. Normal y, it’s a long, decadent road to each prey’s downfal . Worry not. I know al the dead ends. I promise you we won’t be taking the uglier turns,” she teased. “Do you feel your head is clearer now that you have ravished me?” “I do, I just… wow,” he repeated. “I could do it again if you wanted to. It’s like I can’t get enough. I don’t think I’l ever have enough of you.” “Nor I of you, Alex,” Lorelei smiled adoringly. “My body will always be an invitation to yours. You need never wonder if I want you or if I am ready. This is what I long for above al things. Take me, freely. And let’s have no more worries about losing control of yourself or boring me or any of your other hang-ups.” Alex nodded. “I think we’re going to do this an awful lot.”

“Good.” He glanced out the window, then at his clock. “Oh god, Mom’s gotta be home by now. She probably heard us.” “No,” she shook her head. “Or, rather, if she has returned, she will completely ignore us, remember? You could have me screaming out loud she wouldn’t notice.” The smirk that spread across his face showed some amusement, but he said, “Let’s not test that.” “Aw,” she pouted in feigned disappointment. “Sorry to spoil your fun,” Alex said wryly. Lorelei slipped her arms around him and squeezed him with a purr. “I am sure I’l find plenty more opportunities for mischief.” She tilted her head thoughtful y. “For such a young man, you have a great deal of patience, master.” “You’re sure you want to keep calling me that? It’s okay to cal me Alex. You’d definitely better use that when we’re in public together.” She nodded. “I’l be careful. But I can tel it gives you a little thril .” He seemed to blush. “It’s flattering.” “I would flatter you more,” she smirked. “You’re a good man, Alex. I have…I have never been with such as you. I am not supposed to have good men. I have never had anyone who was not well on the way to hell . I may have enjoyed myself, but not like this.” “I don’t want to just be your master, Lorelei. I mean, I know you say we can’t undo that, and you don’t hold it against me, but can we be master and servant and still be…I dunno,” he wondered, not wanting to push too far too soon. “Can we be that and still be at least friends? Does that even work?”

“You mean more than friends,” she said, the smile in her voice turning quiet. She stroked his cheek with her fingers. “Yes.” “I don’t see why not. I’m not an ordinary friend.” She smiled and left the topic at that. “Alex,” she then said, sounding out his name slowly, “why does this trouble you so? I am no drone or browbeaten servant. I am not chattel. I have told you it does not bother me. Such is part of the nature of my existence. You are a dramatic improvement over my previous…circumstances. In ways I cannot explain.” Alex shrugged. “Slavery’s wrong.” “It has been the way of the world for a very long time. In the scheme of things, this mindset of your society is an anomaly. Even now, slavery lives on in many ways.” “It was wrong back then, and it’s still wrong now. Maybe I wouldn’t think so if I’d been raised differently or in a different time, but I like to think I would. Honestly, if I could free you, I’d do it. I’d…miss you. I’l never forget this. But if there’s ever a way—” “Sshhh,” Lorelei said, and interrupted him with a kiss. “You didn’t bring this on yourself, or upon me, and I am not troubled.” She grinned a bit. “Have some fun with it. I cal you master in part to remind you that you are not at anyone’s mercy. You don’t have to be cruel or domineering if you don’t want to. It doesn’t seem to be in your nature, anyway. But after this, I am here with you as much by choice as anything else.” “It’s a little hard to believe I’m that great.” She slowly shook her head. “I cannot lie to you.” “I honestly thought my first time would be a lot more awkward, though,” he admitted hesitantly. “Did you, um…did you do something to me? Other than just turning me on so much?” “You had no reason to feel inadequate even before we lay together,” she winked, “but yes, you are slightly changed.

A succubus must be kept entertained to carry out her purpose. As my prey, you will experience certain changes that encourage you to indulge your lusts. Those changes will remain even if you lay with another, as that still empowers me and serves my purpose. “More importantly, though, you have natural passion, natural desire, genuine affection…and your technique will only improve with time and practice,” she added with a grin. “You’re just sayin’ al that,” Alex smirked. Lorelei shrugged. “I cannot lie to you. Nor is it in my interests. Alex, even beyond this, we share the bond that the priest meant to create. I share your pleasures as you experience them. I can’t quite articulate it or distinguish it from the joy you give me independent of that bond, but I know it’s there. I would love to experience that bond while you take pleasure in another.” “You keep suggesting that. I can’t imagine ever wanting to hook up with anyone else.” “You say that now,” she winked demurely. “No, real y. Lorelei, you’re so far beyond any woman I ever met. You don’t have to worry about me cheating on you.” Lorelei snickered, and then laughed. She pushed him over to lie on top of him, casually demonstrating her physical strength. “Master,” she grinned teasingly, “I know everything about your lusts. You want other women. You would want many other women if you could have them, and I am tel ing you that you can. You won’t be cheating on me. You’l be renewing my power as you pleasure them. The ritual that bound us will share the pleasure you receive with me as well . “Your realistic desires are for true love and monogamy, but in your private fantasies, you want a harem,” Lorelei grinned with a softer, wickedly affectionate tone. “Don’t be shy about it. You’re not the first man with such desires. There is no jealousy here. I wouldn’t be remotely bothered to know you might dally here or there. I may even help it happen.”

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