Good Will Ghost Hunting: Demon Seed [Good Will Ghost Hunting 1] (Siren Publishing Classic) (29 page)

BOOK: Good Will Ghost Hunting: Demon Seed [Good Will Ghost Hunting 1] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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Will hooked an arm around her waist from behind and brushed his lips against the nape of her neck, below her ear. “Let’s leave dinner for later.”

Closing her eyes, she fought the urge to rip his clothes off. Wait,
was she fighting the urge?

She turned and kissed him as he backed her toward the bedroom. She stopped him. “No, wait. Not there.”

“Why not?”

“My parents are sleeping in there tonight.”

God bless him, he humored her. “Lock your door and bring your cell phone.”

She reluctantly stepped away from him and did as he said. Then, as he gathered her into his arms and kissed her, the world shifted and they were in Will’s bedroom.

She could get used to this.

She slipped off the purity ring and laid it next to her phone on the dresser. “We won’t get many chances like this for a couple of weeks,” she whispered, unbuttoning his shirt after he shrugged off his suit jacket.

“Why not?”

“Parents. Surprise visit. In my apartment. Two weeks. Did you
just get that memo?” Thank goodness Aidan had suggested keeping it for appearance’s sake in case her parents wanted to visit! She wasn’t technically living with Will yet, even though that’s where she spent every night, usually at his place.

Will flashed her a knowing smile. “Kal, you don’t understand. You won’t go that long. Not right now.”

Desire shifted into annoyance. “What do you mean I won’t go that long?”

“I’m not trying to sound like an asshole, but it’s all part of it. In the early days, it’s like a craving.”

“I do not
to have sex with you. I can go two weeks.” She stepped away from him. With the current tone and tenor of conversation, she wasn’t having sex with him right now, either. “Besides, you said that first night I didn’t have to.”

“You didn’t, not if it was a shallow bond. We’ve bonded pretty deeply though, and gone well past that point. If it had just been that one time, you wouldn’t feel like that. I feel it, too, don’t worry. But I’ve had years of experience. I can control it better than you.”

“Oh, this is
not going to be one of those ‘because I’m older than you’ conversations, is it? I’ll be honest with you, you try that nonsense on me and it’s a deal breaker, buddy.”

He pulled her to him and kissed her, his tongue tracing her lips. In betrayal they opened to him, and she moaned when he pressed his body hard against her.

Kal lost herself in their kiss until she remembered she was irritated. Pulling away, she held her hands up in front of her. “No, we need to settle this first. Quit distracting me.”

“Distracting you?”

“Yeah. I can go two weeks without sleeping with you, Will Hellenboek.”


She nodded. “Yeah, really. Believe it or not.”

He smiled and crossed his arms. “Okay.”

His sudden capitulation confused her. “What?”

He shrugged, sending her heart into flutters. “Okay. If you say you can, I believe you.”

“What’s the catch?”

He shook his head. “No catch.”

“That was too easy.”

Will draped his shirt over his jacket so it wouldn’t wrinkle. Her body tried to bully her mind into kissing his chest. “What was too easy?” he asked.

“You just giving in like that.”

“Kal, we don’t have a lot of time before your parents come back from dinner. I’d rather spend it with my tongue buried between your legs, not having an argument. We’ve got more than enough time to have plenty of arguments later.” He kicked off his shoes.

Her heart pounded, her pussy suddenly flooded with moisture and her clit throbbing with need. “What?” she squeaked.

He smiled, his gray eyes subtly darker, almost a deep, smoky blue. “What?”

“What did you say?”

He was down to his delicious briefs, his large erection clearly outlined by the white material. “I said”—he stepped over to her—“that instead of arguing, I would rather spend our time with my tongue buried between your legs.” He trailed one finger along her chin. “I want to make you come at least twice before—”

He couldn’t continue because she jumped him, wrapped her legs around his waist, and jammed her tongue down his throat.

Chuckling, he carried her to his bed and quickly helped her shed her clothes and his briefs and proceeded to show her what he meant.

