Hawk (21 page)

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Authors: Patricia A. Rasey

BOOK: Hawk
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Going into detail, Kaleb shared the events of Cara’s visit to the Blood ‘n’ Rave to question Draven. When he finished, the men began talking amongst themselves. Kaleb banged the gavel to get their focus back where it needed to be—off the fact Cara had betrayed Draven and the club, to what the Sons planned to do about it.

“Cara’s still got an inside. I say that’s a non-issue right now. I’m positive that the fucker Hernandez made sure to put her in a position we’d go ballistic over.” Kaleb glanced back around the room, getting no argument where Cara’s partner was concerned. “We need to figure a way to keep Draven the fuck out of this and the Rave not involved. First and foremost, Draven needs to get rid of the X he deals out of there, without the Devils any wiser to the fact we’re protecting our interest. They need to think Draven is still working his club. Regardless as to what happens with Hernandez, or how we keep him out of the loop, we need to get the feds aiming in the right direction.”

“And just how do you propose that, P?” Grigore Lupei asked.

“It’s simple, Wolf. As I said, we have an inside. We get Cara to pretend she now has Draven’s cooperation in the matter. Screw Hernandez. We’ll make sure she looks good in the end, thus solidifying her place at the Sheriff’s Office. They won’t question her loyalty again. It will be a win-win.”

“And how do we get Draven’s cooperation?” Joseph asked. “I’m sure dealing X has been a pretty lucrative deal for Draven.”

“That and we benefit as well, lots of party girls on X,” Grayson piped up. “I can’t say I haven’t enjoyed the spoils.”

“We won’t give Draven a choice, Kinky,” Kaleb said before looking at his VP. “I highly doubt you’ll have trouble attracting women who aren’t high, Gypsy, so let’s just call that a non-issue as well. Besides, you know as well as I do the dangers of having sex with a human high on X. No more waiting for the high to start to diminish.”

Grayson smiled, kicked out his booted feet, and leaned back with a smile on his face, obviously not about to argue with Kaleb on that point.

He looked at his twin. Kane didn’t look too happy at using his mate in this game of cat and mouse. “You remember, Viper, it was Cara who insisted on going back to the job. Now she needs to prove her worth to the club.”

“What do you want out of her?” A muscle ticked in his cheek.

Kaleb grinned. “I’ll take care of Draven. He’ll be more than willing to work with her.”

In truth, Cara wouldn’t need to do a whole lot, just make sure she arrived where Kaleb needed her and to have the appropriate authorities where they were needed. In the end, he’d help her cement her loyalty to the Sheriff’s Office, and the Sons would have a permanent man … woman on the inside. They had always had Sheriff Ducat’s cooperation for the most part, now they’d have the S.O. in their back pocket.

Kane narrowed his gaze on Kaleb. “You want to share the plan with us, bro?”

“I haven’t worked out all the details yet, Viper. Once I talk to Draven, I’ll call another church meeting. The plan will be to have Draven lure the Devils into a trap, one that includes the cartel. It won’t be easy, but I want to see the bastards responsible for Ion’s death to finally pay. The way I see it? This will go down one of two ways. Either those at the head of the cartel will spend their days rotting behind bars if the fucking cops can do their job … or they’ll be rotting for all eternity when I unleash the Sons on them. They’ll be wishing for life behind bars, right before we send them all to hell.”

Kaleb glanced around the room, getting no argument from his men. Instead, he saw interest and excitement in their eyes. The Sons looked ready to take the cartel on. They had waited ten long years for retribution and the time had just presented itself.

“Shall we take it to a vote?”

One by one the men all returned a “yay” vote. Kaleb smacked the gavel against the strike plate. “Then our job here is done. Viper? Will we get Cara’s cooperation in this?”

He nodded. “One hundred percent.”

“Good … let’s go get us some whiskey. This meeting is adjourned.”









Chapter 21


Kaleb smelled her the moment the door to the clubhouse opened, kicking up the beat of his heart. Cara strode in first, followed closely by the one person he couldn’t seem to get enough of lately. Suzi looked like sex on a stick with her tight, black pleather pants and pink fuzzy sweater that ended just beneath her small, pert tits, showing a fair amount of tanned skin. His mouth dried up like the Sahara desert, just aching to draw her nipples between his teeth. Kaleb groaned, he really couldn’t be within ten feet of Suzi and not think about sliding into her. He might as well admit defeat and get it over with.

In her hands, Suzi carried what looked to be a big box of donuts and a container with a spout, filled with liquid caffeine in the form of coffee from the corner bakery on Main Street. Damn the owner for being open around-the-clock. His men would certainly devour the treat, but at the moment he wanted them using the exit, not staying for coffee and donuts. Leave it to the cop to think about the sugary pastry.

Kaleb hoped the Sons took their fill then got the fuck out, because he didn’t think he could sit around shooting the breeze when what he really wanted was Suzi naked and in his bed. There were far too many vampires present for him to throw her over his shoulder and carry her off to his king-sized bed. He didn’t need the whole lot of them privy to his sex life. Not that most of them hadn’t already guessed. But he’d be damned before he’d advertise it.

