Happenstance (21 page)

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Authors: M. J. Abraham

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Happenstance
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“The park we went to in Tampa . . . that was the first time I’ve
been there since . . .” he clears his throat and I focus on his eyes. His
beautiful, hazel eyes are taunted by a past he can’t ever forget.

“It’s the last good memory I have of him. I didn’t want to go
back until I was sure I could continue to make good memories . . . with you.”

I lean up and give him a soft kiss. “I’m sorry I had a meltdown .
. . that day.”

Now I wish I hadn’t. It would have truly been a perfect day if I
hadn’t. He shakes his head firmly.

“There is nothing about that day you have to be sorry for,
. You understand?” His eyes pierce
into mine, into my soul, and all I can do is nod.

“By the way, Lisa won’t be allowed in the clinic, I spoke to the
staff. I don’t want you worrying about her especially when it comes to us, you
understand?” I nod. He looks tired, it’s late and I know he had woken up early
to go to work that morning. I know his schedule by heart.

“I love you,” I whisper. He smiles and that seems to relax him. He
leans his head back and continues to play with my hair. I fall asleep


Chapter Twenty-Six

April 2012


I wake up with a start, I’m freezing which is
surprising because somewhere in the middle of the night I had gotten a blanket
and pulled it over our bodies. Then again, I guess they have to keep the
temperature low in these places. I slowly sit up so as not to disturb her and
watch her sleep. She is sleeping with her head on my lap facing away from me.
Her lips are slightly parted and long lashes brush against her skin. As much as
the circumstances suck, I’m so glad that I’m able to be here with her. She
looks a little bit thinner than I last saw her and you can see the shadow under
her eyes. I don’t care. She still looks beautiful to me.

I lift up her head lightly so I can adjust my pants and hear
someone clearing their throat.

It’s Andres, holding two brown bags in his hands and he has a
girl next to him. She’s taller than Victoria with long dark hair and brown

“You stayed here with her all night?” his eyes sweep over to
on top of me and the sofa we are on.
“On that sofa?”

I nod my head yes. I’d have stayed on the damn street if she
asked me to.

He doesn’t move from where he is at and is now frowning at me. Oh
shit! I haven’t said my condolences. I open my mouth to say it but he speaks

“Are you going to stick around this time?”

Oh. So that’s why he’s frowning.
The big
brother role.

“I’m not going to leave her.
stare at each other and I can see his girl is shifting around, probably feeling
as awkward as I am. Finally, he takes a deep breath and looks at Victoria

“She looks peaceful when she’s with you. Happy.” He holds up the
bags he’s carrying. “I got breakfast, when you guys are ready.” And he walks
away with mystery girl.

When I finally get Victoria up and to the table to eat I learn that
“Mystery Girl” is Savannah, Andres’s longtime friend. Victoria and Savannah
talk for a bit about God knows what girl related crap and I make small talk
with Andres about baseball. Victoria complains about needing to brush her teeth
so I go outside to bring in the toothbrush and paste I have in an overnight bag
still in the car.

“You’re lending me your toothbrush?” she asks. She’s looking over
at my hand outstretched holding the paste skeptically.

I shrug.

She smiles at me, and it’s the best thing I’ve seen in two weeks.
Maybe I should buy her a whole pack of them when we get home. I’ll throw in
some floss too.

“So, are you trying to tell me my breath stinks?”

“Yup, smells like ass.”

She slaps my arm.
“Smart ass.”
But she’s
still grinning.

“I learned from the best, baby.” I wink at her.

The funeral director comes in to advise us he is going to open up
and we slowly walk into the family room again to wait for everyone to arrive
and head out to the cemetery together. It’s a gorgeous sunny day and I hold
Victoria’s hand as we lead everyone else to the plot for the service. I can
hear the sniffling behind me and wonder if Abu knew how special she was to so
many people. I bet she did, she knew so much.

