Graceful Mischief (2 page)

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Authors: Melinda Barron

BOOK: Graceful Mischief
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The idea excited Grace, too, but not like this. She wasn’t prepared, mentally or physically. She stopped to get her bearings. She’d already made several wrong turns that led to dead-ends. It was fully dark outside, but low lamps lit several of the corners.

She’d just eyed a trail that looked vaguely familiar when Toffer’s voice reached her ears.

“Ready or not, here I come.”

Had it already been three minutes? Grace tried to slow her breathing as she headed for the path. She wanted to go to London for dinner, and to visit the club. To do that, she had to beat Toffer to the middle. And she wasn’t going to do it just standing here.

Chapter Three


The damp earth below her swallowed her heels as she rounded the next corner. She almost lost her balance, placing her bound hands against the shrubbery to steady herself. She glanced to the left and was heartened to see several lights she was sure marked the center of the maze.

A few steps and she would be there, she was sure of it. She’d found the center, which amazed her. Toffer’s game had been fun, but it would be treat time instead of trick. She smiled to herself and pulled up her leg, her foot coming out of her shoe, which stayed stuck in the muck.

She bent over to pull the heel out. She’d just stepped into it again when Toffer’s low whistle wrapped itself around her.

“Now there’s a beautiful sight. If I didn’t already have games planned, I’d fuck you right here.”


“That’s right, Grace, it’s your Master. And he’s come to claim his prize.” He ran his hand over her bare behind.

“How did you find me so fast?”

“Because I’m good, Gracie, and because I’m motivated by the thought of fucking you here, where anybody could come up and see us.” He stepped in front and pulled a long, black silk scarf from his pocket. He wound it through her bindings and started to walk toward the center, leading her by her bound wrists.

He took several turns, without missing a beat, before stopping at the entrance to the center. Grace stared at the table. It had indeed been prepared for her, with bindings on the bottom legs, and a cord that ran the length of it.

“Put your ass right on the edge of the table, my love. Then lie back with your legs spread over either edge and raise your arms above your head.”

Grace didn’t argue. Gone was the idea of going to London. She was thrilled with the “trick” her Master was playing on her. She stayed silent as he bound her spread legs to either table leg, and then replaced the black silk scarf with the rope and secured her arms above her head. Her pussy was right on the edge, in a perfect spot for her Master to enter. Her breasts were held in place by the corset. She was firmly on display.

“Remain silent and still, unless I speak to you, do you understand me, Lolly?”

“Yes, Master.”

Her body tingled at his voice, deep and commanding. “No matter what happens, or what is said. I know you can do it, my sweet one.”

“Thank you, Master.”

He leaned over and kissed her, his lips soft against her own. Then he placed the black scarf over her eyes and things went black.

Grace sucked in her breath and bit her lip to keep from crying out. Being blindfolded in their home was one thing, but being blindfolded in the middle of a maze in the English countryside was another. It set her nerves on end. She loved her Master, and she knew he loved her. She also trusted him with her body and soul. She knew he would never do anything to hurt her, but right now she was totally outside her comfort zone.

It was both terribly frightening and thrilling at the same time. She knew he was watching her, waiting for her to become accustomed to her position. Her clit throbbed in anticipation and her nipples grew even tighter.

After what seemed an eternity, but was probably only a few minutes, he traced his fingers over her stomach and down her leg. She felt his presence at the end of the table, her senses heightened by the blindfold.

Toffer tickled the insides of her thighs before moving up to run his finger along her wet slit. He slipped inside and caressed her soft flesh, stopping just short of her clit.

“Yummy,” he said softly. When the tip of his tongue flickered across her engorged bud she almost cried out. Almost. Over the last three years she’d learned to be good and to follow her Master’s directions.

He replaced his tongue with his thumb, pushing her clit into her flesh, moving the hard nub around before taking the pressure away totally. Grace’s body was on fire, her need to come threatening to overtake her discipline in obeying her Master.

When his tongue flicked out again she sighed.

“Bad Lolly,” he said, a chuckle in his voice. “Tell me, did you write my stories about your fantasies?”

A rustling in the trees made Grace tense.

“Not yet, Master.”

