Read Hard Rock Unrehearsed Online

Authors: Rene Van Dalen

Hard Rock Unrehearsed (12 page)

BOOK: Hard Rock Unrehearsed
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“Where are you in your cycle?”

“I think I’m sort of in the baby making zone.”  She whispered as his face tightened.

“If anything happens because we didn’t use a condom would you be okay with it?”  His muscles were drawn up so tight waiting for her answer the arm she was stroking felt as hard as rock.

“I love you Diego and I would love to have your baby.  But I think we are going through a lot of shit right now and we need to get that behind us before we start thinking about having a family.”  She ran her thumb over his full lower lip then slid it up his hard stubbly jaw and he turned his face and kissed the palm of her hand.

“I love you Jade Delgado I don’t know how you came to love me and I don’t care either, just know that I’m never going to let you go.”  He slid his hand over her flat belly and kept it there.  “If I planted my baby in you today I can’t be anything but happy about it and to tell you the truth I can’t wait to find out if my seed took.  Fuck baby I’m possessive about you as it is but this has just pushed that feeling right over the edge into crazy man territory.”  He grinned at her then kissed her deeply before he pulled away and winked.

Diego and his sexy winks!

Leaning into her he whispered.  “My baby might be having my baby.”  Then he smiled the softest smile she had ever seen and rubbed his lips gently over hers.

Her man was the bomb!







They had all been rushed out of the hotel on the pretext that they were doing a hush-hush interview with some magazine and loaded into the Hummer limo.  How Diego arranged for their hand luggage to come along to the interview was a mystery.  The only ones coming with them were two of the bodyguards Diego had assigned to the band along with Diego, Tag, Tank, Hanson and the driver of the limo.  Luis sat silently in his seat his full attention on the phone in his hand.  He was constantly receiving and sending texts.

As they sped to an obscure private airstrip belonging to one of her Dad’s cronies where they were to board the family jet Jade had time to finally think about the implications if their morning activities had made her pregnant.  After they had made love Diego hadn’t given her time to think as he had rushed her through her shower, then through her packing and then he had rushed her into the limo.  At last she had some time to give it the attention it deserved.  But she wasn’t going to have that time as Giv started teasing.

“I hope you don’t have a room anywhere near mine for the rest of this tour Jay because girl, I have to tell you, you are a screamer baby.”  He finished with a smirk as she gasped.

“What?  You heard us?”  Jade turned bright red as the guys laughed.

“Yeah sweet thing you guys were so loud the whole floor heard.”  Trace grinned.

RJ threw his head back and in falsetto voice screamed theatrically.  “Diiiieeeeegooooo!”

Jimmy wasn’t going to be left out as he grunted out his contribution.  “Jaaaaaade!”

Diego just shook his head and laughed a big macho laugh.  “You fuckers are jealous that’s all.”  He winked at them.  “Bet none of you can manage a force fifteen you mangy bastards.”

The guys all swivelled to Jade to get her confirmation.  “A force fifteen?  He gave you a force fifteen?  No fuckin’ wonder the whole fuckin’ floor heard them!”  Givens looked at Diego with frank admiration.  “You need to give me some pointers my man, a force fuckin’ fifteen!  You’re the man!”

Diego shook his head negatively.  “Can’t give you any pointers Giv as I suspect, no scrap that, I know it only happens when you love the person you are with.”

The guys nodded their heads sagely, as if they knew!  This was hell!

Jade slanted a quick glance towards Luis and was relieved to see that he had his ear buds in and was listening to his messages.  How embarrassing if he had to listen to the guys discussing his son’s sex life!  She was never going to hear the end of this!  The guys weren’t going to let it go she just knew it.

“Can you imagine the trauma and embarrassment they are going to cause their kids one day?”  Trace asked with a grin.  “You guys are going to scar them for life.  Poor little buggers, I feel sorry for them already.”

“Fuck off Hanover.  Don’t think I don’t remember you and that piece you had on last year’s tour.  We all had to invest in earplugs to be able to sleep through the night.”  Diego mock snarled.  “I couldn’t wait for the end of the tour so I could get some decent sleep.”

“Yeah.  I forgot about her.  Shit she was loud and had a dirty mouth.”  Trace smirked.

Givens was right on it.  “Ooooh Traace give it to me!  Give me your big dick Trace!  Fuck me Trace!  Harder Trace, harder!  Ooooh Traace I’m coooooming!”

