Gossamer (25 page)

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Authors: Renita Pizzitola

BOOK: Gossamer
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“I’m sorry. Did I say something wrong?” She appeared concerned.

“No, it’s not you. I just don’t know if I’m ready to jump into this whole princess thing.”

“Hmm. I think you will change your mind when you meet Liam. I don’t think there is a girl here who wouldn’t marry him.” A playful smile stretched her lips. “Trust me.”

I smiled back at her through the mirror. I wished her words would have helped quell my nerves but it did just the opposite. People here might find it offensive if I rejected him. It seemed plenty of girls would gladly change places with me.

A knock rattled the door. Cara walked the few short steps and opened it. Grant entered and before I could turn around he glanced in my direction. Time stopped. Electricity sizzled between us. His eyes took me in and briefly met mine. He quickly focused his attention back to Cara and I turned around to avoid eye contact.

She looked at me. “You have a visitor.”

Panic rushed through me. It couldn’t be Liam, could it? He wouldn’t make his first appearance here. At least, I hoped he wouldn’t. I gave Cara the go ahead to let in my guest.

Grant said something to the person at the door, then stepped to the side as a woman, who moved with such grace, floated into the room.

A perfect vision of beauty with long, slightly wavy blonde hair, a heart-shaped face and stunning green eyes met my gaze. She looked like my blonde older sister, but I knew I stared at my mother.

“Kyla?” She seemed shocked to see me. “You’re grown up. I knew you would be, but–” Her eyes watered and she took a deep breath for continuing, “I guess I just couldn’t imagine it. After all, it has only felt like a few years since I last held you in my arms.” She took a few steps toward me, and we looked at one another.

The moment grew awkward. Should I hug her? Shake her hand? Finally, she made the decision for both of us and wrapped me in a hug. I didn’t move and I tried to relax into a more natural stance, but it was weird hugging a stranger, even if she was my birth mother. My arms felt clumsy trying to hug her back so I finally took a small step back, and she did the same. She held me at arm’s length and looked at me as if she wanted to memorize every detail of my face. I wanted to turn away, uncomfortable being scrutinized, but it gave me the opportunity to do the same, so I didn’t.

She looked to be in her mid to late twenties, which I knew had something to do with the way time slowed here because she definitely did not look old enough to be my mother. Her smooth and flawless skin looked airbrushed. Not a blemish could be found, and I hoped one day I would be as gorgeous as her.

Her hand made its way to my hair, and she twisted a dark lock around her finger.

“You still have your father’s hair.” She smiled and her eyes glazed over. She seemed lost in another time or place. Her focus snapped back on me. I forced a smile.

“I’m Aislinn, by the way. I guess I should formally introduce myself. I understand you go by Kylie? Do you mind if I call you that?”

“No, of course not. Most people do. It’s fine.” My words came out fast, and I abruptly stopped before I started rambling.

“Have you had a good life?” Her look of parental concern didn’t match her youthful face for me, making her look more like a concerned friend than anything else. She should have been mothering a toddler, not an eighteen year old.

“The best. My parents, um, other parents are great.” My diamond earring twirled against my finger before I dropped my hand to halt my fiddling.

She smiled. “It’s okay if you see them as your parents. I understand that and knew the consequences of my decision. I just hope we can be friends, and maybe one day you can see me as your mom, too. Not a replacement mom, just another one.”

I found it difficult to see this woman who looked not even ten years older than me as my mom, and even harder to see this person who planned to marry me off without my permission as a friend. But, I remained determined to keep an open mind and not judge before getting a chance to really know her.

“That sounds good.” I said. The cheerful tone in my voice sounded forced, but I didn’t think she noticed. She didn’t know me. If she did, she probably would’ve picked up on it. I had a feeling Grant did and having him there, watching the entire awkward exchange, made me uncomfortable. Actually, everything about the situation made me feel that way.

“Well, I guess we shouldn’t keep Liam waiting. He’s eager to meet you. I assume Grant has filled you in?” She looked at Grant, who then glanced at me.

