Grounded (18 page)

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Authors: R. K. Lilley

BOOK: Grounded
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My phone woke me, and even as I answered it, I knew I’d overslept.
I had that groggy feeling that I only got when I took too long of a nap.

“Buttercup, you coming out with us tonight?” Stephan asked.

I blinked awake.
“Who is us? And where are you going?”

“The crew is going to Red with the other two crews that are here on a layover.
They are driving into the city from the airport hotels.
A few extra people are coming into town, as well.
I talked Javier, Jessa, Marnie, and Judith into flying in for the night.
Our morning flight has like thirty open seats, so they’ll have no problem flying home with us.
It’s turned into a kind of bankruptcy party.
I talked to James.
He said that people could crash at your place,
at his hotel.
He’s even setting up a VIP section at Red for us.
He was supposed to tell you about it, but I guess you were sleeping.”

I had to smile a little at Stephan turning a bankruptcy into a party,
but hell, why not?

“We all have to get up so early in the morning,” I told him.
It wouldn’t do at all to have a bunch of no-shows in the morning.

“It’s fine.
It’s not like we do this often.
Everyone just really needs to blow off steam.”

I well understood.
I felt the same urge.
“What time do I need to be there?”

He laughed.
“In an hour.
Get a move on, Buttercup!”

I did, showering, blow-drying my hair, and getting my makeup on in record time.
There was a food tray set just inside my bedroom door when I came out of the bathroom.

I ate the turkey burger on wheat quickly, impressed with Marion’s efficiency.
It was good, stacked with fresh vegetables, a spicy guacamole sauce giving it flavor.
Either I was getting used to the fanatically healthy menu, or Marion was especially talented at making healthy taste good.

I cleared my plate in minutes, rushing to get ready.

I wore red.
It seemed appropriate for the venue, and I loved the little dress.
It draped over one shoulder, leaving the other bare, and the way it hung flattered my figure.
It set off my collar just right, and I found the diamond cuffs on my jewelry vanity, which went perfectly.
I wore diamond hoops in my ears as well, which may have been overkill, but why not?
I had a whole team of bodyguards to keep me from getting robbed.

Jackie’s system pointed me in the direction of some nude heels with a red sole.
These ones came with a note.

This dress needs stilettos.
Please, I am begging you to change your mind on the wedge stance.


The note made me laugh.
I was almost beginning to enjoy tormenting that strange woman.
I knew some fashionistas, but she took it to a whole new level.
The idea that she had chosen every outfit, shoe, and bag so carefully, and then apparently left notes on some of them, just cracked me up.

I took the little yellow note to the bag closet and grabbed the tiny nude clutch with the matching number.
At least it had a long strap.

I sent out a few texts before I went downstairs.
The first one went to James.

I’m going to Red for Stephan’s party.
Will I see you there?

He responded quickly but shortly.

You will.

Cryptic man.

The second text went to the security contact on my phone.
I wasn’t sure what the protocol was, but I’d prefer to keep them informed of my actions, as opposed to having them just wait for me at all hours.

I’m going out.
Heading downstairs now

The response came back in under a minute.

Roger that.

I thought that was an odd text response, but I just went downstairs.

Blake was waiting for me, wearing a black suit and looking as severe as always.
I nodded at her.

She nodded back.
“The others are waiting for us downstairs, Ms. Karlsson.”

We got into the elevator.

“You know you don’t have to call me that,” I told her.
It was worth at least one try.

She looked startled.
“Of course, Mrs. Cavendish.”

I slapped a hand to my forehead.
“Don’t call me
Call me Bianca.”

“That’s against my orders, Mrs. Cavendish.”

Hand to the forehead.
Call me Ms. Karlsson, then, please.”

“Of course, Ms. Karlsson.”

I wouldn’t be trying that again.
I had most definitely learned my lesson.

I was flanked by the rest of my security the second we stepped into the lobby of the swank building.
I had the surreal realization as we walked through that lobby that all of the rich people were watching
, as though
was a person of note.
I supposed having a team of bodyguards would do that for anyone.

Johnny walked slightly in front of me and to my left.
He shot me a rather familiar glance over his shoulder, very obviously eying up my legs.

I blinked slowly, a little shocked that James wasn’t just being crazy possessive about the Johnny issue.
That had definitely been a look, and he couldn’t be guarding me that well if he was that distracted.

, Ms. Karlsson,” he said under his breath, reaffirming my opinion.

And the point goes to Crazy Cavendish
, I thought.


Mr. Controlling

Blake and Williams rode in the passenger cab of the limo with me, Johnny and Henry up front.
It was a very short drive.
I got the VIP treatment from the car to the club, being ushered in without a soul even trying to make eye contact with me.
I even got a little perfunctory bow from the bouncer.
Being the owner’s girlfriend had some bizarre little perks.

