Have Your Cake (11 page)

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Authors: D.S. Roi

BOOK: Have Your Cake
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The thought brought a whoosh of relief but it was followed by a strong sense of wanting more.
He hungered for Cyana. More fun. More passion. More love. He opened his sight to the drain where the water from his bath swirled away.

Why didn’t this entire situation get to him? Why was he not panicking? Why did she feel absolutely right in his arms? Why did he not want to see her walk out the door today? Was the tug in him the stir of something greater?

There had been a time in his life where he thought he was in love. Just one time. He let out a whoosh of air. No. This was different. Comfortable. Better.

“Damn,” he groaned.


Cyana appeared in the doorway while he sat on a kitchen barstool making turkey sandwiches. She was dressed in a tank and sweatpants with her hair corn-rowed in six neat lines. They made eye contact for a second before she averted her sight to the floor.

He noted her bashfulness returned. If she had the same regrets he did, he certainly understood. But he wouldn’t be sorry for having her. And, he damn sure wasn’t going to let her shut him out. “Come here, Love.”

“No fish?” she asked.

“I wouldn’t want you to go running outta the kitchen screamin’.” He smiled.

“Ugly sea monsters,” she muttered.

“Turkey seemed safer. Like it wouldn’t get me thrown out.”

She giggled and joined him. “I apologized.”

He gathered her up on his lap, wrapping his arms around her. “Damn, woman you feel so good right here.” He kissed her forehead. “What can I do to keep you?”

“You can’t keep me,” she said.

His grip tightened. “Why the hell not?”

“Asher,” she said, leaning away to peek in his eyes, “we’re too different. I mean, look at us.”

“So, you’re saying it’s because I’m white?”

She smiled and flipped her wrist back. “Well, it sure ain’t because I’m black, ‘cause black is beautiful.” They both laughed. When her chuckle subsided, she shook her head. “I don’t have a problem with you, Asher. Your color doesn’t matter to me. We just come from different worlds. I mean, you’re country. I’m city. I just don’t think we should rush into anything right now.”

He chuckled. “Well, sister-girl, you sure know a whole lot about tiling and fishing. A hell of a lot more than I know about baking. And you sure as hell know how to make a bronco crazy.” He leaned in and kissed her lips with a quick peck.

She settled into his chest. He secured his arms around her again. “Asher, this is so fast. Too fast for me.”

He rubbed her arm. “Well, we’re here now, Love. What do we do with this thing we have?”

She shook her head against his chest. “I don’t know. It’s confusing.”

“Don’t say we end it. And please don’t say it’s a race thing,” he whispered. “Don’t say that.”

“Asher, we have separate lives. You know I’ll be going back to Chicago after the wedding.”

He groaned.

“I have to go. We might as well face it now. I have important obligations upstate and you have your job here.”

He was quiet. His jaw twitched against the reality of her words. “I can’t just...not see you.”

She smiled. “I told you I would call on Monday.”

Monday wasn’t enough. Damn it if Monday and the wedding day was all he would have with her. He gave her a gentle squeeze. “It’s a start,” he said. “What time will your folks be by?”

“After two.”

“Good. There’s iced tea in the fridge. We can eat in the Colonial room and you can read a book to me.” He grinned.

“What book?” she asked.

“Any one of ‘em, Love. I don’t care. Long as I can listen to you.”





yana wasn’t going to pass up the opportunity to relax in the beauty of the Colonial room. The thunder rolled outside. Rain pelted the front drive while wind whipped the magnolias in a graceful dance. A blossom from the tree-like bushes was set in a tray of water at the doorway to fragrance the air with its citrus-like scent. The Colonial room was perfectly warm and cozy. She could watch the storm pass the world from its windows.

Asher set the tray of food on the coffee table and sprawled the length of the couch while she grabbed one of the old leather bound books off the shelf. He patted where he wanted her to lie.

“What did you get?”

“Homer’s Odyssey.” She settled next to him.

“Good choice.”

“You cowboys read?” She joked with a smile.

He grabbed her hip, tugging her snugly against him with a chuckle. “Better than we fish.”

“I’m impressed.” She gave him a light elbow while he nuzzled into her hair and she opened the pages. Asher’s intense gaze heated her face. “Now, how am I supposed to read with you looking at me like that?”

She could make out his sly half-grin. “Just ignore me.”


yana’s soothing voice filled the room. Asher was lost in it. He watched her features relax and her mouth move with admiration.
She’s leaving.
The involuntary reminder she’d be off to Chicago after the wedding jabbed at him. He had to sear every part of Cyana to memory.

This is my lady
. Peace salved his chest with warmth, spreading further through his limbs. He didn’t know if he was going crazy, but he was confident she was meant for him.

The lines of her body fit into his with the curve of her ass swelling into his crotch. The flames of lust poured into the front of his body. Her voice licked heat against his ears. He could forget the world with her in his arms. The tone of her voice and call of her flesh were a siren’s song he couldn’t ignore. He snaked his hand under her tank to caress her belly.