“I know your real work interfered, but I want my stories soon.”

The rustling noise intensified.
Was someone there?

“Of course, you know my fantasy, don’t you?”

“Yes, Master. To watch me with another man.”

“That’s right, Gracie. Explain to me again why the idea makes you so uncomfortable.”

Her entire body was tense. There was someone else there. She heard footsteps padding against the soft earth, coming closer to them.

Fears about her size and another person’s reaction surfaced. She knew Toffer loved her, and loved her body. She was comfortable with her size around him, but not around others. Now she knew someone was watching, looking at her as she was tied to a table, her legs spread, her nipples hard.

Toffer slapped her pussy. “Answer me, Grace.”

“Master, I’m too big for things like that.”

Toffer slapped her pussy again, and again. Grace moaned. “And I think you’re absolutely beautiful, just the way you are. What do you think, my friend? Am I right, or is she?”

Grace pulled on her bindings as Cedric Davenport’s voice rang out.

“She’s extraordinary. She looks good enough to eat.”

“Doesn’t she? She’s so very tasty. We’ve had this discussion for a while now about playing with others. I’ve deferred to Grace’s insecurities about her size, but no more. It’s time for my wife to learn she’s beautiful in so many ways. I hated to trick her into it, but I knew even tonight, at the club, she would have balked at being naked.”

Grace’s stomach roiled. He’d never intended to take her to the club, never intended them to have a night in London. This had been his plan all along. She felt a little betrayed, but at the same time, she knew he’d done this because he knew her so well. He’d been right. Even at the club she would have not wanted to be naked, and that would have led to a fight, and a punishment.

Cedric began to slide the silk scarf from her face, tugging it gently at the end so it fell. When it was gone his smiling face came into view. He was truly handsome. An actor known for his action movies who, at the age of forty-two, still had the buff body of a twenty-year-old. Not only was he known for his movies, but for the fact he dated twenty-something starlets who looked like they’d never put more than a grape in their mouth for a meal.

“Hello, Grace.”

“Cedric.” Her hands were sweating.

Toffer’s hands were on her thighs, gently stroking them up and down, tickling her with his fingertips. Grace looked down at him. He winked at her, and then lowered his head down, his tongue assaulting her clit with new abandon.

Grace tried to lie still, tried not to look at Cedric, who had turned his gaze toward Toffer’s head as her husband licked her clit, and then inserted two fingers into her wetness, fucking her with them as his tongue danced around her.

“Come for me, Grace.” His voice was muffled. “Come for us. Move around. Be loud. Be my beautiful Lolly.”

Toffer’s words sent chills up her spine as he continued to lap at her clit. She closed her eyes and concentrated on the sensations. She thought back to when she and Toffer were first together. After their marriage, he still had to coax her into being naked, going so far as to tell her she had to spend entire weekends naked for his pleasure.

He’d complimented her, told her how graceful she was, how tantalizing and delicious. Was she graceful now? Did that change just because Cedric was watching her? She shook her head, knowing that it didn’t. She was still beautiful. She still hadn’t learned what her Master was trying to teach her. No matter what others thought of her, she was beautiful to him, and that made her gorgeous.

She bucked against his tongue, licking her own lips as if to join his.

“Oh, Master. So good.” Toffer’s tongue circled her nub, then he sucked it into his mouth, biting it gently, taking it between his teeth and rubbing the edge of his tongue back and forth.

“Master! May I come?”

Toffer nodded, his tongue still working her quivering flesh. Grace flew over the edge, her body quaking in delight at the idea her Master loved her, and someone was watching.

“Master! Master! Oh, Master!” She bucked and pulled against her bonds as wave after wave of bliss washed over her, leaving her weak and content. He pushed harder and Grace came a second time.


She continued to yell his name, not caring who heard, or what they would think. She didn’t care that she would receive punishments for using his real name, and not calling him Master. She wanted him to know how much she loved him, and how much pleasure he was bringing her.

“Damn.” Cedric said in awe. “How do you make a woman come like that, Toffer?”

Toffer licked her clit again, then lifted his head. “By loving her.”

Chapter Four


Grace sat on the edge of the table, her Master nestled between her thighs. He rubbed each of her wrists, then kissed them gently.