“I think I know enough.” I said, as I briefly met his eyes. I’m sure he could read right through my fake smile, and in some ways, I hoped he had.




Chapter 18


Grant, Cara and my mother escorted me to a large foyer.

“Aislinn, it’s lovely to see you again.” A man with long, golden-brown hair pulled into a low pony tail greeted us. “Ah, and this must be Kyla.”

He smiled at me and I prayed this wasn’t Liam. For one he looked considerably older than me, and second he was not my type. I stole a glance in Cara’s direction, since she told me Liam was quite the catch, but she looked slightly disinterested. She wore a smile, but her eyes were scanning the room for something, or maybe someone, else.

The man approached me and shook my hand. “It is a pleasure to finally meet you Kyla.” I exchanged the greeting. “I’m Alastar, Liam’s father.” Relief flooded me. “Your mother and I have been friends for a very long time.”

He gazed at my mother and something in his eyes seemed almost sad. I didn’t know what to make of it. Aislinn shifted uncomfortably, and Alastar focused his attention back on me.

“You inherited her beauty, no doubt. Well, I’m sure you are eager to meet Liam. He is in the garden.” He gestured toward large double doors that led outside. “Grant, would you be so kind as to escort Kyla to Liam? Aislinn, would you please join me for a conversation?”

My mother and Grant nodded.

“Cara, you are dismissed.” Alastar spoke in a friendly tone, but his authority couldn’t be denied. She politely acknowledged him and turned to leave. The look of disappointment on her face led me to believe she must have wanted to see Liam.

“I will see you at dinner,” Aislinn said to Grant and me, then walked out of the room with Alastar.

I looked at Grant, feeling the tense awkwardness of the situation. He offered nothing in return. “Follow me.”

His tone stung. It wasn’t the sweet, caring Grant I had come to adore, but a very cold no-nonsense Grant. I stared at him, looking for an explanation, but the minute our eyes met, he turned away. “Kylie, please don’t do that,” he said quietly enough for only me to hear.

“Do what?” I asked, honestly confused as to what I’d done.

“This is hard enough,” he said the words quickly and quietly and proceeded to the doorway.

I followed, unsure of what to do or say. He swung open a large door and we both stepped out. In the distance, I saw a tall boy with blondish hair wearing slacks and an untucked, white button-down shirt with the sleeves pushed up, giving him a look somewhere between casual and dressy. Grant walked down several large steps while I trailed behind. We walked down a path surrounded by perfectly trimmed hedges and I envisioned walking through a maze, like a labyrinth, but then noticed multiple routes leading to various gardens.

I found relief knowing I wouldn’t get lost in there if I wanted to run, which a part of me wanted to do right then. Every ounce of my sanity demanded I recognize the abnormality of the situation. I was a teenage girl not a faery, and I should be going on movie dates, not marrying a prince.

The young man spun around. His face lit up at the sight of Grant. “Grant, you made it back safe and sound. I heard you and Conor had some troubles along the way.” He reached out his hand to shake Grant’s and pulled him into a guy version of a hug.

Grant’s mouth tugged up. “Nothing we couldn’t handle.” His tone edged with cockiness.

“You sure about that?” Liam’s tone turned playful. “It wasn’t like the time with those–”

Grant cut him off. “This again,” he said with a laugh. “You are never going to let me forget that, are you?”

I stood there awed by Grant’s lightheartedness. He always seemed so serious, but these two clearly had a good friendship. He seemed even more at ease with Liam than Conor, an unexpected discovery.

Liam chuckled and patted his back. “It’s okay. We all make mistakes. So I’ve heard.”

I had begun to think Grant had forgotten about me as I waited for an introduction, when Liam noticed me standing behind Grant. The prince met my eyes briefly and in just that split second, Cara’s words rang true. Not only was he extremely handsome, but he had the kindest eyes. If I had to guess, based on first impressions, Liam was just as beautiful on the inside as the outside.

