Haunted By Her Dragon (The Dragon Guard Series) (18 page)

BOOK: Haunted By Her Dragon (The Dragon Guard Series)
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“That was…You were…Oh my God,” she whispered as
her limp hand flopped across her eyes, and he saw the bite marks on her hand.

He overflowed with love, contentment,
completion, gratitude, and faith that things would work out. The most beautiful
woman in the world lay before him, completely relaxed from the way he had loved
her. He let her legs slide carefully off his shoulders until they rested in the
crook of his arms. Spotting the scar on her leg from her injury at the hands of
‘The Auctioneer’s’ men, he bent and kissed the entire length, acknowledging
what she had suffered, but more importantly, that she had survived.

He positioned his cock against her swollen,
flushed lips and rubbed the head slowly against her clit where it peeked out of
its hood. Coating himself with her juices, he slowly pushed into Sam, stopping
when the head of his cock lay just inside her contracting channel. Each clutch
pulled him deeper inside, making breathing almost impossible. He gritted his
teeth as he pushed forward, inch by inch, teasing them both until all he heard
was their panting, and the sweat ran down his back. When he touched the top of
her womb, he held still, savoring the feel of her hot, throbbing channel
massaging his pulsing cock. His erection grew harder, and he was sure the top
of his head would blow right off, but he would not hurry. This was something to
be savored. The first time with his mate, the one the Universe had made just
for him, was exponentially better than any story he had ever been told. He
almost regretted teasing his brethren about how they had acted after finding
their mates now that he was experiencing it, but could not be bothered thinking
of them when the gorgeous creature that was meant to be his was looking at him
with pure desire in her eyes.

He dreamed of staying buried deep inside her
forever, held together by the perfect union that can only happen when mates
come together. Unfortunately, if he did not move soon, he was going to explode
like a randy teenager and embarrass himself with the only woman that would ever
matter to him. Slowly, he pulled out of the heaven of his mate and hovered at her
opening. The slightest movement would have caused him to slip from the only
place in this life or the next he wanted to be. He pushed forward, watching as
his pulsing cock disappeared into her weeping pussy. The sight of them joined
caused his balls to draw up and his eyes to cross. Their rhythm increased, each
stroke of his cock rubbing against her feminine walls. His gaze wandered from
where they were joined up the long erotic curves of his Samantha. She was all
woman and all his. He marveled as her large, full breasts bounced with each
bump of his hips against hers. His mouth watered as he remembered the taste of
those deep rose-colored nipples.

He leaned forward and palmed her breasts bringing
her knees that were still draped over his arms up to just under his hands. He
rolled her nipples between his thumbs and forefingers and was rewarded with his
name tumbling from her lips in a low, slow mantra. With her legs bent higher,
he could sink deeper into Sam, feeling an unparalleled closeness. His cock
buried to the hilt in his delectable mate drove all sanity from him. He
swiveled his hips, bumping her clit with every movement. She was held captive,
unable to move as he used all of his body to tease her to a frenzied peak. She
thrashed her head from side to side, throwing her long curly mane in every
direction as she chanted his name, the last coming out as a scream to the
heavens, “Lance…Lance…Lance…

“Hold on,
” he grunted through gritted teeth,
barely holding back his own climax. 

Lifting her legs just a fraction, he allowed
her to see where he entered her. “Look at us,

Look where we’re joined together. See where we
are loving
one another.”” Her eyes snapped open and watched as he took long deep strokes
in and out of her. Unable to hold back any longer, he ground his pelvis against
her clit. Sam screamed her release as her pussy gushed so much of her precious
juices that they dripped between their bodies. Her contracting channel squeezed
his cock until he shouted, emptying his seed into her. Their climax went on and
on until he was sure he would collapse.  When her pussy’s hold on his cock
began to relax, he moved in and out of her quaking body with slow short strokes,
bringing her back to earth and allowing both their racing hearts to return to

His legs shook from exertion, something he
couldn’t remember ever happening before. If he died in that moment, he was sure
it would be for all the right reasons. Sure that Sam was too far gone to
notice, he used his enhanced speed, pulled her to his chest and twisted,
landing with his back on the bed, and the amazing doctor draped across his
sweat soaked chest. His fingers trailed up and down her spine, enjoying the
silkiness of her gorgeous skin. She half-heartedly shivered in response to the
electricity that bounced between them, unable to react, too replete from their
lovemaking. “Are you cold, Doc,” he asked, not wanting her to need for anything
with him in her life.

,” she mumbled,
not moving.

He chuckled and grabbed the blanket folded at
the end of the bed, throwing it over both of them. His fingers ran through her
hair, and he marveled at the softness. He found it captivating that each strand
fought to curl in its own direction, and then he almost groaned out loud. When
in the
had he ever taken the time to think about a woman’s hair,
let alone to watch how it curled? He was so fucking gone where this woman was
concerned that there was no going back. While he had been buried deep inside
her, calm like he had never known filled him, body, heart and soul. The pieces
he hadn’t known were missing had snapped into place. He was whole for the first
time in his life. Waiting for the fear to set in or to feel the need to run
that never came, he had an epiphany…contentment was his new best friend, and he
enjoyed the hell out of it.

Sam cuddled farther into his body, laying her
arm across his chest. Her breathing slowed, and it wasn’t long until she had
fallen into a deep sleep, exhausted from all the
of the day.
While one hand continued its exploration of her many, many curls, he threaded
the fingers of the other through hers. For several long moments, he stared at their
intertwined hands, amazed at how perfect they were together; each part fitting
in perfect harmony, one made for the other, to be together forever. He knew his
brethren would have a field day with all he was feeling and thinking, but for
the first time, he really didn’t give a shit. He could take as good as he gave,
and the Heavens knew he had given really damn well over the years, but Sam was
worth every single thing his brethren were going to throw at him...

