Guardian Wolf

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Authors: J.K. Harper

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Guardian Wolf

Black Mesa Wolves #1

by J.K. Harper




Being a Guardian for the Black Mesa Wolf Pack meant everything to Lily Bardou. Until the night she made a fatal mistake. Since then, she’s kept her wild side tightly leashed, denying her responsibilities to both her pack and her own sensual needs.

Until Kieran Rendall stalks into her life.

Kieran’s wanted Lily for two long years, and he’s finally done waiting. Convinced she’s part of his destiny, he’s back in town with a plan: to help Lily let go of the past—and to unlock her caged passions.



Copyright 2011 by J.K. Harper

Published by J.K. Harper

Cover by LFD Designs


Find out more about J.K. Harper


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To readers everywhere who love stories about the big, bad, sexy wolf shifter.



Guardian Wolf

Black Mesa Wolves #1

J.K. Harper



With a single glance at the insanely hot cowboy leaning over the end of the bar, Lily knew to the ends of her toes he was trouble. The best, most devilishly
sort of trouble.

“Good grief, Lils.” Her Packmate Sara sipped a third gin and tonic and eyed the cowboy with appreciation. “He’s really gorgeous. I mean, really.”

Lily nodded, too rapt in her own appreciation to respond verbally. The cowboy was long. Strong. Dark hair, dark eyes, skin that whispered of the sun-drenched desert and a hard fitness. Deliberate intention coiled around him, fitting to his muscles and informing every graceful, unwasted motion he made, from signaling the barkeep to touching the brim of his black Stetson with his fingers. And what gorgeous, talented fingers they seemed. Lily bet they could play her up, down, and sideways, setting off little earthquakes she’d deliberately forgotten how to trigger. Mm... Her wolf reared up, eager for the heat of mating. The heat she had denied herself for way too long now.

Of course, right then the dark, sexy cowboy turned his head and looked directly at Lily. Molten gaze. Heated blood jangled through her nerves in time to the toe-tapping of the band’s fiddler. The noise of the bar became a muted background as Lily stared back, the hunter in her refusing to give an inch. This interaction she recognized. He was a predator. Like her. And right now it was clear she was his intended prey.

Lily shivered. But not from the guilty fear that had gripped her for the past two years. Sudden desire tongued through her instead, curling down her spine and tickling deep inside. Realization shook her like that crazy thunderbolt she’d heard about and always laughed off. She
the wolf. For the first time in ages, she actually wanted to mate.

“He’s your type, Lils.” Sara’s voice broke through the roaring. “He’s perfect.
He’s the one
.” The last words dropped low, giving them a portent that snapped through Lily’s lust-filled thoughts.

Abrupt coldness scissored her body as the memories slashed through. That cold guilt washed over her again and threatened to consume her. Dammit! No. She had to be the responsible wolf here.

“I can’t.” She managed finally to wrench her gaze from the gorgeous cowboy and studied the smooth wooden tabletop instead. “No way. I won’t let it happen again.”

With a precise, almost angry thunk, Sara set down her glass. Startled, Lily looked up into her best friend’s serious eyes.

“Liliana Bardou, you listen to me. It happened, it was unavoidable, you dealt with it, and it’s over.” Sara’s voice was as firm as her expression. “It was something you had to experience for whatever hellacious reason, but it’s over. And now it’s time for you to take up arms again. It’s time for you to regain your power, and the only way you’re going to do that is with someone like him.” She jabbed an emphatic finger in the cowboy’s direction. “Besides, you know he’s Pack. You can’t turn him by accident. He’s already one of us.”

Still reluctant, Lily took a deep breath to reply. Sara beat her to the punch and went on.

“Lily, we’re wolves, for crying out loud. This is what we do. Hot, wild beasts.” Sara’s lazy grin punctuated her words, and Lily found her own mouth start to turn up in a smile. “We get down, because we like it, and because we have to. If you don’t mate soon, Lils, you’ll start losing your mind. And that will not be good.”

