Hard Time (Hard as Nails #1) (12 page)

BOOK: Hard Time (Hard as Nails #1)
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“That’s a little extreme.” She laughs again. “Please don’t mutilate yourself.”

I ignore her, and continue with my thoughts before I lose track of them. “I’d cut off my right arm to fuck you right here, right now, but I have a choice. And I choose to wait.”

“What are you waiting for, Mr. Thomas Street?”

“I’m waiting until we can do it somewhere that’s as sweet and classy as you are.”

She laughs again. She’s in a playful mood, even after our heavy talk outside the bookstore, and I wonder if it’s because she feels closer to me. If spilling my guts about my sordid past actually created a kind of intimacy between us, I’m motivated to talk more. I like her this way. I like her every way. “I’m not classy,” she says.

She’s so wrong. “Next you’re going to try and tell me you’re not sweet.”

“I’m not,” she objects with a purse of her lips.

“To me you are, and that’s all that matters.”

“Okay then.” She pats my leg. “I’m classy and sweet.”

“And tomorrow night, you’re mine.”

She bites her lip as I wait for her response. Then she quietly says, “Tomorrow night, I’m yours.”


* * *


I can’t close my eyes long enough to fall asleep, because all I can see is Katie. All I can hear is her sexy laugh. She’s buried deep within my mind, and even as I lie here in bed exhausted, I cannot bring myself to fall asleep.

All the possibilities for our date stir through my mind. The good and the bad, and everything in between. There are a hundred different ways the night can go, and that equally terrifies me and thrills me.

I shove my hand in my boxers and begin to tug on my hard cock. It’s dry, but in prison, I got used to jerking off without lube, and almost every time, I thought of Katie as I fisted my dick.

It’s funny how some things never change. I pull my hand to my mouth and lap my tongue against my palm, wetting it enough so that when I reach back down, my dick is slick.

I pump my throbbing cock. I’m aching to get off, and can feel the climax building in an instant. My balls swell, and my toes curl against the sheets at the end of the bed. Just when I’m about to explode, I change course and rip my hand away from my cock.

It’s hard and pointed toward my face, hovering just above the ridged abs of my stomach. It’s a chore, taking an enormous amount of willpower and restraint, to not finish the job as images of Katie flash before me. Her lips. Her breasts. Her eyes. Her fucking laugh taunting and teasing me.

When I catch my breath, I reach for the phone on the nightstand and dial her number, which she programmed into my phone earlier that afternoon. It barely rings twice before she picks up.

“Hello.” The annoyance in her voice is all too clear.

Fuck, of course she’s annoyed. She has a baby, for Christ’s sake, and I probably just woke it up. “Hey, Katie. I’m—”

“It’s one in the morning. What do you want?”

“I didn’t think about the time. I’m sorry. I just wanted to hear your voice.”

She takes a deep breath and exhales, as if struggling for patience. I hear sheets rustling on the other end of the phone. “Is everything okay?”

“Yeah. Yeah, it is. I just… I just wanted to let you know how excited I am about tomorrow night.”

She’s quiet for a several seconds, obviously surprised by my admission. “Your enthusiasm is noted,” she says. “I’m going to hang up now.”

“I’m sorry for waking you up.”

“That’s also noted. Goodnight, Street.”


“Wait. Street?”


“I’m excited about tomorrow night, too.”

The phone cuts out, and I’m left with nothing but silence on the other end of the phone. It takes a minute to hang up and slide the phone back onto the nightstand.

I turn over onto my side, trying to push the thought of my uncomfortable erection to rest as I close my eyes. I’m aching, and of course I can get myself off. But I don’t want to. I’m hard because of Katie. And I want to savor the pain tonight.

It will just make tomorrow all the better.



Chapter Fourteen





I should be exhausted, but I’m not. After Street called, it took me almost an hour to fall back asleep, and then I woke up around seven in the morning to tend to Riley. I had hoped she’d sleep until at least nine so I could do some last minute studying for my exam, but that hadn’t happened.

