Grimm Awakening (3 page)

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Authors: Bryan Smith

BOOK: Grimm Awakening
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“Just out of curiosity, how the hell did you come to be in hell?”

The clerk's eyes filled with tears. “On the last night of my life, I killed that whore out there at the bus stop. Slit her throat ear to ear. Then I went home and blew my brains out with my daddy's shotgun.”

Jack turned to leave. He couldn't get through the door fast enough.

“Hold up, son!” the desk clerk/whore killer called out to him. “You forgot something.”

With great reluctance, Jack turned around. “Yeah?”

The clerk tossed a pack of matches over the counter. Jack snatched the pack out of midair and looked at the name printed in black letters against a red background: THE DEAD END.

Jack looked at the big man. “What's this?”

“You dropped that matchbook here last night. The Dead End's a bar few blocks east of here. A shitty little dive. I gather that's where you drank yourself sick before stumbling through my door.”

Jack glanced at the matchbook again.


Huh. Nice name. Nothing ominous about it at all.

He remembered nothing about it. Of course.

He looked at the clerk. “Run that card number. I've got work to do.”

And drinking to do
, but he kept that thought to himself.

Then he was gone.




THE DEAD END was identical to innumerable hole-in-the-wall dives Jack had patronized throughout the checkered course of his long history as a barfly. There were just two small rooms. The front room featured a bar on one side and a row of dingy booths on the other. The back room was a gaming area, with dartboards, two pool tables, and several stools lined up against the back wall. The very dim, almost inaudible sound of a baby crying emanated from somewhere indiscernible. Other than that, nothing about the place struck him as odd or ominous. Even the clientele seemed nondescript by the usual dive bar standards. Until he slid onto a stool at the bar and got a better look at the man seated to his right.

Jack gasped.

The man (though Jack was suddenly sure that 'man' wasn't the proper word to describe this creature) grinned at him. The whatever-it-was possessed just two arms and two legs, and he had two five-fingered hands with opposable thumbs. But that was the extent of the thing's resemblance to a human male.

The creature wore a uniform, a crisp outfit featuring a black blazer, flared black trousers, and black boots polished to a high gloss. On the left shoulder was an armband with an insignia depicting a gruesome beast. Jack noted that the beast bore a faint resemblance to the creature wearing the uniform.

Whatever-it-was chuckled. “What's the matter, pal? You look like you've never seen a hellhound before.”

Exerting what he considered an absolutely heroic level of willpower, Jack forced himself to remain still. He even managed to affect a half-convincing aura of nonchalance. “I'm new.”

The thing laughed. “Of course. The newly damned always get all gakked out the first time they run into a member of the Hellpack. It's a good thing you saw me like this first instead of in full-hound mode.”

The creature had a slightly elongated chin and a wide mouth vaguely like a dog's snout. A lot of very sharp teeth were visible any time he opened his mouth. Faint wisps of steam wafted from his freakishly large and ridged nostrils when he laughed. His skin had a dark, leathery texture. Yellow eyes glowed in a decidedly creepy way beneath a protruding brow. Overall, he looked very much like a werewolf caught in mid-transformation. Some years had passed since Jack had last tangled with a lycan, but he remembered only too well what deadly foes they could be. Faint traceries of three parallel scars slanting across his back served as permanent reminders of the danger such creatures presented.

Jack struggled to swallow the lump in his throat. “'re a...werewolf?”

The creature sneered. “Don't you listen? I told you, I'm a hellhound. Werewolves are pussies.”

Jack fought the urge to bolt out of the bar. It felt like he was on the verge of royally pissing off Mr. Werewolves-Are-Pussies and that could be nothing but bad news. Instead of bolting, he forced a grin. Scared though he was, he remained in a desperately untenable situation. He took a moment to remind himself that he was in
fucking hell
. He wouldn't get anywhere by coming off like a coward. “I don't know, friend. I've gone a round or two with the lycans in my time. Sounds like bravado to me.” The fake grin became natural, widening slightly. “No. Wait. Bullshit. That’s the word I’m looking for. It sounds like

“Oh, yeah?”


“Are you seriously mocking a member of the Hellpack?'

Jack screwed up his face and rolled his eyes toward the ceiling, scratching his chin as he pretended to give the question deep consideration. He flashed another grin. “I'm saying you look only about half as badass as the last lycan I put down with a silver fucking bullet. In a one-on-one to-the-death cage match, you against any random lycan off the street, I'll take the pussy werewolf every time.”

Jack tensed for the attack he knew had to be coming. And he strove to maintain his facade of fearlessness while simultaneously scrambling for any hint of an advantage he might gain in the event of violence. Could be it was just about time to take out his gun and put a round or two between those creepy yellow eyes. Of course, at that point all hell (literally!) would break loose, but it was looking more and more like the only move left to him.

But a strange thing happened.

The creature did not seem offended. At all. He was grinning again. And though Jack's gut told him he had to be mistaken, there seemed something almost good-natured in the expression—despite those rows of disconcertingly sharp teeth. “See, you're making the classic mistake of judging a book by its cover. This is the off-duty look, friend. Hence, my presence in this shithole. Now, if you were to encounter me out on patrol, you'd see something more like this.”

The hellhound's head enlarged and shifted at a startling speed. The part of his face that resembled a snout became an actual snout, replete with a long, lolling black tongue, rows of sharp teeth significantly larger and sharper than their original, very scary size, and huge, flaring nostrils that billowed a foul-smelling, eye-watering blast of hot gas with every breath. The shape of his head changed, became almost conical, and his ears lengthened and grew fur. More fur sprouted from every pore of his skin.

Jack fell off his stool and landed on his back.