Although the thought could still make Lily blush a little, she knew Sara was right. Wolves had to unleash their intense sexual energy or it could overwhelm all their reason. As her wolf already threatened to do, bit by longing bit. She knew it was time, her wolf knew it was time. Hell, her Pack knew it was time. She had to resume her Pack Guardian duties. Her alpha expected that from her.

Lily slipped her gaze over to the gorgeous man once more and sucked in a sharp breath. He was staring directly at them. A raised eyebrow, a sardonic but bone-melting smile tugging his lips up...god. White heat zipped through her again and left her insides electric. Like the way she felt when she was on the prowl at night. The way she hadn’t allowed herself to feel in these past two dead years. The scent of people crowding the bar, alive and lush with their needs and hopes, washed over her. And whispering through came the promise of a lusciously self-indulgent mating frenzy—if she allowed it.

Oh, yes, the undeniably feral tang of wolf. Lily’s nostrils flared as she caught a whiff of all the potential delights, and the cold seeped away in increments. The cowboy
Pack. She couldn’t possibly hurt him.

“Lils, you owe it not only to yourself, but to our Pack. We need you functioning again.” Sara’s voice caught Lily’s attention again with its firm reason. “Look...your brothers made me do this tonight. Take you here. They said it’s time for you to meet someone. You’ve been ready. You just won’t admit it.”

Even the cowboy’s seductive promise couldn’t keep indignation at bay.

“They what?”

Sara giggled before returning to her drink and settling back in her chair. She scanned the room as she had been doing since they arrived, checking out the available men for any possibilities of fun that evening. The local cowboys were hot, brazen, and sexy. Just Sara’s inexhaustible style. Sometimes, Lily wished she could be that casual about it all. She used to be. Before.

“Knew that’d get you. Now, go get
. Before he changes his mind. You won’t hurt him, Lily. Look at him, for crying out loud.” Sara eyed Lily’s cowboy with critical appreciation again. To Lily’s own amusement, a flare of jealousy scampered through her. “He’s tough. He probably wrestles bulls in his spare time or something. And you want it. I can tell.” Sara gave Lily a pointed glance.

Lily felt her cheeks heat. All wolf shifters could scent another’s arousal, regardless of gender or relationship, if those aroused didn’t bother to mask it—or were too fascinated by the object of their lust to focus on anything else.

The worst of it was that they
right. Dammit. Lily needed to step back into her role as a Pack Guardian. She needed to regain her edge, her spark. Her driving hunger. And the only way to do that was by connecting with a male wolf in the most primal way imaginable. Through raw, hot-blooded, no-holds-barred sex. Wolves didn’t fear natural, carnal—some might even say “animalistic”— needs the way humans did. Instead, they craved and even relied on the energy of mating. To Pack, sex meant life. And the mating frenzy created the most vibrant, unrestrained life energy possible.

Lily very deliberately shunned that need ever since the...event. Although she avoided her Pack duties, her father—the Alpha—let it slide. There were other Pack Guardians to pick up the slack, and they’d done so with remarkably little complaint. Lily’s indiscretion was of the type that hadn’t happened to this Pack in the history of the younger generations, and they’d been each and every one shocked, confused, and uncertain. Which meant they’d also treated Lily like a breakable piece of china ever since.

She could coast a long time on her Packmate bonds by drawing off their own life energy, which they willingly shared. That’s what Pack bonds were for. But being fully involved in life and Pack Guardian duties, however, wasn’t happening. Not until she got in the saddle again.

Her lips quirked up at her analogy. Bet the cowboy would love for her to get into his saddle. Mm...she did like the fact that her body was responsive tonight. It was a good sign.

The last time she’d had sex—over two years ago—she’d lost control during it and bitten the man. A human. Which was expressly forbidden by ancient Pack law. He’d turned. And because turned shifters, rather than natural-born, were strictly forbidden by those Packs that actually abided by Pack law, the consequences had been severe. His sentence was death, in order to preserve Pack safety.

And Lily had been the one required to do it.