Her reading faltered a moment. She seemed to melt into him more before she continued. By page six, he palmed a circle over her abdomen, drawing a sigh as she read.

Page ten and he longed to stroke every inch of her flesh. He dipped his hand into her sweatpants, drawing out a moan. He recalled the scent of her mingling with the pines and rain. His fingers searched with intent over softness.
No stubble, definitely a Brazilian wax girl.
The thought brought a moan for wanting to kiss her there.

“Asher, I can’t read with you doing that.”

“I’m sorry.” He whispered his apology before shifting to possess her lips. He drew circles around her clit, coaxing and spreading dew over her folds to make his petting easier. He unlocked their mouths after he was certain she was in the beginning of frenzy. “Can’t help myself, Love.”

She groaned with yearning. He vaulted from the couch, shoved the coffee table and grabbed the top band of her sweatpants.

The tea and sandwiches went flying across the room onto the floor. Cyana made a noise of surprise. “Asher, the rug?”

He paused to capture her gaze. He was staring at her with a predatory dare against her protest of the expense. He wanted her to be certain there could be no disagreement with his action.

“Um.” Her small voice shook. She folded her bottom lip into her teeth. She shifted against the couch to bring her ass to the edge. “Okay.” He wrenched the sweats from her lower half and parted her knees. She tensed, started to protest, but he buried his head between her legs. He moaned against her pussy. The complaint died on her lips.

Cyana’s fingers twisted through his hair as a passionate call left her throat.
Damn, so good, juicy and hot.
He sucked her clit, flicked the pearl and shivered through her cry. Thirsty. Hungry. He dove in, licking and suckling her slick flesh while his cock throbbed with demand. Cyana was quick to top out. Her pussy twitched and pulsed against his lips. The pleasure of bringing her satisfaction drugged his senses. He wanted to learn and touch all her body, claim rights to every part of it. He sought to sear his passion so deep on her skin she wanted no one else.

He gave her an audacious glare and moved away from her velvet. “You want more of this white boy?”

She licked her lips. “I’ll take all of you.”

He half-smiled and loosened his jeans, peeling them down his hips until his cock stretched out to her. Cyana stared at his flesh with her bottom lip tucked inside her mouth. Her browns smoldered with heat and thighs opened wider. She was every bit as gorgeous as he’d imagined she’d be. Feminine ambrosia dripped from her interior. The tempting shade of dark pink made his dick ache in memory.

“Asher, please. I don’t want to wait anymore.”

She squirmed against the wine color of the couch, looking hot enough to burn a hole through his heart. He groaned and used the tips of his fingers to lower his hard-on towards the bull’s-eye of her entrance.

“Slower this time,” she whispered.

He chuckled. His shy bird didn’t have trouble knowing what she wanted. “You sure?”

“It’s just,” she paused and nibbled her lip for a moment. “You’re big and—”

He held a finger out to her lips with a groan. “You keep talkin’ like that and you’ll never get outta this room.”

“Will you?” She blinked innocently. “Will you give your big cock to me nice and slow?”

He swallowed the pool of heat in his mouth. “Hell yeah, little lady.”                           

The tip of his cock slipped into her tight entrance. He halted, closed his lids an instant to savor the heat and strength of her. He wrangled in a steady breath and thrust a shallow bit of his dick inside.



yana failed to control the moans of satisfaction stemming from Asher’s rod stroking into her passion. She was empty for so long and his cock stuffed her well. The sound of her pussy slurping him as it tightened around the first inches filled the air.

She wanted him easy, needed him to go slow, but the fire dancing in her center drew her only thought to having him extinguish the flame. She inhaled and dropped her sight to their union. Asher’s handsome features drew in concentration as he watched what she wanted to see. She painted his pole with silken sensation while her pussy urged with flutters.

“Deeper.” Her voice passed love drunk after a few pumps at the shallow depth. He gave her more and thumbed a circle around the proud crown of her clit. The thunder of pending orgasm racked her far too quickly. She gripped at the cushions in the chair, losing sight of his pale stem and wondering if she would pass out from the lack of oxygen. Her greedy pussy bunched so terribly tight the tension delighted her anus.

The gasp was sudden, rocking her entire body. She cried out and climaxed at two thirds of his cock. Juice splattered to the floor around their union.

“I’m…sorry.” She apologized through choppy breaths.

He groaned while surveying the mess she’d made. His focus caught hers. He gave her an unforgiving glare. “That’s a bad girl. Now, I’m gonna have to punish you.”

She opened her mouth to plea, but a bewildered cry wrenched from her chest. He rammed her twitching flesh. Cyana arched and reached out. Asher took full advantage, wrapping her arm around his neck. He bucked inside her like a wild stallion, as if her pussy was impossible to escape. She nearly swooned in his arms at each pass of his cock spearing her sensitivity, curling her toes. Her breaths became desperate as she wondered if she’d survive this form of blissful punishment.

