Havoc (18 page)

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Authors: Linda Gayle

BOOK: Havoc
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By the time Elion and Sayal came up the ramp and entered the ship, Kels had gotten himself into such a sexual tumult, he was surprised the heat of his stare didn't melt them on the spot. Sayal, in demure tan pants and a white blouse, appeared to suck in a breath. She was a sensitive little thing, like she knew what he was feeling. Which she might. Another piece of her picture he continued to fiddle with. He could imagine the vision he presented, in devil's black, sprawled in his chair, burning them with his eyes and his dick blatantly hard, but hells, he was about to go into the Dome, and he should be worked up. He felt like a fucking tiger pent up too long.

He swung his legs down, stood, and held out his hand. Sayal came to him and put her hand in his without a word.
Good girl
. He dragged her against him and took her mouth without mercy, digging his fingers into her hair, squeezing her ass with his other hand, and she didn't disappoint, rising on her toes to meet him and sliding her arms around his waist.

He knew Elion watched. In fact, he watched him watching, holding his gaze while he ate Sayal's mouth and smoothed his hand in firm circles over her butt. He gave her ass a hard smack. She jumped, and so did El, and Kels almost laughed, they were both—all—wound so tight, he could smell the sex hanging in the air like a primeval fog.

He pulled away and wiped his wet mouth on the back of his hand. “Showtime, luv."

"Now?” Sayal's eyes had turned to molten gold. She clung to him; her fingers twisted in the front of his shirt.

"It's half past eleven-hour, maybe more. We have to get down there, get ready, go through the short scan..."

She swallowed visibly. He could practically feel the flutter of nerves in her belly. Discussion would only muddy things. He turned to Elion. “Let's go."

Her hand in his, he walked to the ramp. El choked out, “I'm not—"

Kels grabbed his arm as he passed and towed him along. “I don't expect you to fuck, mate, but the least you could do is see us off."

"All right, fine.” El pulled back his arm and paced alongside him, hands in pockets as if he could stuff his emotions in there. On his left, Sayal gripped his elbow with her free hand and almost had to jog to keep up with him. Once off the ramp, he hit a command on his com, and the ship sealed up, safe and tidy and where she belonged.

Yeah, things were falling into place nicely.

The walk to the Dome passed in a blur. Sayal remembered glancing up at the ribbon screen and seeing Keeva's butt wagging at her, and almost bursting into a fit of nervous giggles. Her mouth burned from Kels's hard kiss, her cheek abraded by his stubble. He hadn't shaved; she hadn't changed... Shouldn't there have been more preparation? Kels and Elion escorted her through the labyrinth of corridors to a dressing-room door, but what was she to dress in? Weren't they supposed to wear something into the Dome? She remembered others had worn robes or outfits with strategic cutouts...

"I feel...” she said as they stopped in front of an unmarked door to watch a pair of naked ebony men walking by hand in hand, “somewhat overdressed."

Kels grinned at her. “No worries, princess. El's going to take care of that. Aren't you, mate?"

"Eh?” Elion's eyes were huge, following the two swinging asses as they disappeared around the corner. He blinked at Kels. “What's that?"

Poor Elion, clearly overwhelmed. How had the captain even convinced him to come this far? she wondered. Kels clapped his hand onto Elion's shoulder. “I have to check in with Canto, do a few other things. This dressing room's open. Take her in, get her into a robe. And nothing else, just the robe. Understand?"

Elion opened his mouth as if he was about to ask a question, but then he stopped and nodded. “All right, Kels. Don't be long."

Kels winked. “Good man. Now, princess, you just relax. You're in good hands with my mate here. I'll be back in a flash.” He turned and sauntered down the same green hallway they'd been in yesterday, greeting people as he went. Many seemed quite happy to see him, especially the beautiful women, and he even bent to kiss a few.

"Well, he's the popular one,” Sayal said, hands on hips.

Elion put his palm on the small of her back. “To him, it really is a game; that's all. Don't take it personally."

His apology made her catch herself. She had no right to be possessive. “I don't. It's just so new to me. And so much busier than it was before."

"Oh, this is nothing. Wait till the evening games. The headliners draw the real rowdies."

A thin, naked woman with flowing red hair and small breasts ran past them, rolling a large bright green hoop before her. Sayal hopped back out of her way. “What the...?"

