Handpicked Husband (Love Inspired Historical) (4 page)

BOOK: Handpicked Husband (Love Inspired Historical)
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Naturally I am not suggesting you marry just
man. It
must be someone worthy of you and Jack. Since you seem to have no interest in any of the eligible men there in Turnabout, I’ve taken it upon myself to find someone for you.

Grandfather was trying to play matchmaker.

Chapter Three


eggie’s thoughts raced, skittering in several directions at once.

he? This was a farce, a disaster. It was too manipulative for even a schemer like her grandfather.

Didn’t he know that if she’d
a husband, she could have landed one a long time ago? Didn’t he trust her to raise Jack right and properly on her own?

Why would Adam agree to such a harebrained scheme? Did he think she was the best he could hope for since his conviction? Or was it more that he thought he owed the judge a debt of some sort?

Merciful goodness, did he or Grandfather know she’d once been infatuated with him?

Her cheeks flamed at the thought. Oh, why hadn’t Adam gone away with the others?

Pull yourself together. You will
fall apart in front of him

Reggie forced herself to relax her grip on the letter, commanded her racing pulse to slow.

She continued reading, trying to grasp what this meant. But her mind kept circling to the men her grandfather had sent. Adam’s reasons for wanting to start over in a place where he wasn’t known were obvious, but what could induce the others to take part? Did they also have something they were running from?

Another paragraph snagged her attention. Grandfather was
them to court her. They would each get a nice little prize for their part in this farce.

How could Grandfather humiliate her this way?

She barely had time to absorb that when she got her next little jolt. Adam was
one of her suitors after all. Instead, he’d come as her grandfather’s agent.

wasn’t he a candidate for her hand? Not that she wanted the ex-lawyer for a suitor. But still—did he think she wasn’t good enough for him? Or was Grandfather not as certain of the man’s character as he pretended?

Flicking the paper with a snap, Reggie read on. Grandfather had tasked Adam with escorting her “beaus” to Turnabout, making sure everyone understood the rules of the game, and then seeing that the rules were followed.

It was also his job to take Jack back to Philadelphia if she balked at the judge’s terms. Her grandfather would then pick out a suitable boarding school for the boy, robbing her of even the opportunity to share a home with him in Philadelphia.

Reggie cast a quick glance Adam’s way, and swallowed hard. She had no doubt he would carry out his orders right down to the letter.

No! That would
happen. Even if it meant she had to face the humiliation of a forced wedding, she wouldn’t let Jack be taken from her.

And hang Grandfather, he knew it.

One last surprise was buried in the closing. It seemed the forewarning she was supposed to get had been Adam’s idea and the judge had only pretended to go along. There never
been another letter. Grandfather freely admitted this, saying he knew better than to give her time to begin plotting a way to avoid her fate.

It took every ounce of control she had not to crumple the letter and fling it as far as she could. Of all the emotions boiling through her right now, the strongest was a deep frustration that Grandfather wasn’t standing here so she could give him a piece of her mind.

Gathering her outrage about her like battle armor, Reggie stood. Her gaze locked with that of the man who suddenly wielded so much power over her life.

She would
let him know how deeply betrayed, how humiliated she felt. “I assume you know about this scheme of my grandfather’s?” The flicker of relief in his expression wasn’t lost on her.

Happy not to have to explain things, was he?

He crossed his arms and leaned back. “Yes.”

She stalked closer, displeased with his one-word answer. “Then you know how completely irrational he’s being.”

“The judge has never struck me as an irrational man.” He shrugged those broad shoulders of his. “Autocratic and overbearing perhaps, but not irrational.”

Reggie was no longer in the mood for word games. She shook the letter in his face. “You don’t think playing matchmaker in this heavy-handed fashion irrational?”

He didn’t even blink. “I’m sure he has his reasons.”

“Reasons!” Realizing she’d shouted, Reggie took a deep breath and tried again. “He’s asking me to choose between hog-tying myself to one of these strangers or losing Jack.”

He remained unmoved. “Arranged marriages happen all the time. At least you get three to choose from.”

Reggie wanted to scream, to pound her fists against his chest, to claw his eyes out. Was the man made of stone? She hadn’t expected an overabundance of sympathy, but his calm attitude was infuriating. “Would it surprise you to learn that Grandfather lied to you about sending me word ahead of time?”

His brow drew down, but there was no other visible reaction. “And how would you know this?”

She shoved the letter toward him, pointing to the pertinent paragraph. “Because he told me.”

Adam glanced at the letter and she saw a flicker of something cross his face. But when he looked up, his expression held that same unshakable determination. “As I said, I’m sure he has his reasons.”

Reggie was determined to cut through his indifference. “So what do
get out of this blackmail scheme?”

His eyes narrowed. “What do you mean?”

She moved closer. “According to the letter, your companions are getting nice incentives to participate.” She fisted her hands on her hips. “What form does your thirty pieces of silver take?”

His ice-blue eyes stared at her with irritating dispassion. “Not that it’s any of your business, but I’m doing this mainly because the judge asked me to, and I owe him.” He tipped his hat back and crossed his ankles. “It’s as simple as that.”

him?” Reggie lowered her arms and glared. How she itched to wipe that calm expression from his too-handsome face.

The fact that he could still stir something in her besides anger only made this whole mess more maddening.

Reggie sniffed. “Because he stood by you during the trial, you mean?”

If she’d wanted to get an emotional reaction from him, she’d finally succeeded. He stiffened, his jaw clenched, and he looked as if he’d like to throttle her.

