Hammer's Fall (The Breakers' Bad Boys) (11 page)

BOOK: Hammer's Fall (The Breakers' Bad Boys)
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“Sure, why not?” Hammer tried to keep his answer light, but he felt his chest tighten at the veiled look of hope in the kid’s eyes.

Nate looked away at a car driving by. “My dad and I used to do some boxing together when he was on leave.”

Hammer forced himself not to stiffen up in surprise. From what he’d been told, Nate had refused to talk to anyone about his father since he had moved in with Anna. “Your dad was a Marine, right?”

“Yeah, he was killed in action.”

“I’m sorry.” Those words were too simple for what Hammer wanted to say, then again there were no words that could possibly make the loss any better. “Come on, kid. Let’s go hit something.”

Nate smiled. “Sounds good.”


“You want me to what?”

Hammer smiled as he held out the leather jacket he’d ordered for Kali the other day. The leather was soft, but thick enough that it would keep her warm on his bike. On the back of the black leather was the black, white and red logo for Rough and Tough, but underneath it was the specialized tag they used for the things they made specifically for Hammer. Yesterday he had gotten in a large box of all kinds of clothes for Kali to wear. He had taken it home with him and put it away in the dressers where he would show them to her later.

They were standing in the entrance way of her apartment as she looked at him with that cute expression of bewilderment that always made him want to kiss her. He was holding two helmets in his hand other hand as he waited for her to take the jacket. “It’s a nice day out. You have tomorrow off, right? So do I. I want you to put this on and come for a ride with me.”

“But I’ve been drinking,” Kali said as she hid her hands behind her back.

Hammer laughed. “It’s a good thing I’m not letting you drive then. Honey, you said you had a couple of glasses of wine at my cousin’s place hours ago. You’re fine. Now, put this on and come with me. I’m going to make us dinner, then I want you to spend the night at my place.”

“Oh!” Kalista’s eyes had widened in a look of such shock he felt like an asshole for not having her over sooner. “But, won’t I need stuff?”

He rolled his eyes. “I’ve got stuff for you there. Stop stalling.”

She pursed her lips and slowly reached out to take the jacket from him. She slid it on and he felt a deep sense of pride seeing her in something that had his name on it. He helped her zip the jacket up, then leaned down to press a kiss against her lips.

“Now you’re my sexy biker chick.”

Kalista burst out laughing, pleased with his teasing, and decided to give a little back. “I thought I was your fairy?”

“Ok, so you are my sexy biker fairy.”

“You are so crazy,” she said with a shake of her head.

Grinning, Hammer waited as she locked up her apartment before he led her out to his bike. He handed her one of the helmets and she frowned down at it.

“You normally don’t wear one when you ride.”

Swinging his leg over the seat of his wicked looking black and silver Harley, he turned back to see the look of fear on her face she tried to hide from him. “I’m not taking any chances with you. There are mics in the helmets so we can hear each other. Hey, you know I won’t let anything happen to you, right?”

“You can’t possibly know that.”

He sighed. Maybe he wasn’t being fair pushing her to go for a ride with him if she was that afraid. “My house is only fifteen minutes away, but if you really don’t want to go we can—”

“No, I want to go to your house with you. I’m just…a little nervous,” she admitted.

Taking a deep breath, Kali put the helmet on, then allowed him to help her onto the back of the bike so she was sitting behind him. He had surprised her with the jacket and the offer to take her out to his house. She knew that he had bought a house near the beach when he had moved back, but she hadn’t seen his place since they started dating. She hadn’t realized how much it had been bothering her that he had not invited her over to his place until that moment.

Sure, her apartment was convenient for both of them since they worked so close. Kalista had been so happy every night he spent with his arms wrapped around her while they slept, even if it had taken a little getting used to. For one, Jared’s body was huge and took up more than half her queen-size bed. She also wasn’t used to sleeping naked, but she had gotten into the habit of just passing out from sheer exhaustion after he made love to her for half the night.

She came back to the moment as he slid his own helmet in place, then fired up his motorcycle. She was amazed by the power of the machine they sat on. Scooting toward him from behind, her bent legs cradled his body as she set her feet on the foot pegs where he told her to place them. Not knowing what do to with her hands, she braced them lightly on his sides, until he pulled her firmly against him.