What he did with Suzi Stevens was his own business.

His twin opened his arms and accepted Cara into his beefy hold. She leaned up and kissed his lips. Kaleb growled beneath his breath. He still wasn’t too happy with Kane’s mate. She should’ve forewarned them about the case on Draven. That she couldn’t excuse away and, in itself, was a betrayal to the MC. Kaleb would give her a chance to make up for the omission. They needed her onboard, and manipulating her partner, if they were to set up the Devils and the cartel. Fuck the drugs. Kaleb didn’t give a rat’s ass about what the rival MC or cartel did to make money. Business was business. But he did want them to pay for their part in Ion’s death. Handing them to the feds and the Sheriff’s Office would go a long way in getting Kane’s revenge.

Toying with his glass of Jack, Kaleb glanced at Suzi, who set the two containers on the bar surface. His men crowded in, thanking her for the treat and helping themselves. Kaleb curbed his need to growl again. His gums ached. When the hell had he gone all territorial over any female?
Grayson even went so far as draping his long arm over Suzi’s slender shoulders and kissed her upon the cheek. He ought to slug the arrogant ass. Knowing Grayson, though, he’d taken advantage and bussed her cheek just to get a rise out of Kaleb. He wasn’t about to give the bastard the satisfaction.

Several minutes later, Suzi extracted herself from the throng of greedy vamps and made her way over to the wall where Kaleb leaned, one booted foot against the baseboard. Her hips swayed gently, making his hands itch to reach out and pull her flush against him. He already knew his hands easily spanned her tiny waist. But instead of touching her, he simply looked down and grinned.

“Enjoying yourself,
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“Don’t ruin the moment, Hawk,” she said, taking the whiskey from his hand and downing the remains of the glass. “I came here to see you. No need for me to wear a neon sign proclaiming it. I think they all know who I’m here for.”

“Good.” Kaleb leaned down, close to the shell of her ear, and whispered, “That means they’ll be taking the fucking hint and leave.”

Suzi placed her hand on his sternum, searing his flesh. “Practice patience, Hawk, and I’ll promise to finish that blow job I started a few nights back.”

Kaleb hissed. His dick hardened. Practice patience? Hell, he needed restraints. “I’m a vampire, sweetheart. I’m not known for my patience.”

“Well, then, I suggest you become creative because ‘Get the fuck out’ doesn’t work for me.” She winked at him. “I’d prefer a much more subtle way of ridding the clubhouse of its inhabitants.”

“Like? I’m up for suggestions.”

“Last I knew, Draven could use a morale boost, or so Cara told me. Why not get the Sons to show their support? If he’s going to get out of the drug business, he’s going to need to make up the sales in alcohol.”

“Sweetheart, you’re not only right on the money … you’re brilliant.” Kaleb leaned in and covered her lips, kissing her far too quickly for his liking. But right now, he needed to get some alone time. “Gypsy?”

His VP’s dark head swung in his direction. “Boss?”

“Take the party over to the Rave. Show Draven we got his back.”

Grayson strode over to Kaleb. “You have a message you want me to deliver?”

“Yeah.” Kaleb’s lips turned down in a scowl. “You tell him to get the X out of the club. I find it there and I’ll personally kick his ass.”

“You got it, P,” Gypsy said as he turned to do Kaleb’s bidding.

“And Gypsy?” Kaleb gained his attention again. “Tell him Kane and I will be by in the afternoon. He better be there.”

Within a matter of minutes, his twin and his mate, lounging on one of the sofas, were the only ones left in house. Kaleb didn’t suppose kicking them out as well would work. They had been more than generous by making themselves scarce in the past and Kaleb presumed Kane wanted some alone time as well. He’d just have to deal. It wasn’t like Cara wasn’t already privy to the relationship he had with Suzi. Kane’s frustrating mate had probably already heard everything from Suzi’s lips. Women couldn’t keep secrets when it came to the men in their life, not even if their life depended on it.

Kaleb looked down on Suzi. When had he started thinking of himself as Suzi’s man? He ran a hand through his hair as she looked up at him expectantly. The petite brunette was most definitely growing on him. Christ, he suddenly felt like a schoolboy. Truth be told, he wasn’t sure whether to pick her up and carry her to his bed or let her make the first move. Feelings had never entered the equation of sex before. For the first time, Kaleb, like it or not, actually cared about what a woman wanted, and damn he didn’t want to disappoint this one.

“You might as well admit it, Hawk.” Suzi looked up at him as though she had read his very thoughts.

“Admit what,
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A smile of satisfaction grew on her face. “That you kind of like me.”

“Oh, I more than kind of like you, sweetheart.” He reached down and grabbed a handful of her ass and brought her against his steel-hard erection. “Get in that big bed of mine and I’ll show you just how much.”

With a laugh, she backed from his hold and dashed off to his room, leaving him stare in her wake. That was his little
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… as insatiable as him.