Elion grimaced. “Some props are allowed,” he said by way of explanation and put his hands on her shoulders, guiding her toward the door. “Here, Sayal. Let's get out of the traffic."

He opened the old-fashioned hinged door, and she stepped in ahead of him. Once shut, the door snuffed out much of the hallway noise, and Sayal breathed a sigh of relief. In the lighted mirror, she saw Elion behind her, flipping the lock. He noticed her watching him and smiled. He was quite handsome in a military sort of way, and his eyes were kind. He moved quietly, as if not wanting to alarm her.

"I think there are robes over here...” He swiped his hand over a series of indents. The lights went down; the lights went up. “Well, that's not it...” Sayal couldn't help but giggle. Soft music came on, and even Elion laughed, a quiet rustle of humor. She didn't think she'd heard him laugh before. “Crack,” he muttered. Then finally a large section of the wall whisked away, and a rack holding a variety of costumes extracted. “Ah, here we are."

She joined him to examine them.

"Oh my.” Sayal selected a stretchy red number that would cover all but the most intimate parts of her body. “It would get a bit drafty, I'd think."

Elion found a black leather slave outfit, all straps and buckles. “Even I'm not this kinky,” he said, holding it up to himself. “Although...what do you think?"

She bit the side of her finger, grinning. “Kels might like it."

"Kels, a submissive? Hardly. He's the one cracking the whip; trust me."

"I didn't mean he'd like to
it.” They traded laughing, knowing glances. Sayal's gaze caught on a gauzy green dress. “This looks fairly normal.” She held it up to her chest. “What do you think?"

"I think he wants you naked,” Elion said frankly, and her heart skipped. “Ah, here we go."

He found a silky white robe similar to the black one she'd worn during her ship tour. Likely Kels had pinched it from a dressing room. Elion handed it to her, and she took it, and the reality of what was about to happen pressed down on her.

Elion must have noticed her expression. He came closer to her, catching her gaze. “Still having doubts, Sayal?"

Why did he have to be so gentle, so kind? She wanted to step into his arms and let him soothe away her fears. She wanted to confess everything to him, but then remembered how he'd spoken of Primes. No, he wouldn't be very sympathetic to her plight.

She put back the green dress and took the robe from him. “Elion, Kels has said nothing about what we're going to do out there. I saw him only in the one performance with that Keeva woman.” She noticed his lips twitched at her epithet as if he suppressed a smile. “It looked a bit rough.” She nibbled her lower lip. “Has he said anything to you about what he has planned?"

Elion had the good grace to look slightly embarrassed. “Not really. I'm sorry. He tends to work on the fly and makes it up as he goes. I know he's been giving it some thought, but he hasn't shared specifics. Why, is there anything you particularly like? Or don't like?"

He was so easy to talk to. She sat on a small cushioned sofa beside the wall, and Elion came to sit beside her. “He and Keeva were... Well, all that spanking and those restraints and...and the acrobatics.” She wrung her hands in her lap. “I don't think I'd enjoy that."

He gave her a “you never know” tilt of his head but said, “Tell him. He'll listen.” He put his hand over hers on her knee. “We both would if there's anything you might need to say to us.” Concern flowed from him to her, warming her. “Sayal...have you had much sex? I mean, are you experienced?"

"Experienced? I've had lovers if that's what you mean."

"How many? Pardon my asking, but I only want to help you."

She lifted a shoulder. “Two. The owner of the liner on which I was raised and my tutor."

"Your tutor? The one who stuffed your head with knowledge?"

He sounded appalled, and she wasn't sure why. “He was expected to teach me all I needed to know, including wordly matters. Is that not the way of things?"

"Not usually.” He frowned.

"He was very gentle and instructive,” she went on, hoping to allay whatever doubts plagued him. “He prepared me to please the ship's owner."

"Like a whoremaster?"

"That word again.” She balled her fists. “I was not—am not—a whore."

Elion shook his head. “No, of course not. I didn't mean to imply. I'm just saying, well, it sounds like an unconventional arrangement."

"It's all I ever knew until now. This freedom to love whomever you choose—I find it exciting and terrifying at the same time."

"Ah yes.” He rubbed his chin, his gaze drifting away. “Err, how thorough do you think your tutor was?"

"Elion...” She wasn't getting anywhere with this line of questioning clearly. “Is there anything Kels particularly likes, then?"

