Gray's Girl (15 page)

Read Gray's Girl Online

Authors: Mina Carter

Tags: #sports romance, #Erotic Romance

BOOK: Gray's Girl
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Three small figures raced over the grass toward them. “Hey, mister. Can we have our ball back?”

He shot her a look as the sound of youthful voices reached them, indecision on his face as he passed the ball from hand to hand absently. That he wanted to go was obvious, but the fact he’d hung back, not wanting to abandon her, made her heart swell.

“Go on then,” she said with a nod as she shook the blanket out to settle it gently on the ground. “You go play.”

“Thank you.” He moved in, kissing her quickly before striding out of the shade as though he was worried she’d change her mind.

“Bloody ’ell, it’s Big L!”

The shouts of delight reached her ears as she settled down on the blanket, slowly unpacking the food Gray had brought as she watched him with the trio.

He was good with kids, patient and soft-spoken as he set them up passing the ball back and forth. Quick exercises and instruction designed to increase their confidence as three little faces looked up at him in total adoration. She knew instinctively that, unlike a lot of men his age, he’d do nothing to rock that confidence or belittle them, not because he wanted to be idolized but because he genuinely cared.

Pulling the plates from the basket, she held them on her lap for a moment. The breeze lifted the edges of her skirt, playing over her bare feet as the deep sound of Gray’s laughter reached her ears. Her breathing caught as her heart expanded, warmth rushing through her anew.

Carefully she locked the feeling away. It would be so easy to fall for him properly. Truly, madly, deeply type stuff, but she had to face facts. He was a lot younger than she was, and there would come a point where they’d want different things. Marriage, kids…she couldn’t see those on the agenda of a pro rugby player, not any time soon. Perhaps if he was older, nearing the end of his playing career, she could hope. But he wasn’t, so to protect herself, she had to shield her heart, treat this thing they had as a nice little aside from reality and take good memories from it when it ended. Because if she didn’t, if she fell for him properly, then it would break her heart when he left her.

“Bless them, they’re pretty good. Show promise,” Gray said as he flopped down onto the blanket, stretching his large frame out next to her. He was so tall that even half reclining, his eyes were at the same level as hers. The heat of his body beat at her bare arms as he reached over and snagged a sandwich from the plates she’d uncovered. His hair was loose, brushing his shoulders the way she liked it, and she couldn’t help looking. Drinking in every detail of his appearance and locking it away to fortify her for the years ahead.

“What? Do I have something on my nose?” He reached up to swipe at it, going cross-eyed as he tried to see what she was looking at.

“No.” She chuckled and leaned forwards to plant a soft kiss on his lips. “Just don’t change. Okay?”


The moment stretched between them, a moment of connection she felt right down to the depths of her soul. His eyes were such an unusual shade, balanced so perfectly between blue and gray that she couldn’t say for sure which they were.

He opened his mouth, about to say something, when a fat drop of rain splashed down across his nose.

“What the—Oh, crap.”

They both looked upward, then surged into movement as the heavens opened above them. Plates were covered and shoved back into the basket with more haste than neatness as fat drops rained down, soaking through their clothes. She bundled the blanket up in her arms as Gray grabbed the hamper and reached for her hand. Laughing, they raced up the lawn, skirted around the side of the building, and ran for the car.


Chapter Ten



“I can’t believe that just happened!” Frankie exclaimed as they stumbled through the front door like a whirlwind. Both wet through from the sudden downpour, the drive back to the apartment had been mercifully short. She shivered as the door closed behind her and the warmer air inside wrapped around her like a silken caress.

“Yeah, the heavens did open a bit there, didn’t they?”

Gray carried the basket through to the kitchen, the fine lawn of his shirt plastered to his back and the long strands of his hair wet against his neck. He didn’t appear to notice, instead placing the basket on the counter and turning to look at her. His eyes darkened as his gaze swept over her, the wet dress clinging to every curve. The look pulled heat through her, a lazy explosion that warmed her from her core outward. How he could do that to her with just a glance never failed to amaze her. And make her hot.

