Hammered (11 page)

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Authors: Desiree Holt

BOOK: Hammered
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And he looked paler than the white sheets on the bed.

She wanted to throw up. Only Josh’s steadying hand at her
elbow kept her from crumbling to the floor.

“He’s pretty out of it,” the nurse told them, repeating what
they’d already heard. “They’re giving him a stiff dose of painkillers to keep
him comfortable. You know he has to be awakened every hour until tomorrow

“I’ll be doing that,” Livy told her. She moved to stand
beside the bed, taking Alex’s hand in hers, the one without the needle in it.
He felt so cold it alarmed her. “He’s freezing,” she told the nurse.

“It’s common after surgery. I’ll get him another blanket.”

It didn’t help that they couldn’t cover his entire body
because of the leg, but Josh and Tyler helped her move the bedclothes around
carefully. Then Tyler pulled a chair from the corner and placed it next to the

“Sit,” he told her. “It’s going to be a long night.”

She sat beside the bed, holding his hand as day passed into
night and then began lightening into morning. Josh and Tyler found extra chairs
and maintenance brought in a cot for her but she couldn’t sleep. All she could
do was stare at Alex and pray.

They woke him every hour but he roused only enough to mumble
something before falling asleep again.

“It’s the medicine,” the night nurse assured them as she
gave him another dose. “As long as he wakes at all we’re good.” She checked his
eyes, lifting the lids one at a time. “The pupils aren’t dilated. I think we’re
out of the woods as far as the concussion is concerned.”

That was good news but Livy wanted him fully awake and
talking to her.

She had her hand snaked through the guard rails on the bed
and at some point she took the pillow from the cot, stuffed it against the
rails and laid her head on it. She hadn’t meant to doze off, hadn’t realized
she’d done it until she felt someone nudge her.

She looked up through bleary eyes to see Tyler smiling at

“Wake up, sleepyhead. Someone wants to talk to you.”

She blinked hard to clear away the cobwebs. “Huh?”

“Livy?” The voice was slurred from pain and narcotics but it
was definitely Alex.

She stood up so quickly she knocked back the chair.

“Alex? Ohmigod, Alex? Are you really awake?” She lifted his
hand and pressed kisses to it. “You’re awake. I mean, really awake.”

His pain-dulled eyes shifted to look at his brothers. “Ty?
Josh? What’s everyone doing here?” He tried to shift in bed and groaned. “Damn.
I feel like a truck fell on me.”

“Only a car,” Josh teased. “Next time look both ways before
crossing the street, just like Mom always told us.”

Alex’s eyes shifted back to Livy. “Are you really here?”

“Yes. Oh yes. And I’m never leaving you again. I love you,
Alex.” Again she smothered his hand in kisses.

“Damn. It was almost worth getting hurt to hear you say

“Don’t do it again,” Tyler told him.

The brothers stayed long enough to assure themselves that
Alex would be okay. They told Livy they’d be back later and she should plan on
taking at least an hour to run home and change. She’d feel a lot better.

But all she could focus on was Alex. She held his hand as he
dozed off again. Every time he opened his eyes she smiled at him and told him
again she loved him. By afternoon he was able to stay awake for more than a few
minutes at a time. When he opened his eyes and looked at her he smiled despite
the pain that etched lines on his face.

“You’re still here. I didn’t dream it.”

“I’m still here and I’m not going away. Oh, Alex, I was so
foolish. I’d been hurt so much in the past I was afraid to trust my heart
again. But I just have to take that leap of faith you and your brothers believe
in so strongly and trust you to take good care of my heart.”

He closed his fingers around hers. “You know how much I love
you. I’d never do anything to hurt you. Ever. You’re everything to me.”

“As you are to me. I’m sorry it took so long for me to
realize that.”

“Here’s the big question. Will you marry me?”

Her heart squeezed at the words.
Do it, you idiot.

“Yes, I’ll marry you. Just as soon as you’re better.”

“That’s the best medicine you could give me. Put down that
rail for a minute and let me kiss you.”

She bent over him carefully and pressed her mouth to hers.
He lifted his free hand to tangle his fingers in her hair and hold her to him.
Even in his debilitated condition, the kiss he gave her was scorching. And full
of promise. A promise for the future.

About the Author


I always wonder what readers really want to know when I
write one of these things. Getting to this point in my career has been an interesting
journey. I’ve managed rock and roll bands and organized concerts. Been the only
female on the sports staff of a university newspaper. Immersed myself in
Nashville peddling a country singer. Lived in five different states. Married
two very interesting but totally different men.

I think I must have lived in Texas in another life, because
the minute I set foot on Texas soil I knew I was home. Living in Texas Hill
Country gives me inspiration for more stories than I’ll probably ever be able
to tell, what with all the sexy cowboys who surround me and the gorgeous
scenery that provides a great setting.

Each day is a new adventure for me, as my characters come to
life on the pages of my current work in progress. I’m absolutely compulsive
about it when I’m writing and thank all the gods and goddesses that I have such
a terrific husband who encourages my writing and puts up with my obsession. As
a multi-published author, I love to hear from my readers. Their input keeps my
mind fresh and always hunting for new ideas.


Desiree welcomes comments from readers. You can find her
website and email addresses on her
author bio page





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Also by
Desiree Holt


Delight Me

Challenge: Hot to Trot

Cupid’s Shaft

With Danger

Diamond Lady

Double Entry


Driven by

Eagle’s Run

Cavemen: Flavors of Ecstasy I


Mistletoe Magic:
Elven Magic
with Regina Carlysle & Cindy Spencer Pape

Magic: Touch of Magic

Emerald Green

Set 1: Erected

Escape the

Hot Moon

Wicked and Wild

I Dare You

to the Pearl

Just Say Yes

the Groom
with Allie Standifer

Letting Go

Line of Sight

Nemesis 1: Until
the Dawn
with Cerise DeLand

Nemesis 2: Until
with Cerise DeLand

Nemesis 3: Until
with Cerise DeLand

Night Seekers
1: Lust Unleashed

Seekers 2: Lust by Moonlight

Seekers 3: Lust Undone

Night Heat

Once Burned

Upon a Wedding

Phoenix Agency 1:
Jungle Inferno

Agency 2: Extrasensory

Phoenix Agency
3: Delicious Danger

Agency 4: F-Stop

Riding Out
the Storm

Rodeo Heat

with Allie Standifer

Deep 1: Bedroom Eyes

Wicked This Way Comes



in Cowboy Boots

Turn up the Heat 1:
with Allie Standifer

up the Heat 2: Scalded
with Allie Standifer

up the Heat 3: Singed
with Allie Standifer

up the Heat 4: Steamed
with Allie Standifer

Wedding Belles:
Something Blue
with Cerise DeLand & Allie Standifer

Belles: Something Borrowed

Danger Hides


Print books by Desiree Holt


Age and


Challenge: Tease the Cougar



Cavemen: Flavors of Ecstasy I



Night Seekers 1:
Lust Unleashed




Rodeo Heat

Tease the Cougar

Turn Up the Heat

Saddles and Spurs

Wicked This Way Comes, Volume 1

Wedding Belles

Danger Hides



Ellora’s Cave Publishing







ISBN 9781419938559


Hammered Copyright © 2012 Desiree Holt


Edited by Raelene Gorlinsky

Cover design by Dar Albert

Photos: Fotolia.com


Electronic book publication August 2012


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