His cheeks reddened and he quit laughing. His demeanor changed and he looked at Grant for an introduction. Liam appeared nothing like his father. He was shy.

Grant, apparently remembering I stood behind him, stiffened again. The bromance ended, and he shifted back to business. “Liam, this is Kyla.”

My eyes flashed to Grant. So, I was Kyla again?

I stuck out my hand for Liam to shake. “You can call me Kylie.”

Grant stiffened, but I didn’t know why. Maybe he realized he’d introduced me more formally with my given name or maybe he didn’t want Liam to know me as Kylie. Who knew?

Liam shook my hand and I noticed, although his hand was warm, no sparks flew through me. My skin didn’t tingle, and no electricity reverberated through me. This made me even more curious why it was so strong when I touched Grant.


I bit my lip, and looked to Grant for some sort of guidance. His eyes were on my mouth, and I could have sworn I saw anger flash in them.

He turned to Liam and masked all emotion, “Well, I’m going to find Conor. I will give you two a chance to talk.”

My eyes widened, and I stared at him. He couldn’t be planning on just leaving me here with a stranger. I glanced at Liam and almost laughed because he wore an identical expression. I looked at Grant again, hoping he would change his mind. He spun on his heels, met my eyes for a quick second and walked off.

I looked at Liam. He seemed trying to figure out what to do or say and seemed almost as shocked as we watched Grant’s departing figure.

“Would you like to take a walk?” Liam seemed nervous. “The gardens are in bloom. They are a sight to see.”

“Sure,” I replied lamely.

Liam motioned for me to follow. With hesitation, he made small talk about various plants and flowers. As he slowly warmed, I began to relax a bit myself. He was nice and not imposing. Being a lover of plants and flowers, I found myself asking questions about the things we saw. He even said a few things that made me laugh. I knew why Cara said he was desirable. Good looks and nice didn’t happen together too often.

“This is one of my favorite parts of the garden.” Liam pointed to a path and guided me through. It opened up into a clearing with a small white gazebo surrounded by flowers. The moment I saw them, my heart ached. They were like the ones Grant had given me on my birthday.

I knelt. “These are especially beautiful. What are they? I’m not familiar with them.”

He knelt beside me, plucking a flower. “Faery Primrose.” He smiled and handed it to me.
Faery Primrose, of course Grant would give me faery primrose
. “Would you like to sit?” He stood and gestured to the gazebo.

As I got to my feet, I nodded and followed. We sat and instantly it grew awkward again. Without the small talk, I had no idea what we should do.

“So you like Grant?”

My head shot up, and I looked at Liam. “What?”

“He’s a nice guy, don’t you think? I’m glad they sent him to find you. Some of those others can be real idiots some times.”

I exhaled. “Oh yes. Grant is very nice.”

“He’s a good guy too. I knew you would be safe with him and Conor. My father wanted to send some of his guards to get you but I convinced him, which doesn’t happen too often, it should be someone closer to your own age. I think Grant was a good choice, especially since he is one of the few people I trust.”

Shame set in. I couldn’t help but wonder had it been someone else how things would have gone. If I wouldn’t have met Grant, I wouldn’t have fallen in love with him. Then again, I may not have come with anyone else. I trusted Grant. If I felt this guilty, he must feel awful. They were good friends and kissing me that night had to weigh on him. Even if it didn’t mean anything to him, it still crossed all sorts of lines.

“How long have you and Grant known each other?” I asked trying to figure out exactly how deep this friendship went.

“Several years.” He smiled as he seemed to remember something. “Grant was only fifteen when he joined the guards. The earliest anyone can join is sixteen, but he had lots of guard friends so they helped him out and lied about his age. Once in, though, I don’t think they knew exactly what to do with him. He looked nothing like he does now.”

Liam chuckled. “He was kind of small back then. I already had guards to protect me, but I didn’t have anyone my own age around. I think they figured it’d be good for me, so they assigned him to me. At first, he was honestly more of a companion, but they trained him, and well, as you can see, he’s definitely guard material now. You know, I was actually taller than him when we first met.”

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