Harry Hole Mysteries 3-Book Bundle (40 page)

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Harry stepped up to the edge of the terrace, between the empty flower boxes. An image from the past flashed through his brain.
Østmarka, and Øystein who had dived from the mountain into Lake Hauktjern. Harry and Tresko dragging him to the shore. Øystein in bed at Rikshospitalet with what looked like scaffolding around his neck. What Harry had learned from this was that you should jump from great heights, not dive. And remember to keep your arms into your body so that you don’t break your collarbone. But above all you have to make up your mind before you look down, and jump before terror has engaged your common sense. And that was why Harry’s jacket slid to the terrace floor with a soft smack while Harry was already in the air listening to the roar in his ears. The black water accelerated towards him. As black as tarmac.

He put his heels together and the next moment it was as if the air had been knocked out of him and a large hand was trying to tear off his clothes, and all sound was gone. Then came the numbing cold. He kicked and rose to the surface. Got his bearings, located the coat and began to swim. He had already started losing sensation in his feet and knew he only had a few minutes before his body would stop functioning in this temperature. But he also knew that if Katrine’s laryngeal reflex was working and closed itself when it came into contact with water it would be the sudden cooling down that could save her, it would stop the metabolism, send the body’s cells and organs into hibernation mode and allow the vital functions to survive on a minimum of oxygen.

Harry lunged and glided through the thick, heavy water towards the glistening leather.

Then he was there and he grabbed her.

His first unconscious thought was that she was already heaven-bound, consumed by demons. For only her coat was there.

Harry cursed, spun round in the water and stared up at the terrace. Followed the edge up to the eaves, the metal pipework and the sloping roofs that led down the other side of the building, to other buildings. Other terraces and the multitude of fire escapes and routes through the labyrinth of facades in Aker Brygge. He trod water with legs that could no longer feel while confirming to himself that Katrine had not even
underestimated him; he had fallen for one of the oldest tricks in the book. And for a moment of madness he considered death by drowning; it was supposed to be pleasant.

It was four o’clock in the morning and on the bed in front of Harry, wearing a dressing gown, sat a trembling Arve Støp. The tan seemed to have been sucked from his complexion, and he had shrunk into an old man. But his pupils had regained their normal size.

Harry had taken a boiling hot shower and seated himself in a chair, wearing a sweater from Holm and tracksuit bottoms he had borrowed off Støp. In the living room they could hear Bjørn Holm trying to organise the hunt for Katrine Bratt via a mobile phone. Harry had told him to contact the Incident Room to put out a general alert; the police at Gardemoen Airport in case she attempted to take one of the early morning flights; and the Special Forces Unit, Delta, to raid her flat, even though Harry was fairly sure that they wouldn’t find her there.

‘So you think this was not just a sex game but Katrine trying to kill you?’ Harry asked.

‘Think?’ Støp said with chattering teeth. ‘She was trying to strangle me!’

‘Mm. And she asked you if you had an alibi for the times of the murders?’

‘For the third time, yes!’ Støp groaned.

‘So she thinks you’re the Snowman?’

‘Christ knows what she thinks. The woman’s obviously off her chump.’

‘Maybe,’ Harry said. ‘But that doesn’t prevent her from having a point.’

‘And what sort of point would that be?’ Støp looked at his watch.

Harry knew that Krohn was on his way and that the solicitor would muzzle his client as soon as he was there.

He made up his mind and leaned forward. ‘We know that you’re the father of Jonas Becker and Sylvia Ottersen’s twins.’

Støp’s head shot up. Harry had to take a risk.

‘Idar Vetlesen was the only person who knew. You’re the one who sent him to Switzerland and paid for the Fahr’s syndrome course he enrolled on, aren’t you. The disease you yourself inherited.’

Harry could see he wasn’t far off the mark by the way Arve Støp’s pupils dilated.

‘It’s my guess Vetlesen told you we were putting the squeeze on him,’ Harry persisted. ‘Perhaps you were frightened he would crack. Or perhaps he was exploiting the situation to extort favours? Money, for example.’

The editor stared at Harry in disbelief and shook his head.

