Good Will Ghost Hunting: Demon Seed [Good Will Ghost Hunting 1] (Siren Publishing Classic) (20 page)

BOOK: Good Will Ghost Hunting: Demon Seed [Good Will Ghost Hunting 1] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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She shivered. “It’s trying to break through.”

Will nodded. “Okay.” He kissed her. “I want you to enjoy this.” He resumed his southerly trek, carefully sliding her panties down her hips. When his tongue gently parted her warm folds at the apex of her thighs, she shivered again.

“Yes!” she gasped.

He looked at her. His lips were definitely curled.

She smiled.

“What?” he asked.

“You’re smiling. I’ve never seen you smile before.”

He bent to her mound again, slowly tracing the contours of her pussy and clit with his lips and tongue. She spread her legs wider for him, wanting his cock deep inside her.

Cramping waves of need and pleasure, triggered by every gentle touch of his tongue, drove her to a frenzy. Now she understood the big deal about sex. If she’d ever experienced this before meeting Will, there was no way she would have stopped. No one had ever told her it felt this good!

A warm, gentle heat built between her legs, starting in her pussy and spreading, gaining strength and power until she felt the explosion rip through her lower belly. Eyes squeezed tightly shut, Kal moaned, loudly, trying to push against him, not wanting the sensation to stop.

He seemed to know her body better than she did. He stayed with her as wave after wave pulsed through her, sensing just when to ease off.

Gasping, she shivered as the air conditioner kicked on and chilled her slightly because of the fine sheen of moisture covering her skin. He moved to lie next to her, and she pressed against him, closing her eyes as he folded her against his chest.

“Wow,” she whispered.

He kissed the top of her head. “How was that? Good?”

She nodded against him. “Yeah, that was fantastic, but what about you?”

“We’ll get there. I want you to feel good.”

“That was
beyond good.”

Was that a soft chuckle? Startled, she tipped her head back and looked at him. “You
smiling!” It wasn’t much but his lips had definitely curled.

His eyes searched hers. “You sounded like you were enjoying yourself.”

The wraith stirred again, but she felt stronger and pushed it down. “I want to hear
enjoy yourself.”

Clouds drifted through his gaze. “I think we have a little more time. Besides, I have to…” He didn’t finish.

“It has to be that moment, right?”

He nodded.

She smiled. “That doesn’t have to be the only time, though, right? After that first time?”

Definitely a smile. He shook his head. “Not if you don’t want it to be the only time.”

Her hand trailed down his abs to the front of his slacks, which definitely felt full. She kissed him and fumbled for his belt. He reached down and helped her, not breaking their kiss. When his slacks opened she slipped her hand inside and felt his cock, hard and throbbing and very large, inside his briefs.

She must have gasped because he nuzzled her ear. “I’ll be gentle. I promise.”

“I know.” She wrapped her fingers around his shaft and stroked the smooth skin. In response his hips bucked against her touch.

She wanted to taste him, at least. Pulling free of his lips, she rolled him onto his back, knelt over him, and slid his slacks and briefs off. She’d seen pictures, of course, but never the real thing. Gently kissing the tip of his cock, she wrapped a hand around his stiff shaft before glancing up at him.

Dark, smoldering passion met her heated gaze. He nodded. “It’s okay. Go ahead.”

Closing her eyes again, she carefully wrapped her lips around the head of his cock. That time he did groan. Then his fingers gently tangled in her hair, and something about the gesture made her pussy throb in response. This would be inside her very soon. She couldn’t wait.

She couldn’t fit him very far into her mouth, so she concentrated on licking him, hoping she did it right. From the way his hips jerked in response to her actions, she suspected she did. He even tasted good, a slightly salty tang that wasn’t at all disgusting, as she’d heard other girls say. She now suspected those girls had never really had a man. How could anyone hate this!

His cock throbbed and swelled, and after a few minutes he gently pushed her away.

“That’s enough,” he hoarsely said.

She didn’t think it was enough, but she let him roll her over onto her back. He lowered his mouth to her mound again. Knowing what to expect this time, she let herself go, giving in to his ministrations. When her climax hit, she threw her head back and cried out, moaning his name.

