Great Apes (56 page)

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Authors: Will Self

BOOK: Great Apes
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The Chimp Who Mated an Armchair
, 1986;
, 1988; and
A Primatologist Recounts
, 1992. All published by Parallel Press, London and New York.

For a full discussion of Alkan's analytic method see his ‘Implied Techniques in Psychoanalysis'
(British Journal of Ephemera
, March 1956).

Abstracts are available from the Concept House Archive. Send -£7.99, and allow twenty-one days for delivery.

Darwin of course foresaw everything with his remark, ‘If chimp had not been his own classifier, he would never have thought of founding a separate order for his own reception.'

‘Favourite Activities:
Washoe loves to be outside. She also likes looking at catalogs (especially swelling-protector catalogs) or books by herself or signing about pictures with allies. Brushing teeth, painting, coffee and tea parties and playing tag through the window are also favourites.'

In fact Dr Grebe was showing his true colours here, and would undoubtedly have accepted the contention of John B. Watson, the founder of modern behaviourism: ‘I should like to throw out imagery altogether and attempt to show that practically all natural thought goes on in terms of sensory-motor processes in the fingers and toes. ' Author's note.

‘Dreams of Humanity'
(British Journal of Ephemera
March 1995).

About the Author

Will Self
is the author of many novels and books of non-fiction, including
How the Dead Live
, which was shortlisted for the Whitbread Novel of the Year 2002,
The Butt
, winner of the Bollinger Everyman Wodehouse Prize for Comic Fiction 2008, and, with Ralph Steadman,
Psycho Too.
He lives in South London.

By the Same Author

The Quantity Theory of Insanity
Cock & Bull
My Idea of Fun
Grey Area
The Sweet Smell of Psychosis
Tough, Tough Toys for Tough, Tough Boys
How the Dead Live
Dr Mukti and Other Tales of Woe
The Book of Dave
The Butt
Walking to Hollywood


Junk Mail
Sore Sites
Perfidious Man
Feeding Frenzy
(with Ralph Steadman)
Psycho Too
(with Ralph Steadman)

First published in Great Britain 1997

This electronic edition published in 2012 by Bloomsbury Publishing Plc

Copyright © 1997 by Will Self

The moral right of the author has been asserted

Bloomsbury Publishing Plc
50 Bedford Square
London WC1B 3DP

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A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

ISBN: 9781408838495 (e-book)

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