I’m amazed at how strong Victoria is. I know this is breaking her
heart but she doesn’t fall to her knees or cry out loud. Instead, her tears
fall silently past her sunglasses and down her cheeks as I stand behind her and
hold her around the waist. She places an arrangement of white Tiger Lilies
(Abu’s favorite, she tells me, since her name is Liliana). We are the last to
leave even after everyone pays their respects and says their goodbyes. I hear
people ask her if she wants to grab a bite to eat and she politely declines.
Her brother stays behind giving us our privacy, but waiting to see what we’re
going to do. I’m not sure myself. I want to take Victoria home and hold her and
kiss her and never let her go, but I’m not sure if that’s what she wants.

Andres and her talk quietly for a few minutes and then hug each
other. We go our separate ways. I don’t know where Andres is going but Victoria
asks me to take her to Abu’s house. She is quiet and pensive the whole ride
there and I’m dying to know what she’s thinking. As we walk inside the house, I
let her take her time running her hands over the furniture and looking over at
the pictures hanging on the wall. I can see her mind is churning with old
memories. I walk up behind her looking at a particular photo of her grandmother
when she was a teenager and I can see a lot of resemblance between her and

She turns to face me, “I’m going to stay here for a few more days
to make sure Andres is ok and just… hang around.”

I wrap my arms around her and pull her towards me. “Ok,” I say.

She places her head against my chest and inhales.
Probably wanting to smell my
I smile at the thought.

“I know you need to go back to work, but I’m so glad you came
here and I’ll never forget it,” she says, her voice muffled against my chest.

I kiss her lightly on the top of her head and pull her chin up so
I can look into her eyes.
Big, beautiful, brown eyes.
“You’re welcome, but I’m not going anywhere now.”

Her eyes widen. “You’re not? But Jared . . .”

“But nothing.
There is nowhere else I’d
rather be.”

She smiles up at me and I take her hand and lead her into the
kitchen to make us some lunch. She begins to tell me how hungry she is
, so I grab her by the waist and sit
her ass up on the counter so I can feed her any way. I look down at her feet
and smile to myself. I rarely ever see her without her high heels. Now that I
see what looks like a “T” on the top of her dark blue flat shoes I can only
imagine this must be some fancy designer brand just like all the others.

“What’s so funny?” she asks.

I shake my head at her, “You and your damn shoe fetish.”

She smirks, “I told you, shoes are life.” She places her hands
behind her and leans back.

“I can say the same about you and your t-shirt fetish.”

“That reminds me,” I say, “I have one on today.” I had almost
forgotten since I’m still wearing the same clothes as last night that I have a
shirt underneath my long sleeved dress shirt. Victoria arches her eyebrow, “oh

I hesitate because I hope she doesn’t take it the wrong way but
I’ve already said it so now she’ll want to see it one way or another. I slowly
unbutton my shirt and I can hear Victoria gasp.
Bad timing.
She gets off the counter
and helps me take off the shirt, her eyes immediately tearing up.
Shit, shit, shit.

“Baby, I didn’t want you to cry. I’m sorry.” I’m an asshole.

Merry Christmas
filthy animal
is staring back at her.
The same shirt that her grandmother gave me.

She gives me a small smile. “It’s April,” she says.

“It’s for Abu.” I grab her as the tears continue to fall and she
holds me tight. I keep telling her how sorry I am.
For her grandmother
dying, for our fights, for my brilliant asshole idea.
But she just
shakes her head and tells me how lucky she is and that I’m wonderful and that
Abu loved me.

“I’m so glad you found me, baby,” I whisper into her hair.

She gives me a light peck on my chest. “No, Jared, it was you who


Chapter Twenty-Seven

April 2012


True to his words, Jared stays with me for the next few
days and helps me and Andres pack up some of Abu’s stuff to take it to storage.
I’m so thankful for his help. Each day I miss her more but it helps that I get
to wrap my arms around him each night. I don’t want to say goodbye to Andres
but I have to. I have to get back to work and my regular routine. He seems ok
to be alone in the house and I know that his friends and job will keep him busy
but I promise to check in on him weekly and see how he’s doing.

