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Authors: Tina Rose

Hard To Love (17 page)

BOOK: Hard To Love
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“Again, kitten. I need to feel you fall apart around me again. You’re so tight, and feel so damned good.”

As another explosive climax approached, Carter pressed his fingers against her aching detonation button, and every nerve in Ella’s body lit up. Her muscles tightened around his cock like a vise grip, as lightening bolts of pleasure shot through her, from her head to her toes.

Carter froze after one last thrust, releasing her hands to hold her hips in a tight grip, so that they were locked together while his cock twitched inside her. He released his own climax, muttering curse words, and growling her name, while he tried to catch his breath. Slowly, he withdrew from her, and pulled the buzzing toy from her, before she collapsed beneath him.

Ella’s body continued throbbing at every nerve ending, her mind and body so sated by sexual satisfaction that she was in a coma-like state. Every muscle relaxed, and she melted into the soft sheets, batting her eyes to fight off the sleep that was overtaking her. Dreamily, she thought she felt him clean her up, before he pulled her close to him to slip into a deep, happy, dreamless sleep.

Chapter Eighteen

They woke the next morning to the sound of Carter’s phone ringing. “Dammit,” he cursed, rolling over to answer the phone before opening his eyes to look at the screen. “Hello.”

His body stiffened as he listened to the person on the other end of the call. Releasing a deep breath, he pulled Ella’s head to him, and kissed her temple before getting up from the bed, and walking out of the room. Instantly missing the warmth of his body next to her, Ella burrowed down deeper under the comforter, until she heard Carter’s voice speaking low into the phone, as if he didn’t want her to hear what he was saying. Although, she had gotten better with her suspicious outlook, his behavior got her attention quickly. Quickly, she jumped from the bed, grabbed his t-shirt from the floor, and tiptoed to the bedroom door to quietly listen to what was being said.

“No ma’am, I’m sorry. Something has come up, and I won’t be able to come back any time soon. Yes ma’am, I’m sure I won’t change my mind.” Carter said quietly before saying goodbye and hanging up.

Guilt poured through Ella, as she through the shirt back on the floor, and jumped back in the bed before he returned. Damn Derek for breaking her trust! She wondered once again if she’d ever be able to truly trust any man. Not just any man, this man.

A few minutes passed before she heard his footsteps returning to the room, and she smelled the aroma of coffee wafting through the air. Gently, he climbed back in the bed beside her, and scooted up close, smelling her hair before kissing her on the back of the head.

“Good mornin’ sweetness.”

“Mornin’,” she said, in a rough sleepy voice. She rolled over to find him smiling at her like a goofball. “What are you smiling about? I look a mess, don’t I? Don’t look at me,” she whimpered, and tried to get out of the bed.

“Come here,” he chuckled, pulling her back down. “You look beautiful, like always. I just love to see that I’ve-been-fucked-all-night sparkle in your eyes.” If she only knew what she did to him. Everything inside of him wanted her, needed her. He got lost in her eyes every time he looked into them. All he wanted to do was get lost in her.

“Stop it. I know I look hideous,” she pouted.

“Darlin’, on your worst day, rolled in mud and covered in dog shit, you could never look hideous.”

“Oh, you smooth talker, you,” she teased.

“What are your plans today?” he asked sincerely, lazily drawing circles on her arm.

“I have a meeting with a new client, another bridezilla. Then, I’m meeting with the pastor and his wife at the bakery. That woman has serious control issues.” Ella rolled her eyes.

Carter cocked an eyebrow at her. “Does she now?” he chuckled softly.

“Oh stop!
not the control freak,
,” she smirked.

“Someone wants to play this morning, huh kitten?” In a blink, he was on top of her, pinning her arms to her sides, staring in her eyes devilishly. “As I recall, I still need to find something to do with that dirty mouth of yours, don’t I?”

“Oh, yes sir,” she smiled mischievously.


Ella was sitting in Liv’s office, happily discussing their plans for the benefit. While in Nashville, Carter had made arrangements with the record company to send another up and coming artist to them for the benefit. Although, Ella didn’t particularly like Ms. Harmon, she was grateful when Carter surprised her with the news.

Just as Ella stood to go to the mini fridge to grab a cold water, Gabe came bursting into Liv’s office, slamming the door behind him.

“Do you know what you’ve done?” he roared.