The hellhound slid off its stool and loomed over Jack. Jack's heart thudded. In life, Jack had not been a coward. He had never backed away from physical danger, had never dropped a case in the face of any threat—and he'd had some gonad-shriveling threats leveled his way in his career.

On the other hand, Jack had never faced imminent doom at the hands, or teeth, of a hellhound.

Then, as quickly as it had appeared, the threat, or perceived threat, disappeared. The hellhound reversed the transformation, reverting in an instant to its previous appearance. It smiled down at Jack. “Neat trick, eh? Like to see a lycan exert that kind of control. Those clumsy fuckers are powerless to stop the change once it comes over them.” A throaty chuckle. “Sorry to frighten you, friend, but you'll see that and worse every day in hell.”

He knelt slightly and extended a hand to Jack. “Name's Lucien, by the way.”

Jack thought,
Of course it is, you scary bastard

He hesitated a moment, then grasped the extended hand. “I'm Jack. Jack Grimm.”

Lucien hauled Jack to his feet and they returned to their respective stools. “So, Jack. Can I assume from this encounter that you don't remember our previous meeting last night?”

Jack groaned.

Well, that explained the hellhound's easy jocularity. No doubt they'd become fast friends over many drinks. It was the kind of friendship you had to renew all over again at least once or twice before it could settle into something almost real.

He put a hand to his forehead. “Yeah. I don't remember.”

What else is new?

Again, he heard the sound of a distraught infant. The pitiful wail hadn't ceased since the moment he'd stepped through The Dead End's entrance, but it was so faint, so much like background noise in a movie, that it mostly remained submerged beneath the din of conversation.

Lucien's eyes narrowed as he peered closely at Jack. “I thought as much, which was the reason for the bit of dramatics there. I wanted to impress the image on you while you're still sober. Speaking of that dreaded state, you look like you could use a drink.”

Jack's head drooped as he folded his arms over the edge of the bar. “I'm tired. I've had the life, or death, whatever, scared out of me by a servant of Satan. I'm in hell. Yes, I could use a drink. I could use several thousand drinks, in fact.”

Lucien nodded. “Well, let's start with just the one, okay? What'll you have?”


The hellhound signaled the barkeep.




Jack felt better with the boilermaker inside him, more relaxed, less anxious. He didn’t feel quite so much like leaping out of his own skin anymore. But he knew the feeling wouldn’t last long with just the beer and the one shot of whiskey working its way into his bloodstream. To keep the bad feelings away, or to at least find a way to deal with them minus the all-consuming fear, he would need to imbibe several more drinks in rapid succession. To that end, he raised his hand to signal the barkeep for another of the same.

The barkeep--barmaid, actually--was a slim, sexy girl wearing black leather hiphuggers and a tiny, midriff-exposing black top that displayed her scrumptious flat stomach and ample cleavage to wondrous effect. Her hair was
dyed jet-black in a punkish shag cut and her skin was snow-pale. She had the come-fuck-me face of a porn queen, with bright red lipstick on pouting lips and expertly-applied eyeliner that emphasized her bedroom-blue eyes.

She smiled. “’Nother boilermaker?”

Jack nodded. “Will you marry me?”



She dumped a shot of whiskey into a pint glass and filled the glass with beer. She set the glass on a napkin in front of Jack and slinked away to the other end of the bar. Jack watched her go with his mouth hanging slightly open.

Lucien laughed. “Hot, isn’t she? But you don’t want her.”

Jack managed to wrest his gaze away from the exotic barmaid. He looked at Lucien with incredulity. “Is that so? Do you mind explaining that? Because I think I do want her. Maybe more than I’ve ever wanted any woman.”

Lucien’s discomforting grin reappeared. “That’s because you’ve heard the voice of Lust. As long as you’re in hell, there’ll never be relief from that desire. You would experience the same desire for every attractive woman you encounter here.”

Jack frowned. “Ah...say, what do you mean by, ‘as long as you’re in hell’, because I’ve been operating under the impression that residence in hell is, well, forever.”

“That’s true.” Lucien sipped from the big mug of black ale he grasped with his right hand. “For just about everybody else here. But not for you.”

The hellhound’s words shocked Jack. His grip tightened around the pint glass, and he was unable to breathe for a minute. Lucien’s words sparked a faint glimmer of hope, but he feared the beast’s words might be a cruel joke. He was, after all, a servant of evil, and he clearly delighted in frightening people.

“What do you mean by that?”

Lucien’s grin widened ever-so-slightly. He cast a slow glance around the bar, as if to determine whether anyone was listening, then he leaned closer to Jack. Jack’s first impulse was to shrink away in terror, but he willed himself to stay still. His nose wrinkled at the hellhound’s fetid breath, a breath that warmed his ear as the creature whispered, “I mean that you have something no other man here possesses. A true treasure.”

Jack’s heart pounded. “Wh-what would that be?”

Lucien’s chuckle was so soft it almost wasn’t audible, even at this range. “A pulse. You aren’t dead, friend.”

Lucien pulled away from Jack, a more subtle grin in place of the old, leering one.

Jack’s thoughts were racing. How could this be? He was in hell. But he was alive (if he could trust the hellhound). He listened for a moment to the beating of his own heart and marveled at it. It was something so simple, something so plain a child would have divined its meaning, but the high level of distress he felt at his circumstances had made him overlook the obvious. I’m alive, he thought. In hell.

He downed the rest of his second boilermaker and met Lucien’s gaze. “How is this possible?”

Lucien’s expression gave away nothing. “I’ll tell you, but we’ll not discuss it here.”

Jack made an exasperated sound. “Oh, come on. You can’t lay something like that on a guy and then make like a cryptic hellhound of fucking mystery.”

Lucien’s eyes narrowed and steam puffed out of his nostrils. “I don’t like to repeat myself, Jack. We’ll not discuss it here.”

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