* * *


Adam felt that sense of injustice, of being branded unclean, of honor lost, wash over him again. He’d expected to be the target of her emotions once she read the letter, could even admire her for reacting with outrage rather than helpless tears.

But her disdain gnawed at him.

Foolishly, he’d assumed Miss Nash shared her grandfather’s opinion on his conviction. The exchanges they’d had up until now had only reinforced that assumption. They’d been heated and challenging, but had seemed tempered by a degree of mutual respect.

Apparently he’d read her wrong.

So be it. He’d quit trying to change people’s minds about his innocence with mere words long ago. It was proof he needed, and proof he was determined to get. Just as soon as he finished this business and could get back to Philadelphia.

“The relationship I have with the judge,” he said evenly, “and what it’s based on, is also none of your business. As I’m sure it states in that letter you’re waving around, he trusts me enough to send me here to preside over this arrangement.”

“But not enough to be completely honest with you.”

He tightened his jaw, but let that barb pass. “What
concern you are the terms the judge outlined, and my duty to see them carried out as he intended.”

She narrowed her eyes. “So, just like that, I’m supposed to line up three strangers, look them over, and pick one to be my husband.”

If only she’d get it over with that quickly.

But an adversarial attitude wouldn’t help him. Time to use the two main tools he’d learned as a lawyer—reason and persuasion. “I understand this is not the best situation to find yourself in. But you must know your grandfather would never send you a man he didn’t have complete confidence in.”

She raised a skeptical brow and he hurried on. “That being so, it’s a given that any one of them should to make you a good husband. And they won’t be strangers forever. After all, you have two weeks to get to know them.”

The thought of having to cool his heels here even that long was frustrating. He’d already had to wait for what seemed an eternity.

“Two weeks,” she repeated, her voice ending on a squeak.

He grimaced as the color drained from her face. So, Judge Madison hadn’t put everything in his letter after all. Hang the old conniver for his sly games.

“According to the terms your grandfather has laid down,” he explained, “you have two weeks to select your groom, and then another week to plan your wedding.”

“All the time in the world,” she said bitterly.

She looked so brittle—vulnerable almost. He felt an unwanted stirring of sympathy, but pushed it ruthlessly aside.

“There’s no point fighting this,” he said, hoping she would see reason. “They’re all good men, but different enough to give you a real choice. I’m certain you’ll decide which you find most compatible in that period of time.”

“Are you now?” The vulnerable air evaporated, replaced by the scorching look and frigid tone she’d brandished before.

So much for his stirring of sympathy. Obviously, she could hold her own in any war of words.

“As for this contract—” her chin titled up at a militant angle “—I’m sure I’ll need time to study it, perhaps have a lawyer look it over, before I sign.”

He was here to help her through this. “I’d be glad to explain any—”

“I’d as soon ask a heathen to explain a scripture.”

Adam tightened his jaw. Taking a slow, deep breath, he decided to let that one pass as well. She’d been backed into a corner and it was only natural that she’d lash out.

“Have it your way. But don’t think by putting off signing you can delay the deadline. According to the judge’s instructions, your two weeks start when you meet your suitors.”

Suspicion flashed in her eyes. “Tell me, Mr. Barr, why
you drag those men out here rather than leave them in Turnabout and deliver the news alone? Or better yet, wait for me to return, since someone in town likely mentioned I’d be back inside of a week?”

She pointed a finger at him and he could almost see it tremble with the urge to poke him. “It was because you wanted to start the clock ticking on this ridiculous scheme as soon as possible, wasn’t it?”

The woman was too perceptive for her own good.

She must have sensed her words had hit their mark, because she tore into him again, this time her finger actually jabbing his chest to underline her words. “Of all the insensitive, ungentlemanly actions. You just couldn’t
to deliver this little ultimatum.”

She gave his chest another jab. “You had to come racing out here to spoil our outing just so you could hurry things along.”

The woman presumed too much. Adam captured the offending finger. “Miss Nash, I haven’t claimed to be a gentleman in quite some time.”

Her eyes widened and a flush blossomed on her cheeks. Her reaction told him her aggressive contact had been unintentional. After another moment to make his point, he released her.

She snatched her hand back as if stung.

“What’s done is done,” he continued. “As you so eloquently stated, the clock
started ticking, and there’s no setting the hands back.”

It didn’t take her long to recover. Her shoulders drew back before he’d stopped talking.

“Doesn’t it matter that I don’t
a husband?” She flung the words like rocks. “That I think turning control of my life and possessions over to someone else simply because he’s a man is akin to slavery?”

She threw up her arms. “Why does every male think the sum total of a woman’s ambition should be to find someone to marry so she can go straight from her father’s care to her husband’s?”

He’d never met a female like her before. No wonder the judge felt compelled to take such a drastic step. “I personally don’t care a jot whether you marry one of these men or not. In fact, my
concern in this affair is to see that Judge Madison’s wishes are carried out.”

He leaned back again. “Now, part of his instructions was that I make certain your interests are protected—within the scope of his plans, of course. But that doesn’t mean I can let you ignore the rules. On that score I’ll be scrupulously, might I say
, single-minded.”

By the stiffening of her spine, he knew she’d gotten the message.

“In other words, I’d advise you not to use any of your feminine wiles on me. It’ll do you no good to try to play on my sympathy. I have none. It’ll do you no good to try to bribe me. There’s nothing you could offer to make me betray the judge. And as for trying to seduce me—” he shrugged “—let’s just say it’d be wasted effort.”

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