Green Tea and Black Death (The Godhunter, Book 5) (29 page)

BOOK: Green Tea and Black Death (The Godhunter, Book 5)
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I sat on one of my sofas, Trevor on one side and Odin on the other. Azrael was hanging back, his wings under wraps so there'd be more room, leaning against my front door. Anyone who wanted in was going to have to get past him. It was comforting but I wanted him closer. Hell, I kind of wanted his arms around me or his wings, both or either would do. I had Trevor's hand in mine and Odin's arm around my shoulder. It was wonderful to have them there but I really wanted the angel who had just saved my life.

Azrael,” I stopped everyone's chatter. “You haven't told me how you found me.”

I didn't,” he gestured to Odin.

I found you on Hlidskjalf,” Odin kissed my cheek, happy to be able to touch me, just this once, in Trevor's company.

Your Santa TV?” I frowned. “Huh, cool trick.”

It only works if you know where to look,” he shrugged. “I can't just look for you. I have to go by location. Luckily, you have a short list of enemies right now and we figured Deimos might take you to Aphrodite's if he ever got a hold of you. She has the best torture chamber in both the realms.”

That she does,” I grimaced and swallowed hard. “But how did you get in, Az? And come over here, will you? You just saved my life, I'd like to at least be able to touch you.”

He smiled softly and made his way over to me, my god friends parting for him like the sea for Moses. He took a seat kitty-corner to me, which Pan offered, getting to his feet gallantly with a smile. I leaned forward and touched Azrael's leg. His hand went over mine and I immediately felt better.

How did you get to me?” I whispered.

Wards are nothing to me,” he gave me a cocky grin, charming on him really. “I'm the Angel of Death. I must be able to perform my duties without impediment. So nothing can keep me out. Nothing can keep me away from you. As soon as Odin discovered your whereabouts, Trevor sent word to me and I went after you.”

You killed Deimos and Phobos in seconds,” I thought back to the rescue.

Hello?” He waved at himself. “Angel of Death. Original Grim Reaper. I kick ass.”

I gaped at him a second before launching into laughter. The whole room, in fact, started to laugh. It was perfectly timed comic relief and boy did I need it. I was still achy in places and I needed something to push away the memory of Phobos' face as he lowered it to my flesh. When I could finally breathe again, I took his face in my hands and kissed him soundly. The room got quiet around us. I looked up at the shocked expressions.

Right,” I forgot that I hadn't told the God Squad about our new relationship. “I was gonna tell you guys but I've been so busy. Uh, I've got a new boyfriend.”

Boyfriend?” Az smirked. “Okay, that's a title I've never had.”

Well,” Trevor leaned forward and took Azrael's hand. “I'd say you earned it today. Welcome to the family.”

Thank you,” Azrael's expression turned serious.

Another one?” Thor growled and I groaned. “You add this stranger to your list of lovers and won't even consider giving me a second chance?”

Azrael looked over with surprise at the booming God of Thunder. Then he looked back at me with a questioning glance. I was grateful he did that, actually looked to me for direction before plunging into an unknown situation just because his masculinity got riled. I gave him a quick negative shake of my head and he sat back to allow me to handle it. Obviously Azrael was bad-ass, he had nothing to prove.

Thor,” I stood up and lost my remaining sympathy for my ex. “I've told you over and over that we will never be together again. In fact, I distinctly remember warning you that were you to make that drastic decision to cut me out of your life because of what happened with Sif, I would never go back to you. You made this choice, not I, and now you must live with the consequences.”

Vervain,” he ground his teeth, “the way you look at me sometimes, the things you were thinking the other day when we connected, I know you still want me.”

I remember you,” I sighed. “What we had was fantastic, I can't help but remember it fondly, but this,” I waved my hand at him, “this is not what I want. There is no place for you in my heart anymore. I'm so sorry, Thor, but it has to be over. You need to accept that and until you do, I can't be around you.”

What the fuck are you saying, Vervain?”

I'm asking you to leave.”

No,” he shook his head and pushed his way through our friends until he was standing in front of me. Trevor started to growl but I put a reassuring hand on his shoulder and amazingly, he backed down. “I won't let you do this.”

me do this?” I huffed a shocked sound. “
did this. You're the one who nuked our life together. I've just been trying to deal with the fallout. I'm so done with getting burned by you. This explosion of a relationship is over, Thor. Now get out before I get really angry.”

His face fell and my heart twinged for a second but truly, I couldn't take anymore of his insanity. Then his expression hardened and he turned away, stomping to the door and then tracing out without another word. Not even a growl. When he was finally gone, I felt an overwhelming relief and I sat back down with a sigh.

Yeah, welcome to the family. We're kind of dysfunctional at times,” Odin reached over to shake the angel's hand as if nothing had happened, “but we're generally pretty good people.”

That incited a nervous round of laughter.

At least when our powers aren't being used against us,” Blue stepped forward and knelt in front of me. “I'm so sorry, Vervain. I was looking into the information you gave me but I was coming up empty handed. I never would have known Barnabus was a traitor if he hadn't abducted you and if you hadn't already killed him, I'd be torturing that back stabbing piece of garbage right now. The others who were connected with this treachery have been punished but if there's anything else I can do to make this up to you, I will. Just say the word.”