I discuss with Jared about moving in right away, I am paid up
till the end of the month but he doesn’t want to ‘waste any more time’ and I
happily agree. This time, there is no going back or doubting myself. On the
drive back home we stop at his house first. That’s fine with me. It’s been a
little over three weeks since we’ve had sex and I’m ready to feel his hands all
over my bare body. With the hard-ons I’ve felt pressing against me in the
mornings and the extra-long showers he’s been taking, I know he is more than
ready for me. His eyes widen when he opens the door and I push him inside
jumping on him so that he has to drop our bags and hold my thighs as I wrap my
legs around his waist. I kiss him senselessly; we haven’t kissed this way in a
long time. Sure a few sweet kisses here and there but nothing like this. I missed
him. I missed us.

I hear him groan against my mouth and he presses me harder
against him as I feel his erection. I’m so glad it doesn’t take long with him.

“Baby?” he asks in a strained voice.

I kiss his neck and then trail my
tongue to just below his ear. He groans again, this is fun.

“Baby, are you sure? I can wait a little longer.” But he doesn’t
sound so confident and I smile against his cheek.

“Does it look like I want to wait?” I whisper and nibble gently
on his bottom lip. He is so delicious and his cologne makes me want to take him
fully clothed and all.

I giggle when he suddenly carries me to his room and lays me
down. The butterflies, the happiness, the joy, it’s all coming back to me.
Slowly, but I can
it growing
from the center of my core at least.

After our third round (he is very delicious), I get up from bed
to pee. When I grab one of his shirts and put it on, I notice his room is
different. What the heck? I pause in front of the bed which I notice is
slightly moved to the side of the room. It’s because that’s the only way the
dresser will fit next to the bed since now I’m staring at a wooden door that
wasn’t there before.

“Jared?” I turn around and he’s staring at me with a smirk.

“Yes?” he raises his eyebrows.

“What’s in there?” I tilt my head to the side to wonder what the
heck he’s been doing.

“Well it’s not the land of Narnia, but you can open the door and
find out.” He teases me. I stick my tongue out at him and walk over to the
door. I can still smell the fresh paint and I turn the handle to look inside.
Inside there’s not much . . . of anything really. It’s empty with rows of long shelves
along three walls and a full length mirror with a silver frame hanging up on
the wall next to the door. The walls and shelves are painted a light purple and
three empty frames hang on the wall.

I turn around and Jared is behind me smiling.

“It’s a closet
your shoes.”

My mouth drops. He has just repeated the words I told him months
ago when we had just started our relationship. He remembered.

“Are you crazy?” I ask.

“About you?
You bet I am.”

A lump forms in my throat.
is what he’s been working on the whole time?

“I think we should pop the shoe closet cherry,” I say coyly.

“Is that so? I think we can work something out.” He looks around
at all the shelves.
“Although, the shelves take up a lot of

I grin at him mischievously. “But we do have all this wall space
behind me.”

“Baby, you don’t have to ask me twice.”


I’m walking again through the double doors of the
police station. This time I’m alone. Jared wanted to come with me, but he
missed so much work with the funeral that I told him I wouldn’t go if he came
along. I meet up with Officer Dixon again and he introduces me to Officer
Wilson. Wilson is the investigating officer in my case and the one who will be
giving me all the information. He is just a little taller than me, with black
hair in a crew cut and glasses. Officer Dixon is kind enough to remind me that
I can also talk to him about the case.

I sit down and decline their offer for coffee. I just want to get
this show on the road. I come to find out that they did find Steven and that
there is one other report against him that was filed a year and a half ago.
They ask me again if I’m ready to go to trial and I say yes—I’m nervous but I
say yes, I know what happened to me was real and this needs to be put on

Officer Wilson asks me the same questions that Officer Dixon did
and I repeat myself with the same answers. I haven’t remembered anything new
and nothing much has changed since that time. I ask if they know about Boston
cap guy. Unfortunately, it seems as if he’s off the hook because there is no name
and nothing to specify a second person in Steven’s previous case. I hope that
the scumbag takes it as a warning when he finds out that Steven got caught. I
hope but I also worry that he won’t and how many more victims there will be
before there is a stop to it. It’s a scary thought.

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