Asher swept the rough pad of his thumb over her clit while stuffing her with his maddening stiffness. She knit her brow. The passion threatened to choke her. She’d never been here before, hovering in heat and tension. Her body seemed to forget it was under her control. She stared into his gaze, confident and knowing, while he pumped her.

Desperation coiled for release as every muscle tensed. She grasped air before her pussy thundered in a jittery dance she never knew it was capable of. Asher slowed with a groan, his cock touching places brimming with sensation. Her quaking pressed his staff relentlessly against swollen need. His eyes rolled before he threw his head back with a curse and held inside her sated pussy.

She heaved gulps of air, tired and thirsty. Asher righted himself. A new awareness glinted in his stare. He withdrew slightly, wreaking hell on her body as her toes cramped from curling. She was a spent bundle of nerves against his muscle.

“I can’t get enough of you, Cyana.” He whispered on her lips before tasting them and pumping deeper, taking her cries into his mouth. He wasn’t going to release her or let her rest. Instead, he gathered her near limp body to his and resumed his thrusting demand until beads of perspiration trickled between her breasts and her muscles burned in perfect agony.



yana woke from her exhaustion to the sound of raucous male laughter drifting through the opened door. They’d finally made it to Asher’s bed together, just where she wanted him from the first night of her stay. The long delectable journey had worn her down to the core. She spied two bottles of water on the nightstand, dripping with condensation; reminding her of how her pussy wept for him. A smile touched her lips while a mental survey of her body tingled with pending soreness she’d feel the next day. She shifted and grabbed a bottle to wet her cotton-like mouth. Her stomach reminded her she never got a bite of her turkey sandwich.

She peeled out of the bed and freshened up with a shower before checking the time.
Two O’clock.
Her heart sank. If she wanted to make getting out of the mansion smooth, she needed to gather her things now.

She brought the bag and CD player down, set them by the door and peeked out the front glass, spotting a blue Mustang. A smile touched her lips. The sports car looked much more at home out front than her compact. She followed the sound of the voices coming from the kitchen.

“There’s my sleeping beauty,” Asher said.

She smiled at him; then glanced at his company. “Oh my!”

Asher followed her sight. “Oh yeah, sorry, Love. I’d like you to meet the owner of the Milway, Joshua Wilmington.”

She entered the room and shook his hand with mastered professionalism. “Nice to meet you, Mr. Wilmington. Congratulations on your big day.”

“Thank you, Ma’am.” He spoke with the same country twang as Asher and surveyed her tank and sweats.

Asher snaked his arm around her waist and drew her closer to his side for a kiss.

“Asher, you have a guest.” She gently scolded. Having the owner of the Milway knowing she’d been sleeping there could end terribly; even more so for him, since he made no effort to hide his obvious like for her. She was certain Josh could put two and two together but Asher didn’t seem to care.

“Josh just wanted to stop by today. We have a lot to talk about concerning the house.”

She nodded.

“Rebecca is looking forward to sampling your cakes this Monday, Ma’am,” Josh said.

“I’ve been telling him all about the crumble you made,” Asher said.

“It will be a pleasure to meet your bride, Mr. Wilmington.” She nodded to Josh. “I’m excited to have the opportunity to provide for such a special occasion.”

Josh smiled at her with enthusiasm gleaming in his gaze. The man was in love. The truth of it sparked in his blues, the same crystal coloring one of Asher’s eyes. The doorbell rang.


The three of them exited the kitchen. Cyana knew who the tanned colored shadow behind the glass was. Exhilaration kicked through her.

“Iona,” she squealed, rushing the door and swinging it open.

Their arms entwined each other in a long embrace. Cyana stepped back to view her sister. She had taken more of their father’s genetics. Iona’s grey-gold eyes sparkled with happiness though she seemed tired. Her lightly tanned skin was sprinkled with freckles and her silky hair was secured in a tight bun.

“Ce Ce, you look so good girl.” Iona hopped when she said it. “I was worried you wouldn’t find anything decent to eat in the iceberg.”

“Iona, Chicago is not an iceberg.”

“Nonsense.” She shook her head in dismissal.

Asher cleared his throat.

“Oh, Iona!” Cyana pressed a palm to the center of her chest. “This is Asher and this is Joshua Wilmington. Gentlemen, your catering chef and the best sister in the world, Iona Huffing.” She held her hands out to dramatically display her sis.

Iona immediately straightened and put on her best professional look. “Nice to meet you, Gentlemen. I’m terribly sorry about the inconvenience and greatly appreciate you housing my sister under her unfortunate circumstances.”

Asher smiled at Iona. “It was no trouble at all.”

“Good. I’m glad she behaved herself.” Iona shot her a playful look. “I’ll take her off your hands now, if you don’t mind.”

“I’ll walk you out, ladies.” Asher picked up the bag as if Josh didn’t exist. Cyana was certain the superstar wasn’t accustomed to being ignored.

Iona led the way to her grey Civic and popped the trunk with the push of a button. Asher loaded Cyana’s bag while she put the CD player inside before closing the car. He wrapped his arms around her waist.

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