Read Guided Love (Prick #1) Online

Authors: Tracie Redmond

Guided Love (Prick #1) (4 page)

BOOK: Guided Love (Prick #1)
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“It’s only one in the afternoon.”

I have no response but to say, “It’s Sunday.”

Yeah, pathetic, I know. After some awkward moments between Samantha and Mindy, the bimbo that Cam was fucking when we arrived, I break the ice by telling Mindy that Samantha is a clone that Cam purchased to harvest extra organs. Yeah, I was watching the sci-fi channel last night, obviously. With the look on Mindy's face and the true belief in what I just said, I look over to Samantha. Seeing her laughing takes my breath away. I watch her laugh to the point of tears and all I can think of is that I need to leave. I need to leave now. The first chance I have, when Camaron takes her to show her the rest of the place, I leave and head across the hall to my apartment 2A. I shut the door and press my back and head against the door and say out loud, “I am fucked.”







I am so freaking nervous right now. Camaron and I are walking toward the bar, about to meet his friends and the guys that I’ll be working alongside. I don't think I have ever been this nervous, other than the one time when Camaron kissed me back in high school.

I was a freshman trying really hard to fit in. I wanted people to like me; well, I wanted guys to like me honestly. I tried everything: dressing skimpier, layering blue eye shadow on my eyes, I even stuffed my bra. Yeah, I was desperate. I became friends with the “popular girls,” well, I thought we were friends. I eventually found out that I was the joke of the entire school. One night, after a basketball game we had a slumber party where we played truth or dare. When it was my turn, I of course chose truth. I told them that I had never done anything with a boy, hell, I never even got to bat. I even told them about stuffing my bra to give me more boost. What happened next was the worst day, but the best day of my life. When arriving to school, I noticed that everyone was staring at me. I smiled and said hello to everyone. I was actually becoming popular, or so I thought. When I walked up to my locker, that’s when I saw it. It was covered with tissues; it had big signs that said
Sam Stuffs
all over it. There were even tic tacs right in front of my locker that someone decided to spit out. I stood there in shock. Everyone around me was laughing and all I could do was stare at my locker and try not to let the tears fall. Then, all I remember is Camaron tearing everything off my locker and screaming to everyone around me that they were assholes. He came to my rescue again. He grabbed my hand and led me out of the school to his truck and we took off. We drove around until he pulled into our old elementary school. It had been abandoned but the playground still stood. He parked and came over and opened my door. He grabbed my hand and we went to our spot up behind the slide.

“Do you want to talk about it?”

I couldn’t look him in the eyes so I just kept my head down and shook my head no.

“Look at me, Sam, there is no reason to be embarrassed. They’re all assholes. I don’t even know why you were trying to be friends with dicks like them.”

“I wanted to be popular,” I said with my head still hung.

“Popular?” He chuckled at me.

“Yeah, popular, Cam. I wanted people to like me, I wanted guys to like me. No one notices the smart girl, the girl who is flat chested and carrying a load of books in her arms, no they notice the pretty airheads who have big boobs and great bodies. They notice the girls who bat their eyelashes and laugh at all their stupid jokes!”

“Sam, you should want to be noticed for you, not what you look like.”

“Cam, I am so tired of being the only girl who has never even been kissed! I am a freak of nature, aren’t I? Camaron, you are my best friend and you have to tell me, is there something wrong with me? What is it? I can take it, just tell me.”

“There is nothing wrong with you, Sam, you are fucking awesome.”

“Yeah, I am just ducky.”

“Stop it you are! You have a personality that makes everyone smile.”

“Oh, great a personality, ugh that is what you say to ugly chicks, Camaron.”

“Stop it, Sam, you are awesome—truly, you’re beautiful and smart. You are everything a guy could want.”

I look up and I can see his sincerity in his eyes. “I wish I could believe you” I look down.

Camaron took his hand and lifted my chin so I was looking into his eyes. “I mean it, Sam, you’re gorgeous.”

Keeping his hand on my chin and tilting it up, I can see something change in his eyes. I bite my lip and realize that the one guy I have wanted to kiss for the last seven years is finally looking at me, he finally sees me.

“You shouldn’t want just some guy to kiss you, Sam. Your first kiss should be with someone you care about.”

All I can do is nod as he starts to lean forward. He gets so close I can feel his breath on me. I close my eyes and lean forward and kiss him. It is a quick peck and he pulls back, looks me straight in the eyes, and says, “Damn,” as he wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me on top of him. I wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck and kiss him.

I have wanted this moment for so long, I feel like I am floating. He tests my lips with his tongue and it feels so natural to open up. Our tongues are dancing and I can’t get enough. I start to suck on his tongue and I hear him moan at the same time I feel him harden beneath me. Oh my god, he feels so good. I rub my hands down his back and start to rock back and forth as I am sitting on his lap. Once I start to do that, I am pushed off his lap so fast I don’t know what happened.

“Sam stop!”

That’s all I hear as I start tumbling down the small hill. I come to a stop as I hit a garbage can.

“Ouch!” I scream and look up to see Camaron looking down at me with a smirk on his face.

“You asshat you pushed me.”

