Guarding the Treasure (28 page)

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Authors: J. K. Zimmer

Tags: #action, irish, adventure, intrigue, gaelic

BOOK: Guarding the Treasure
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“What's wrong with you?” he yelled, his hand slipping from around her throat.

She fell to the ground, able to see around her with the light of the moon.

Gipson stood looking down at her, his body tense, his breathing labored. He wasn't moving, just staring at her.

Sophie pushed herself up against a tree.

“What is it about you, Hanes?” Gipson yelled, falling carelessly in front of her. He reached with both hands to grab her shoulders but couldn't. It was as if something was blocking his attempt.

She could see the anger carving deep lines on his face. His teeth were clenched, his hands in fists. “I'm going to have you!” He grabbed her shirt.

Sophie heard a rip, and then felt the cold, damp air on her now exposed skin. Just as she reached to cover herself, a sudden heaviness hit her body. It was Gipson; he had thrown himself on her, causing her to lose her breath.


“Commander, we've made a positive ID. The jewels in the bracelets of the three women in the wall chambers are red.”

“Good work, but there're four chambers. We're missing one. Taylor, what have you found?”

“Sir, we lost visual on the man and woman but are continuing to track slowly to the north.”

“Find them, Taylor. We need to know if she's the last woman being held against her will. We need to make a move soon.”

“Copy that, Commander.”

“Gates, we need to split up but within visual range of each other.”

“Copy that, Taylor,” he said, looking toward the wooded area. “See that line of barbed bushes just before the stretch of evergreens begins?”

“Copy that.”

“I'll go just inside the heaviest grove of bushes to the north.”

“Copy that, Gates. Hey, make sure you stay on the north and west sides of the trees for cover—and so I can see you.”

“Got that, Taylor.”

“Good, let's go,” Taylor said.

Gates stepped into the wooded area, lowering himself in front of the thicket. He stopped. It had suddenly gotten darker. He looked up. The tops of the trees formed a thick leafy canopy, blocking most of the moonlight. He continued in, stepping carefully, trying not to break branches or snap twigs that may alarm Gipson into doing something fatal to Sophie. He went low, crawling through the barbs on his belly; head high enough to allow his goggles to function properly. The clearing was just ahead. Gipson was somewhere in here—but where? Where would he have taken Sophie? Then the words of the diary rang in his ears.
“Like the apple tree among the trees of the forest, so is my child among the sons.”

“An apple tree in the forest?” he repeated out loud. Kevin stopped once more. “Hey, Taylor,” he whispered into his headset. “Do you remember that section in the diary you read about an apple tree growing in a forest?”

“Yeah, it was in the evergreens. I thought it was a strange place for a fruit tree—they're usually in an open area, growing with other fruit trees in an orchard. So what are you thinking?”

“I'm going to look for an apple tree. If Theresa's right about the diary being a map, then that may be a clue.”

“Good work. Just don't get out of eyesight, you copy?”

Gates walked steadily, rifle in hand, his every step lit by his night vision goggles. “Where are you, Sophie?” slipped from his lips but not loud enough to break the constant cadence of the crickets and other night insects.

“There it is.” There was an apple orchard twenty yards to the north according to the calculations on his glasses. The moon was shining through the trees to the forest floor, exposing an area that had obviously been cleared for the fruit trees.

“Taylor,” he whispered. “I've got a visual on two people.” Kevin's eyes locked on what he had most dreaded seeing. “This isn't good, this isn't good at all,” he said, leaning down against a tree. “Taylor, it's Gipson, and he's got Sophie on the ground.” He turned away. “Get a grip on your emotions, Kevin,” he told himself. He felt the blood careening through his veins to every part of his body, rage building inside. He rubbed the beads of sweat from his face.

“Copy that, Gates. Hold on, I'm on my way in.”

“Taylor, he's beating her. I can see his fists. I can't sit here and watch this happen. I'm going in.”

“Negative on that, Gates, hold your position,” Taylor's voice shot across the airwaves, stern and commanding. “Gates! Gates, do you copy?” There was a long silence. “Come on, wait for me,” Taylor said, speeding up to an all-out run to get to his partner's side.

