Authors: Charles Stross
Which is very much
how things are done in Scotland, where plea-bargaining is seen as some kind of perverted transatlantic phenomenon, but ye ken why the security services might not want to advertise that their pilot project in the virtual world was penetrated by a bunch of Chinese script kiddies because the guy running the cover operation didn’t believe his own story.
“Well, if that’s the course of action you’ve decided on, I’ll co-operate,” says Liz. “Although”—she glances between Jones and Michaels—“I’d be happier hanging the bastard out to dry.”
Jones just sits there with a pained look on his face, but Michaels nods. “So would I, Inspector. And maybe we’ll be able to let you reopen the case in a couple of years, when our critical infrastructure is nailed down tight. But I hope you understand the need for discretion here?” He looks at you suddenly, and there’s nowt of the public-school boy in his eyes. “We’re not playing games anymore.”
Mail-Allegedly-From: [email protected]
Auto-Summary: Typical 419 scam.
Spam-Weighting: 95% probable, don’t waste your time.
Dear Mr. Hackman,
I fervently pray that this letter soliciting for your kind assistance will not cause any embarrassment to you. I am aware that we have never seen each other before, neither have we exchanged any form of formal contact or correspondence before. I am also, aware that this world is full of dishonest people, but I sincerely hope that my humble letter will touch your kind heart to assist us in establishing mutual identity authentication and a profitable and happy future business relationship.
I, on behalf of my other colleague in the office (NNPB) have decided to solicit your assistance as regards to the disposition of the sum of26,023,691.47 deposited into your bank account two months ago. This fund arose from the liquidation of certain security assets deposited on your behalf by our colleagues in the Pyongyang subdivision of my parastatal over the preceding accounting period.
We understand that the amount will be transferred into a bank account provided by yourself, but this must be supplied by you, as the code of conduct of the federal civil service does not allow us to operate with foreign accounts. We are therefore seeking for your assistance based on the agreement been made within our selves the documents of this fund will be speedily processed for immediate remittance of the fund into your bank account.
We will avail you with our identities as regards our respective offices when relationship is fully established and smooth operation commences. We are at your disposition to entertain any question from you in respect of this transaction, so, contact me immediately through my email or the above telephone numbers for further information on the requirements and procedure. We are in particular eager to receive your suspense account details and required biometrics (e.g. left fingertip, letter signed in blood) for completion of this transaction.
Please, note that this Deal needs utmost confidentiality and observe suitable secrecy.
Yours faithfully,
Nigerian National Petroleum Bank