Gut Feeling (24 page)

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Authors: Victoria Browne

Tags: #Romance, #Erotic, #Fiction, #Holiday, #Chic Lit, #Humor

BOOK: Gut Feeling
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‘Yes you can.’

‘But Mum and Dad are expecting me. They brought me my ticket. I’ve quit my job. I have ended my life in England as I know it.’

‘Oh don’t be so melodramatic. Sod the money. Mum and Dad just want you to be happy. And as for the job—stuff it. Do something different. Choose a new career if you want to. Your life in England isn’t over—it could be just beginning.’

Kelly looked into her sister’s eyes, catching a glimmer of excitement but quickly seeing a mist of fear drain through her whole face.

‘No.’ Ash wiped her tears, composing herself. ‘I have made up my mind. Now please do not meddle in my affairs any more today.’

She picked up her holdall, walking briskly out of the public toilets back into the swarms of people milling around from shop to shop. Kelly followed her in and out of the perfumeries, confectioners and boutiques.

‘Shall we stop for a coffee and bite to eat, Ash?’

‘Could do, we still have thirty minutes before we can go through to the gates.’

They found a quiet table in a small bar with a clear view of the monitor showing gate times. A waitress took their order, leaving them to discuss Ash’s future plans. Ash told Kelly the first think she was going to do once she was settled: enrol on the American dental nurse course so she could gain the qualifications to work in the States. Then she would get a job as a waitress while studying so she could move out and get an apartment.

‘Just stay with Mum and Dad.’

‘Er… No. I want my own place, I haven’t lived at home for years. I’m dreading it—Mum fussing over me, Dad wanting to show me his fishing photos. It’s going to be painful for a while, I’m telling you. You try being the youngest, Kell, you’d soon be glad you were the first born.’

‘They don’t… and anyway they fuss over me too, and if I have to suffer Dad’s fishing tales so should you. It’s only fair.’

‘Well, anyway I want my own place sooner rather than later.’

‘Maybe I could see if there is one available in my block.’

‘Yeah, that would be brilliant, Kell. Ask tomorrow.’

Kelly flung her head back laughing. ‘I’ll ask as soon as I get the chance.’

The last few minutes had ticked by so quickly that they suddenly had to run along to Gate 57 at the furthest end of the airport, arriving after most of the other passengers. Ash felt a tug of emotion rise up into her throat, causing a shudder of doubt in the back of her mind. Kelly watched her sister out of the corner of her eye, hoping she had done the right thing. They stood six people away from boarding the plane with only two people behind them. Ash’s eyes were fixed on her boarding pass, trying not to think of anything that might encourage her doubt.

‘You can back out if you want to, Ash.’


‘I’m just saying. No one would blame you if you didn’t want to get on the plane.’

‘Well, I would, OK?’

‘OK, OK. I’m just trying to help.’

‘Well, don’t, I don’t need any help, I just need to get on the plane.’ Ash tried to convince herself one last time that she was doing the right thing.

Suddenly a young, out-of-breath, slightly chubby girl, dressed in airport uniform, ran up to the man at the boarding desk in front of them. She whispered something into his ear. Ash did not hear what the girl had said but the gentleman looked frustrated at the girl; he told her that the plane was nearly full, but the girl seemed to insist on something.

By now Ash was standing directly in front of the man, and was increasingly frightened that something was wrong with the plane. She nervously handed over her boarding pass to the angry-looking man, studying his face as he took a long look at her pass. He showed it to the young chubby girl next to him, rolling his eyes.

Ash started to worry, ‘Er… is there a problem?’

Kelly joined her sister, standing next to her, waiting for the man to reply. The young girl stepped forward, holding out a small parcel. ‘A man asked me to give you this. He was determined.’

Ash thanked the girl taking the parcel and stepping out of the cue. Kelly watched as she opened it.

‘Oh my God.’ Ash nearly fell over as she showed the chubby girl and Kelly a diamond ring. A note was folded inside, tucked up in the top of the ring case.

I love you—will you marry me?
Dave x

She looked up at both of them, smiling like a Cheshire cat, tears streaming down her face.

‘He begged me for at least forty minutes to take his money and buy a ring then get it to you before you left… It was my lunch break and he explained the whole thing to me… I may not know you both, but he did not cheat on you and by the look on your face you love him as much as he loves you. If you don’t mind me saying.’