He rubbed tiny circles on the back of her hand
with his thumb, dumbfounded again by the softness of her skin. There would
never come a day when he would tire of touching every single part of her. Her
long, thin fingers were tipped with short cut, well-manicured, unpolished
nails, and he was sure that was due to her profession. It would not do for a
surgeon to have long talons while operating. He snorted at his own faux pas,
thinking of the times he himself sported a rather impressive set of talons, and
immediately wondered what his mate would think of his dragon. The beast chuffed
in his mind, assuring him she would be impressed. Again he snorted; damned if
his dragon’s ego didn’t rival his own. Just another example of how the Universe
does not make mistakes.

It took his feet falling asleep for him to
realize they were still lying across the bed. He had been so absorbed in Sam
that the rest of the world, even his feet and legs hanging over the side of the
bed, had ceased to exist. Using his enhanced speed and hoping not to disturb
her slumber, he quickly had their position righted and covered them with the
fluffy down comforter that matched the room’s décor. “Damn, bring a sexy woman
into my life, and I become a fucking interior decorator,” he chuckled to

It wasn’t long until he felt his eyelids
growing heavy. Not remembering the last time he had spent the whole night with
a woman, let alone wanted to, he pulled Sam closer. He not only wanted to spend
the night with his mate, he wanted as much of her bare skin touching his as
possible. He smiled and turned to his side, bringing the fronts of their bodies
as close as possible. Spending the last precious seconds before falling asleep
looking at the face of his angel, his Samantha, absolutely mesmerized by her
beauty, he drifted off to sleep happier than he had ever been.

An annoying buzz woke him from the best sleep
of his life. After deciding to ignore it and finding that impossible, he
followed the noise to the pocket of his jeans and found his cell phone refusing
to shut up. Noting that it was still dark outside and figuring he had at least
been asleep three hours, he breathed a sigh of relief when the obnoxious sound
ended. Just as his eyes closed, the noise began again. Apparently, someone
needed to talk to him. Careful not to awaken his sleeping mate, he slid from
the bed, grabbed his jeans, and headed to the bathroom. Once the door was shut,
he answered the call. “This better be fucking important,” he growled.

“Well, hello to you, too,” Max’s smooth voice
floated from the receiver and Lance could tell he was smiling.

“Like I said, this better be important. It’s
the middle of the night, and I was…” He stopped short, not wanting to share
even the slightest detail of what he had shared with his mate with anyone. He
had never been one to keep anything to himself. He shook his head at the
protective feelings growing within him.

“Did you hear what I said?” Max’s tones had
changed to irritation and Lance knew he had missed something while he was
thinking about other things.

“Nope, sorry.
Still waking up,” he said, hoping Max bought
his lie.

“Yeah, I’m sure it has nothing to do with one
very charming doctor,” the smile was back in Max’s voice, and Lance wanted more
than anything to knock the cocky grin he imagined the King to be sporting right
off the big cat’s face. While he took several deep breaths to get himself back
in control, Max continued. “Like I was saying, Juan Carlos and I are here at
doctor’s home, patrolling the woods and have found something I think you need
to see for yourself.”

“Is it Andrew?” Lance was immediately on guard.

“Yes, but that it is not all. You need to get
out here. Your traitor is not the only one that has been watching Dr. Malone,
and there is an interesting new development you need to see
for yourself.”

“All right, Max. I’ll be there in thirty
minutes,” he snapped.

“See you then,” Max replied and disconnected
the call.

Lance shoved his legs into his jeans and
grabbed his dirty T-shirt and boots from the floor as he headed for the door.
Just as he grabbed the doorknob, he thought of Sam. He definitely did not want
her to wake up after all they had shared to find an empty bed, without at least
an explanation. Digging in the drawer of the bedside table, he found a pad of
paper and pen. Quickly he scribbled,
Doc, got a call about Andrew.
Had to check it out.
See you for breakfast. Hope you slept
well. Ta’ mo
, Lance.
He knew she didn’t know the language of
his kin and had truly never thought he would speak the words to anyone, but in
this case they fit, and he was ready to say them to her. His heart
her and would be for the rest of this life and the next. Looking at her, once
again amazed that she was actually his, he smiled for about the hundredth time.
Laying the pad next to her phone so she was sure to see it, he slipped out of
the room, down the stairs, and out to his Harley, dressing on the way. As he
sped down the long driveway, he spoke directly into Royce’s mind,
“You up,
Old Man?”

“I am now, you pain in the ass,”
the older guardsman grumbled.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah, get over it. Max called.
They found something, and I have to run out to Sam’s house.”

Lance could feel his old friend become
instantly alert.
“You need backup?”

“No. Thanks. Can you keep an eye on Sam and
I get back?”

Royce chuckled, and Lance prepared for what he
was sure to come,
“No way! How the mighty have fallen.”
He laughed out
loud. “
Seriously though, I’m happy for
, man,
but that doesn’t mean I’m cutting you any slack. I’ll take care of the girls.
Call if you need us.”

“You know I will and…thanks, man.”
Just thinking of Sam in the house with most of
his brethren damn near turned him green with jealousy, but it was the best
place for them and they would be safe. He had to get this shit handled and get
Andrew out of their hair so he could move on with his very long, very happy
life with his amazing mate.

“No problem. See
when I see

BOOK: Haunted By Her Dragon (The Dragon Guard Series)
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