Kevin had moved in close. He wanted his shot to be fatal. “Copy that, Taylor. I've got a clean shot at Gipson,” he said, securing the crosshairs on Gipson's head.

“No! Gates don't! I see you. Hold your fire. We need to stay within the chain of command,” he said, knowing his partner teetered on the edge. “Come on buddy, hold on.”

Kevin had his sights set to put the bullet through Gipson's head. He had to get him off Sophie.

“I have seen the wicked in great power spread himself like a great bay tree. He will not succeed to death.”

Kevin lowered his rifle, “What?” He looked around.

“Gates, who are you talking to?”

Kevin ignored his question and pointed his rifle in the direction of Gipson a second time.

“Commander, we've found Ms. Hanes. We need to move fast or Gipson's going to kill her.”

“Copy that, Taylor. Team two; are you in position and ready with the explosives?”

“Copy that, Commander. The charge has been set in the vacant cell. We'll enter through the wall and proceed to free the three women who occupy the other cells.”

“Remember to cut the bracelets first and foremost. Once they know we're here, they're going to do everything they can to keep those women quiet. This all has to go off concurrently, men. Team three, make your way to the west wall, and when in place let me know. We'll start the count then. Taylor, I need an update on your situation.”

“Commander, it's not looking good for Ms. Hanes, maybe rape. Gipson has a long history of violence against women, sir. He knows how and where to hit them, and he's hitting her hard. She's not moving. We don't have much time.”

“Copy that, Taylor. Stand by for the code word. Team three, what's your twenty?”

“In position in about two minutes, sir.”

“Team two, did you copy that?”

“Copy that, sir. Commander, this is hard to watch without doing something,” Gates said, desperation in his voice.

“I realize that, Taylor. Hold your position.”

Kevin watched as Gipson abused and battered Sophie.
I'll kill him when I get the chance,
he thought, finger still ready near the trigger. He focused in on Sophie. Why didn't she fight back? He knew why—she was unconscious, or nearly dead. He grabbed Taylor's arm. “How much time until we make our move?”

“We have—”

“Gentlemen, the code word for initiation is RR. On my mark, is everyone in place?”

“Copy that, Commander. Two and Three are in position and ready for RR.”

“Taylor? Gates?”

“Copy, Commander, we're ready for RR.” Taylor looked over at Gates, “Are you ready to do what you have to do?”

Kevin's eyes were piercing. He knew they always shot to kill unless otherwise commanded. “Ready.”

“Countdown, gentlemen. Five, four, three, two, one—R.R.”

About five seconds later, Taylor and Gates heard a loud blast.

Gates eyed the situation with Sophie. Gipson's head snapped back, and he drew his sidearm.

“Hands in the air! FBI!” Taylor yelled as he and Gates ran toward Gipson, guns aimed at vital organs.

Gipson fired a shot, grazing Taylor on the arm, knocking him to the ground momentarily.

“Follow him, Gates. He's heading deeper into the woods. I'll look after Sophie.”

Kevin hesitated, his eyes on Sophie's lifeless body. He knelt, touched her neck—she had a pulse, faint but still alive.

“Go, I'll take care of her,” Taylor said touching Kevin's shoulder.

Kevin took one last look. “I'm going to kill him,” he said, feeling the anger flowing through every fiber of his being. He ran toward where they'd lost sight of Gipson. Kevin searched, no movement, no sounds. He immediately dropping behind a tree, listening. He can't be far, he thought. Kevin knew Gipson was smart, and knew how to play war games. Kevin held tight to his gun, waiting for a sound, for movement. The minutes passed like hours. Patience is the name of this game, he reminded himself as his eyes darted continually, waiting. “He's going to make a mistake and when he does…there was something on his right. Kevin immediately turned. It was Gipson. He watched him dash from behind a tree. “Stop!” yelled Gates, jumping to his feet. “You're mine, you stinkin' pig!” he yelled pulling up, Gipson in his sights. He pulled the trigger, and Gipson fell to the ground, not moving.

Gates watched and waited for several minutes. He didn't trust Gipson even if he was dead, and he was sure he wasn't. Kevin had made it a point not to hit him in a vital organ. He wanted him to suffer a while. He searched the ground for Gipson's weapon, staying a safe distance away because the gun could be anywhere. He was about eight feet away when he dropped his eyes down on Gipson, still no visual on his gun. He stepped out just as Gipson pulled the hammer on his pistol.