“Hold on tight, sweetheart. Ready? Here we go.”

Giving in, she wrapped her arms around him, loving the feeling of his hard abs against her palms. She let out a squeal as they took off down the street, and she could hear his deep laugh over the roar of the engine when her grip tightened on him. After the first few minutes, Kalista was astonished to find herself relaxing and actually enjoying herself.

Being on Jared’s bike with him almost made her feel like she was flying. She let out an exhilarated laugh filled with all the joy she was feeling, and he sped up, thrilling her. He did that for her. Gave her new experiences and taught her how to let go. With each passing minute she felt more of the chains that had always been holding her back fall away.

She had never been the type of woman who would ride on the back of a Harley with a bad boy she was sleeping with…until Jared. Without him she would have never had the courage to ride on his bike, no matter how much she had always wanted to. And she did. She’d always wanted to be the kind of fearless woman who could do anything, but so many people in her life had told her that she couldn’t do things that she had started to believe them.

That wasn’t the case with Jared.

She’d never met a man like him before. Jared was such a good man, caring and patient even if he looked so tough. He made her feel cherished and protected in a way she’d never felt before. He was so vital, so full of life, and he exuded a sexual pull so strong all he had to do was look at her and she felt her body slickening in invitation. It amazed her that he wanted to be with her, but she was glad that he did. Still, a little insidious voice in her head kept asking
for how long

It was difficult to admit that she had already lost her heart to him when she didn’t know what the future held…or if they had a future at all. Sometimes it felt like she had fallen in love with him the first time she saw him and she just fell deeper every day. Being with him allowed her to be who she was really was, without fear of recriminations. Forcing herself to relax, she focused on just enjoying the time she had with him without worrying about what would happen later.

Kalista felt her body heat as the throbbing of the bike seemed to shoot through her body straight to her clit, making her squirm on the seat. Acutely aware of his big body seated between her legs, she pressed herself fully against his back, and satisfaction filled her when she felt him tense.

Perhaps she wasn’t the only one being affected by the close contact and the thrum of the machine.

Curiously, she stroked her hand over the taut muscles of his stomach and felt his abs flex under her gentle touch. She loved the raw power coiled in his strong body and suddenly couldn’t wait to feel his hands on her.

“You doing okay?” he asked as they exited town and headed out on to a quieter stretch of road leading toward the coast.

There was something intimate about hearing his voice in her ear, surprisingly clear through the speaker in the helmet as the motor of the bike rumbled in the background. “I’m great!” she answered.

As they drove through a forested area, a wicked idea flickered through her mind. Feeling mischievous, she slid one of her hands lower, exploring until she found the thick column of his shaft straining against his pants where it was trapped against his thigh. She could practically feel his hard cock pulsing against her palm as she slowly stroked him through the material of his pants and boxers.

“You better stop that, Kali. It’s gonna get you into trouble if you keep that up,” he warned.

She didn’t want to stop. Thinking back over their time together, she realized that this was the first time she had made the first move. He always seemed to know exactly how to arouse her to the point she was desperate to feel him inside her, but so far she had never instigated their love play. He always made love to her passionately, but without that primal urgency he had taken her with that first time they were together. She wanted that with him again. Wanted him to take her as if he couldn’t breathe with the need clawing through his system.

To be as wild and crazed for her as she was for him.

No longer willing to wait for him to take the lead, she refused to release her hold on his cock. There was something wildly erotic about stroking him while she couldn’t see what she was doing. Her clit pulsed in time to the blood flowing into his cock, making him thicker and harder in her hand.

“Do you really want me to stop?”

“Fuck no.”

Casting a quick glance around their surroundings, she was emboldened by the isolated area they were driving through. Using some of her newfound courage, she reached up and loosened the ties of his drawstring pants. Slipping her hand beneath the fabric of his boxers, she took his shaft into her hand. Feeling the bare length of him throbbing against her palm sent a shiver of need surging through her body so strong it left her breathless.

