Harrier's Healer (23 page)

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Authors: Aliyah Burke

BOOK: Harrier's Healer
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waist as she tucked herself closer yet.

I am right where I need to be.
“When will you get another vaca-

tion?” he asked.

“Not for a while, I’m sure. Why?”

“I want you to come back and see me. Stay at the cabin with

Marry me.

Harrier's Healer


Eyes closed, Alexis smiled wider. “I can’t just go across the

country. I am stationed out here.”

“I know, I know. Trust me, I know that.” He groaned. “That is a


“What are you talking about? I like the West Coast.”

“And I like the East Coast, but something is missing.”

“What would that be, Mister SEAL Man?” Her fingers moved

across his ribs.

“You,” he said directly. “You know how I feel about you, Alex-


Sitting up, she cut him off before he could say another word.

“Please don’t. Don’t say something that we will regret later. Just enjoy

right now.”

His eyes narrowed but he clamped his mouth shut.
What are you

running from, Alexis? I know you love me, you told me so. Why are you so

hesitant about there actually being an “us” for longer than a few days?

pulled her back down across his chest, placing them nose to nose.

“Well, there is something that we could do that I would enjoy. I believe

there is a bit more of that chocolate sauce and edible strawberry oil.”

Scott rolled them over so Alexis was beneath him.

The booth was dark, private, and intimate. The single flame

flickering between Scott and Alexis did nothing more than cast a gentle

glow over their features. Empty plates were scattered across the table as

they shared one piece of a five-layer chocolate cake, Scott feeding her

and himself.

They sat on the same side. Alexis had her feet curled up under

her and one hand on the inner thigh of the man beside her. They were

relaxed, comfortable, and in love.

The waiters watched from a distance, rarely going over to inter-

rupt them. The couple never raised their voices, choosing instead to

whisper to one another. The man was constantly touching her face,

brushing her hair back, or tracing her jaw line.

“What does your brother Piers do?” Scott asked as he slid a fork-

ful of the decadent confection into his mouth.

“Piers is a diplomat, which would explain why he was over in

Hong Kong. I am not entirely sure exactly what he does; all I know is he

is important to the President and does tons of traveling.” Her index


Aliyah Burke

finger wiped off the extra frosting at the corner of his mouth and sucked

it clean herself.

Feeling himself stir as he watched her draw her finger into her

mouth, Scott gulped hard. “And your other siblings?”

“The other ones…let me see.” She paused for a bite of cake, smil-

ing in ecstasy as its moistness covered her tongue. Swallowing, she

picked up her cup of hot water and lemon to wash down the bite.

“Well?” Scott prompted, eating another forkful of cake.

“Well, Maurice is the oldest. He is an orthopedic specialist. He

lives in Manhattan, married to a very nice woman, Lyn. She is an

interior designer and they have four kids. Piers is next in line and, well,

you know about him. Then there is—”

“Kieran, the one who called when you were at my place,” Scott


“Exactly. Kieran is a private investigator. Not married and he

has one son.” She rested her head on his shoulder. “Then there is

Gamaliel, last I heard about him was he was over in Africa somewhere

sticking his nose in places it shouldn’t necessarily be. He’s a missio-


“Why do you say it like that? Missionaries are important.”

“Yes, as long as they don’t force their personal beliefs on another

culture so much they lose where they came from. I just think my brother

is a bit over the top sometimes.” A wry smile crossed her face. “We all

went into a profession, or calling according to Gamaliel, to help some-


“I bet your family get-togethers are loads of fun.”

“I haven’t been to one in a few years. But the ones I remember,

yes…tons of fun.”

“Where does Jay fit into all this?” Scott set down the fork, for the

cake was gone.

Alexis released a short bark of laughter. “Jay.” Scott wasn’t quite

sure what that laugh meant. “Well, Jay…Jay is like a third cousin, but

he has always been a troublemaker. I don’t know the whole story, but

we have an understanding between us. He is always welcome to stay at

my house as long as he treats me and my things with respect.”

The young doctor readjusted herself on the booth, putting her

legs across his lap and watching him. “Tell me about your family,” she

prompted with a frown as she noticed the empty plate. The frown

smoothed out when his hand began to caress the inside of her calf.

Harrier's Healer


“Let me see, you already met Reeve. He is next in line after me.

Nothing more than a playboy. Godric is next and he is the owner of one

of the country clubs down there.” Scott turned his gaze to meet Alexis’s

in the soft light. “The baby in the family is our sister, Corliss. She is in

medical school.”

“Good for her.” Alexis stretched. “Well, now that
have eaten

all the cake, let’s go.”

“I ate? Me?” he huffed. “I know you ate most of it.”

“You had the fork, buddy, not me.”

He waved the waiter over. “Check, please.” His blue eyes

moved over the woman next to him, an action that brought a smile to

his face. Scott never believed how much enjoyment he derived just by

being in her presence.

After paying he slid his wallet back into his jeans, then he

slipped out of the booth, waiting for Alexis to do the same. He escorted

her through the restaurant, his strong hand resting on the small of her

back. Many stares followed them as they maneuvered through the

tables. None of their audience seemed to wish them ill or challenge the

man who carried himself with such authority.

“Let’s go to a movie,” Alexis suggested as they reached her new-

ly cleaned Expedition.

“Sure. I’m game.” A smile appeared on his features as he pic-

tured her mood after a romantic movie. Although he couldn’t claim to

be fond of them, Scott was willing to sit through a “date” movie just for


“Great.” Alexis slid her arm through his as they left her vehicle

where it was and headed towards the multiplex at the other end of the


Stopping in front of the sign, they both scanned the featured

titles. Glancing up at the handsome man beside her, Alexis waited for

him to say something.

