HARD CASE (A John Harding Novel - Special Ops, Cage Fighter, CIA Agent) (28 page)

BOOK: HARD CASE (A John Harding Novel - Special Ops, Cage Fighter, CIA Agent)
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Casey and I strolled into Reddig’s office dressed in our EMT outfits. Reddig looked up, saw my face, and went for his gun. Casey shot him through both shoulders before he could clear his holster with the silenced 9mm Taurus. I disarmed Benny boy and used duct tape as pressure bandages around the shirt and suit jacket he had on after I put him to sleep with a quick stab in the neck. We tranquilized him rather than the big sleep because Denny needed to cross all the T’s and dot the I’s. This wasn’t your regular nine to five office so we didn’t get more than a cursory look as we hustled Reddig out on the gurney Jafar had waiting outside his office. The Company employees were briefed ahead of our arrival. Clean up guys moved into Reddig’s office the moment we vacated it. Lucas had our EMT action van waiting at the curb on Market Street with Denny quickly opening the doors for us. We were on our way in moments.

The trip back across the Bay from San Francisco went fast with the sirens blaring. Lucas turned off the sirens as we hit the East Bay and headed for our intel gathering headquarters. Soon, Benny would be living a Dexter episode. I had no doubt he would be forthcoming with information quicker than Nelson before him. I doubted he could add much more than we already garnered from Chardin, but maybe I didn’t know the right questions to ask. Denny made Reddig comfortable with a second shot after we fastened him to our Dexter table. By the time we got back from the Square Benny would be primed.

Chapter Sixteen

Unexpected Hostage


Dev drove us around in the limo later while Denny and I snapped pictures and movies of every car or truck parked around the Square for blocks. The kids were yucking it up having a good time romancing while we developed a base line. Jack London Inn was a stone’s throw from the water and a couple great restaurants. The piers in front of the Square unfortunately were perfect for a snatch and grab. A grassy knoll a little past the greeting banner heralding the Square included a stand of tall palm trees. Jack London Square at dusk rivals many of the best ocean front scenes anywhere in the world. Recently upgraded, the always spectacular ocean view highlighted outdoor cafes, shops and piers with beautiful walkways everywhere. My pulse quickened as Dev slowed in front of the Square bracketed by flags and gateway. Alexi Fiialkov, accompanied by three of his men, was in attendance near the gate.

“Fucking Interpol! Sorry, Samira.” Denny stared at me as if I had some answer for him.

I waved him off. “Don’t look at me. You know who altered the Executive Order that lets that gang of extortion artists delve into our private business. We may have an Interpol mole and Fiialkov has all but admitted he has someone in Interpol. Let me go out and ask him what the story is rather than sit here playing twenty questions. I’m wired so listen in.”

“Go ahead, but I know you ain’t any more pleased with this than I am. We’ll have to rethink everything including your placement in the area.”

“Like hell.” I got out because I might say something stupid in front of the kids. Jafar and Samira were so into each other I doubt spending the night in the limo next to each other would bother them a bit. I approached Alexi with my hands in plain sight. He held out his hand when I was in range and I shook it. No sense being unfriendly until I had reason to be.

“Congratulations are in order.”

“You’re taking a big chance coming out here, Alexi. You have to know we don’t take kindly to moles outing our every move to the international community. Some of your valued loose ends are going to be tied up real quick over this.”

Fiialkov shook his head with a deprecating smile. “I know my knowledge of what went on today will be very hard to duplicate after this meeting. I am in your debt and I needed to make some small payment toward that end. There will be a gang incident right here in about an hour and forty-five minutes. It will have the cover of a protest over the
Mehserle verdict. You have foiled a very dangerous situation but an outside force has paid for an alternate plan with the goal of abducting your charge when the police embroil themselves completely in the riot here.”

Okay, now I’m getting creeped out. That cover with a protest over a Bay Area Rapid Transit cop killing an unarmed teen was a hot item no matter the time passed. It meant the original group paying Chardin’s way knew he had been taken out and they wanted a shot at Samira no matter what. It also meant Nelson wasn’t the only one in the know. Nelson did what Nelson does best and blabbed it. I knew we should have kept that dweeb around. “That’s solid gold info, Alexi. Did you get anything on the ones buying this riot?”

