Gyaros Book One: The Mice Eat Iron (YA 17+ Sci Fi Adventure) (45 page)

BOOK: Gyaros Book One: The Mice Eat Iron (YA 17+ Sci Fi Adventure)
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-I need your help, there's a way back to Carthage, isn't there?” Mesa looked down at Miles condescendingly, sniggered and replied, “so that's your plan?”

“Yes it is
,” said Miles, “is there something wrong with that?”

Mesa sh
ook her head and laughed softly.

“Look, I don't know what your deal is but if you and your friends do something for me, I'll consider helping you out, you are cool with Ryker I guess. As for getting back to Carthage? That's a whole different story.”

“My friends...” Miles said, remembering Maxen and Lucy, “where are they!” he shouted.

“Shut the fuck up you idiot
,” Mesa said quietly, covering Miles' mouth with her hand, “they're right over there, alive but still out.” Miles looked where Mesa was pointing, it was only then that he noticed the piles of dead bodies and broken machines that littered the dark room. In the corner sat Maxen and Lucy, both unconscious. The thick stench of rotting flesh and faeces filled Miles’ nostrils.

“Wh...where are we anyway?” Miles asked in
trepidation, pinching his nose.

“We’re in the feeding pen, you don’t wanna be here when it’s dinner time for the animals
,” Mesa replied calmly, “and the next fight should be ending soon so we've gotta get out of here quickly.”

“Get out of here?” Miles repeated angrily, wincing in pain and holding his wound
, “you just stabbed me! I can hardly move!”

“What do you want, a fuckin' piggy back ride? I missed your vital organs and patched you up, you'll be fine
,” Mesa said, heading for the exit. “I can't be seen down here, wake up your buddies and meet me at your shitty truck, I’ll leave the door unlocked.” Before Miles had a chance to argue, Mesa rushed out of the dark room through a door on the opposite side.

'This maniac is the person Ryker tol
d me to find?' Miles thought as he struggled to his feet. Noticing the sharp pain in his side, he lifted his shirt to examine the wound. The deep cut was sealed by a clear, rubbery substance, a common medical sealant called caduceus gel often used by Carthage Special Forces and Enforcer field medics as a temporary solution to stop heavy bleeding and kill pain, Miles recognised it from films and games. Putting his shirt down again he quickly limped his way to where Maxen and Lucy were lying unconscious.

,” he whispered, shaking Maxen by the shoulders and slapping him gently on the face.

“What the...” Maxen slowly opened his eyes before abrupt
ly shoving Miles out of the way, scrambling to his feet and charging his cannon. Although the fight had ended he didn’t yet know it.

“Calm down, Maxen! It’s over, we’re all okay!”

“What the fuck's goin' on?!” Maxen was confused and disorientated, clearly the last thing he remembered was being knocked out by Mesa in the arena. He gradually re-orientated to his new environment as Miles spoke.

“Listen, we can't stay here, we've got to move
,” Maxen had no idea what was happening but he was smart enough to know not to argue. Miles picked Lucy up off the floor and they hurried out of the only door in the room, which lead to the familiar tunnels below the arena stands.

“So you wanna tell me what all this is about?” Maxen asked as they wandered through the tunnels, trying to figure out where they were.

“The Reaper is Mesa, she’s going to help us,” Miles explained.

“Okay so-Wait...what?!”
said Maxen, turning to Miles with wide eyes, “you mean the same Mesa we're supposed to be lookin' for in New Fortune?” Miles nodded his head.

“Yeah, she told me to meet her at the pickup truck.”

“How does she know we have a pickup truck?” Miles realized he had never mention the old, blue truck to Mesa or anyone else at the arena.

“I...don't know
,” he answered, confused and a little worried.

“I guess it doesn't matter,” said Maxen
, “she said she'll help us, right?”

“If we do something for her
...” Miles replied with a trembling voice.

“Right, and you got any idea what that

“Well, no. But we have to trust her, she's the reason we were heading to New Fortune after all. Ryker said to find her and besides, it’s not like we have a whole lot of other friends or options right now.”

“Yeah I guess not. But don't let your guard down, I'm not sure I like this chick just yet,” Maxen placed a hand on his face and rubbed his aching jaw.

After several minutes of walking, Miles and Maxen finally found a familiar part of the stadium and
made their way out into the parking lot. They pushed through the masses of drunken arena patrons as they hurried back to the pickup to find Mesa already waiting for them, her arms crossed as she leant against the hood of the truck, her eyes squinting under the midday sun.

“What took you so long?”
she wise-cracked as the three approached. Maxen remained cautious, keeping his eyes locked on Mesa, as they arrived at the vehicle. He folded his arms and scowled, he didn't yet trust her and with good reason. Miles opened the passenger door of the truck and gently placed the unconscious Lucy on the seat before turning back to face the tattooed woman. It was the first time that Miles could get a proper look at her. She had beautiful, but serious dark eyes which were accentuated by the wild black eye makeup she wore. Her skin was smooth and surprisingly unmarked for someone who found themselves in battle so often. Her nose was straight but effeminate and her slightly cracked lips curled up mischievously at each end.

“Is it safe for us to be out here?”
he asked, looking around nervously.

“Safe enough
,” replied Mesa, shrugging nonchalantly.

“So, you gonna tell us what the fuck's goin' on?” Maxen
quipped impatiently.

“I was getting to that. You're probably wondering why they made you fight me.”

“I'm wonderin' a lotta things, lady,” Maxen growled taking a step towards Mesa who simply rolled her eyes. Miles put his hand on Maxen's arm to calm him.

“Just let her explain
,” he said quietly. Mesa looked at both of them silently for a few seconds before continuing.

“I don't know all the details but apparently you killed the arena owner's brother back in The Dustbowl, guess he
caught word that you’d made it to the arena and decided to have me do his dirty work.”