“Drop it, Gipson,” he yelled. “I'd like nothing more than to blow you into a million little pieces,” Kevin said, the crosshairs on Gipson's chest.

Gipson lowered the gun to the ground.

“Now the knife in your boot—pull it out, now.”

“What if I don't, city boy?” he said, falling back onto the grass, laughing between deep gasps of pain.

“Then I'll drug you and beat you the way I watched you beat Sophie, you piece of low life. .”

Gipson's laugh grew deeper. “Aw, your little girlfriend, she's a nice one, Gates. Thanks for sharing,” he said, coughing red liquid into his hands.

“Why, you—” he stepped closer, raising his gun to Gipson's head.

“Gates, no! Stop!” Kevin turned. Taylor stood right behind him. “Buddy, step away from him. I'll take over from here.” Taylor reached for Kevin's arm. “Sophie's asking for you.”

A muscle twitched in Kevin's cheek, his sights still locked on Gipson. He lowered his rifle. “Where is she?” he asked Taylor.

“She's in an ambulance on the east side of the building. Gates, they got to her in time.”

“Copy that, Taylor,” he said, kicking dirt into Gipson's face.

Kevin rushed to the east side of the building and was met by Commander Young.

“Good work holding it together, Gates,” he said, putting his hand on his shoulder. “I believe there's a young woman asking for you.”

Kevin turned and stepped up into the back of the ambulance. He couldn't believe what he saw. She was covered in blood. It ran from her nose and ears into her long brown hair, which was crusted with blood and dirt and sweat. Long strands of hair stuck to the sides of her face. Her arms were badly bruised, and her fingernails were caked with dirt from the forest floor. A green sheet covered her half-naked body.

Kevin cleared his throat. “Hey there,” he said, trying to get her attention. He waited for a response. Her eyes were black and swollen, her feathery lips cut and bloody.

Sophie opened her left eye slightly. “Kevin?” she asked, trying to sit up. “How did you get here?”

“Shhh,” he said, leaning close to her face and kissing her forehead. “Sophie,” his voice broke, “I'm so sorry this happened to you.” He could feel hot tears forming in the corners of his eyes. It was more than he could take, seeing her beautiful body so bruised and used like this.

“Kevin,” she whispered. “Anya.”

His brows furrowed. “Anya?” Babe, what are you talking about?”

She swallowed hard, pain on her face. “Three told me that I would be rescued by one who was far away, by one who loved me, just as Anya had been rescued by the one who truly loved her—her father.” She raised up a little, her lips closer to his ear. “Don't you see, Kevin? Your life isn't your own, either. Your life followed the diary just as mine did. Three was right all along. He's the one who brought us together. He's the one who knew I'd need you to rescue me.” She choked and swallowed hard again.

Kevin lowered her weak body back to the stretcher.

“Ms. Hanes, they're ready to take you to the hospital,” said the attendant.

Kevin looked at the commander for approval to ride along.

“I'll see you at the hospital later, Gates.”

“Copy that, sir,” he said, pulling the ambulance door shut.

Chapter Twenty-Six
Washington State

“So, did you find the Milky Way?” Kevin asked, sitting on the blanket next to Sophie's reclining body.

“Yeah, it's right there,” she said, proudly pointing straight above her head.

Kevin followed her hand to see a faint band of stars arching across the night sky. He leaned down on one arm, getting closer. “Do you realize, Ms. Hanes, you have just pointed to a part of the galaxy we live in? And that galaxy has over three hundred billion stars accompanied by the sun, moon, and the other planets?”

She continued to gaze into the night sky. “As a matter of fact, Kevin, I did know that.”

He looked up once again. “Well, did you also know that it's the only galaxy that when you're in the middle, you can look back to Earth and see what looks like a giant smiley face?” he asked, making a large smile with his fingers.

She thought for a moment. Doubt crossed her mind, but Kevin knew a great deal about many things, and the stars were one of them. She smiled. “Really?” she finally said, her nose scrunched to accompany the curious look on her face.

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