Harvests Pride (6 page)

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Authors: Brynn Paulin

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Harvests Pride
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“You must be our new little sister-in-law,” he said with a grin.

Hanna stuck her fingers in her pockets, terrified someone would try to shake her hand—and God knew what they’d been up to. Worse, who knew how Myan and Kaz would react. She didn’t need to accidentally start some civil pride war. They’d already made it clear that no males were allowed to touch her. Poor Alexi… She wondered if he was hiding.

“I guess I am,” she answered. “It’s nice to meet you. I…um…I’ve seen you two on stage with Kaz and Myan.” She bit her lip. She’d blown this first impression. Well, she probably wouldn’t see them after today anyway, so she could live with that.

She tried to hide her sadness as she gazed at her sister. Would it be the last time?

“I should go to my room,” Hanna murmured.

“I think we shocked her,” Costin said.

“Our mate is a little reserved,” Myan told him, coming beside her. Dreading his appearance, she slid her glance to him. He was bare-chested, but to her relief, he’d donned a pair of jeans.

“We thought you’d be longer,” Costin murmured, the quiet words laced with accusation. Her brows furrowed. What had Kaz and Myan told them?
We’re gonna go find our mate and bang her good?

No, we did not say that, little cat,
Kaz chided her.

Not quite,
Myan interjected.

Shut. Up!
she ordered, her thoughts just shy of a screech.

By the way, they can’t hear us,
he continued.
But I bet they can read your expressive face.


You keep saying that,
Kaz taunted.

She exploded with a growl of fury and headed from the room.

“Hanna…” Kaz called, his exasperation ill suppressed.

“Good luck,” she heard Mel say. “Her hard-headedness is legendary. Changing her mind takes an act of God, and even then…”

“Warning would have been nice,” Kaz growled.

“You’re welcome,” Mel replied.

Hanna slammed the bedroom door on the rest.





Chapter Six



Myan pulled a pillow over his head. Hanna was practically yowling on the other side of the wall. He hoped the rest of the household couldn’t hear her. The men would all be on edge tomorrow. Though they’d steered clear of the new mate, twelve shifters lived at the compound. Only Costin and Petre were mated.

The morning might be dicey if he and Kaz didn’t do something soon. Holding the pillow to his ears, he glared at his brother. Kaz sat at his mahogany music stand, strumming on his guitar. He stopped intermittently to write notes on the paper beside him.

“Doesn’t that bother you?” Myan snapped.


…can you
stand it

Kaz grinned and strummed a few notes. “Because I know…” he sang. “I’m about to get what I want.” He marked a few more notes on his paper.

Myan sat up, listening to the plaintive moans coming from his bedroom. From the point of view presented by his brother, they were music to his ears. Hanna was getting really agitated. She was liable to hiss and snap at them when they entered that room, but once they were there, it was unlikely she’d let them leave.

But how long to wait?

As if to answer his question, he heard Hanna whimper. The pathetic sound drove him off the bed and to the door. His cock tented his lounge pants, but he didn’t care who saw him as he strode toward his mate, Kaz on his heels.

The bedroom Hanna was using was dim as he entered, the air filled with her scent. Naked, Hanna twisted on the bed. While she lay in her stomach, her hips undulated against the mattress. Her back arched and rubbed her breasts against the bed. Her torso shook with sobs.

“What’s wrong with me,” she gasped. “What did you do to me?”

Kaz shut the door, and both men headed for her.

“Stay back!” she screeched. “What did you do? Make it stop!”

“We can’t,” Myan said, daring to sit on the edge of the mattress, but as far from her as he could.

“Did you drug me?” She turned on her back and ran her hands over her body.

Myan’s cock throbbed. He wanted to touch her but knew he’d come away with a nub if he tried.

She whimpered. “It feels like lava running over my skin. It hurts. It…”

“Feels good, too,” Kaz supplied.

“I need… Please…” she cried.

“You need to be touched,” he said, leaning toward her. “You need to be fucked.”

Myan ran his hand over his arousal, knowing he’d have to wait for Kaz to take her. First born had the choice to be the first to mate. It wouldn’t always be that way, but it was clear that Hanna would accept Kaz.

“I need to come,” she breathed. Her hand drifted to her pussy. She rubbed herself then cried out in frustration. Her head thrashed on her pillow. “It only makes it worse!”

Kaz caught her face in his hand and kissed her hard. As if a spell had fallen over her, she calmed. Her arms went around him, and her body turned to wrap around him. She clung to him as he climbed over her. Myan chanced a brush of his fingers across her leg. She kicked out at him, hissing through her teeth. Her foot struck him in the chest.

“Not yet,” Kaz said, looking over his shoulder at him.

Hurt but understanding the chain of dominance, he stood and watched as his brother shoved down his pajama pants. His eyes closed at the sight then he turned away. He knew when Kaz entered her. Hanna moaned low in her throat.

Kaz’s thoughts reached out to him, and Myan tried to push them out. Kaz persisted, sending sensations. Myan felt the wet, tight pressure of her cunt as clearly as if it were closed around his own cock. Reaching out, he grasped the tall poster of the bed. He opened his mind to it, connecting to both Kaz and Hanna. His body sank deep into the waves surging through his body. The feel of her building orgasm…the tightness or arousal in his chest…the heavy need to come in his balls.

His knuckles turned white. He wouldn’t come. The sensations of nails clawing his back, jerked him from the edge. Turning, he slammed down his mental gate on the connections and watched their bodies contort as they came.

Hanna was gasping for air as the pair rolled apart. Myan didn’t wait, knowing they’d have to fuck her repeatedly before this version of shifter heat passed.

“Get on your knees,” he ordered, his voice a dry rasp around his arousal.