“The owner?” Miles inquired.

“His name's Taggart Ransom, know him?” Miles recalled Gideon once mentioning something about his brother and the arena but would never have imagined that he owned it!

“Shit...his brother was Gideon Ransom, he owned a diner in The Dustbowl,” Miles paused and sighed
, “it's a long story.”

“So why are
here?” asked Maxen, narrowing his eyes, “you work for The Machine, right? Don't they pay you enough?”

“Oh, they pay me plenty, big guy,”
Mesa smiled keenly as she spoke, “it was them who sent me out here. This arena rakes in a shit ton of money and The Machine want it.”

“Then why are you entering the fights? The announcer said your first battle was a month ago
,” said Miles.

“Think about it. Some random bitch comes in, kills everyone and take
s over the stadium? That's gonna piss off a lotta interests. But if the people’s beloved champion claims the arena, they'll love it, and no one dares move against the will of the fans. Of course I won't actually run the place, we've got a guy for that. I'll just show up and fight every now and then, give the people what they want,” smirked Mesa, lighting another cigarette.

“Hmm,” Maxen nodded his head
, and looked at Miles, “makes sense, these guys know what they're doin'.”

“Exactly,” Mesa said as she laid back on the windshield of the pickup truck with her hands behind her head, the cigarette hanging from her lips
, “now, I was gonna do it alone but since you guys showed up, I figured this could go a whole lot smoother if I had some backup.”

“And that's what you want us to help with
,” said Miles, putting two and two together.

“Yep, you do this for me and I'll hook you up with The Machine in New Fortune
,” she lowered her voice and leaned into Miles and Maxen, “as for getting back to Carthage, that's a whole different story and I suggest you keep your mouths shut about it.”

Miles and Maxen didn't have much of a choice, Mesa was the reason they had headed out towards New Fortune in the first place. ‘If we do The Machine a favour that’ll have to count for something, maybe even letting us go back.’

“What exactly do you need us to do?” Miles asked, hoping for a simple and straightforward task like ‘watch the exits’ or ‘call if you see trouble’.

“Whatever I tell you to do. J
ust don't get in my way,” Mesa took a last, deep drag of her cigarette and expertly flicked the butt into a nearby dustbin. It seemed she did everything with grace and style.

“Don't suppose we got a choice then
,” said Maxen, “so when are we doin' this thing?” Mesa looked up to the sky, thinking for a moment before answering.

“I'm thinkin' tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow?” Miles and Maxen both said in unison.

“Yeah, you got other plans? I'll tell you more in the morning, just lay low for now and don't cause any trouble
. You’re supposed to be dead, remember?”

,” said Maxen under his breath as Miles nodded.

“By the way,” Mesa began, standing up off of the truck
, “how do you know Ryker?”

“I worked with him for a few days back on Carthage before I got shuttled
,” Miles answered.

“A few days? And he just
you his token?” Mesa raised an incredulous eyebrow at Miles.

“You don't believe me?”
said Miles defensively.

“Oh, I believe you,” Mesa rolled her eyes
, “he's always been an idiot.”

“So you've known him a long time?” Miles inquired.

“His whole life,” Mesa replied, “he
my little brother.”

“Your brother?!”
said Miles choking on his saliva.

,” Mesa stretched her arms above her head and added, “I need a beer. I'll see you guys tomorrow, don't sleep in,” and with that, she began heading back to the stadium, leaving Miles and Maxen beside the blue pickup truck.

“So what now?” Maxen said once Mesa disappeared into
the arena.

“Like Mesa said, just lay low until tomorrow, we should be fine out here but I wouldn't risk going back into the stadium, if one of the staff see
s us alive they’re sure to report it to Taggart,” replied Miles, checking on Lucy through the window, her chest moving up and down slightly as she lay there serenely.

“Yeah, you're right. We shouldn't have to anyway, there's plenty to eat around here
and we still got a few Talons left from what Adam gave us,” Maxen gestured towards one of the many fast food stands throughout the parking lot.

Lucy soon came to, she was understandably confused and disorientated but the EMP grenade
appeared to produce no lasting effects. After Miles and Maxen explained the unlikely situation to her, the three of them spent the rest of the day wandering around the arena parking lot where they found plenty of entertainment to keep themselves occupied. There were several performers ranging from amateur jugglers to fire breathers and sword swallowers as well as a large wooden half pipe where a number of experienced skateboarders performed advanced aerial manoeuvres, backed by loud, fast music that was being belted out by a colourful four piece band on a nearby stage. This quickly caught Lucy’s attention.

“Papa, this way!”
she said excitedly, pulling Miles’ hand in the direction of the ramp.

“Alright, let's check it out
,” Miles replied with a smile and the three of them made their way to the loudly cheering crowd of onlookers surrounding the action. ‘I could definitely use a distraction.’ Trying to forget about his aches, pains and whatever tomorrow would bring Miles attempted to enjoy the moment as much as he could. His wound was hurting less thanks to the localised pain killer that was a welcome property of the caduceus gel and Maxen had purchased some cold drinks using up most of the remaining money the Powells offered them when seeing them off. ‘This almost reminds me of the days Hellen and I would take Chet to see the animals in the zoo in The Hesperides’ Garden’.

can’t see, I can't see!” Lucy complained, jumping in an attempt to see beyond the spectators, Miles grabbed her under the arms and lifted her onto his shoulders so she could get a better look.

she shouted, looking on in awe at the impressive tricks being performed on the ramp.

Following a successful run, one of the skateboarders proudly celebrated on top of the half pipe before tossing his board into the wild audience, causing several spectators to pile on top of each other in a relentless attempt
to retrieve it. Without warning Maxen rushed in to join the chaos, disappearing into the rabid crowd.

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