Government Zero: No Borders, No Language, No Culture (25 page)

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Authors: Michael Savage

Tags: #Political Science, #Commentary & Opinion, #Political Ideologies, #Conservatism & Liberalism

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The Ria Novosti agency reported that the Moscow-based Institute of Economic Analysis (IEA) issued a report claiming that the Hadley Center for Climate Change had probably tampered with Russian climate data:

“The IEA believes that Russian meteorological station data did not substantiate the anthropogenic global-warming theory. Analysts say Russian meteorological stations cover most of the country’s territory and that the Hadley Center had used data submitted by only 25% of such stations in its reports. The Russian station count dropped from 476 to 121
so over 40% of Russian territory was not included in global temperature calculations for some other reasons rather than the lack of meteorological stations and observations.”

The data of stations located in areas not listed in the Hadley Climate Research Unit Temperature UK (HadCRUT) survey often show no substantial warming in the late 20th century and the early 21st century.

Engineering physicist and heat transfer specialist Mike Brakey found similar tampering with climate history records in the State of Maine. In his own words:

Over the last months I have discovered that between 2013 and 2015 some government bureaucrats have rewritten Maine climate history… (and New England’s and of the U.S.). This statement is not based on my opinion, but on facts drawn from NOAA 2013 climate data vs. NOAA 2015 climate data after they re-wrote it.

We need only compare the data. They cooked their own books.

Brakey goes on to present chart data proving his allegations conclusively.

Does that seem shocking to you? It isn’t to me. It’s what happens when a crypto-Marxist president and his allies in Congress get control of the scientific community. It’s Lysenkoism. Just like Stalin, Obama needs fake science to convince the public to accept an economic system they’ve already rejected at the polls, just as the kulaks rejected collective farming. Instead of Lamarckian hereditary theory, it’s man-made global warming. But it’s still fake.

One might ask why the polar ice caps are melting, if there really is no warming occurring. The answer might be simpler than you think. They aren’t. In fact, Antarctic sea ice is increasing so rapidly that the operations manager of the Australian Antarctic Division says he may have to move some of this division’s research locations.

Of course, that’s completely opposite of what’s happening in the Arctic Circle, where sea ice is diminishing rapidly, right? Wrong. A May 2015 NASA data update shows polar ice caps at five percent above the post-1979 average in extent.

Nineteen seventy-nine was an important year, because it marked the end of a thirty-year cooling trend, when ice caps were abnormally extensive. Lest we forget, the same group of socialists who want the government to take over everything because of global warming were telling us an ice age was coming during the 1970s.

When the cooling trend ended, they managed to have 1979 declared as the baseline for polar ice cap extent, even though it was atypical in terms of ice caps being much more extensive than they had been in almost sixty years.

Even with this obfuscation, the data is still against the warmists. That’s how crackpot this whole theory is. Even when they cheat, its supporters can’t make the story stick.

How could Al Gore win the Nobel Peace Prize for his lies? How can the IPCC continue to push global warming when the data denies everything they allege? How could the pope come out and say he wants to give a speech on global warming at the UN?

It’s all about politics. It’s all about politics and ripping you off just as Obama rips you off to pay for the slackers, scoundrels, and grifters in our society. I’m setting the record straight
by talking about the pope lining up with Obama on this global warming scam. The science does not support the big lie. It’s all about stealing money from productive citizens to redistribute it to dependent voters and political cronies.

Junk Journalism for Junk Science

Just as Lysenko had an army of state journalists to smear and discredit anyone who opposed his crank theories, man-made climate change proponents and the Obama administration receive the same kind of support from the mainstream media. Anyone who suggests that politics may be compromising the science done by members of the IPCC is labeled a climate change denier. Anyone questioning the scientific validity of the CDC’s statements about illegal immigrants and disease is labeled a xenophobe or a racist.

This is why we have a free press, regardless of which party is in power. The media is supposed to be skeptical of the government at all times. Even when reporters believe what politicians are telling them, they’re supposed to play devil’s advocate and ask the toughest questions they can think of. That’s the only way to keep the government honest. It’s one of the ways the people are represented, besides their political representation in Congress.