Here, in the bar alight with human emotions and desires ping-ponging all around the room, guilt once again skittered along Lily’s skin. But also the molten heat from the cowboy’s presence. And her own tumultuous desires, clawing at her from the inside, demanding to be sated. She deserved to live again, didn’t she? Yes. Live a
, alive, feeling life. Sara was right. It was time. Besides, she had a duty to her Pack.

Her wolf whined in silent excitement, urging Lily on. With what felt like a small snap of instant relief, she let her wolf rise closer to the surface. She and her wolf were the same creature, and her wolf needed to mate. It was about time she started acting like it.

“Okay,” she said. Resolve frosted her voice. Sara paused with her glass halfway to her lips and looked hard at Lily.

“You’re going for it? For real?”

“Absolutely.” Before she could question the determination beneath her words, Lily shoved the chair back in a fluid move, rose, and threaded her way through chairs, outflung legs, and hot emotions toward the waiting wolf cowboy. Blood thrummed in her ears as she moved closer to him.

,” she heard Sara murmur somewhere behind her.

Lily was on the prowl again. Finally. And both she and her wolf loved it.




Kieran Rendall watched with hidden bemusement as the Black Mesa guardian came toward him with the deliberate, sinuous motion of a hunter. An enticingly kissable package of nerves, predatory hunger, and a touch of wariness, heading straight for him. Long dark red hair tumbled down her back. A fierce red wolf, this one. He’d known that since the first time he’d ever seen her.

He could also sense her deep hunger for sex. He could smell it, sizzling off her in waves that tempted and tormented him. Her wolf was hungry, and so was the woman.

Finally. He’d been waiting for Lily for a long time. Ever since the night she’d put to death the human she’d turned with her own unthinking lust, Kieran had been watching her. An emissary from the Silver Mountain Pack to the north, he’d been sent down by his father to observe the Black Mesa Pack’s adherence to ancient law. Tradition demanded all regional Packs sent official observers when an errant wolf broke a law, to be certain justice was still served accordingly. It was an excellent method of checks and balances. Besides which, without laws, shifters eventually went totally wild.

He could still recall that cold night. Lily’s eyes had gleamed with unshed tears, her back ramrod straight, as the punishment was read in front of the entire Pack and all attending regional members. The turned wolf, like Lily just barely into his twenties, had been in the center of the circle, naked and shivering in human form. He’d refused to become wolf even though told he could fight for his life. He refused to harm Lily.

Kieran remembered the suddenness with which Lily changed, her lithe red wolf gliding along the edges of the circle before she leapt onto her silent, unmoving prey. The naked human looked right at her the entire time, unflinching. With one terrible snap, it was over. She broke his neck with ease. The death blow was clean, immediate, and as humane a kill as a wolf could do. Kieran was impressed at the sight, and thoughtful. It had been planned. She likely had told her doomed one-time lover he had two choices: become wolf and fight her to the death, or accept as easy a passing as she could deliver. Kieran understood that. He would never have fought her either, if he’d had a chance to love a woman like Lily. He couldn’t have borne the thought of killing such a beautiful wolf.

Lily had stood for a moment over the unmoving body of her lover, utterly still herself. Then she turned and leapt in a graceful arc right through the circle of spectators, her brothers howling after her, her father silent yet watching with an outstretched arm as if to stop her. Lily bounded into the winter-cold high desert, the flash of her red fur disappearing into the moonlight-silvered branches of the junipers and the shadows of the canyon walls.

No one saw her again until the following spring.

Kieran gave himself a mental shake. The woman was here, now, and she was ready. Oh, was she ready. The sway in her walk as she approached told him a fire banked between her legs. He knew exactly how to answer it. His wolf simmered beneath the surface, as eager as he to stir the qualities in this she-wolf that would catapult her back to her rightful place. She was a born leader.

He fingered the glass in his hand as Lily drew near. With a tremble of her lip, she stopped before him. He let his nostrils flare, taking in her scent. No fear. Sheer anticipation made her skin shiver, her mouth quake as if she could already taste him.

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