Revving the engine, he made a quick turn onto a small road that led into a secluded picnic area in the woods, never once losing control as he did. He drove the bike up onto a grassy area, away from the road, then turned it off and shoved down the kickstand with his foot. The silence was deafening after the throaty rumble of the machine cut off, and a wave of nervousness filled her when he didn’t move or speak. He just sat there with his large hands gripping the handlebars as she stroked his erection.

She slowly moved her hand up his shaft, loving that he was too big for her fingers to meet. She rubbed her thumb over the head of his cock, spreading the pre-cum leaking from the tip, and she felt his big body shudder.

“Kali,” he growled out her name, his chest billowing as he breathed out in hard pants.


“You’re fucking torturing me.”

That had her hand pausing. “Do you want me to stop?”

“Hell no, but this is your one warning. If you don’t take your hand off my dick right now you’re gonna get fucked. Right here. Right now. I won’t be able to wait to get you to my house.”

The harsh tone of his voice had wisps of excitement whipping through her, and she bit her lip to hold back a moan. Instead of removing her hand, she squeezed him harder, drawing out a ragged groan from him. In a flash, he ripped off his helmet, throwing it on the ground. He turned in his seat, grabbing her around the waist so he could drag her off of the bike with him.

He pulled the helmet off of her head, tossing it next to his own, then his mouth slammed down on hers, claiming her with a brutal kiss that made her knees go weak. Her hands flew up, holding onto his arms to brace herself as he picked her up and sat her down sideways on the seat.

He shoved her legs apart, pressing between her thighs as he ravaged her mouth, tongue stroking deep. She could feel the liquid heat coating her tight channel, her body preparing for his possession. Whenever he touched her or even smiled at her, she instantly became wet, but the vibration of the bike had her riding the edge already.

She wanted him now, so deep that he became a part of her.

He pulled back, his dark eyes filled with heat as he let out a primitive growl. “Damn it, woman. You’re driving me out of my fucking mind.”

She loved seeing that raw hunger on his face and embraced the moment by flicking her tongue out to trace his lower lip. “Good,” she whispered.

Before she knew it, he unfastened her jeans and was pushing his hand beneath her panties, two thick fingers stroking over her saturated folds. She cried out as he shoved his fingers into her hot hole, parting her tight muscles. The feeling was so exquisite she found herself pushing against him, wanting more. Her grip on him tightened, afraid as he leaned over her pressing her back into air.

“I won’t let you fall. Just hold on to me. Such a tight little pussy. So hot and wet, and all mine.”

“Oh God, Jared. Please, please…” She had learned that he loved when she vocalized what she wanted from him, but couldn’t even manage to form the words.

“What do you want, Kali? Do you want me to finger fuck until you come?”

“Yes! Jared, please. It’s so good.”

“Yeah, baby. I’ll make you come all over my hand, then I’m going to shove my cock inside you and make you come again.”

She arched her hips, silently asking for more as he curled his fingers in her, stroking her sweet spot from the inside her pussy. The pressure began to build in her core as he worked her closer to orgasm. She closed her eyes, reaching out blindly to take his thick cock in her hand, pumping her fist over him in time to the fingers thrusting inside her clenching heat.

Jared leaned down, pressing his lips close to her ear as his thumb began massaging her distended clit. “Come for me, little fairy. Get that hot, little cunt ready for me because I’m gonna ride you hard and fast once I get my dick inside you.”

She let out a loud cry as she came, her pussy clenching around his thick digits. Her hips bucked against him as she rode out the sensations bombarding her body. Pulling his head down, she kissed him, sharing all the love she felt for him as their tongues danced together.

Before she had recovered from her shattering climax, he pulled his fingers out of her and lifted her off of the seat. “Turn around.”

Hammer sucked his fingers clean, growling at the sweet taste of her. He jerked the heavy material of her jeans down her hip, letting them fall to her knees along with her panties. He shoved her forward, bending her over the seat of the bike so her ass was raised into the air. Fuck, the sight of her pretty, pink pussy made his cock throb. He was so damn hard he was hurting. Kicking her feet farther apart to spread her wider, he fit the hard crown of his cock against her entrance. Unable to wait any longer, he surged into her, burying himself to the hilt.

BOOK: Hammer's Fall (The Breakers' Bad Boys)
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