Refusing to be denied, the wraith stirred again, stronger, pushing.

Will sat up. “Is it trying to break through?” he asked.

Kal nodded.

He knelt between her legs, gently spread them wider, and kissed the base of her throat. Her fingers wrapped around his arms, pulling him to her.

His large, engorged head gently nudged against the slick entrance of her pussy. She held her breath.

He touched his forehead to hers. “Just relax,” he whispered.

She nodded and wrapped her arms around him.

He carefully and slowly pressed forward. She tried to thrust against him, but he resisted her attempts to take him in too soon. He stretched her in a pleasurable way. When he met resistance, he stopped and kissed her again.

He raised his head and met her eyes. “I’m sorry, Kal,” he whispered.

She shook her head. “Don’t be. Seriously.”

Will smiled again, not as large and bright as in the pictures, but it gave her hope.

“You deserve better than this life,” he softly said.

“You’re a good man. Maybe one day you can love me half as much as you loved her. If so, I’m a very lucky woman.”

He closed his eyes. “You have to ask me to make you my soul mate,” he softly said.

She wrapped her legs around him and kissed him. She whispered in his ear, “Go ahead. I want to be your soul mate.” Even as she spoke the words, she knew it was the truth.

She wanted to spend her life with this man. However long that turned out to be.

Eternity looked pretty good.

He buried his face against her shoulder. He withdrew slightly, then thrust his hips forward. She felt a jolt of pain that faded to mild discomfort, then was replaced by pleasure as he filled her to her very depths, his cock hard and hot and feeling better than anything she ever imagined.

Clutching him, she tried to wiggle her hips against him, but he held still.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

“That wasn’t all, was it?” she gasped.

Her heart soared when he chuckled and kissed her neck. “No. I don’t want to hurt you.”

“How about I tell you if it hurts, otherwise, you don’t stop.”

He laughed! He raised his head, and she met his eyes and saw he was near tears again. “You’re really okay?” he asked.

She eagerly nodded. “Yeah. Real good.”

He slowly stroked, taking his time. Her hands traveled down his back and grabbed his hips, trying to pull him deeper. She felt his tight muscles working beneath her palms, and she figured out how to roll her hips against his.

Refusing to be rushed, Will continued his slow, deep strokes, kissing her, his tongue working in time with his thrusts. After a few minutes he carefully pushed deep and stilled his motions. He sat up.

“What?” she asked.

He smiled again. “One more,” he said. He shifted his weight and slipped a hand between their bodies, his thumb finding her swollen, sensitive nub.

She moaned. “Oh, that feels good!”

“It’s supposed to.”

“You have a very handsome smile, Will.”

“I haven’t had a reason to smile for a long time.”

“I know.” It was hard to talk between his fingers on her and the wraith struggling to break free, and she finally couldn’t hold the words back. “I love you, Will.”

He stopped, watching her. “You don’t have to say—”

“I mean it.” She swallowed, trying to moisten her dry mouth. “I want to be the one that makes you smile again. I wasn’t going to say it because I didn’t want you feeling guilty. But I don’t know what happens…after. I want you to know how I feel now, so you know I’m not being forced to feel this way about you.”

He studied her, and after a long while his fingers resumed their gentle, teasing strokes. “You don’t hate me for this?”

She vigorously shook her head. “No. Right now I’m not sure I hate Ryan that much anymore.”

He laughed. “I’m not sure I share your view on that last point.” He nuzzled her nose. “He put you through hell, Kal. Put you at risk. I don’t know if I can forgive him for that.”

The tingling sensation swelled inside her again, centered under his fingers on her clit, quickly spreading throughout her body. Impaled on his hard cock, filled with him, it felt even better than before. It felt right.

“Tell me when you’re close,” he whispered.

His eyes locked her to him. She whimpered as the sensation built. He slowly resumed his strokes inside her as his fingers teased her toward the edge. She wanted, needed this.

The wraith struggled for dominance, fighting through her need. “Hurry, Will,” she whispered. “It’s trying.”

His fingers carefully caressed her. After feeling like she hovered on the edge forever, he whispered, “Come for me, sweetheart.”