“Actually she was so fuckin’ repetitive I got bored listening to her.”  RJ sighed.  “I couldn’t even get off on it.”

“Yeah me neither.”  Jimmy mocked.  “It even put the girls off I tried to have fun with.”

“She was faking it.”  Jade sighed.  “The repetitive thing, she was only into who you were Trace.  She got off on being with Trace Hanover not on being given the business by Trace Hanover.  Good thing you got rid of her.”

“Yeah I finally clicked on that after too many screams and groans at the wrong moment and very mediocre and obviously faked pussy action.”  Trace sighed mockingly.

All the guys laughed uproariously.

“You guys are dogs!”  Jade snapped.

“Baby you’re going to get pissed at me but I’m going to say this anyway.”  Diego grinned as he leant towards her and she braced.  “You know we are guys and what we like is a tight pussy and we like it even better when it clenches down tight around our dicks us as we make our girl come.  Fake pussy action just pisses us off.”

“Diego!”  Jade wanted to hit him.  “I know nothing of the sort asshole!  Two lovers my whole life!  Count them, two!”  She held up two fingers and shook them under his nose as he reared back.  “And neither of them knew when to keep their mouths shut about the business.  Always with the over sharing.”

Tag was the one who laughed the hardest because he knew what she was talking about and she slapped his leg to make him shut up.  As soon as she looked away from Tag she knew she had said too much as all the male eyes were turned her way.

“What?”  She looked at their shocked faces.

“Two? You only had two?”  RJ whispered.  “And does that include the D-man?”

Jade dropped her head onto her knees put her hands over the back of her head and groaned as Tag patted her on the back and answered for her.

“I can confirm that there has only been two as I was number one’s bodyguard and he told me when he popped her cherry, which is the over share she’s moaning about.  I’ve been her bodyguard for the last seven years and know for a fact there has been no one and I didn’t have to have anyone tell me about Diego as I heard her loud and clear very early this morning.”

She just groaned louder as Tag shared her business.

“Hell sweetheart you’re like virgin territory!  The D-man is one seriously lucky man that you enjoy being given the business so much and so enthusiastically.  I heard that it takes a while for a virgin to get into having sex.”  Trace said mock seriously.

“Whoever started all this talk of sex I want to kill you!  Cut it out right now!  We’re done discussing my business.”  Jade snarled.  “How far are we from the airstrip?”

  She changed the subject and if any of them thought there would be any further discussion of her sex life they had better not try it.  Although it might have been Luis pulling his ear buds out and starting to update them on what was going on in the media that stopped them from any further teasing.

The media was going mad he informed them.  They were scrambling to get to the dirt and be the first to publish it.  Some publications had come out in support of her but a vast number were going with the shit that Molly Rutherford had put out there.  Luis and his team were doing what they could to minimise the damage but Jade knew it was a drop in the bucket compared to the wave of shit that was threatening to engulf her.

“How far are we with tracing the source?”  Luis asked Diego.

“Clint says he is very close, very, very close.  The problem we have now is that someone on my team is working for the source and is letting them know our every move.  I’m not sure how deeply we’ve been compromised.  Tag and I went through our rooms this morning and we found three more bugs.  They were planted in Trace’s room, my room and Tag’s room.  Those bugs could only have been planted by someone on my team as we do a sweep before anyone goes to their rooms after the show and then again in the morning after the rooms had been cleaned if we have more than one show in that city, therefore we know it wasn’t an outside operative.” Frustration lay in his eyes as he spoke.  “This morning we had a quick meeting in my room and planted some misinformation that, if we’re lucky, would gain us the identity of the traitor.  He will have to make a move that will put him right where we want him and place him in the hands of Michael’s security team.”

“What about this vehicle?  Is it clean?”  Luis looked around with narrowed eyes.

Diego smiled an evil smile.  “Yeah Dad, it’s so clean it squeaks, seeing that it arrived this morning on a Galloway freight plane along with several members of Michael’s security team.  The guys sprayed it with some kind of temporary silver colour to make it look like the vehicle we have been using and swopped the two just before picking us up.  None of you even noticed that the colour wasn’t exactly the same and that the driver wasn’t our usual driver, he’s one of Michael’s as well.”

“My Dad sent one of his teams?”  Jade queried softly.

“Yeah baby, they are setting up the sting back at the hotel as we speak.  The bastard who is selling us out is not going to be able to resist the bait and once we have him we are but one step away from having the source.”  Diego had taken her hand as he spoke and knitted his fingers with hers.