Blue,” I shook my head and took his hand. “It never even occurred to me to hold you responsible. This is not your fault. Thank you for what you've done, it's enough for me.”

Vervain,” he started to cry then and I stared at him in shock, finally taking his hands in an attempt to comfort him. “After I treated you so horribly, denying you forgiveness, still you forgive me so easily.”

There's nothing to forgive,” I squeezed his hands. “Now stop that, you're ruining my homecoming.”

Alright,” he laughed and kissed me on the cheek before getting up. “I'm so happy you're okay.”

Yeah, looks like I got my own guardian angel now.”









Chapter Forty-Two


What the fuck?” I stared at the television screen in horror. “How the hell is she doing it?”

Another reporter was on talking about the continued spread of the dreaded Black Death. Somehow, Xi Wangmu was continuing to spread her disease. There were twenty-three more reported cases and two deaths. The CDC was baffled because there had been no more infected rat corpses turned in and the sampling they had taken had yielded no positive results for the disease.

Yeah, because it ain't the rats that are infected,” I snarled at the TV.

What now? I couldn't even figure out what to do the last time, I had to have Brahma tell me. Wait, there was that antidote idea. Looked like it was going to be a showdown after all. I'd have to take on that diseased idiot once more. Maybe this time I should bring more back-up, and more syringes.

Then I remembered Kuan-Ti. Blue's best friend was a Chinese General turned God. I had no idea if he even knew who Xi Wangmu was, but maybe he could give me some insight. I obviously needed a little more background before I tried to fight her again.

I got up to go tell Kirill where I was going.



Chapter Forty-Three


Blue,” I called out as I walked through his tracing room.

The stone room looked as it always had, large stone furniture, drape-less windows, nothing that could catch fire. There was no golden pitcher on the table, which was still a relief to me, even though I knew he was on my side now. Before I reached the door to the hallway, he was there.

Vervain,” he came forward and hugged me. “To what do I owe this pleasure?”

I was hoping you could ask Kuan-Ti if he'd come and talk to me,” I followed him out of the room and down the hallway. “You know how I thought Xi Wangmu was taken care of? Turns out she's not. There have been more cases of the plague. I need to ask Kuan-Ti if he knows of any way to stop her.”

Of course,” he led me into his gilded marshmallow of a dining room. “Here, have a seat while I go contact him. I'll send someone in with some refreshments for you.”

Thank you.”

We're on the same side now, little witch,” he grinned, flashing a bit of fang. “It's my pleasure to help.”

I pondered how nice it was to have the assistance of the Vampire God, as I waited for him to return. One of his vampire priests came in with a tray. He put a plate of little sandwiches down in front of me and a glass of wine. I thanked him and he nodded, leaving without saying a word. They still creeped me out a little, even though I knew they were loyal to Blue.

I was halfway done with my sandwiches when Blue came back in with Kuan-Ti at his side. I stood and happily went over to shake the Chinese General's hand. Even when we'd been on opposing sides of the war, I had still respected Kuan-Ti, he was just the kind of guy you had to respect, all honorable and stuff. Plus, I just liked him.

It's so good to see you,” I said as we headed back to the table.

Quite,” he smiled and pushed his thick, black braid over his shoulder. “I'm pleased to not have to war with you any longer, my lady.”

Me too,” I lifted my glass in salute to him, “you make a much better ally.”

So, I'm told you have need of some knowledge?”

Yes, thank you. Can you tell me anything about Xi Wangmu? She's causing a new outbreak of the bubonic plague in Hawaii. I need to stop her before things get really horrible.”

Xi Wangmu,” Kuan-Ti frowned. “I haven't seen her in years. She's not just a plague goddess, she's a goddess of immortality. I wasn't planning on seeing her again until her next birthday celebration, in about twenty-four-hundred years.”

She doesn't celebrate yearly?” I blinked slowly.

No, she combines it with the celebration of her peaches.”

Peaches?” Wow, I really didn't know much about this woman.

She grows the peaches of immortality,” Kuan-Ti nodded. “They take three thousand years to ripen but then they grant three thousand years of life, so I guess it evens out.”

Wow,” I remembered something Odin had told me. “The Norse deities have to eat apples of immortality but they only last for a hundred years.”

That sucks,” Kuan-Ti grinned.

Yes, indeed,” I laughed. “Anything else you can tell me about her?”

She's actually quite kind,” he shook his head at my derisive snort. “No, she is. If she's causing a plague, it's because she truly believes it's necessary. She is a goddess of healing as well, although that came to her later in life.”

I've tried to reason with her but she won't listen to me,” I shook my head. “My only option is to inoculate her.”

You're going to do what?” Kuan-Ti sat up straighter in his chair.

I'm going to inject her full of antibiotics,” I shrugged. “Hopefully that will cure her.”

That won't work, Vervain,” he rubbed at his forehead. “In theory, I see how you might believe it would but in practice, modern antibiotics don't stand a chance in curing the full blown, origin of this disease. You know those antibiotics aren't even a hundred percent sure of treating victims, much less the source. Plus, there's three types of Black Death; bubonic which attacks the lymph system, septicemic which infects the blood, and pneumonic which attacks the lungs. In the last case, the disease has a hundred percent mortality rate, even with treatment. Xi Wangmu carries all three.”

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