Like all dictators, President Obama abhors freedom of the press. He said so himself:

But a lot of it has to do with the fact that a) the balkanization of the media means that we just don’t have a common place where we get common facts and a common worldview
the way we did 20, 30 years ago. And that just keeps on accelerating, you know. And I’m not the first to observe this, but you’ve got the Fox News / Rush Limbaugh folks and then you’ve got the MSNBC folks and the—I don’t know where Vox falls into that, but you guys are, I guess, for the brainiacnerd types. But the point is that technology which brings the world to us also allows us to narrow our point of view. That’s contributed to it.

Obama prefers “a common place where we get common facts and a common worldview.” That’s what
was in the Soviet Union. During Lysenko’s reign over science, one of the common facts the media provided was that genes didn’t exist. Another was the government was going to feed the people. How did those common facts work out?

The president would prefer that all dissent to his policies and the junk science used to support them were eliminated. Then, he makes the bizarre statement that technology increasing our source of news beyond the state-controlled media
our point of view! Orwell couldn’t have written it any better. But Obama is probably delusional enough to believe it himself.

Lysenkoism eventually came to an end in the Soviet Union, as it inevitably had to. Scientific reality can be denied for only so long. Eventually, the people themselves just stopped believing the lies, regardless of the state media, and forced the Khrushchev regime to turn its back on Lysenko.

Lysenko was stripped of all of his power, and real scientists who had always rejected his crackpot theories stopped being persecuted. All of this happened when the people themselves
refused to go along with the government nonsense that led to one crisis after another.

We have the same challenge in America today that those peasant farmers faced in Russia. We have a government that is perverting science and medicine to advance its political agenda. Pseudoscience as absurd as Lysenko’s is officially recognized by the state, while real scientists are silenced or ostracized.

Just as in the Soviet Union fifty years ago, we have so-called journalists on the far left who continue to support these obtuse theories that have no validity whatsoever, and they smear anyone who dissents.

Like the Russians, we have to free ourselves from this. We have to continue to fight for the integrity of science, medicine, and the truth. Unchecked, the government will destroy the truth itself.

It won’t happen this year or next year. But we will rid ourselves of these Stalinist liars in America. It will happen in our lifetimes. The truth shall set us free. It must. It’s the only thing that can save us from Obama’s Soviet era.


Zero Business Sense
The Grand Illusionist’s Bubble Economy

Back in March, Federal Reserve System chairwoman Janet Yellen made an unexpected announcement. She told Wall Street that a long-expected interest rate increase was unlikely. Based on that statement, the stock markets exploded out of negative territory to post huge gains.
That just means the bubble economy blew up a little bigger.

I’ve been telling my listeners for years that higher education is a bubble, caused by all the same government interventions that caused the housing bubble: cheap money and government-guaranteed loans to people who can’t pay them back. It’s misallocated and wasted trillions in capital, and it will end very badly.

I have news for you. It’s not just the education sector that’s a bubble. It’s the entire U.S. economy. The grand illusionist in the White House has everyone believing that, somehow, his disastrous policies have resulted in an economic recovery. They haven’t.

We haven’t experienced a recovery. We’ve simply allowed the government and its central bank, the Federal Reserve, to
blow up another bubble. Just like housing, this one is going to end badly, but it’s going to be much wider in scope. Just imagine what happened in housing back in 2008 happening again, only over many sectors of the economy instead of just one. That’s what is coming unless we change course now.

The key to the grand illusion is your apathy. There are few subjects more boring than monetary policy, interest rates, inflation data, and job market participation. That’s what the Fed and the government count on. These numbers are reported in the media and then forgotten by 99 percent of the population. But they tell a very ominous story.

All the public is aware of is the stock market, which is at historic highs, at least nominally. It’s astounding that any journalist can report on the market making new highs without emphasizing that the Federal Reserve has held interest rates at zero for over six years.

Actually, no real journalist can avoid pointing that out. We just don’t have journalists in the media. We have propagandists who conveniently ignore details like unprecedented Fed intervention so they can tell us fairy tales about Obama’s “recovery.”

That’s why Grandma Yellen’s March announcement was so important. The market was deep in negative territory, because Wall Street was expecting her to say the Fed would finally start raising interest rates. That would have meant the party was over and would have resulted in a correction in the markets. It also would have meant a recession, which would hurt in the short term but is necessary to the long-term health of the economy.