Ash jolted her head around, staring into Kelly’s eyes, feeling confused. She didn’t have enough time to think. How could she make a decision like this on the spot? What would her parents say?

It was as if Kelly were reading her mind. ‘Go, Ash, go!’


‘Ash, what is your gut saying right now? Don’t think about it! Just act on that feeling!’

Ash threw her arms around her sister, bursting into tears.

‘He is waiting outside W.H Smiths,’ the girl jumped up and down, excited.

‘Now go! Run! Be happy, little sis!’

‘I love you, Kell. Thank you so much.’

She thanked the girl who had stopped jumping now and who was nearly in tears as well, then ran as fast as she could down the long and now empty corridor, back towards the departure lounge following the exit signs. Her heart pounded in her chest. She pushed past anyone who got in her way, taking long, fast strides down the corridors and stumbling slightly as she negotiated the escalators, then back to security where she got stopped as she breathlessly tried to explain. But it was no good—she had to wait her turn, follow procedure.

* * *

The man at the boarding desk looked very displeased at the turn of events.

‘Well, I am afraid we cannot take her bags off this flight. We are delayed as it is.’

‘Oh stop being so blood grumpy and check me on. I can send the damn bags back to her myself.’

‘Fine, boarding passes please.’ He held out his hand, snatching the piece of card out of Kelly’s grasp. If Kelly had not have been so utterly happy for her sister she would have torn strips off him but what had just happened put everything into a different perspective.

As she walked on to the plane she sat down, looking at the empty seat next to her feeling overjoyed but slightly depressed at the thought of another seven hour flight on her own.

‘Sorry is this seat taken?’ an American male voice spoke from the aisle.

Kelly looked up at a tall, light-haired, well-spoken man dressed in jeans, T-shirt and a sand-coloured suit jacket holding a newspaper and laptop. Catching her breath at the sight of this fine specimen of a man, she swallowed, trying to find words.

‘Er… no.’

‘Would you mind? I got altercated a window seat, but I’m not such a good flyer.’

‘Er… no, no, please take a seat, I would be glad of the company. So you don’t fly a lot then.’

‘Oh no, all the time. I just haven’t ever gotten used to it.’ He laughed, sliding down into the seat.’

‘Whereabouts in America are you from?’

‘New York City.’

‘Oh so am I.’ Smiling to herself, Kelly was now very happy that the seat was empty. Perhaps this flight may not be so boring after all, Kelly thought, eyeing the stranger as he talked.

* * *

Dave looked down at his watch then back out in the direction he presumed Ash may come from. It had been over an hour since the girl had taken his money to buy the ring. Maybe she had done a runner; after all it was £2000 in cash he had just given to a young, probably underpaid airport worker, in the hope that she would prove that human nature was a sucker for romance. Another ten minutes passed; his hope started to fade. What if the girl had found Ash and she had turned him down, and the airport girl kept the ring, meaning he had lost the love of his life and £2000. Dave winced at the thought.

He decided reluctantly to give up the ghost. She wasn’t coming and the W.H Smith workers were starting to look concerned with his pacing up and down. With one more hopeless look across the airport, he walked away, feeling sick to the stomach at the thought of never seeing Ash’s beautiful face ever again.

As Dave neared the doors he turned back to have one last look before facing the fact that Ash had gone for good. Squinting, to his amazement he saw Ash standing outside W.H. Smiths looking around frantically for him.

His heart stopped, his hands started to sweat. There she was—a vision of pure happiness. Quickly he made his way back towards her, walking faster and faster, until he was only a few feet away.

Ash turned around, her stare interlocking with his, bringing him to a halt. She ran the last few feet, slamming her body hard against his, grasping the sides of his face kissing him with all the love she could muster. He lifted her up slowly, swinging her round in circles, inches from the floor, eventually putting her down, so he could look into her eyes, making sure this was really happening—she was really there. She had stayed for him and him alone.

‘Ashleigh Lands, will you—’

‘Yes… yes, I will, I will…’

About the Author

Qualifying as a dental nurse Victoria worked in Harley Street London, before moving into the world of real estate. She qualified as a mortgage broker and eventually opened her own real estate agency.

Reading was one thing that did not come easy due to dyslexia, causing much frustration. With a great deal of determination, Victoria progressed to where she is today, living in South London with her partner Jon and their two cats. Victoria sold her company to start a family and continue her successful writing career.

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