‘Nevertheless, Støp, you would obviously have had a lot to lose if the truth about these paternities had come out. Enough to give you a motive for killing those who could expose you: the mothers and Idar Vetlesen. Isn’t that correct?’

‘I …’ Støp’s gaze began to roam.


‘I have … nothing else to say.’ Støp fell forward and lowered his head into his hands. ‘Talk to Krohn.’

‘Fine,’ Harry said. He didn’t have much time. Though he did have one last card. A good one. ‘I’ll tell them you said that.’

Harry waited. Støp was still bent forward, motionless. Then at last he raised his head.


‘The press of course,’ Harry chatted. ‘There is reason to believe they will give us a bit of a grilling, don’t you think? This is what you people would call a scoop, wouldn’t you?’

Something clicked behind Støp’s eyes.

‘How do you mean?’ he asked, but with intonation that suggested he already knew the answer.

‘A well-known figure thinks he’s luring a young woman home whereas in fact the opposite is the case,’ Harry said, studying the painting on the wall behind Støp. It seemed to represent a naked woman balancing on a tightrope. ‘He’s persuaded to wear a pig mask in the belief that this is a sex game and this is how he’s found by the police, naked and crying in his bath.’

‘You can’t tell them that!’ Støp exploded. ‘That … that’s breaking the principle of client confidentiality, isn’t it.’

‘Well,’ Harry said, ‘it might be breaking the image you’ve built up around yourself, Støp. However, it doesn’t break any obligation to remain silent. More the opposite.’

‘The opposite?’ Støp almost yelled. The chattering of teeth was gone now and the colour was back in his cheeks.

Harry coughed. ‘My only capital and means of production is my personal integrity.’ Harry waited until he saw that Støp was savouring his own words. ‘And as a policeman that means, among other things, keeping the public informed to the extent that it is possible without damaging the investigation. In this case, it is possible.’

‘You can’t do that,’ Støp said.

‘I can, and I will.’

‘That … that would crush me.’

‘More or less the way
crushes someone every week on the front page?’

Støp opened and closed his mouth like a fish in an aquarium.

‘But of course, even for men with personal integrity there are compromises,’ Harry pointed out.

Støp studied him hard.

‘I hope you appreciate,’ Harry said, smacking his lips as if to memorise the precise wording, ‘that as a policeman I have a duty to exploit this situation.’

Støp nodded slowly.

‘Let’s start with Birte Becker,’ Harry said. ‘How did you meet her?’

‘I think we should stop there,’ a voice said.

They turned to the door. Appearances suggested that Johan Krohn had found time to shower, shave and iron his shirt.

‘OK,’ Harry said with a shrug. ‘Holm!’

Bjørn Holm’s freckled face appeared in the doorway behind Krohn.

‘Ring Odin Nakken of
Verdens Gang
,’ Harry said, facing Arve Støp. ‘Is it all right if I return your clothes later today?’

‘Wait,’ said Støp.

The room went silent as Arve Støp raised both hands and rubbed the backs of his hands against his forehead as though to start his blood circulating.

‘Johan,’ he said at length, ‘you’ll have to go. I can manage this on my own.’

‘Arve,’ the solicitor said, ‘I don’t think you should –’

‘Go home and sleep, Johan. I’ll call you later.’

‘As your solicitor I have to –’

‘As my solicitor you have to keep your mouth shut and hop it, Johan. Got that?’

Johan Krohn straightened up, mobilised the remainder of his wounded solicitor dignity, then changed his mind on seeing Støp’s expression. Nodded quickly, turned and left.

‘Where were we?’ Støp asked.

‘At the beginning,’ said Harry.

DAY 20
The Beginning.

cold winter’s day in Oslo, during a lecture he was giving for an events agency at Sentrum Auditorium. It was a motivation seminar where companies sent their jaded employees for a so-called ‘top-up’, that is, lectures intended to make them work even harder. In Arve Støp’s experience most lecturers at this seminar were businessmen who had enjoyed a bit of success with not very original ideas, gold medallists from major championships in minor sports, or mountaineers who had made a career out of climbing up mountains and coming down them again to tell others about the experience. What they had in common was that they claimed that their success was a result of their very special willpower and morale. They were motivated. This was what was supposed to be motivating.