Eyes wide, Hanna blinked at Myan. The animalistic determination in his face scared her a little. “I’m sorry I kicked you.”

She really was. She didn’t even know what had happened to her. It wasn’t as if she didn’t want him. But his touch had seared through her leg. Panic took over.

“Turn over,” he grated. Her middle clenched, tension beginning to coil again at the purposeful angle of his body. He wouldn’t be refused this time.

It was the furthest thing from her mind. She rolled to her belly, groaning at the pressure to her pussy.

“Ass in the air,” Myan growled.

Swallowing, she complied as excited for him as she had been for Kaz. Myan immediately mounted her—there was no other way to put it. His body covered her, his cock pressing to her cunt. An arm came down beside her head and a knee rose beside her hip. Her eyes went wider at the feel of thick hair on his leg and the increased hair on his arm. Wait! What? A glance over her shoulder showed him still very much human and her heartbeats slowed slightly in relief. His hair had just…lengthened. Even the hair on his head had grown to brush his shoulders in the style she preferred. A look at Kaz, revealed the same with him. She’d just been too far gone…

All thoughts evaporated as Myan’s thick cock plowed into her sensitive channel. She cried out, throwing back her head. Myan shoved it forward. His mouth fastened on the back of her neck. Her cream flowed around him, her pussy convulsing at the primal move. His teeth grazed her skin as he thrust.

She was still over-stimulated, and it didn’t take long for her climax to roll through her. What Myan was doing amplified the sensations, the overwhelming shocks of pleasure bringing tears to her eyes. Her orgasm didn’t slow him. His drives continued, shoving past the muscles closing around him and bringing yowls to her lips.

“Yes…” he purred, the rolling, drawn out tone sending shivers across her skin. “Yes… Give it to me.”

“Myan,” she cried. Her fingernails scraped at the sheet, making a hissing sound. Her thighs quivered as she thrust back at him. Suddenly, her world tilted as her vision blurred at the orgasm that exploded within her. He cried out, his scalding cum pouring inside her.

They collapsed to the side, and Kaz moved closer, filling the space in front of her. Gently, he kissed her. His hand rested on her hip, and after Myan pulled free, he shifted her to her back and settled between her thighs. His already hard cock shoved against her.

“It’s gonna be a long night,” he advised, his teeth gleaming in the sparse light. “We’ll make you feel all better.”

Sweet heaven,
she thought. Would she even survive?

“For a long, long time,” Myan murmured against her ear then nipped the lobe. “You’ll be safe in our arms.”

* * * *

Hanna sank limply into the damp sheets. Going for hours might be a fantasy, but she was utterly exhausted. There was so much sex in the air, she wouldn’t have been surprised if it fragranced the entire house. Myan and Kaz laid on either side of her, drawing random shapes along her skin with their fingers. For the first time since they’d entered the room, neither was making a move to take her again—which was good. Her over-used body was sore from the exertions, and she wouldn’t be surprised if she had bruises tomorrow.

She yawned, fighting sleep. She had to outlast them. She had plans afoot.

Her palm smoothed along Myan’s arm. “What’s up with this extra hair on you two?”

“It’s a mating thing, a response to your need,” Kaz answered for him.

Hanna grinned and touched Kaz’s long hair as it brushed along his shoulder. “I like this a lot. I felt bad when you two cut your hair short.”

“Our label thought this would be edgier,” Myan said.

“Maybe,” she conceded. “But shouldn’t sexier trump that?”

“Good point,” he laughed.

“Mate desire trumps all,” Kaz added.

“Long then,” she concluded, though she didn’t think she should have any say. She wasn’t intending to be permanent. “I felt you in my head,” she blurted as Kaz’s eyelids lowered then wanted to kick herself. He was on the way to sleep.

“It’s a telepathy-shifter-mate connection thing,” he said on a yawn. “You can read our thoughts when we’re in human form and our emotions when we are in cat form. You’ll get used to it. It’s not something any of us can help much.”

She shook her head. “I felt Myan controlling it.”

“Perceptive,” the man in question mumbled. “Sorry…so tired.”

“Shifted too many times today,” Kaz said as he too drifted. “Without…rest… No sleep while you were healing.”

Healing? Oh…from the marking. She scooted from between them, evading Kaz’s sluggish grasp. “I’m going to take a shower,” she murmured.

“’Kay,” Kaz replied. Myan snored quietly beside him.

Surprised by how easily she’d escaped the bed, she smiled and headed for the shower. She kept the door open so the sound of water would lull them. It called to her, too. She had to wash off as much of their scent as she could. It would only help them track her. Other shifters would recognize their smell on her they’d told her at one point when they’d nuzzled their faces on her tonight.

Quickly, she showered and lathered the soap over herself twice. Stepping from the shower afterward, she left the water running and dried off. With sparse movements, she drew her hair into a tight braid then padded silently back into the bedroom.

Regret filled Hanna as she looked at Kaz and Myan sprawled across the bed. The three of them had made a lot or progress today, and she almost believed what Mel had said about the quick connection. They weren’t awful guys. They were sensitive and caring, and she had no doubt, if she stuck around, that she’d see that in action as they dealt with their pride of shifters. She also knew enough about pheromones, to understand that they were the basis of their attraction, not real emotions and intimate connection. What had happened was merely base need and animal instinct.

Maybe it could have grown to more, but she couldn’t trust it to be real and not chemical.

Knowing they were wiped out from multiple shifts today, the sex and having stayed awake the whole time she’d been unconscious after the marking, she suspected they wouldn’t easily wake as she dressed—especially since they believed their
was showering and would soon return to lie between them. Hurriedly, she tugged on her clothes and checked that the cash and cards were still in her pockets. On stocking feet, she stole from the room and through the house with her shoes in her hands. She slipped them on as she stepped outside.

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