Lifting a hand, he crooked his finger, beckoning her with that hot “‘I’m in charge’ look on his face. But a little devil sat on her shoulder, leading her down the path of temptation with a hop, skip, and a jump. Lifting her chin in defiance, she shook her head.

Goose-bumps raced along her arms, over her shoulders as her nipples tightened, rubbing and pressing against wet fabric of her dress. Given the design, she’d had to forgo a bra, something she hadn’t even thought of this morning but which now seemed tantamount to pre-meditated seduction. His gaze latched onto them, the tight buds easy to see through the wet fabric. The look on his face turned hard, almost feral.

“Come here, Frankie,” he ordered, the low sound shivering along her skin. “Don’t make me fetch you.”

She wanted to giggle, but the sound caught in the back of her throat as he lunged for her. Squealing in delight, she tried to scoot around the large island in the middle of the kitchen, but he was too fast for her. Before she’d taken a step he wrapped her up in his arms, turning and pinning her against the solid counter as his mouth came down on hers.

Her pussy clenched hard as he parted her lips and thrust his tongue deep, confident of his reception. He had a right to be. As soon as his lips claimed hers any thought of resistance was washed away. A moan broke free from her lips as she wound her arms around his neck, pressing as close as she could. Her skin itched, the blood in her veins simmering with need as she kissed him back desperately. She needed to get closer, touch him. Run her hands all over the satin skin, the steely muscles she’d become so familiar with. Claim them…claim him all over again.

A groan rumbled from deep within his broad chest as he wrapped a big hand around the back of her neck to angle her head just the right way. He didn’t just kiss her; he kissed her like she was the last woman on earth. Devouring her as though he couldn’t get enough.

Tension drove the heat up in the room as he shoved the thin straps off her shoulders. The wet fabric clung to her skin, foiling his plan. A short sound of frustration was lost against her lips as he hooked a finger between her breasts and yanked the dress down. She gasped as the fabric abraded her nipples, and her breasts popped free of their confinement. Her damp skin pebbled as the air washed across them, her nipples aching for his touch.

He tore his lips from hers as his large hand covered her. Cupping the generous globe, molding it and rolling the nipple between his fingers before he leaned down and flicked his tongue over the tip. She groaned, head thrown back to thrust her chest higher, a silent demand for more.

“Let’s get you out of this wet dress,” he murmured, working his way up her neck with tiny kisses as he pushed the dress the rest of the way off, leaving her clad in just her panties, the tiny thong leaving nothing to the imagination.

Her hands weren’t idle though, working the buttons down the front of his shirt and pushing until she had it half off his shoulders. Her mouth watered as the solid lines and muscles of his chest were revealed to her eager eyes. God, he looked good enough to eat.

Her gaze flitted to the basket on the counter next to them. Good enough to eat. And she hadn’t had dessert…

“Baby? What are you doing?”

His voice rang with confusion as she broke away from undressing him, leaving his shirt halfway down his upper arms, effectively pinning him in place. Of course, the bondage was a mere illusion; with the corded strength in his upper body and arms, he could have shredded the shirt in seconds and escaped. Instead he let her turn him around, a frown creasing his brow as she rooted through the basket until she found what she wanted. The lines on his brow increased as she snapped the top off a box and she found it hard to contain her giggle as she dipped her finger inside.

Then smeared chocolate frosting across his broad chest.

“Oh God, you’re gonna kill me.” He groaned as she smoothed more of the stuff over his nipples. His hands were clenched at his sides, the knuckles white as she painted the other nipple.

“What? You expect a girl to go without dessert? Sorry, bud, you’re just gonna have to stand still and suffer.” Leaning over, she took a swipe at his chocolate-covered skin and groaned in pleasure. Chocolate and Gray; she couldn’t think of a better combination.

She worked him over in short swipes and long licks, taking her time as she reached his nipples. He gasped as she bit down on one lightly, nipping at the sensitive flesh. The sound of tearing cloth mingled with his groan as the shirt gave under the strain of his bunched muscles.

“Stay still.” Her order was sharp, authoritative as she tapped his chest warningly. He wasn’t the only one who could be bossy…and it was well past her turn. Leaning back, she studied his chest critically. No chocolate left.