I was led to a VIP section that was already packed with familiar faces.
The party was well under way.
A loud shout went out from the crowd when they spotted me.

I had to smile.
“You guys been at it for that long already?” I asked as Marnie and Judith rushed me, nearly spilling their red martinis in the process.
I got side hugs on account of their drinks.

Jessa was right on their heels.

We all laughed as we realized that we were all wearing different shades of red.

“I heard the name of the place, and it just seemed like a good idea,” Jessa said, laughing.
She swept a hand down her red halter dress as she spoke.
She had a spectacular figure, with long legs, a small waist, and high breasts.

Judith was wearing a red mini skirt with a white off the shoulder top, Marnie a black skirt with a red ruffled blouse.
They had planned it, of course, and wore matching red heels.

“This place is luxe.
Can’t believe we got VIP here without having to blow anybody!”
Marnie shouted over the noise.
She came off a little louder than I think she intended, because she got several looks from the various crews for that one.

One of those looks was from Jessa.
“Really, Marnie?
Do you always have to go there?” she asked, laughing.

Marnie shrugged, her cute nose wrinkling.
“I never said I was a classy chick.
Far from it.
Judith is the classy one in our duo.”

Judith raised her brows.
“Now how damn sad is that?”

I felt a hard chest press against my back, but I didn’t stiffen or draw away.
I knew the height and feel of that chest just perfectly.
It used to sleep against my back when we’d huddled together for comfort, safety, and warmth.

Stephan wrapped his arms around me, kissing the top of my head.
“Glad you came, Bee.
It’s never the same without you.”

I smiled, turning my head to look at him.
“I feel the same, Steph.”

As though reading my mind, he bent so I could kiss his cheek.

“Where’s Javier?” I asked as he pulled back, looking around for the other man.

“Bathroom,” he said, moving away.
He had to do some mingling, I knew.
That was just how he operated.

“I heard about the drama with Vance last night,” Jessa said after he walked away.
“Rumor is he and Javier were making out in a bathroom…”

I grimaced.
“I’m not surprised that’s the rumor.
Javier’s side is different.
He says that Vance pushed him against the wall and started kissing him.
According to Javier, Vance just pushes him around like that to try to get a reaction, and Javier didn’t push him away because he’s learned that the best way to deal with Vance is not to react.”

Jessa nodded, pursing her lips.
“I’ve seen Vance do that.
He’s still crazy stupid in love with Javier.
He’s been pushing him around like that for years.
Vance needs to move on.”
She shot a strangely malevolent look Damien’s way.
“Kind of like a certain stubborn pilot I know…”

I shot a look at Damien myself.
Jessa definitely had a point there.

“I believe Javier,” Judith said loudly.
“I’ve seen how Vance treats him.
He does crazy shit just hoping to make Javier snap.”

“I’ve seen it, too.
He wouldn’t stop touching him at a party last year, even though Javier was clearly telling him to back off.
Finally Javier slapped him across the face, and I’d swear that made Vance happy, from the look on his face when it happened.”

I felt a wave of relief at their reaffirmation.
I really did want to believe Javier’s side of it.
Wanting and believing were just two different things, unfortunately.
Still, their words gave me hope that Javier wasn’t just playing the drama game with Stephan, which was my biggest fear.

“I wouldn’t mind getting slapped by Javier.
He’s fucking
,” Marnie said.

That surprised a laugh out of all of us.
Of course she went there.

Damien approached our group, Murphy in tow.
He looked a little weary as he eyed up our laughing group.
“Why do my ears always burn when I see you all laughing like that?” he asked.

Marnie held up her hands, as though showing a good ten-inch measurement.
“Don’t worry, babe, it’s all flattering.”

Damien rubbed his temples, looking pained.

Murphy nodded, rubbing his chin and looking impressed.
“I knew it!” he said.

I couldn’t help it that made me laugh harder.

“Yeah, he has a big dick, but him running away after the sex kind of cancels that one out for me, personally,” Jessa said wryly.

I was shocked.
I hadn’t known that Jessa and Damien had hooked up.
did the casual hook-up thing.
Or so I’d thought.

Marnie held up her hands, making a rather large circle with her fingers, clearly illustrating girth.
“This right here is what makes up for the running away part.”

Murphy cursed loudly.
“I fucking knew it!”

Marnie broke down in adorable giggles, clutching her stomach.
Judith was right there with her.
They high-fived.

I felt a little sorry for Damien, since he looked like he was in real pain, but I still couldn’t stop laughing.

Stephan walked up to us, shaking his head and smiling.
“Poor Damien.
What did he ever do to deserve such relentless teasing?”

