Gray Panthers: Earths Revenge (8 page)

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Gray Panthers Head Quarters Arizona

16 August 2128

Gray Panther Colonel David “Dusty” Rhodes was reviewing the progress of the Shuttle Force and was in a good mood. Production was doing well and the battle for bodies was doing equally well as the colleges were pushing out pilots at a respectable rate. Reports on his dream team were looking good and he was surprised that all members of the team were excelling as well as they had. He still debated whether to keep the team together or draft Andrews to his staff then promote him to weapons and tactics. The nervous look of his personnel officers standing in the doorway to his office was something he rarely saw on the Majors face.

“Come in, Nelda. What have you got for me that you came down in person?”

“We got a manning requirement from fleet. They are requesting an entire graduating flight once it completes flight training. The flight they want is your dream team. I tried to find out more and was not able to find out anything because I don’t have the security clearance,” Nelda replied nervously. Fighting back the urge to shoot the messenger Dusty dismissed the Major with a wave of his hand and a smile lacking any warmth.

“Grub, why am I going to lose my prodigy that I have put so much effort into? You are familiar with my plans for him, and his flight,” Dusty commed.

“Sorry, Col. Rhodes. There was a high-level request for a top-secret mission. Cadet Andrews and his flight are the most likely to survive the mission. Admiral Bad is responsible for the orders; I am not allowed to divulge any more information on the mission.

“Thanks, Grub. Comm Bad, Hello Admiral Bad, Colonel Rhodes here, I was hoping to have a moment of your time when you are available.”

“I actually have twenty minutes now if you want to come down to my office Dusty,” Bad replied checking the time.

Five minutes late Dusty Rhodes entered Butch Bad's office. In the tradition of his Air Force culture he entered through the open door way. “Hey, Butch, thanks for seeing me with no notice”

“What can I do for you, Dusty?”

“Grub is pulling a key player I need to lead tactics and strategy; he and his flight have been shanghaied for some secret mission…”

“Trojan Horse is what you are talking about, now forget you ever heard the name. Grub has determined that in all of the Gray Panthers, Andrews and his flight are the best chance of success. They will be going on a long range patrol in a captured ship and be flying enemy fighters. Grub believes besides being the best flight in the training environment, Andrews and his people are the most versatile to adapt to any changes during the mission. What you can do for me though, is introduce the ten simulators on the training base. Needless to say only the flight and simulator operators will know about the addition. I also highly recommend that their training be ended with the exception of simulator ops. I want to keep them where they are since we can maintain control over them in the best training environment. Daniels was going to inform you today. When the mission is over you will get them back, hopefully with plenty of intel and experience to make the mission worth it.”

“Yes sir, I understand and will do all I can to see to it that they are trained for the new mission,” Col Rhodes said tersely. Already imagining the ten cadets as good as dead as he turned and walked out of the office without asking to be dismissed.

Gray Panther Space Academy, Arizona

17 August 2128

Dusty had a bad taste in his mouth as he stopped at the training squadron's office to speak with the squadron commander. He had called first and requested the instructors for the flight be present as well.

“Squadron Attention!” resonated through-out the small entry area to the building.

“At ease, carry on,” Dusty said with a half smile to the enlisted people that immediately seemed to disappear. Upon opening the door to the orderly room, he saw the squadron commander and the two instructors talking by the entrance to the squadron commander's office.

“Good, we are all here?” Dusty said as he walked by the three as he entered into the office and sat down at the desk. “Please have a seat gentlemen. I’m here in person so there can be no misunderstandings for what I need from you. As of this moment your student flight will have a new syllabus. All training other than that in the simulator is now waived. Even as we speak there are ten brand new simulators being added to the simulator farm. They have a top secret clearance that only the sim operators and the student flight have a need to know. There is a special mission coming up and the flight will immediately be part of it. Other than taking the flight to and from the sims and maintaining good order and discipline, if they are not in the sims or studying their manuals, they are eating or sleeping. I take that back they should continue to start their day with PT. Any questions for me?”

“Sir, Instructor Diego.”

“Go ahead, Instructor Diego.”

“Sir, any way we can keep the flight in the academics? They are going to win “Top Flight” without a doubt, but if we withdrawal them——"

“Instructor Diego, if we get that flight as much sim time as possible they might be alive to see the new year. I appreciate what you are saying; they deserve that honor I am sure. I will see about some special award for the flight. Anything else?”

“Sir, two in the flight have been recommended for decorations. Can they be fast-tracked so they can be presented at the graduation ceremony?” Diego asked standing more stiffly.

“Yes, Instructor Diego, they deserve that at the least. I am also going to see about Instructors having their respective rank and not just the title of their position added. Would you agree with that Gunny?”

“Yes sir,” Diego replied happily

“Gentlemen I will see myself out please remember what we have discussed is top secret and will not be discussed again even among yourselves.”