That’s a Savage Truth the media won’t tell you. But it’s true. The only way for us to get out of a bubble is for the inflated stock market prices to correct and the millions of people in jobs that wouldn’t exist without the bubble to leave them
and find new jobs that are sustainable without inflation. That’s what happens when a bubble pops.

You have to understand how the Federal Reserve keeps interest rates down. It’s a lot simpler than people think it is. The Fed creates money out of thin air and buys securities with it. That
the supply of money, resulting in a
in the price of money. That’s all interest rates are: the price of money. When supply goes up, all other things being equal, price goes down.

So, the Fed floods the market with new money whenever its friends on Wall Street are in danger of realizing losses. The fat cats love it, because stock prices go up. But there is a cost to everyone else. Capital gets directed to unsustainable businesses like green-energy companies, who employ people to make products that don’t sell. It also makes the price of everything else go up.

I wasn’t surprised when Yellen blinked at the last minute. What’s good for the American people and the long-term health of the American economy doesn’t matter to these crooks. All they care about is pushing the stock market higher so their fat-cat friends can rake in more billions. Then, they get out of the market or short sell it when the inevitable collapse occurs and make even more, while millions of Americans struggle to survive.

The longer the Federal Reserve keeps the stock market inflated and unsustainable businesses capitalized, the more people will be unemployed when it’s over. Not only will people be unemployed, but prices will be higher because of the Fed’s inflation. When the price of money goes down, the price of everything else goes up.

The media isn’t telling you any of this. They’re telling you there is no inflation and unemployment is low. These are all lies based on skewed government statistics. This didn’t start
under Obama. They’ve been manipulating these numbers for a long time, under Democratic and Republican presidents. Presidents of both parties are completely complicit in all of it.

Look into something called the president’s Working Group on Financial Markets.
That’s where the White House and the Fed get together to conspire on how to make the markets go up, no matter what the cost to the rest of us. It’s also referred to as the Plunge Protection Team. Note that it was created by Ronald Reagan, a Republican.

The White House and the Fed have other accomplices in misleading the public. The Bureau of Labor Statistics says unemployment is down to 5.6 percent. Everyone knows that’s not true. That’s because they don’t count unemployment the same way they used to. When an unemployed person gives up looking for work, they stop counting him or her as unemployed. That doesn’t mean they have a job. They’re just not counted.

Occasionally, someone from the establishment is courageous enough to call out these deceptions. Jim Clifton, the CEO and chairman of Gallup, did just that when he penned an article called “The Big Lie: 5.6% Unemployment.” In it, he wrote:

Right now, as many as 30 million Americans are either out of work or severely underemployed. Trust me, the vast majority of them aren’t throwing parties to toast “falling” unemployment.

There’s another reason why the official rate is misleading. Say you’re an out-of-work engineer or healthcare worker or construction worker or retail manager: If you perform a minimum of one hour of work in a week and are paid at least
$20—maybe someone pays you to mow their lawn—you’re not officially counted as unemployed in the much-reported 5.6%. Few Americans know this.

In reality, if we measured unemployment the way it was measured during the Great Depression, the numbers would look very similar to those of the Great Depression. When counting long-term discouraged workers, which were always counted before 1994, the rate goes from 5.6 percent to 23 percent!
That’s why nobody’s real-world experience seems to agree with the media narrative on Obama’s recovery.

So, we have a twofold problem with employment. We have millions of people unemployed that the government won’t even admit to. Plus, we have millions more employed in the wrong jobs—jobs that wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for the bubble. That doesn’t mean they would be unemployed, too. If the Federal Reserve weren’t misdirecting capital with its inflationary policies, capital would flow to where it’s needed to create

Unemployment isn’t the only number being manipulated. We’re told inflation has been lower than 2 percent for years. That doesn’t jibe with the experience of most Americans trying to pay their bills. That’s because the government plays all kinds of tricks with the Consumer Price Index, too.
One of them is to simply remove items whose prices go up from the basket of goods it measures.