Arve Støp was last on the programme – he always stipulated that as a prerequisite for his appearance. So that he could start by slating the other lecturers as greedy narcissists, divide them into the three above-mentioned categories and place himself in the first – success with a not very original business idea. The money that was spent on this motivation day was wasted; most people in the room would never advance that far because they were lucky enough not to have the
abnormal drive for recognition that tormented those standing on the platform. Including himself. A condition which he said was caused by his father’s lack of affection. So he had been obliged to seek love and admiration from others and he should therefore have become an actor or a musician, only he had no talent in those directions.

At this point in the lecture the audience’s amazement had turned into laughter. And sympathy. And Støp knew this would culminate in admiration. For he stood there and shone. Shone because he and everyone else knew that whatever he said he was a success and you can’t argue with success, not even your own. He stressed that luck was the most important factor in success, he played down his own talent and emphasised that general incompetence and idleness in the Norwegian business sector ensured that even mediocrity can succeed.

At the end they gave him a standing ovation.

And he smiled as he eyed the dark-haired beauty in the first row who would prove to be Birte. He had noticed her the minute he had entered. He was aware that the combination of slim legs and large breasts was often synonymous with silicone implants, but Støp was no opponent of cosmetic surgery for women. Nail varnish, silicone: in principle, what was the difference? With the applause pounding in his ears he simply stepped down from the stage, walked along the first row and began to shake hands with the audience. It was a fatuous gesture, something an American president could permit himself to do, but he didn’t give a toss, not a flying toss; if he could annoy someone he was happy. He stopped in front of the dark-haired woman who glowed back at him with elated red cheeks. As he passed her his hand she curtsied as if for a royal, and he felt the sharp corners of his business card stick in his palm as he pressed it against hers. She looked for a wedding ring.

*   *   *

The ring was lustreless. And her right hand narrow and pale, but it held his in an astonishingly firm grip.

‘Sylvia Ottersen,’ she said with a foolish smile. ‘I’m a great admirer so I just had to shake hands.’

That was how he had met Sylvia Ottersen for the first time, in her shop Taste of Africa one hot summer’s day in Oslo. Her looks were run-of-the-mill. Married, though.

Arve Støp looked up at the African masks and asked about something so as not to make the situation any more awkward than it already was. Not that it was awkward for him, but he noticed that the woman at his side had stiffened when Sylvia Ottersen had shaken his hand. Her name was Marita. No, it was Marite. She had insisted on bringing him here to show him some zebra-skin cushions that Marite – or was it Marita? – thought he just
to have for the bed they had left not long before and which now sported strands of long blonde hair, which, he made a mental note, would have to be removed.

‘We don’t have any left in zebra,’ Sylvia Ottersen said. ‘But what about these?’

She walked over to a shelf by the window; the daylight fell on her curves, which, he reflected, were not bad at all. Her commonplace brown hair, however, was straggly and dead.

‘What is it?’ asked the woman whose name began with M.

‘Imitation gnu skin.’

‘Imitation?’ M snorted, tossing her blonde hair over her shoulder. ‘We’ll wait until you get in more zebra.’

‘The zebra skin’s imitation too,’ Sylvia said, smiling the way you smile at children when you have to explain that the moon isn’t made of cheese after all.

‘I see,’ M said, breaking her red lips into a sour smile and hooking her arm under Arve’s. ‘Thank you for letting us browse.’

He hadn’t liked M’s idea of going out and parading around in public, and even less the grip she now had on his arm. She may have noticed his dis taste when they were outside. At any rate, she let go. He glanced at his watch.

‘Ooh,’ he said. ‘I’ve got a meeting.’

‘No lunch?’ She regarded him with a surprised expression, quite able to hide how hurt she was.

‘I’ll ring you, maybe,’ he said.

She rang him. Only thirty minutes had passed since he had been standing on the Sentrum stage, and now he was sitting in a taxi behind a snow-plough churning filthy snow onto the roadside.

‘I was sitting right in front of you,’ she said. ‘I’d like to thank you for the lecture.’

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