"Oh, anything. You can't put a foot wrong with him.” He patted her hand. “He's always had a sense about these sorts of things, an instinct about what a bird will enjoy. The best advice I can give you is to trust him."

"I do.” She leaned forward and pressed the softest kiss to Elion's lips. “And I trust you as well."

His face fell, as if a facade he'd maintained crumbled away. “Sayal, you've convinced me you're sincere enough. Why don't we skip all this and just head on to the Zone? You don't have to prove anything to me. I'm sorry I was such an ass to suggest it."

She shook her head. “Back out now? I can't. Kels—he's gone through all this trouble. Besides, I need to prove to myself that I can do this. If I can't perform here, the high games are out of the question.” And also, if she didn't have sex soon, she might explode. Once again she wondered if some sort of sexual overdrive had been programmed into her genetic design, or if it was simply Kels's overwhelming libido that whipped her on.

With the captain out of the room, her desire cooled a few degrees, although it wouldn't take much effort to raise the temperature again with Elion. His calm control hid a deep well of passion. She sensed it simmering beneath the surface and drew on it now, widening their bond.

"Would you help me with this?” She set the robe aside, grabbed the hem of her blouse, and peeled it over her head. Cool air caressed her breasts contained by a lacy white bra. Elion stared a moment before he jerked up his eyes.

"It's all right,” she murmured. “If anyone—everyone—is going to see me like this, I need to get used to it. Is it all right with you?"

His voice was a bit strangled when he replied, “Mm? Yes. Yes, I'm sure it's fine."

She leaned closer and ran her fingers down the side of his neck, over his pounding pulse, to his chest. He radiated confusion, hesitation, and rising desire. He tried to restrain his feelings; she sensed it strongly. Sayal turned her back to him and lifted her hair. “Would you undo the fasteners, please?"

His fingers fumbled against her spine while he worked to unclip her bra. The cups slid over her breasts as she lowered the straps from her shoulders. She reached behind her and found his hands and drew them around her waist, then pressed his warm palms over her nipples. They hardened, tingling deliciously. “Elion..."

His breathing had deepened. She felt the rise and fall of his chest against her back. His husky voice murmured, “Saints, Sayal, I shouldn't be doing this."

"Kels told you to."

"He told me to get you into a robe."

"And out of my clothes."

"Yeah, but...” He cupped her breasts, feathering his thumbs over her nipples. “You're going into the arena with him, not me."

The door rattled with a thumping knock, and the sofa rocked as Elion startled, snatching his hands away. “That'd be him now."

Sayal held the robe over her chest while Elion crossed the small room to flip the latch. Kels entered, his dark gaze locking on her. “We're all signed in. Found a robe, I see. Good. One there for me by any chance?” Without preamble, he peeled out of his shirt and tossed it over the chair at the cosmetics table, then began tugging off his boots.

Elion stood and cleared his throat. “I'll, uh, be waiting outside."

"No need to go,” Kels said. “It's a mob scene out there anyhow. Much better turnout than usual for a nooner.” He glanced at Sayal. “Word's already out about you. Seems Canto's been chatting you up since yesterday."

She gripped the robe to her throat. “How much better?"

"Oh, now, don't you worry, princess.” Kels stepped over and gave her a sound kiss on the lips. “We'll be so busy, you won't even notice. Good for us, though. It means a bigger pot."

"You're so sure you'll win?” Elion finally chimed in.

"'Course we will.” He had his boots off and chucked them into the corner one by one, where they landed with twin
, then unbuckled his pants, drew them off, and tossed them at Elion, who caught them awkwardly. She'd never seen anyone undress so fast.

In seconds Kels stood naked before them. He began pawing through the clothes rack. “Well, fuck me. There's supposed to be a standard array in here... Ah, here we go.” He dragged on a robe to match Sayal's but didn't bother sashing it. His eyebrows notched. “What's the matter, luv? Can't fuck you with your trousers on."

"Oh.” So caught up in his whirlwind of energy, she'd forgotten. She stood and tried to thumb them off while still holding the robe over her breasts, absurdly shy all of a sudden.

"Sayal, precious,” he murmured with strained patience. “Here, allow me.” He took the robe from her and tossed it back at Elion, who piled that over Kels's pants. Even knowing it was silly, considering their situation, Sayal covered her breasts with her crossed arms.

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