It’s the same trick they do with unemployment. When something contradicts the narrative, they just don’t count it. That doesn’t change the truth. The truth is prices are rising rapidly. I don’t think I have to tell you that. But by manipulating the official statistics, they accomplish two goals. They avoid paying higher cost-of-living adjustments to Social Security
beneficiaries, and they lend apparent legitimacy to the government’s economic recovery narrative.

The key to the grand illusion is your willingness to accept the lies. As I said, interest rates, inflation statistics, and unemployment rate adjustments are
. Nobody wants to be bothered with these details. Frankly, nobody should have to worry about them. The government isn’t supposed to be engaged full-time in deceiving us.

Unfortunately, it is deceiving us full-time and has been for many decades, under both Democratic and Republican administrations. But this one has really taken deception to a new level and the media has been more complicit than at any time in history. Let me give you a few examples.

First, we constantly hear that Obama inherited a mess in terms of the economy. That’s true; he did. But no one seems to remember the mess George W. Bush inherited at the beginning of his term. The NASDAQ crash occurred in April 2000, while Bill Clinton was still in office. Bush inherited a recession caused by that bubble popping, but the media still talk about Clinton as if he did something wonderful for the economy. All he did was ride a bubble, as both Bush and Obama did after him.

I’m no fan of George W. Bush, but fair is fair. If we’re going to be constantly reminded Obama inherited a recession, we should also acknowledge Bush inherited one as well. That one didn’t take seven years to end, either.

In reality, neither Clinton, Bush, nor Obama did anything to help the economy. They just happened to be in office while the Federal Reserve inflated the money supply and blew up bubbles during their terms. Clinton and Bush were just unlucky enough to still be in office when their respective bubbles popped.

Not surprisingly, the media don’t seem to remember the recession that started on Clinton’s watch. He also gets a complete pass on the housing bubble, even though he signed the Community Reinvestment Act and appointed Franklin Delano Raines as CEO of Fannie Mae. Both were instrumental in causing the housing bubble,
but all anyone seems to remember is that the bubble popped when Bush was president.

Bush certainly didn’t do anything to help, but facts are facts. One of the few things the Bush administration did right was to warn Congress about the risks in letting Fannie Mae assume such huge amounts of mortgage debt, which it did repeatedly starting in 2002.

Regardless, Bush publicly went right on cheerleading what he called the Ownership Society while it scored him political points, even though he knew it was built on a faulty economic foundation. So, I assign equal blame to Republicans and Democrats for that disaster. If either party had been representing the American
, instead of their buddies on Wall Street, it could have been avoided or at least mitigated.

This may seem like ancient history for a public with a twenty-four-hour attention span, but it’s important. The media narrative about Clinton’s wise economic stewardship, Bush’s exclusive responsibility for the financial meltdown, and Obama’s phony recovery all serve one purpose. They lend legitimacy to what Obama is doing to further destroy the economy now. So do the phony economic statistics on unemployment and inflation.

As long as most of the people believe most of the lies most of the time, Obama is free to continue his rampage over the economy. He’s already signed the Dodd-Frank act, chasing investment away from America even faster than Bush’s
Sarbanes-Oxley Act, while making the big banks even more “too big to fail” than they already were.
So he protected Wall Street while setting up Main Street for another disaster with one stroke of his famous pen.

He’s still going to try to raise taxes and increase regulations based on the global warming scam, which I’ve discussed in other chapters. He continues to push for these damaging policies, regardless of the mounting scientific evidence that the man-made climate change theory is mistaken at best, a hoax at worst.

Yet the media continue to promote this myth and defend all of the misguided policies associated with it. Late last year, the
Washington Post
ran an article entitled “Remember Solyndra? Those Loans Are Making Money.”
The article claimed that despite a few loans that went bad, like Solyndra and Fisker Automotive, the loan program for green-energy companies was a net positive overall for taxpayers.

It turns out this was just more shady government accounting. When the profits from the program were calculated, the interest that DOE pays the government to finance its lending wasn’t included in the calculations. When those costs are added, the program will actually cost taxpayers over $2 billion.

At least the government is consistent in its methods. When it wants to report low unemployment, it simply doesn’t count everyone who is unemployed. When it wants to report low inflation, it doesn’t include products whose prices went up. When it wants to report one of its boondoggles is making a profit, it simply leaves out some of the costs.

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