Gray Panther Training Field 9, Arizona

17 August 2128

James “Jimmy” Brewster age 92, was wondering what type of God there was in the universe to see him in the mobile infantry of all the damn places. He had managed to spend almost his entire thirty years in the US Army as a crew chief in spec ops helicopters. Now the Gray Panthers had him as a flight leader with three fire teams under him. Granted it was without a doubt the best flight in the mobile infantry. It was still a good trade he figured as the nanites had him rejuvenated to a body of a twenty year old, a twenty year old dying of heat he thought as he watched his teams maneuver with his spectrum glasses. The three, three man, teams were invisible to the naked eye when they wore their optical deflection combat suits and only looked like a slight blur if you were able to focus on one. The teams were all converging on their targets when a shuttle started to land almost on top of him. His squadron commander hopped out and pointed for him to get on the shuttle.

“First Fire team leader take charge of the exercise. Sgt Brewster with me,” the commander hollered over the sounds of the engines.

“Sgt Brewster, I just received orders for you, if you want, I will try to keep you here, and I’d hate to lose a good man like you.”

“What are the orders, sir,” Brewster asked wearily.

“No idea, they are sealed, I’m supposed to get you on the next shuttle going “out” you will then open your orders in transit.”

“Sir, going “out.” As in space?” Brewster asked puzzled.

“That’s affirmative, sergeant,” his commander replied.

“Sir, if it’s that important I wouldn’t feel right trying to turn them down.”
I’m out of the God damn mobile infantry!
“Like the old saying goes the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.”
I’m free!

Arizona Space Ship Cornucopia in lunar orbit

17 August 2128

Chief William “Guns” Wright stepped out of the raider, back onto the flight bay, and once again started to smell the combination of cat piss and humid body odor. At least the raider didn’t have any strange smells. Guns had been in Navy spec ops for twenty years working small boats. Now as a Gray Panther, the Seventy nine year old was responsible for this mystery machine as her crew chief. Scratching his head he thought,
At least there’s an expert from the Gray Panther Army coming up that can be responsible for this thing and I can learn from him. I wonder if I’ll have to use small words when I talk with him

Lt. Chester Horton, age twenty two, stood in the bay looking at the raider from the distance. The huge old man exiting the raider just filled him with disgust, another “recycle,” why couldn’t it be a normal person like him. The old man was at least six feet tall and looked like he belonged on a football team. Though big, he did not see any signs of fat on the old white geezer, the shiny bald head made him think he would call him “Shiny”. Ignoring any more thoughts of the geezer, he started to take in the raider. The raider was much larger than he imagined, but then he reasoned it had to be big to hold ten fighters and two shuttles. The exterior was black but seemed to bleed rust in numerous places. Entire areas were still missing where the original weapons had been. Crates all around it no doubt held the upgraded weapons. He could see stacks of smaller boxes with their orange diamond shaped stickers denoting they contained ammunition. The front of the ship seemed to narrow almost to a point whereas the back of the ship was two stories high with the back of the ship a flat straight line from bottom to top. Most of the ship appeared to be two stories high except for the front where the top of the ship sloped down.

The old man was doing something to an exterior panel and the entire back of the ship started to retract like a garage door. Walking over to the side he could now see there were two levels of fighters, he now knew where the launch bay was. Just as he started to try and figure out what the other protrusions were on the exterior of the ship his view was blocked by one Chief William “Guns” Wright. Looking down on the little Lieutenant he smiled to himself as the short officer took a step back.

“Good morning Lieutenant may I help you?” Which really meant,
Why the fuck are you so interested in with my ship?
The chief asked, his hands resting on his hips, where he had a holstered automatic. The perceived threat in the greeting was not lost on the Lieutenant, as he looked at the old man before him and felt instantly intimidated.

“Good morning, Chief. I’m Lt. Chester Horton. The raider there is my ship. I’m the weapons and navigation officer." Guns tried to hide his shock at the thought of this little “Kid” being part of the crew but then remembered many lieutenants that were not that much of a problem after he had trained them.

“Welcome aboard, Lt. Horton. Would you like me to show you to your berthing area? Or would you prefer a tour of the ship?” Guns asked.

“How about taking me to my berth so I can drop my bags, then you can continue on with your duties as I explore,” Horton replied as he dropped his two huge sea bags. Turning towards the ship Guns started walking at a brisk clip as Horton looked at the chiefs rapidly disappearing back, in shock then grabbed his bags and ran to catch up with the chief. He caught up as the chief entered through the hatchway then followed him, noticing how narrow the passageway was as he kept rubbing up against the bulkhead with his bags. The chief stopped in front of a small circular hatch and opened it for him. Looking in, he saw a gray metal shelf protruding from one bulkhead, on the other side was a pair of old gray metal lockers with a tiny desk between them. The area was softly illuminated from a light source in the overhead.

“Here’s your new home lieutenant. You can get bedding from the quartermasters assigned to the Arizona Space Ship Cornucopia as well as any other supplies you need. Good day, sir.” Guns seemed to have disappeared before his eyes as he stood in shock at what he would have for quarters. Throwing his bags through the hatch, he was only then able to fit into the cabin. Quickly loading the first locker, he barely got the rest of his clothing in the second wall locker when an enlisted man rapped at his hatch.