“Well this just isn’t good enough. I’m still hungry.” She pretended to pout, then blinked as though she’d had an idea. His breathing caught as she reached for his jeans, unsnapping them with efficient gestures to get at the thick, heavy length of his cock within.

“Hm, this should just about do it,” she murmured as she released him, the rigid shaft leaping eagerly into her hand. A shudder ran the length of his big body as she pumped lazily, then reached for more chocolate. She grinned.

His eyes glittered as he watched her smooth a generous layer over his dick and then slide to her knees in front of him. Her mouth watered at the delicious treat in front of her. Chocolate cock, her new favorite dessert.

“When you’re done, I’m gonna fuck you until you scream,” he promised, the rough words cut off with a gasp as she leaned forward and licked him. The taste—rich, dark chocolate and pure Gray—exploded on her tongue. She moaned, well past any teasing now, and opened her mouth to suck the broad head. He was big but she loved the taste and feel of him, of his thick cock in her mouth, and the frosting was just…well, the icing on the cake. A moan of pleasure in the back of her throat, she feasted on him. Licking and nibbling along his thick length, she worked with everything she had to arouse him and get every last bit of chocolate.

Humming with happiness, she leaned forward and wrapped her lips around him. His soul-deep groan stroked her feminine ego as she bobbed her head up and down. Sliding and stroking along his cock as she took him deeper.

Frankie, you’re—” The shirt tore again, and his big hands were in her hair, fingers shoving through the tumbled strands as he held her lightly. His hips jerked, his cock pushing farther past her lips before he got control of himself. Tension held his body taut, the lines of near pain on his face telling her just how much control he was exerting over himself not to just let go, tighten his hold, and fuck her mouth until he came down her throat.

Humming and using her tongue to vibrate against the underside of his cock, she resumed her attentions. Relaxing her throat, she took him as deep as she could and then sucked as she pulled her head back. Back and forth, slide and suck until his hips jerked continuously and a stream of soft curses and moans slid from his lips.

His balls tightened suddenly, cock pulsing in her mouth and he swore, dragging her from him.

“Fuck, no! Not yet.”

She pouted as he hauled her upright with more strength than finesse, but the expression on his face, the feral glitter in his eyes, put paid to any argument.

“My turn.”

His words were little more than a growl as he lifted her, swept the island counter free of everything on its surface, and laid her down in the same movement. It was her turn to gasp as he wound his hand through the string of her thong and yanked. The delicate fabric tore loudly. With a stifled grunt, he shoved her knees up and apart, parting her legs and leaving her completely open to him.

Cold air washed over her, pulling another gasp from her lips at his new roughness. His hands shook as he slid them down her thighs to part her swollen lips. Color washed over her cheeks as she realized the picture she must present, laid out over the counter like some sort of offering to a pagan god. The pagan god of pleasure that was Gray.

He didn’t speak, just leaned forward and swept his tongue over her soaking pussy lips. Pleasure burst through her at the warm, wet stroke. Then all bets were off as he groaned and started to feast. No gentle touches, soft licks, or tentative exploration this time. No building her up gently to an earth-shattering orgasm as she was used to. Instead he thrust his tongue deep into her cunt, fucking her with hard, fast strokes before moving up to her clit.

Lick, flick, suck. He rolled the little button of nerves between his lips, then suckled as he flickered his tongue over it in a maddening dance. Giving her no chance to recover, he thrust two thick fingers deep inside her and curled back, hitting her G-spot with unerring accuracy.

She gasped, reaching out to cling to the sides of the counter as he ate her pussy with a ruthlessness she had only guessed at before. She shuddered, a scream ripping from her throat as she started to come. A growl of triumph rumbled through him as he held her hips down and thrust his tongue deep inside her pussy again, as though feeding from the hot torrent of her release.

He didn’t stop, flicking her clit and driving back into her again, elongating the pleasure until she was almost mindless with it. Her breath came in low pants and shudders, broken phrases as she begged him for something, anything. Finally, his hold loosened. Whimpering, she lowered her legs, but he wasn’t done. Surging to his feet, he wiped his mouth then reached out to flip her over.

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