The passionate explosion tore through her, ripping the breath from her lungs. He waited only a moment before driving his hips hard against her. With an ever-increasing tempo he took her as she wrapped her arms around him and met each thrust with her hips, finally finding an intimate rhythm with him.

He dropped his head to her shoulder again and buried his face against her neck. Holding him tightly, she whispered, “Please make me yours. I want you to do it.”

Will took three more hard thrusts. With a loud cry he shuddered, buried inside her. That’s when she felt it—a deep, warm, pleasant burning sensation within her belly. Suddenly the wraith ripped free, agonizingly painful.

Frightened, she closed her eyes. Will rolled to his side, taking her with him and holding her tightly against his chest, gently murmuring to her.

The wraith felt like it was playing pinball inside her body, bouncing around her very soul. Kal felt Will’s soul inside her. She held on to him, hoping the agony would stop soon and yet not wanting to ever separate from Will again.

“It’s okay,” he whispered, his lips pressed to her ear. “Just hang on. It’ll be over in a minute.”

The wraith struggled, mental claws ripping and tearing, struggling to hang on to her. She sobbed against Will’s shoulder, trusting him, knowing she loved him even as she felt a soft, velvety mental caress.

“It’s okay.”
But Will’s gentle voice whispered in her brain, not her ear.

His soul reached out to hers, going deep inside her. Finally the wraith was loose and free, and Kal screamed as it fought its way out of her.

Weak and gasping, she went limp against Will and sobbed, barely aware of him pulling the sheet over them.

“It’s gone,” he said, kissing her damp forehead. “It’s okay. It’s gone.”

He was right. Her soul felt lighter. The invading presence had left.

“It won’t come back?”

He kissed her forehead again. “No. It can’t.”

She sank into him, relieved, nuzzling as close as possible. “Please don’t let me go.”

He held her tightly against him. “I won’t. Never. I promise.”

Chapter Fourteen


From the moment Will’s release started he felt it—a fuzzy, dull roar that rolled through him, quickly becoming clearer, until he felt her very heartbeat in his soul. Damn, it had been so long.

Then, with a final, explosive burst of agony, the pain he’d lived with for over twenty-five years was suddenly gone as if a bubble had popped. The sudden relief nearly took his breath away. He still felt a slight, dull ache, but that was nothing compared to the torment he’d felt since Abby’s death. He’d had no idea that would happen, never realized the pain would disappear when he took Kal as his soul mate.

Will felt the wraith ripping through Kal, trying to maintain its grip on her. Will carefully worked his way into her soul and kicked the wraith’s funky ass to the curb.

When she shivered against him, he knew he was lost to her. He also knew yes, she had some feelings for him, that instant attraction before they bonded, but it didn’t assuage his guilt. She was a good person, deserved a normal life, not an eternity roaming the planet trying to stay alive. He couldn’t tell her he loved her yet. And someday, he would take his revenge on Ryan for doing this to her. But he would die to protect her and prayed one day he’d be worthy enough to deserve what she would hopefully come to feel for him.

Wicked smart, too. He’d sensed that from the first moment he met her. She wanted him to know her true feelings. Brilliant girl. Had she not opened up to him before they bonded, he might never have believed she could truly, willingly love him, regardless of who she was before. Just because her soul had been Abby didn’t mean she would automatically love him in this life. Now he knew it was possible.

Inhaling deeply, her sweet, unique scent, mixed with the musky aroma of their lovemaking, captured his soul. It had been so long.

So, so long.

He’d never wanted another soul mate. He’d wanted to die and join Abby and be free for the first time in his long existence. To be released from the pain he’d felt since her death. He didn’t ever want to put another innocent at risk. While he despised Ryan’s trickery, he reluctantly admitted Kal was far from the worst choice.

And she had been Abby, even though he could never tell her that. He had her back, in a way.

“What’s wrong?” she asked.


“It’s like you’re holding your breath.”

He realized that’s what he’d been doing, waiting for a new blast of pain to hit him. It’d been so long since he hadn’t been in pain he’d forgotten what it felt like. He nuzzled her again. “My pain’s gone.”


“Yeah. Mostly. It’s not like it was. Bearable now.”

She tightly hugged him. “That’s a good thing, right?”

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