Marnie answered, of course.
“He fucked too many of us, and he was too good at it, that’s what.”

“Speak for yourself,” Jessa said.
“There was nothing too good about my experience.
Size isn’t everything.”

“Ooouuch,” Murphy said, drawing out the sound.

Jessa shrugged.
“Not a burn.
Just stating facts.”

“Brutal,” Murphy said.

I felt a light tap on my shoulder and turned to find Javier just behind me.
He looked a little nervous as he bent to my ear.

“Can we go somewhere and talk?” he asked.

I studied him, wondering what was going on now, but I just nodded.
Where to?”

I followed him to an empty section along the bar that attached to our VIP section.
The bartender approached us instantly.

“I’m fine,” I told him.

“I’ll take another of your house specials,” Javier said.

I studied him.
He looked a little glassy-eyed.
I didn’t think I’d ever seen Javier drunk before, but I suspected that I might be seeing it now.

I sat in one of the cushioned stools at the bar.

He didn’t sit, but moved close to me, leaning in to talk in a low voice.
“I know you’re worried about Stephan being with me.
You think I’m not good enough for him.
You think I’m trouble.”

I opened my mouth to protest, even though most of what he said was somewhat true, but he continued in a rush.
“I get it.
I’m not trying to argue with you.
I just wanted to clear some things up.”

I nodded at him to go on.

“You don’t have to worry about me hurting him, Bianca.
If anyone is going to get hurt here, it will be me.
I haven’t even gone out with a guy since he dumped me.
And that was, what, over a year and a half ago?
for him, Bianca.
I know he’s too good for me.
I know he’s too good for anyone.
Every guy I know has a crush on him.
He’s damn near perfect.
And I am bat-shit crazy in love with him.
I thank God every day that he stays with me.
I wouldn’t mess this up for anything.”

I felt a relief at his words that threatened to floor me.
But there were still some things that he needed to clear up…

“What about the Vance nonsense?
If he’s been so awful to you, why on earth would you still be hanging out with him?”

He winced.
“He wrote me a very long, drawn-out letter, talked about squashing our beef and moving on.
For once, he sounded really sincere about it, and he and I were friends before we were a couple.
He was a good friend, just a horrible boyfriend, and a worse ex.
His letter had me thinking that we could go back to being casual friends.
I wanted that, because so many of the guys on his crew are friends of mine, and I’d like for it to be less awkward every time he and I are in the same room.
It’s been so long since we were together.
I just don’t understand why he hasn’t gotten over it.
Thinking that he finally had was just something I wanted to believe, I guess.
It won’t ever happen again.
I’m so done with him.”

I nodded.
That seemed for the best.
I only hoped he meant it.

It was like he read my mind.
“I know you won’t trust me right away.
That’s just not how you work.
But I hope that you will eventually.
I intend to prove myself.
This is it for me, Bianca.
Stephan is the real deal, and if he wants me, I’m sticking around.”

He moved into me, wrapping his arms around me tightly.
It should have been awkward, since I was sitting and he was standing, but somehow we fit just right.
I hugged him back.

“I hope so, Javier.
You know, the first time you guys went out he came home with this dreamy look on his face.
He was so happy.
I know you think I haven’t been a fan of yours, but I became a fan that night.
There’s nothing I’d love more than for Stephan to be with someone that makes him that happy.
And you shouldn’t downplay his feelings for you.
He pined for you too, Javier.
I know a lot of guys have a crush on him, but you’re the only one he sees.
Trust me on that.
And I’ll be eternally grateful to you for helping him to see that he doesn’t need to hide who he is anymore, or who he’s with.”

He squeezed me tighter.
I hugged him back.

Javier laughed.
“Look at Stephan,” he said.
“Us hugging has made his day.”

I pulled back to look.

Stephan was across the lounge, standing next to Jessa, grinning at us like he’d just been granted a wish.

Javier toasted him with the dark red martini that the bartender had left for him on the bar while we’d been talking.

“That looks tasty,” I told him, pointing at his drink.

His brows lifted.
“Want me to order you one?”

I shook my head.
“Alcohol doesn’t really agree with me.
I don’t seem to have a spot between dead sober and crazy drunk.”

He held the glass out to me.
“Just taste it.
It’s a black raspberry martini.
It’s Red’s signature cocktail.
It’s my new favorite drink.”

I took the glass from him, sniffing it.
It smelled good.
“What’s in it?” I asked, taking a very tiny sip, and, tasting it, a slightly bigger one.

“Chambord, raspberry vodka, and blood orange juice.”

“It tastes awesome.
What’s Chambord?”

“Raspberry liqueur.
To die for, right?
Best tasting drink ever.”

I nodded.
“So good.”

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