No. When Nelson and Chardin dropped out of sight today someone associated with Nelson put this disturbance back into play, but fortunately without a bomb. My contact in Nelson’s crew received money and orders when they were called together an hour ago. Nelson’s second brought it. His name’s-”

Calls himself Obie Chrystal. Him and Nelson did a stretch in Folsom together.”

Alexi smiled. “He has the IQ of a tomato. These people must be desperate to use that simpleton. I can have some of my men break up this riot if you like.”

I appreciate the offer but I’m going to let my boss tip the police off and then follow through on what we’ve been trying to do: get the playmakers before they decide to play around with anymore bombs. Thanks, Alexi. We’re even.”

Perhaps you will consider a rematch with my man?”

When we both heal, it’s on.”

Back in the car Denny talked animatedly on the phone. I can tell Jafar and Samira know we have problems because they’re staring at me expectantly instead of at each other. Naji looked up from the limo floor but relaxed when he saw me. Denny and I had decided on straight forward communication with all of us wired in together. Now, my whole crew knew what Alexi told me, including the walking target. Samira didn’t seem rattled, but growing up in an Afghan cave can do that to you. Denny hung up.

I’m having someone I trust clue in the OPD. You still want to go through with this, Samira?”

You will be able to get them if they attempt to take me. I trust your judgment. I am not afraid. Would these men take me even with Naji at my side?”

I’m not sugar coating this. “They would shoot Naji.”

Then Naji must wait in your limo.”

He has to be at your side, Samira. They may suspect we’re on to them if Naji isn’t walking along with you.” If we’re going through with this I want all the pieces in play. Besides, with me and my crew hovering around you, Naji might have to be the one to give us the split second we need to take your would be kidnappers down. I know Denny, Lucas, and Casey are the most deadly trio you’d ever want watching your back. Even with Reddig in their pocket this bunch won’t have been warned about Lucas and Casey.

Samira leaned over to put a hand on Naji’s head. “Do not let them hurt Naji, John.”

Denny patted her hand where it rested protectively on the dog. “Don’t worry. John would take a bullet for the dog anyway.”

I smiled. Yeah, I probably would. I’ve got a vest on. Naji doesn’t. “Let’s go play this hand. Tommy and Jesse will be waiting for us near the Ferry building. Lucas and Casey already have eyes on us now. We’ll have over an hour before the riot’s to take place. It’s possible we’ll spot these turds before anything goes down. They’ll have to have picked a spot with the greatest chance of success. I plan on figuring where that spot is while we’re sightseeing. It’ll be near the water. If I were doing it, I’d want a fast boat near the dock ready to go. The dock in front of Scott’s Restaurant is perfect. It’s out of sight unless you look over the railing. If they’re as well informed about this excursion as we suspect, they know we were thinking of taking the ferry over to Pier 39. Near the ferry launch is where I’d take Samira. They have the timing down pat. The ferry leaves in an hour and a half. Precisely when the riot is to take place, Amtrak runs a train down Broadway. Its horn/whistle is loud enough to wake the dead, perfect cover in sync with the riot noise.”

Denny nodded in agreement. Lucas and Casey murmured a vote on my side too on their com units. Dev looked around at me from the driver’s seat.

You still want me with the limo instead of in the crew?”

Yeah, Dev. We want you to get Denny, Jafar, and Samira the hell out of here once this goes down. Denny has our EMT van parked where the rest of us can gather up our little friends and disappear. This may get messy so we need to concentrate on the basics – get on the road with Samira.”

I’ll be listenin’.”

They won’t be in place yet. Too suspicious,” Denny said. “I’m figuring they’ll have one lookout trailing us to make sure we’re on time and in the right spot. We’ll escort Samira around while Casey and Lucas scan the crowd. If they spot someone, we’ll meet up with Tommy and Jesse before heading into that restaurant with the outdoor serving area near the ferry and have a coffee. We’ll stay there until the riot breaks out. You can go inside the restaurant and out another exit to join up with Lucas and Casey, John. The rest of us will stay put until you have their whole crew zeroed in.”