“Are you feeling all right?”

“Yes, Master.”

“Physically and mentally?”

She gave him a beaming smile. “Yes.”

“Good. I’d hoped you wouldn’t be too angry with me.”

She shook her head. “No, Sir.”

“Promise? Because if I find out you’re just saying that, you know what happens, right?”

Grace nodded. She knew if she lied about her feelings, Toffer always found out. Above all, he wanted honesty between them where feelings were concerned.

“You know my fantasy, don’t you?”

“Yes, Master.”

He kissed the tip of her nose, then stepped back. “Ced, I hope you brought a condom.”

“Several,” Cedric said with a laugh. “Strawberry, or cherry flavored?”

Grace buried her face in her hands, her shoulders shaking with laughter.

“Strawberry,” Toffer said, his gaze focused on Grace. “She loves them.”

Grace shivered when Cedric’s fingers traced her shoulder blades. Toffer stepped away and she wanted to reach out for him, to draw him closer.

“It’s been my fantasy for some time, Cedric, to watch Grace with another man. To watch her get pleasure from him, knowing he found her attractive.”

Cedric kissed her shoulder. “She’s stunning. And the way she gives of herself, with such abandon.” He turned Grace gently, but she kept her gaze on Toffer. When Cedric captured a nipple in his mouth and sucked it in she gasped. Toffer hissed and nodded, his hand going down to stroke his cock.

He undid his pants as Cedric moved to her other nipple. He went back and forth between them as Toffer took his cock out and began to stroke it, his gaze fastened on his wife’s breasts.

“Oh, Master.”

Toffer laughed. “Me? What about Cedric? Let him know you’re enjoying his attentions.”

Grace turned her face to the good-looking star. He lifted his gaze to her and smiled before dropping back to recapture a nipple. He bit it gently and she shivered, running her hands through his hair and then over his naked back.

Her eyes widened when she realized he was naked. When had that happened? She guessed when she was talking with Toffer. She shifted her head so she could see his cock. It stood proud and erect, covered in red latex.

“I want to touch you. Feel you.”

Cedric took a step back and nodded. Grace looked to Toffer for approval before dropping to her knees in front of the man. She stroked his cock, savoring the sighs that came from both men. She wiggled her tongue against the tip of his erection, then opened her lips and sucked him inside.

“Yes, Grace, suck him.”

She put her hands on his hips, taking him in as far as she could before pulling back and sucking him back inside.

His hands were gentle on her hair and Toffer’s loud “fuck, yes,” sent rockets of satisfaction through her body.

“He wanted you, Grace. We were discussing fantasies, just as you and I have been doing, and when I said I wanted to watch my wife with another man, he volunteered. He said he thought you were scrumptious.”

“I was right,” Cedric said.

Grace moaned around his cock. The strawberry flavor from the condom was delicious, and when she felt Toffer’s hands on her shoulders pulling her back and lifting her to her feet she groaned in disapproval.

“You’ll have him back soon enough, my wife. Besides, we have all night.”

Cedric climbed onto the table, taking the exact position Grace had, except he had no restraints.

“Suck him again.” She bent over and took him in her mouth. He seemed larger this time, his hand on her head as he stroked her hair the same way her lips stroked his cock, back and forth, back and forth.

Toffer’s hands grasped her hips as he positioned her for his entry. He slid inside her in one hard stroke, making Grace squeal with delight around the throbbing cock in her mouth. The rhythm was hard and steady, Cedric sliding into her mouth at the same time Toffer slid out of her pussy, then the reverse happening.

“Play with your clit.” Toffer’s voice was heavy with desire.

Grace’s fingers dropped to her aching clit. It pulsated against her fingers as she stroked it, wet with her own juices and with the remnants of Toffer’s saliva.

“I’m going to come,” Cedric said. Grace panicked for a moment, until she remembered the condom. Then she tightened her lips, sucking him in deeper as Toffer slammed himself into her harder and harder.

“Fuck!” Cedric’s cock seemed to expand in her mouth as he shot off. The strawberry flavor was all Grace tasted, and seconds later Toffer muttered the same word, the sounds of their flesh slamming into each other filling the small enclosed space.

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