She tangled her fingers in his hair as he trailed kisses down her stomach to her mound. “What were you going to say?” she gasped.

He lifted his head. “You mean before you tackled me?”


He smiled.
she loved his smile.

“I was going to say I want to make you come at least twice before I slide my cock inside you and slowly fuck you for the next hour or so.”

She groaned, bucking her hips against him, trying to get him to shut up and
it. Who knew talking dirty could be this much fun!

“Yes!” she hissed.

He dipped his head and trailed his tongue from her ready entrance up to her throbbing clit, drawing slow, sensuous circles. “Is that something you might enjoy?”

“Shut up and
it, Will!”

He chuckled again. She closed her eyes, grinding her hips against his mouth as he took her over and quickly brought her release.

“That’s one,” he whispered, moving up her body so he could suckle her tightly pebbled nipples. She squirmed beneath his hands, all thoughts of her parents safely locked away. All that mattered was Will’s hands and mouth and the feel of his stiff member rubbing against her leg as he had her begging for release again.

“An hour, huh?” she gasped.

“Mmm hmm. At least.” He glanced at the bedside clock. “Maybe longer, if you want.”

She moaned. “Yeah.”

He pushed one, then two fingers inside her, slowly stroking her as he lightly flicked her clit with his tongue. Beyond comprehensible speech, Kal made weak mewing sounds as he brought her close and kept her on the edge. After several tormented minutes she briefly regained her use of consonant blends.


“Please what, sweetheart?” He licked her again, slipping a third finger into her tight entrance. “Tell me what you want. I want to hear you say it.”

She gasped. “Make me come! Please!”

“And then what?” His lips gently tugged on her clit, drawing a loud moan from her.

“Then fuck me, baby.”

“Very good,” he purred. He gave her release and stayed with her, drawing it out until he knew she couldn’t take the sensation any longer. He slid up the bed and held her cradled to him as her breathing settled and her heart quit racing. “I love you, Kal,” he whispered. “I love being able to do that to you.”

Kal lifted her head and kissed him, then she rolled on top of him. “I love you, too.” She impaled herself on his cock, both of them moaning as she pressed until his full length was buried deep inside her pussy. She sat up, and with his hands splayed on her hips she started a slow, rolling rhythm, watching his face as she did. She loved that she did this to him, could make him feel like this. No matter the circumstances that brought them together, they
together and darn it, they were


She leaned forward and kissed him, slowly, deeply, exploring with her tongue while he was buried deep inside her. “An hour?”

“Mmm hmm.”

go two weeks without sleeping with you. I just don’t want to.”

He flipped her onto her back, hooked his arms under her thighs, and lifted her legs. With each stroke he went deeper, stretching her, making her gasp. “If you say so, sweetheart. I won’t argue.”

“Why not?”

He slowed his strokes, drawing a frustrated moan from her, then one of pleasure as his thumb stroked her swollen nub. “Maybe I need to make you come a third time and shut you up. I’d rather fuck than fight. If there’s one thing I’ve learned throughout all my years, it’s far better to give in and have fun than to be right all the time.”

“Now who’s running off at the mouth?” She twisted her hips, grinding against his pelvis. He’d nearly brought her over until a thought hit her like a bucket of icy Ohio lake water. She put a hand on his chest. “Wait. You think you’re right and you’re just giving in to shut me up? You don’t think I can go two weeks?”

Will’s amused snort irritated her. “You won’t let this drop, will you?”

Now fully out of the mood, Kal sat up on her elbows. “No, I won’t. I
go two weeks.”

Will smiled. “Well, considering you’ve left me hard and horny, can we postpone this difference of opinion until later?”

She loved his smile, he was so cute…
Wait, getting distracted again.

She untangled her legs and scooched back. Which left her agonizingly empty and his stiff, throbbing cock bobbing in the air.

God, I’d love to suck that…

Distracted again.
She sat cross-legged on his bed, her arms crossed in front of her and tried to focus on his nose instead of his eyes or that sweet hunk of muscle standing straight out between his legs. “Two weeks. I can do that. Can you?”