“Gabe, what the hell,” Liv quickly stood, glaring at Gabe.

“That’s what I want to know. What the hell did you do to him, Ella?” he demanded.

Ella turned, looking at Liv, then Gabe, shocked by his question to her. “What did I do to whom?” she asked.

“You know damned well who. Carter!” he ground out.

“Gabe, I’m sorry, but I have no idea what you’re talking about. I spoke to Carter a little bit ago, and he was fine,” Ella clarified.

“No, honey. He ain’t fine,” Gabe spit. He was fuming mad, and Ella couldn’t for the life of her figure out why. “You’ve ruined everything he’s worked his ass off for.”

Walking around the desk, Liv put her hands on her hips and stared menacingly at the angry man. “Gabe, stop being an ass and just tell us what the hell you’re talking about.”

“I’m talking about the record deal with the recording company. Carter turned them down. Told them something came up, and he couldn’t make it back. I know exactly what came up. His goddamned dick. And it’s all because of you!” he yelled.

“Dude, calm down,” Liv warned.

“What do you mean, he turned it down? We went there Gabe. He recorded a few of his songs.” Ella was confused. What was Carter thinking?

“That was just to record a demo. To see how his voice sounded. That cougar lady called him and told him they found some songs they wanted him to try out to add to the ones he wrote. But he told them no.”

“Gabe, I had no clue. He hasn’t mentioned anything to me.” Ella was in shock. She knew Carter had told her becoming a big star wasn’t his dream, but never in a million years did she think he’d stop the pursuit. And certainly not because of her. “How did you find out?”

“Ms. Harmon tracked me down. She said she was worried about him. Told me to try and talk some damn sense into him.”

“Well, did you?” Ella asked. Now the conversation she overheard came crashing back in her memory. That’s who he had been talking to.

“What the hell do you think? Hell yeah, I tried to talk to him. But his stubborn ass wouldn’t listen. Said that was never his dream. He was happy right where he was at, singing at honky tonks, and cleaning horse shit.” Gabe paced the small room, picking his ball cap up off his head, rubbing his hair and setting it back down. “She said, if I could get him back up there this week, he still had a chance. But he ain’t going nowhere now. Not with you fucking with his head.”

“Shut up, Gabe. Carter’s a big boy. I don’t think my sister could change his mind about something that important, unless he was already having doubts as it was.” It was cute how Liv was standing up for her big sister.

“No, Liv. He’s right. Carter can’t give up on his dreams. No matter what the reason is.” Ella sighed. She had known all along that her heart was going to be broken if she got involved with Carter. She just never thought it would be like this. Knowing what she had to do, she grabbed her purse. “I’ll call you in a little while. I’m going to need you to do something for me.”

“Okay, whatever you need. Just call me.” Liv called after her sister as she left the office.

Carter was the happiest he had ever been. He felt like a thousand pound weight had been lifted from his shoulders since he told Ms. Harmon he wasn’t going to take the record deal. If his momma were here, he knew she’d tell him to follow his heart. And that’s exactly what he was doing. Because Ella Reid had his heart wrapped around her little finger, and he wasn’t going anywhere as long as she was his. After years of hearing he wasn’t going to find love, he’d found it. At least he hoped she felt the same way he did.

With a smile on his face, and a semi stiff erection, he texted Ella. He wanted to see her tonight, couldn’t wait to see her actually.

To Ella
Hey sweetness. Would it sound corny if I told you I can’t get you outta my head?

Putting his phone back in his pocket after he didn’t get an immediate reply, he finished packing up his tools, and loaded them in his truck. It wasn’t like Ella to not reply quickly. Maybe she was with a client? He decided to give her another thirty minutes before texting her again. But, when he texted her again, and still got no reply, he began to get worried. Not even Liv knew where she was, although she had acted vague when he called her.

To Ella
Okay. Now I’m starting to get worried. Call me back.

“Ah, screw it,” he said to himself. Jumping in his truck, he drove to her office. When he saw no sign of her there, he decided to drive by her house. Whipping his truck around in the middle of the road, Carter drove in the direction of Ella’s house.

Finally, his phone sounded with a text message. Looking at the screen, he saw Ella’s name displayed on the screen, and pulled over to read the message.