“How did you set him up?”

“That was easy.  Tag and I discussed the documentation regarding your pregnancy that we had stashed in the safe in his room and hinted at some dark secret contained in it.   That should have him chomping at the bit to get at it.  Now we just have to wait for him to make his move.”  Diego gave her hand a soft squeeze.

Before any of them could say another word the driver spoke.

“We’re coming up to the airstrip Diego.  I’m going to pull up next to the stairs.  There are four men with the jet plus the pilot and co-pilot.  My guys will guard the perimeter while you and Tag take the Princess on board.  The rest will follow after we have her secure.”  His clipped voice issued instructions without expecting a reply.

“My name is Jade or Jay not Princess.”  Jade snapped.

“Sorry Princess but your codename has always been Princess and that’s not going to change anytime soon.”  His voice was still clipped and to the point.

“Codename?  I have a codename?  Since when?”   Jade asked with big eyes.

“That has been your codename since the first ever bodyguard had been assigned to you at the age of three Princess.  A member of the Dawson family has always been assigned to you until Taggart here took over that duty.  The one who would have been your bodyguard now if it wasn’t for Taggart has actually managed to get himself on Diego’s team and has kept an eye on you from afar.”  Dropping that bomb with a grin he threw at Diego in the rear view mirror he pulled up next to the aircraft and turned in his seat to look her in the eyes and she recognised him.

“Why aren’t you with Adam?”  She demanded.

He didn’t stop grinning.  “Oh but I am with Adam Princess.”  He turned his head and looked towards the aircraft and then back at her.  “He insisted on flying you out of here himself, he doesn’t trust anyone else to take care of you right now.”

Jade sighed deeply and turned to Diego.  “Do you remember my brother Adam?”

“I remember him.”  Luis snapped.  “He was the one who walked into my house after Val died, picked you up, walked out and disappeared with you for three months.  I definitely remember him.”

“Your brother sounds a little bit over protective Princess Jay.”  Givens joked.

“Believe me Giv if there was a word that had over in front of it most of them would describe my brothers and my father.”

“You’re being a tad unkind Princess.”  The driver rebuked her gently.  “Adam is getting antsy so let’s move her out and get this done.”  He turned and slid out of the vehicle in a move so fast he was gone in a blink, there wasn’t even the sound of the door opening and closing to let them know that he had been there.

“He’s a fuckin’ ninja.”  Giv growled as he shifted in his seat.

The rear door opened and the driver and another black clad man stood there waiting.  Tag got out first and turned to help Jade out.  She looked around at the emptiness around them and frowned.  It looked like an old rundown airstrip but looking down she saw that appearances could be deceiving.  The runway wasn’t as damaged as what it looked like at first glance.  The buildings she could see on the far side of the strip looked rundown but she felt sure it was a disguise the same as the runway.  Weird.

“Let’s get you out of the open and safely inside baby.”  Diego took her hand and placing her between him and Tag he pushed her towards the steps leading up to the plane.  Tag went up first and Diego shielded her with his big body as she went up the steps ahead of him.  She had to blink her eyes to adjust them to the sudden change in brightness as she stepped inside.  A big body filled her vision as Adam stepped right into her and swept her into his arms.  Her father and brothers were big men just like Diego and she was dwarfed by him as he hugged her to his big chest.  Wrapping her arms around him she returned the hug with one of her own.

“Fine mess you got yourself into this time Princess.”  He rumbled with a laugh.

“Wasn’t me!”  She immediately snapped and he laughed even harder.

She decided to ignore him and turned in his arms to introduce him to the guys who had since gotten onto the plane.  Introductions went smoothly until she got to Luis and Diego then Adam’s mouth thinned.  “Mr. Delgado and son, welcome aboard.”  He used his cool voice with Luis and Diego making Jade bristle with indignation.

“Adam!  Be nice!”

“Sorry Princess if I’m being a bit of an ass.  What happened to you wasn’t their fault but it’s hard to let it go when it turned you into a fuckin’ hermit for seven years.”  Her brother hadn’t ever in his life hesitated to express his opinion and he didn’t now.

“Adam it’s because of them that I’m no longer what you call a hermit.  Luis and Diego have encouraged me and Luis especially has prodded and pushed me into performing again, so please be nice.  Okay?”  She looked up at her brother with soft eyes and he sighed.

BOOK: Hard Rock Unrehearsed
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