Griffin's Destiny

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Authors: Leslie Ann Moore

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Griffin’s Destiny



Leslie Ann Moore



Smashwords Edition


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A Ridan Publication



Copyright © 2010 by Leslie Ann Moore

Cover Art by Michael J. Sullivan

Interior Layout Design by Michael J. Sullivan

Map and Photo by Ted Meyer


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To my friends at Ridan Publishing. You saved my series and for that, I am eternally grateful.




Praise for Griffin’s Daughter Series

Griffin’s Daughter is ranking right up there with any fantasy I’ve read recently from the major presses.”
— Tia Nevitt, Fantasy Debut

This [Griffin’s Daughter] is the opening tale of what looks to be a great epic fantasy.”
— Harriet Klausner, #1 Ranked Amazon Reviewer

Griffin’s Shadow is [a] superb tale that will have the audience wanting more from Ms. Moore.”
— Harriet Klausner, #1 Ranked Amazon Reviewer

[A] likeable set of characters who showed heart, and an engaging story. [R]eaders new to fantasy who liked Feist, and the Mallorean, etc, would like this too - I would recommend it accordingly.”
— Janny Wurts, author of The Wars of Light and Shadow

In her sequel to Griffin’s Daughter and the second title in her trilogy, Moore introduces a deeper conflict on a grand scale. Her strong male and female characters and their abiding feelings of love and honor bring a sense of true heroism to their struggles against their obstacles.”
—Library Journal

[N]onstop action and sympathetic characterizations. Moore’s narrative drive and suspenseful plot twists will leave readers eager for the conclusion to this intricate and appealing tale.”
— Publishers Weekly

Leslie Ann Moore’s debut fantasy book, Griffin’s Daughter (the first book of the Griffin’s Daughter Trilogy), is quite an interesting book. I think it’s the best romantic fantasy debut I’ve read this year.”
— Sami Airola,





Table of Contents




1 - Escape and Pursuit

2 - Consequences

3 - A Change of Heart

4 - Journey’s End

5 - The Prince Rides to War

6 - House of Shadows

7 - On the Brink

8 - The Most Precious Gift

9 - Reunited




10 - The Lie is Revealed

11 - No More Secrets

12 - No Loose Ends

13 - The Black Tower

14 - The Sundering

15 - Aftermath

16 - The Pursuit Commences

17 - A Simple Defense

18 - A Prince No More

19 - Battle Dawn

20 - Showdown at the Pass

21 - Conflagration and Deliverance

22 - The Final Confrontation

23 - The Unbreakable Bonds of Love

24 - Reflections and Farewells









Help me, Brother!”

Across a fire-blackened landscape, the cry echoes. He scans the charred surroundings, trying to locate the source, but the sound comes from everywhere at once.

Help me, Brother! They are killing me!”

Where are you?” he cries. “I can’t see! It’s too dark!”

Flames crackle to life before him, drenching the scene in lurid, crimson light. A ring of shadows twists around the figure of a man whose blood-spattered face he knows as well as his own.

Little Brother…”

He stands frozen, hands by his sides. The shadows howl in triumph. They engulf their victim, pulling him down.

Why do you not help me?” his brother screams as he falls. “Why are you letting them kill me?”

The shadows twist and heave, devouring their prey.

He steps backward and tumbles over the edge of a cliff…

Sadaiyo Sakehera jerked awake then sat upright, drenched in sweat.

“Goddess’ tits,” he whispered. Curled beside him in their bed, his wife Misune stirred but did not wake.

I remember!

Shaking with reaction from the flood of images in his head, he slipped out of bed and crouched on the floor beside the hearth. The fire had burnt down to a pile of glowing coals. Pushing a stray lock of hair from his face, he took a deep breath to slow his galloping heart.

He stared into the red light, but his eyes focused inward.

I remember all of it, just as the old man said I would! Goddess…What have I done?

What will I do now?

Sadaiyo crawled back into bed and pressed himself against his sleeping wife. He thought of his parents and how they would recoil in horror if they learned the truth.

They must never know. No one can ever know!

Will you haunt my dreams from now on, Little Brother?

Damn you!





Escape and Pursuit

Magnes awoke with a start and nearly toppled from his seat on the wagon bench to the hard earth below. Knuckling the sleep from his eyes, he yawned and looked down on the stocky brown rump of the cart horse, still in harness and dozing. With the rapidly fading shreds of an unsettling dream drifting across his mind’s eye, he swung his legs over the side then dropped to the roadbed.

Damn it…I didn’t mean to fall asleep!

He spent a few moments stretching and kneading the kinks from his neck, then tramped off the road to relieve himself in the weeds.

When he returned, he found Gran standing beside the wagon, facing back toward Darguinia. Something about the way she held her body warned Magnes not to disturb her.

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