“Sir, we were told to bring these boxes to you from supply. They contain your flight gear and astronavigation kit. Would you like us to bring them to you or leave them here in the passageway?”

“Just leave them out there. Does that include my——” he realized he was again alone and in a quandary as he could not begin to fit even one box into the cramp quarters. Frustrated he accepted defeat and went to get help from the chief.

Gray Panther Space Academy, Arizona

18 August 2128

Andrews stood in disbelief with the rest of his flight as they were briefed. They were going to be the first flight to be trained on space fighters. The fighter came across like something out of the 1950's air force arsenal. The fighter looked like a dart with tiny wings on each side and a small tail section. Centered under the nose was a 40mm cannon, on each wing a beamer was installed. The fuselage of the fighter rested on flat skis leaving only a space of six inches to the deck. The entrance to the fighter was by raising the canopy. The flight deck was compact, the forward control panel housed many displays as well as a HUD. The right panel housed weapons status and environmental controls. The left panel housed a navigation panel and mission computer. The seat looked like a recliner that had been extended back. Numerous leads were out and unconnected laying across the seat.

“Ladies and gentlemen we have a life support technician who will go over the flight equipment and connections to the flight deck. Go ahead Technical Sergeant Willis.”

“I am TSgt Willis. Today I will be going over the flight suit the connectors and leads to the fighter and how to egress the fighter. The flight suit has four connectors that connect to the seat inertial reels one on each side of the waist and one behind each shoulder. Their purpose is to keep you safely connected to the seat in the event of violent maneuvers or if you need to eject. The other leads are for environmental so you can adjust the temperature by the air blowing into the suit. There is a lead for liquid waste you need to connect to your person. Ladies I am sorry there is nothing we have for you at this time.” Light nervous laughter came from the flight as he continued. “The power lead will power the computer on the left sleeve of the suit as well as connect the communications. The helmet connects to the flight suit neck by pulling it down from the nine o’clock position then rotating it to the twelve o’clock position until it locks in. Once the helmet is connected the suit powers the virtual view you will have from there. When you turn your head in the helmet, the view in front of your face instantly changes it also works with the head up display and the targeting system. It is safer to have a virtual visor than a real one with the expected hazards of space combat. The flight gloves go over the sleeves of the suit then retain their position until after power is removed.

"The fighter itself provides protection from g-forces, however it only starts at 7 g’s so you will be more punished than driving a shuttle. There are three ways to egress the fighter. If you are on the ground and have time to get out normally you select switch 3 on your right panel, this will raise the canopy, and you may then disconnect the four connectors to the seat and then disconnect each of the leads to your suit and then egress. Option 2, if you need to get out of the fighter in a hurry on the ground, there is a covered switch on the left arm console. Open it and flick the switch. The canopy will immediately open and the four connectors to your suit will disconnect from the seat. You may then egress the fighter, all leads connected to your suit only need a 4-pound pull force to quick disconnect. Power will stay on in your helmet up to an hour once you disconnect from the seat. The third option to egress is to pull the yellow handle on the right arm of the seat. This will retract the inertial reels pulling you to the proper body alignment with the seat while at the same time launching the entire flight deck as an encapsulated system away from the ship.

"The on-board computer will determine what mode the encapsulated portion will deploy. Mode 1 is in the gravity well of a planet. The thrusters on the capsule will maneuver until the parachute deploys at a safe altitude. Mode 2 is in space, free of any gravity wells. Minor thruster use is available. Mode 3 the capsule deploys in space free of gravity. If the capsule detects any leaks or damage to the capsule the capsule will immediately seal the entire flight deck with foam filling and then turn on the stasis field generator that will literally stop everything in the flight deck until it either runs out of juice or the canopy is opened. Additionally there is a mode select you must select for every flight either combat or peace. The default setting is combat, in this mode your capsule will not engage the tracking beacon, in peacetime mode, the capsule will transmit your location and vitals every hour as long as there is power. I will go over all of this again with each of you individually as I fit your equipment to you.”

The speaker box on the wall boomed, “Attention cadets, I am Grub, the central AI for the Gray Panthers. As there are no human experts on this fighter I will be giving each of you individual training as I see you need it or when you have any questions not answered by the tablets you already have. This fighter was originally of Libra design. The technology of the fighter is inferior in regards to life support, the computer system, and quality of manufacture. The upgraded weapons system is superior to the original weapons. The engine is adequate, though not of Flem design as most ships and ship systems throughout the galaxy are. Another improvement is a force field generator, usually a fighter like this relies strictly on maneuver and speed, this will give you an edge. You may now continue your familiarization with your flight equipment. If it doesn’t fit well you will have injuries, you could also die. TSgt Willis you may proceed with the fittings; I recommend you have the cadets assist so they may have more hands on training.”

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