Grace Remix (11 page)

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Authors: Paul Ellis

Tags: #Chistian Grace

BOOK: Grace Remix
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Raven represents fallen humanity. In an earlier film she ran from Charles to Erik only to be

betrayed in this film. Now she has become Cain, a restless wanderer, with murder on her heart.

In the climactic scene Raven is about to assassinate a man who is a key player in the conflict

between humanity and the mutants. Before she pulls the trigger, Charles calls to her:



Raven, please don’t do this!… I have faith in you, Raven. I believe you are not the kind of

person humanity sees you to be. I’ve been trying to control you from the beginning…

everything that happens now is in your hands.6

Charles’ faith in Raven turns the tide and breaks the cycle of violence and retribution. His act of

love leads to a stunning reversal of all the harm done amounting to a resurrection, not only of

those who died in this film, but also those who died in previous films. It is a jaw-dropping


What can we learn from the X-Men?

The X-Men movie shows us that power—whether defined as technology (represented by a mad

military-scientist called Trask), politics (President Nixon), or superhuman abilities (Magneto)—

becomes abusive when love is absent. Even when our goals are noble, an obsession with

outcomes can blind us to the ugliness of our actions. And when we trust in our own strength

and abilities, we limit our options and curse what we do (Jeremiah 17:5).

Charles, who represents a type of Jesus, shows us a better way. His faith in Raven reflects

God’s faith in us. God does not want to control you, he wants to love you. He wants the best for

you and he is continually calling you towards your destiny.

Raven’s choice is our choice. We can pull the trigger of power and try to make things

happen in our own strength or we can respond to the call of grace. We can try and take the

world by force, or we can inherit it with meekness and trust.

The greatest achievement of the
X-Men: Days of Future Past
is in showing the ultimate

victory of the kingdom of love over the principalities and powers of this world. It’s a good story

because it’s really a Great Story.

A word after

And we might say it is a
story. It’s an old story retold with a new set of characters.

Of course, the X-Men movie is hardly unique in this regard. Most movies are remixes of old

stories. Consider the Disney classics
Snow White, Pinocchio, Treasure Island,
Peter Pan
. None of them were original Disney creations. They were all old tales that received the Disney


We love remixed stories especially those that remind us of God’s Great Story.

At the start of this book I mentioned the story of the Good Samaritan. At one level that’s a

good story about a good man doing a good deed. But at another level it’s a great story because

6 Bryan Singer (director),
X-Men: Days of Future Past
. 2014. Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation: USA.



it’s really about Jesus, whom we did not know, finding us and caring for us after we had been

robbed and left for dead. Religion (represented by the Levite and the priest) did nothing to help,

but Jesus bound up our wounds, paid all our expenses, because he is the true friend who loves


Do you see? Absent grace and the Good Samaritan is merely a good story. It might inspire

you to be good to strangers, but that’s about it. But read that story through the lens of grace and

it becomes a great story of a great Savior. Now we are moved. Now we are inspired. Now we

are asking, “Who is this Jesus who loves me so? I want to know him more.”

When told with grace, the stories, proverbs, poems, and even the commands of the Bible,

lead us to new revelation. They lift us to heaven and lead us to Jesus.

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