“What do you think, Lex?” he asked, pulling her to rest against

his chest, unaware of the envious looks other women were sending her.

“You tell me.”

“No.” His chin came to rest on the top of her head. “Ladies’


Casting her eyes back towards him she wondered, “Does that

hold up for later as well?”

“Anytime, anyplace,” he responded, pinching her ass.


Aliyah Burke

. Stop teasing.” One manicured finger pointed at a new

vampire movie. “How about that one?”

I’m impressed.
“Are you sure?”

If her head hadn’t been underneath his chin, his jaw would have

dropped open at the sound of her “bloodlust”. “Hell, yeah! ’Posed to be

lots of blood, explosions, you know…good movie stuff!”

“I take it you don’t go in for the fluffy movies?” Scott asked as

he steered them into the line for tickets.

She grinned at him. “Wouldn’t be my first choice. I like my


“And the surprises keep on coming,” he said, getting their tick-

ets and then going in line for snacks.

“What? You thought I would like romantic movies, all the heart-

felt goo?”

“Well, yes, I did. I mean, that
what most women like.”

She laughed as she moved up another place in line. “And just

when did you think I was like most women?”

His eyes raked over her backside. “Never, which is why I love

you.” Scott picked her up from behind and growled into her neck.

She squealed. “Put me down, Commander!”

He did so, albeit reluctantly. “What do you want?”

“Nachos, chocolate, popcorn, and a drink.”

“Damn, didn’t I just feed you?” he questioned lightheartedly,

before relaying her order to the concession person. “What kind of


“Junior Mints and those Nestle Bites,” she said, smirking.

“That’ll teach you to eat all a woman’s cake.”

“Would you like a pickle with this?” Scott teased.

“Why would I…? Oh, shut up.” Her hand snaked out to hit him

in the arm, but instead, she found herself pressed up against his broad


“Ever hopeful.” He kissed her quickly before turning his atten-

tion back to the pimple-faced kid behind the counter.

Loaded with their snacks, Scott and Alexis walked to the theater

where their movie was showing. Climbing up to the back, they sat

down. “Sure you don’t want to be closer?” Scott asked. “Not that being

in the back wouldn’t have its benefits.”

“I don’t like people behind me.” Her response was so fast he

knew she wasn’t being coy.

Harrier's Healer


“Understood.” He placed their spread of food out so she would

have easy access to it all and they played the trivia game that was

scrolling across the screen.

Alexis had answered the last question right and was one ahead

when the lights dimmed and the previews began. The movie was

horribly gory and great fun, right up both of their alleys.

When the lights turned up after the movie ended, Scott and his

darkly gorgeous date stayed in their seats waiting patiently for the

crowd to thin out. Finally, they rose and walked slowly down the steps

and, after a stop at the trash, they headed out into the night.

“Thank you for such a wonderful evening, Lex,” the deep voice

said as they moved easily together across the near empty parking lot.

“Thank you. I had a really good time.” She nudged him as they

approached her vehicle.

“Me too.” His sincere response came immediately.

Alexis’s eyes opened slowly at the tender caress on her forehead.

The low light from the bedside table was on, showing her the blond

man who looked down upon her. Scott was sitting beside her and his

hand was amorous as it moved her loose hair away from her face.

“What time is it?” she asked in a raspy voice.

“Early,” he said in a hushed voice. “Go back to sleep.”

They had made love upon their return from dinner and the

movie to finally fall asleep around two in the morning. What did he

consider early? She was getting up at five. “What’s the time?”

“Three-thirty,” Scott said.

“So what are you doing dressed?”

“My beeper went off. I have to go.” He put those damnably gor-

geous eyes on her. Immediately wide awake, Alexis got up so she could

get out of bed. “What are you doing?” he asked, pressing her back

down into the mattress.

“Don’t you need a ride?”

“I called a taxi. You get some more sleep.” His firm lips found

her full, soft ones. “I just wanted to watch you sleep for a bit.”

“I can take you,” Alexis protested, feeling tears form in her eyes.

Now she was beginning to know how spouses felt when they sent their

sailors off to sea.


Aliyah Burke

“No, my sexy healer. You stay here, sleep, and get to work on

time.” Scott stretched out beside her so they were face to face. “Don’t

forget about me.”

Trying for a smile, Alexis shook her head. “I won’t. Stay safe?”

She meant it as a statement but it came out as a question.

“I will do my damnedest. I love you, Lex.”

“I love you, too, Scott.” Her hands moved to cup his face as she

put their mouths together.

One more fast, hard kiss and he stood, gathered his sea bag, and

saluted her before disappearing out the bedroom door. Alexis closed

her eyes and willed the tears not to fall when she heard steps in the

hallway. Scott had come back. “One more kiss,” he groaned as he

placed his lips on hers once more. “Love you,” he yelled as he headed

back up the hall.

“I love you, too,” Alexis mumbled as she snuggled back down

into the mattress, cuddling the pillow that still smelled of Scott to her

face and succumbed to tears and sleep.

C h a p t e r T w e n t y - O n e


“So, I know that I am going to regret losing you, but who can

argue with SecNav?” Commander Touchette said to the woman who

sat across from him at his desk.

“I understand, sir. I’ll be ready to go in no time,” the flat re-

sponse came.

“Speak freely, Chief. I
sorry to lose you.”

A smile crossed the beautiful face. “And I’m sorry to go. Did

they say why me?”

Touchette shook his head. “Not that they felt the need to share

with me. Just that they were sending your replacement out and we are

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