Dee arrived at quarter to ten as usual. I took my exam, feeling good about how I did. Then I’d taken advantage of my rare day off and spent it playing with Riley.

Now Dee is back and ready to watch her so I can have my big night with Street. And that’s exactly what it feels like. A big night. An actual date night. I haven’t had one of those in forever, and God knows when I’ll have the chance again.

Riley lies on the bed beside Dee, staring at the marvel of the bedroom ceiling. I wish I could remember what it felt like to be so young, when everything was beautiful and nothing was tainted or broken. Ignorance is bliss and I miss it like crazy.

“How did you do on your exam?” Dee questions as I slide into a thin, silver dress. It’s pretty and only cost me twenty bucks at the local thrift store back when I’d still been into dancing at clubs.

“I’ll know on Monday.” I turn and face her as I pull the last strap over my shoulder. “What do you think?”

“You’re not in Los Angeles, babe.” She twirls her finger, signaling for me to turn in place so she can see the entire dress. “It’s too sparkly.”

She’s right. I glance at the tall mirror hanging from my bedroom door. I look like a vampire from Twilight. I reach for the straps and slide them down my shoulders until I’m standing in nothing but matching black underwear.

“Plan on getting lucky tonight?” she asks from behind me, and I just smirk because I know she can’t see me.

“I can see you smiling in the mirror,” she points out and I straighten my smile out in an instant.

“It’s not like that.” I search through my small closet, and pull out the only other nice dress I have. It’s simple but classy, and it makes me remember my talk with Street. He thinks I’m classy and sweet.

He makes me feel that way even now.

I quickly pull the dress over me, and straighten it out. It highlights all my curves in all the right places. This should be enough to drive Street wild.

I twist on my foot to get Dee’s opinion. “What do you think?”

“I think you’re definitely getting laid tonight.”

I let out a heavy sigh and turn my attention to Riley. “What do you think?”

She coos, which I take as a dose of positive reinforcement. “You always know the exact right thing to say.” I step toward the bed and pick Riley up.

“Well, I’m looking forward to finally meeting this guy before things get too serious,” Dee says and shifts back onto the bed, propping herself up on her elbows. She’d tried talking me out of my date with Street numerous times, and it was only after I’d sworn to stop telling her anything if she didn’t back off that she’d started to be somewhat supportive.

I laugh and shift Riley against my right shoulder. “You’re deluding yourself, Dee, but I’m not deluding myself.”

“Really now?”

“Really.” I pace to the bed and hand Riley off to Dee. “Street is nothing more than a nice distraction. Things aren’t going to get serious between us.”

“That’s what you always say,” she points out, and she’s right, but I don’t want to admit that, because that would mean I’m getting attached. And if I get attached, things will go south like they always do. I’m content to let things play out.

I reach for a silver necklace. “Can you help me with this?”

She obliges, laying Riley down in the bassinet and positioning herself behind me. She reaches for the necklace and hooks it around my neck. “You really do look beautiful.”

“Thank you.”

“Don’t be stupid.” She swallows a nervous lump in her throat and sniffles. “I don’t want to see your heart get broken again.”

“You know me.” I force a smile as her palm falls upon my shoulder. “I’m made of stone.”

“You know what they say about people made of stone?”

“No,” I say and shift my eyes to her reflection in the mirror. “What do they say?”

“They’re only strong and durable until they’re dropped into a lake.”

“That’s not a real saying.”

“Just be careful.”

I give her an affirmative nod, but nothing about Street is careful or safe, no matter how he makes me feel. He’d reminded me of that himself yesterday, when he’d taunted me about not knowing what he’d done during that burglary before he’d landed in prison. I believe something bad happened, but I don’t believe Street shot someone in cold blood. I can’t. I won’t. Not until he tells me otherwise.

There’s a gentle knock on the front door, and I’m vibrating with excitement. We walk into the living room together. I take a deep breath and look to Dee one last time. “Please don’t embarrass me.”