I liked it. “Sounds good, Denny. You get all that T?”

Jesse and I will be at the restaurant waiting,” Tommy replied in my ear.

I opened the limo door once again and stepped out. “Let’s go do this.”

By the time we’d walked down to the pier next to Scott’s Restaurant Casey’s voice spoke up in my ear. “I got ‘em, John. Lucas sent the wife and girlfriend home so we’re workin’. They were right in the middle of the palm tree square - four broke away heading inside Scott’s, three men, one woman. A fourth is tailing you. I’ll stick with the Scott’s crowd. You on the trailer, Lucas?”

“On it. Heads up. This guy’s intercepting not trailing. Want him done now, Denny? If he’s got a vest you bunch are toast. They may have changed the plan from kidnapping to killing. He’s coming up fast, behind and to your left, black parka, jeans, black tennis shoes.”

“I got this, Denny.” I spun around, spotted the guy, and jogged up in his face. He stopped with a surprised look, but then held out his hand with a picture. I took it from him. It was a picture of Tess. That makes twice Tess has become collateral damage. Even if I get her out of this in one piece I think our business dealings may be deader than Ted Kennedy. Sizing this guy up, the sneer he’s trying to hide in the fading light means he’s confident in the plan.

“We have your woman, Harding. Hand Karim over to us and we leave Ms. Connagher in the restaurant unharmed. Refuse and we will slit her throat right at the table and take Karim anyway.”

I keep eye contact with the hostage negotiator while finding out some facts. “Casey? Any line of sight between where your charges are and where I am?”

“No, John. No line of sight – repeat – no line of sight.”

I nod my head affably for my audience and then kick him right in the nuts. The kick lifts him off his feet before dropping to the walkway his scream so high pitched it sounded like a train whistle. I drop down and chop him across the throat to quiet him down a bit. His hands cradling his package switched to clawing at his own throat as if trying to stuff air in while he rolled around in agony. I relieved him of his weapons and personal belongings. Denny is flashing a badge while quieting passersby and keeping them moving. Tommy and Jesse already have Jafar and Samira bracketed.

I hear Casey chuckle. “No reaction, John. They’re sitting at a table now with no view your way, but definitely nervous.”

We pack up the negotiator while Denny makes a hurried call on his cell. I pluck our stricken kidnapper on a park bench near the pier. He can only squeak now, his legs still trying to curl up like an accordion. His mouth hung wide open and gasping.

Denny gets off his cell-phone. “I called in a cleanup crew I had on standby to move in when things get messy. John, I-”

“Forget it, Denny. Tess signed on. The bill’s come due. Tell cleanup to be ready outside Scott’s restaurant. Stay with this guy. I’ll take the bait with me and get the other three. You join up with Casey, Lucas. Find a couple spots where you can back my play. Leave any to me that don’t pull a weapon.”

I hear their acknowledgement while I’m heading toward Samira and my crew. Samira heard everything. I can tell in her face she’s ready. Jafar is not on board with my play. He moves in front of Samira as I approach. The kid has balls. I’ll give him that. Samira gently pushes him aside, patting his arm.

“Do not interfere, Jafar. John knows what he is doing.”

Yeah, I do. Whether it works or not is anyone’s guess. I kneel down and pet Naji. I wish I could take him along. Maybe next time. “When we get near to their table, drop to the floor immediately when I touch your hand, Samira. Scramble away quickly. Stay with T and Jesse, Jafar. Stay, Naji.”

The dog sits and obeys instantly while Jafar appears ready to get a piece. Tommy puts a reassuring but steady grip on his shoulder. Jesse does the same at his other side. Samira and I walk toward Scott’s restaurant. I’m plotting movements I will make when close enough to do damage. Casey and Lucas are pros. Anyone drawing a gun at the table is dead. I’m hoping the cutthroats play their usual game with a blade. That way Tess will have a fighting chance.

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