“That’s not fair, Kal.” His stiff cock twitched as if in protest. “I just got you off twice, and you’re going to leave me hanging?”

But he wasn’t upset, she could tell from his playful tone of voice and the gleam in his eyes.

He was amused.

ticked her off.

She forced a frown. “Well?”

He sat back on his heels. “I don’t want to make that bet, Kal. I love you. I don’t want to go two weeks without making love to you. This is stupid.”


* * * *


Will regretted the word as soon as he used it.

Her eyes narrowed. “
You think I’m stupid?”

“No! Christ.” He rubbed his face. “No, Kal, I don’t think you’re stupid.” She was already climbing off the bed and reaching for her clothes.

“I don’t care that we’re spending eternity together, Hellenboek. I don’t care if Ryan’s unwritten big book of stupid-ass rules says we uncontrollably lust after each other. I’ve got free will, and I can darn—
—sure keep
pants zipped.” She wrenched up the zipper on her jeans.

He knew it would make the situation worse but he couldn’t help laughing.


“Big book of stupid-ass rules? You’re starting to swear, sweetheart. I think it’s cute.”

She yanked on her shirt, grabbed her phone, slipped the ring onto her hand, and flipped Will the bird on the second try after using the wrong fingers the first time. “Two weeks, Hellenboek. If I could do it for over twenty-five years, I can do it for two darn—
—weeks.” She crossed her arms. “Send me home.”

“Kal, sweetheart, please, don’t leave like this.”

“Send. Me. Home. Now.” She thought about it and added, “Asshat.”

He didn’t send her soon enough for her to miss his amused laughter trailing after her.

Chapter Twenty


Kal angrily cleaned up their uneaten dinner, slamming pots and pans and cabinet doors as she did. Then she curled on the couch in front of the TV. As the evening wore on and her parents’ return drew closer, the worse she felt. She shouldn’t have bit Will’s head off like that. And she’d left him hanging after he’d been so good to her.

She closed her eyes and summoned her outrage. No, dang it, they’d have to learn she wasn’t going to play by Ryan’s rules, whether they liked it or not.

Kal knew her outrage was that her parents had the gall to show up, unannounced, and she didn’t have the guts to tell them to go to a hotel. Her ire wasn’t at Will. It was at her parents.

Groaning, she fell over on her side and whacked herself in the head with a throw pillow. “Cripes!” she yelled at the empty room. “I’m such a wet noodle!”

The right thing would be to call out to Will, apologize, and kiss and make up. Well, more than kiss, because truth be told she’d been pretty close to a third orgasm and still felt a persistent throbbing in her nether regions.

By gum, she would hold on to her righteous indignation a little longer.

At least until tomorrow.

Kal clutched the pillow to her. It smelled a little like Will from all the time they’d spent curled up here together, the times he’d…

not helping!

Her parents returned after nine. Kal knew her mother probably had to chew each bite of her dinner a thousand times, drink twenty glasses of water, and make a dozen trips to the bathroom to delay their return that long. Her father walked in and suspiciously looked around.

“Everyone’s gone, Daddy.”

Satisfied, he nodded. He turned to her and caught her hands. “Come home, Kalyani. Jeff makes good money.”

“Kenneth!” Her mother’s forceful outburst startled Kal. “Lay off her.”

He looked at her, shocked. He tried to regain control of the situation. “I am your husband!”

“Yes, you are. And she’s my daughter. She’s got a good job, and she’s an adult. I never should have let you do this. You are not going to spend our visit haranguing her to come home. I won’t allow it.”

Kal didn’t know whether her jaw should be on the floor or if she should wear an ear-to-ear grin. She’d never heard her mother stand up to her father like that before.

Her father finally regained his use of speech. “How

Her mother stepped forward, nose to nose with her father. “I like the man. I think he’s very nice.”

“He hunts ghosts! He does the Devil’s work!”

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