From Ella
Carter, I’m sorry to do this with a text, but I knew it would be easier on both of us. I don’t think we should see each other anymore. It’s not working out. We aren’t good together, Carter. But, your mother was right, God gave you a gift. Don’t waste it. Go to Nashville and knock them dead.

Completely in shock, Carter re-read her words, and quickly answered back.

To Ella
What are you talking about? I’m on my way to your house!

From Ella
No. Don’t. I’m not there. I had to go out of town. I’m not sure how long I’ll be gone. Please Carter, follow your dreams.

To Ella
Where are you? We need to talk.

Carter waited and waited, but no response came. Dialing her number, he waited hopefully for her to answer. Hurt and pissed, he slung his phone across the seat so hard, it hit the door and broke into several pieces. “Fuck!” he screamed. He needed answers, and he knew damned well where to find them. With his foot on the gas, he rushed to the Second Chance Rescue to see Liv.

Storming into her office, he found Liv and Gabe in a very compromising position. Shirtless, in nothing but a black bra, Liv straddled Gabe’s lap, his pants unbuttoned and ready for some action. They jumped when Carter threw the door open.

Grabbing her shirt to cover her chest, she cursed out loud. “Dammit! Didn’t y’all’s momma teach you to knock?”

Gabe grinned and grabbed Liv’s thighs, preventing her from moving.

“Zip your pants up asshole,” Carter ground out.

“Why? You’ve seen it before,” he challaged.

“I’m not in the mood for your bullshit today.” Carter cut his eyes to Liv. “Where is she?”

Liv answered curtly. “Not here.”

Carter scowled angrily, a growl coming deep from his throat. “Where. The fuck. Is she?”

Liv turned to Gabe, giving him one of those, what-do-I-do, looks.

“I don’t know where she went,” she said, not making eye contact. “We had an argument.”

“Bullshit! About what?”

Shrugging her shoulders, Liv couldn’t think of a good answer.

“Liv, for the love of God, don’t play games with me right now.” Carter looked like a man on the brink of a breakdown, ready to snap at any minute. His chest heaved as if he couldn’t get enough air, and his eyes were bloodshot. Standing there, his fist balled up at his sides.

Liv knew she was going to have to do or say something drastic, so she did the first thing she could think of. She lied.

“She went back with that asshole, Derek.”

Physical pain struck Carter in the chest and right between his eyes, almost buckling his knees. Everything in the room became blurry, as he tried to get to a seat before he fell down.

“That’s not possible. Why would she do that? I, I just don’t understand.” Carter sat there, scrubbing his hands over his face. “This doesn’t make a damn lick of sense.”

“Women never make sense, buddy.” Gabe said, standing to zip his jeans. “Look at the bright side. Now, you can get your damn head back in the game, get your ass back to Nashville, and get that record deal.” Gabe slapped Carter on the back. “She did you a favor, man.”

Carter’s blue eyes blazed at Gabe. Rage overtook him, and before they all knew what was happening, he had Gabe pinned against the wall by his shirt collar.

“What don’t you get?” he yelled in Gabe’s face. “I don’t fucking want a record deal! I never have. That has nothing to do with her.”

“Dude, chill the hell out.” Gabe pushed Carter off him, pulling his shirt from Carter’s grasp. “You think it has nothing to do with her, but I know you, brother. You were living the dream before she came into the picture.”

“No, Gabe, I wasn’t.” Carter backed away, using every ounce of strength he had left to just keep standing. “I was living in a kid’s fantasy world.
is my dream. I love her, man.”

“Shit. Carter, I’m sorry. I thought…” Gabe trailed off, shaking his head.

“Sorry for what, Gabriel?” Carter questioned.

“I didn’t know. I didn’t know you felt like that. I just thought you were messing around, and you’d be back to your old self as soon as she was out of the picture.”

“Gabe, I swear to God. I love you like a brother, but if you had something to do with her leaving, I’ll never forgive you.” Carter warned before walking out the door.

Chapter Nineteen

Misery. Sheer misery. Nothing else could describe the mental and physical pain that Ella was going through. Not only was her heart broken worse than she could have ever imagined, she was doing her best to recover from the flight. It had been horrible. Fear seized her, she hadn’t been able to breathe, her stomach rolled and twisted. And she had spent most of the flight in the tiny bathroom throwing up. Worst of all, her heart ached so badly, she thought she was going to die.

BOOK: Hard To Love
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