He is laughing now and says, “Sorry, beautiful, I didn’t mean for you to roll down the hill.”

He grabs my hands and helps me up. I look at him and say the first thing that I could think of and no, it wasn’t I love you, “I’m sorry.” He looks at me, drops my hand, and rubs his hand through his hair. Without even looking at me he says, “No reason to be sorry, beautiful.”

“I obviously suck at kissing since you pushed me down the hill, Cam.” I looked at him and he seems so frustrated. He is running his hands through his hair and shaking his head.

“Sam, you don’t suck at it. Damn, seriously, beautiful, that was an incredible kiss, I enjoyed it a bit too much.”

I look up at him and I feel my face turning red. Before I can just tell him that I loved it too, that we should go back to where we just were, I hear him say, “Sam, we shouldn’t have done that. I’m your best friend I shouldn’t have ever crossed that line.”

I am gutted so I try to mask my feelings and tell him it was no big deal.

“You didn’t cross any lines, Cam. You were just being a friend and helping me out. No worries.”

He looked into my eyes to see if I am lying, to see where I stand on the matter and, damn, I must be good as he just smiled and took my hand in his as we went back to his truck. We never spoke of that kiss again; we just pretended it never happened.








We finally reach Kester's, which looks like a hole in the wall from the outside. I am completely shocked when Camaron opens the door and I walk through. The place is packed. There are so many people it’s hard to move. Cam links our hands and starts to head toward the back. He must sense my uneasiness, as he holds my hand tighter and pulls me closer to him. His mouth is against my ear, which give me goosebumps every time he does this.

“Relax, beautiful, no worries. The guys will love you and you look amazing.” He pulls back and gives me a wink.

I look amazing, yeah right. I stick out like a sore thumb. I look around and see art—in every direction there is nothing but beauty. The women here are gorgeous, wearing barely there clothing. They are either tatted or pierced and have wild, crazy hairstyles. Then you look at me, standing there in my dark skinny jeans and a freaking cardigan. What the hell was I thinking? A freaking cardigan, ugh. We make our way to the back and step up towards the pool tables. I spot Axel sitting at one of the high tops, along with a few other guys. Camaron stops in front of the table and the guys end their bickering and stare at me. I feel so insecure that I am trying to hide behind Camaron.

“Pricks, this here is my Sam. Sam, these are all the pricks,” he states.

Camaron pulls out a chair and I sit, he stands next to me with his arm around the back. A gorgeous waitress walks over with some neon green liquid in a tube and the table erupts with hoots and hollers. Of course the waitress is freaking gorgeous, wearing a pair of daisy duke black shorts and a hot pink halter top with
written across it. She smiles, hands the shots out, and when she gets to Camaron, she lingers a little longer. I look up and see that he is totally uncomfortable.

“Thanks, Gina. Hey, this here is my Sam. Sam, this is one of my clients, Gina.”

I look at her and see that she is gutted, and she tries to brush it off but it’s written all over her face.

“Sam, it’s nice to meet you,” Gina says and I give her a sincere smile.

“Likewise,” I reply. The awkward silence is back, ending only when I hear that deep voice from this morning.

“Samantha here is our newest member at Pricks,” Axel chimes in.

“Really . . . well, that’s awesome,” Gina replies, as she is piling all the empties onto her tray.

She walks away and puts a little more swing to her step, trying to shake that tiny butt she calls an ass. I look up and catch Camaron checking out her ass as she walks away. He brings his beer to his lips, takes a swig, and looks down with a smirk.

“She is just your client?” A smile comes on his face,

Again, he puts his mouth to my ear and says, “She is just a client, nothing more. Beautiful, you know you’re the only one that means anything. You’re my anchor, babe.” With that, he kisses my head and starts the introductions.

“Sam, these are all the pricks we have: Allen, Jay and Paul and, of course, you already met Axel. This here is Carrie, the receptionist. When you need to know anything about our schedules or ordering, all you need to do is ask Carrie; she is fuckin' awesome and knows everything”

Camaron winks at the brown haired beauty but it seems not to even faze her as she rolls her eyes at him.

“Everyone, this is my Sam, be nice.”

I smile and give a little wave as they all chime in a song “HI.”

The guys really made me feel welcome and Carrie is just a sweetheart. I can say that, out of everyone, I noticed that Jay, the apprentice, is the quietest out of all of them. He sits back and doesn't say much. He is kind of like me in that aspect, just goes with the flow. Paul is the clown of the group. Every time Camaron bent over while trying to make a shot in their game of pool, Paul would come up behind and spank his ass or start to moan. Yes, he had me laughing all night. Then there is Allen. Oh my God, Allen is the definition of a ladies’ man, a real charmer. He had at least three girls on his arm when he was leaving the club. Camaron didn't leave my side most of the night. Of course, he played pool and darts with the guys and he danced with one of his Barbie friends, but I wasn’t left alone.

Axel sat with me at the table all night—he actually never left me. Even when a hot little number came up and tried sitting on his lap to admire his ink, he politely told her that he was busy and he would catch her later.

“You don’t have to babysit me you know,” I say.

BOOK: Guided Love (Prick #1)
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