“Don’t be silly.” She runs her hand along my hair. “You know that’s too much to ask.”

I take another deep breath. There’s another knock on the door, and this time it’s not as gentle.

I lower my sweaty palm to the doorknob and twist.

He looks so different, suave and sharp, a vision I never thought I’d get to see. I’m sure I’m wide-eyed and staring at him like a complete idiot, but I can’t bring myself to care.

He’s dressed in black, with perfectly ironed slacks and a well-fitted slim blazer covering a deep V-neck tee. I don’t think I’d be able to take him seriously with a full suit, but this look makes desire thrum between my legs, and I’m a little embarrassed by the way my cheeks flush red.

His hair is combed and parted, far from his typical just-climbed-out-of-bed look. I thought he was sexy before, all rugged and tough. But the way he looks tonight? I’m melting in place.

When I’d told Dee I was going out with Street, she’d obviously been skeptical, but now that’s he’s standing at my door looking like a model, it’s clear from her expression that she’s stunned. I certainly am.

He’s the first to speak. “You look…” His eyes trail over the length of my body, never gazing too long at one place. “You look beautiful.”

“And you look beyond handsome.”

“Look at us,” he says through a glowing smile. “Being classy together.”

He leans into me, and I’m hit with a whisk of minty freshness from his breath. He doesn’t smell like cigarettes like he usually does. He’s gone all out, and I feel like the queen of the prom.

“This is my sister Dee. Dee, this is Thomas Street.

He smiles and holds out his hand. “Nice to meet you, Dee.”

She shakes his hand. “Likewise.” Her gaze shifts to mine and I can clearly read her
Holy fuck! I had no idea

Street looks back at me. “By the way, I’m driving,” he says with a cocky smile. He turns and points to a nice sedan parked next to my car. “I rented it. I was tempted to get a motorcycle at first, but was hoping you’d be wearing a dress. I’m glad I wasn’t wrong.”

I want to scold him. He shouldn’t be wasting his money on me like this. Not on renting a car or a motorcycle. But then I realize maybe he isn’t doing all this just for me, but for himself, too.

“I”ll be right back. I just want to say goodbye to my daughter.”

He nods, his gaze shifting behind me as if hoping to catch sight of Riley. I leave him and Dee, run into the bedroom to kiss Riley goodbye, then grab my coat. “Thanks, Dee. Call if you need anything.”

“I will. Have a nice time.”

Street and I walk to the car, and he holds the passenger side door open for me.

I smile and shake my head. “You just keep on surprising me,” I say.

He grins. “You have no fucking idea.”

I laugh, feeling free in a way I haven’t in years.



Chapter Fifteen





Forty minutes later, we pulled into downtown Harrison. Our conversation had been minimal, and I’d spent most of the ride from our small town into the big city admiring how adeptly Street drove. So many guys I’d known drove like exceeding the speed limit, rolling through stop signs, or burning rubber was a way to prove they had a big dick. Street didn’t drive like an old coot, but he didn’t drive like he had a point to prove either, and that made me feel safe.

The irony of that doesn’t escape me.

I’m partly drawn to Street because of the hint of danger that surrounds him, but for the most part, it isn’t a danger that scares me. It’s a danger that thrills me, like walking on a tightrope with a spotlight blinding my eyes.

When he surprises me, showing me his vulnerable or charming or kind or funny side, it’s like I and only I have the power to bring that out in him and see him for the good man he truly is. It’s a heady, powerful feeling that makes me feel important.

But as we sit in the fancy restaurant, it’s a different kind of danger I feel. This is the feeling of being an outsider, of not belonging. I feel out of place dressed in fancy attire, surrounded by fancy people eating fancy things in fancy chairs under the light of fancy chandeliers. But as out of place as I feel, I can’t imagine how
feels. He’s noticeably nervous, as if he’s trying to hold his true self at bay, lost in an act of pretending to fit in.

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