Guy Langman, Crime Scene Procrastinator (24 page)

BOOK: Guy Langman, Crime Scene Procrastinator
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“Can I read you something?” I ask. I reach into my pocket and pull out a folded printout.

“Of course you can, Guy,” she says.

So I read:

“Rules for Living”:
The Guy Langman Story

Life is easy, my friends. Ever since the dragon pooped the fire of earth into existence, a few rules have existed. Scratch that. None of that is true. Life isn’t easy. But maybe it’s not impossible either. Maybe some things never change. Maybe it’s always a simple matter of stopping the bad guy, getting the girl, making peace with your parents, and taking a sweet bubble bath every once in a while

I can’t pretend to know all the answers, or even
some of them, but I have learned this: If you think you can avoid pain by avoiding life, you fail at both. The only way to win the game is to play the game. And okay, there’s no promise you’ll win, or that winning even exists. But it’s the only way to be sure you don’t lose

When a stranger with a knife appears at your window (or seems to) and you think you’re going to die, you can’t help but get this horrible nervousness. Not just about your future, but your past. Did I spend my time the right way? Did I waste my hours with video games? But really—and okay, maybe now it’s because I don’t feel the metaphorical knife at my throat—I don’t see it that way. All those things—games, books, even fights and even being bored—that
life. And I’ll have some more, please

So what does the future hold for Guy Langman? Will he go to college? Who are you, Anoop? Fine, I filled out the forms. Applied to a few good schools. Eugene Lang, Slippery Rock, and some others with not-as-fun names. My grades are coming back up and the extracurriculars look pretty sweet: Forensics Squad President, and a letter of recommendation from Mr. Zant

Zant’s letter makes me blush. Over and over again he said how much I’ve learned, how skilled I’ve become. He doesn’t know the half of it … I’ve lifted fingerprints, outsmarted a doorman, caught a thief, confronted a villain, kissed a
girl … Okay, no reason for the letter to mention that last part. And yeah, the villain I caught was sort of actually the nicest guy ever. And the evil cat burglar was just a messed-up kid. Oh, Hairston. All is forgiven. He isn’t perfect (obviously), but he’s trying. Just fumbling and bumbling along. Maybe that’s all any of us can do

Maybe you can’t expect the leader of the tribe—or anyone else—to sit you down and explain the rules for living. Not now. Not anytime soon. There are no rules for living. The only leader of your tribe is you. We all lead our own tribes, of friends, parents, weird dudes at school, girls. The people you choose to love. This is your life. The world will never give you a dong bracelet. You have to reach out and take it


Imagine my surprise when I learned I’d be working with an editor who didn’t even know how to spell her own last name! But even though she spells Berk with a
for some wacky reason, Michele Burke has been an absolutely fantastic editor (and actually a far better speller than I). Thanks so much, Michele, for your humor, wisdom, gentle guidance, and inexhaustible patience in working with me on this book. Nothing pleases me more than when I find a handwritten “ha!” in the margin of a manuscript and I know I’ve made you laugh.

Thank you to my literary agent, Ted Malawer, who saw potential in this book when it was just a glimmer of an idea and who helped it (and its author) grow in too many ways to name. Thank you as well to Chris Richman, Michael Stearns, and the whole Upstart Crow crew—I’m proud to be associated with you all.

The entire community of authors I’ve been lucky enough to be a part of has been wonderful to me and I’d thank you each individually if I could. Specifically, I’d like to give thanks to Shaun Hutchinson, who generously helped me brainstorm when I was stuck on an early draft of this book. To Suzanne Young, for encouragement and sage writerly advice such as “If you think it’s funny, go for it!” which I have taken to mean “Add more ball jokes.” And to Trish Doller, who is always there for me to bounce crazy ideas off.

And as always, thanks beyond thanks to my family: Mom, Dad, Julie, Matt, Kelly, and the kids. I love you.

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