* * *


Kaleb’s six-foot-four frame filled the doorway, blocking out most of the light from the hallway, illuminating his impossibly large shoulders. His acute vision seemed to have no problem zeroing in, finding her in the darkness where she stood at the foot of his bed, rooting her to the floor. Even with his face in the shadows, she had memorized every nuance and curve, knew how impossibly handsome he was, stealing her breath from her chest. She had done the one thing she had told herself not to. She had fallen hopelessly in love with the man and set herself up for eventual heartache.

She knew Kaleb hadn’t wanted a mate, had said that very thing to her. And yet Suzi had been willing to risk her heart, and take whatever he was willing to give. When he turned his back, and she knew he eventually would, she’d pick herself up again just as she had so many years ago. Suzi had been immediately taken with the bad boy biker then and far too young to know the difference between infatuation and love. Now? She was definitely foolishly in love. This time when he decided he’d had his fill, he’d no doubt crush her. But Suzi wasn’t about to live with regrets. The idea of not spending time with Kaleb out of fear of rejection was far worse than not having had him at all.

With trembling fingers, Suzi gripped the edge of her sweater and slowly pulled it over her head, earning her a low growl as she then let it fall from her fingers to pool at her feet. Not that she was nervous about having sex with Kaleb. Hell, no … that part would be fantastic. But the fact that she’d be making love to him and not just fucking him scared the shit out of her. Especially knowing the vampire didn’t feel the same way, which made her heart ache.

There was no doubt that Kaleb liked her tenacity when it came to taking what she wanted. And she wanted Kaleb all right, all of him, his heart, his mind and his body. So she wasn’t about to admit defeat. No, Suzi planned to make it damn hard for him to walk away. Kaleb desired her, that much was evident every time she came near. She just needed to prove to him that she was the one thing he couldn’t live without.

Suzi flipped the button of her pants free from its mooring, slid down the zipper, kicked her shoes off and shimmied out of her pleathers, adding to the pile started by her sweater. Wearing nothing other than her white lace bra and thong ensemble, Suzi crooked a finger at Kaleb to beckon him forward. His sharp intake of air was her reward as he had yet to move a muscle. With the hallway florescent lighting his back, she couldn’t see if his vampire self had yet taken over. Just the thought of it sent a shiver down her spine. What might cause some people nightmares, to her was a total turn on. Just seeing his fangs, prominent brow and sunken cheeks, not to mention his black obsidian gaze, made her go all molten inside. Her now wet thong proof of her desire.

“You going to stand there all day, vampire?” Suzi hiked one of her brows. “Or are you going to let me catch a cold standing over here all but naked?”

Kaleb stepped into the room and slammed the door closed in his haste. It took him less than a millisecond to cross the room and grip her upper arms, hauling her against his hard frame and claiming her mouth with his. His tongue slipped past her lips to tangle with hers, to possess her mouth thoroughly like she wanted his body to do. Suzi slipped her hands up his stern chest, feeling his muscles bunch beneath her touch and gripped the curls at his nape. Holding onto him like a lifeline, she returned his kiss with fervor, matching his intensity, feeling his total possession. This was no chaste kiss. No, this was a promise of what was to come.

Suzi’s knees weakened and the muscles in her legs damn near liquefied. His mouth left hers to smooth across her jaw to the soft spot beneath her ear. His fangs dragged across her flesh. Her breath hitched. Tilting her head, she all but gave him permission to feed, knowing how much more heightened her desire would be. But instead, he soothed the area with his tongue, then traveled to the hallow where her vial would normally rest. His tongue darted out a second time and licked the pulse point as his hands went from her biceps to her lace-covered breasts.

“I love your tits,” Kaleb whispered, just before pulling the lace cups down and covering one with his mouth, sucking the nipple sharply between his teeth.

His left hand toyed with the other, pinching it between forefinger and thumb. The brief, sharp pain quickly dissipated to pleasure. She squirmed in his grasp. Damn, but she needed him inside her. Fuck foreplay. She needed his cock filling her, stretching her and making her feel whole.

“Damn, Hawk—”

“Kaleb,” he said as he released her nipple and covered her mouth once more.

Suzi was a whisper away from climaxing and he had yet to really touch her. Her body all but screamed for his. He ravished her mouth, further heightening her hunger to have him filling her.

Tearing her mouth from his, she said, “I can’t take it, Kaleb. Please.”

“Please what, sweetheart?” His smile told her that he teased.

Make love to me.
Words she knew that could never leave her lips for fear of losing him forever. “Fuck me.”

Kaleb growled, turned her around in his hold so that her ass nestled his erection. He placed a hand in the small of her back and urged her forward. Suzi gripped the quilt covering his large bed in her fists, her breath coming out in shallow pants. She felt his hands caress the globes of her ass.

“I love your ass almost as much as your tits.”

One hand left her as she heard the whisper of his zipper, just before she felt the warmth of his silky hot cock lying against the cleft of her ass. Kaleb pulled aside her thong and ran his fingers between her legs, spreading her juices up her slit before she felt the head of his cock at her entrance.

“Dear Lord,” she said on an expelled breath. “Now, Kaleb.”

And with that, he shoved inside, filling her completely. He paused once seated, giving her time to adjust to his size. Suzi gasped, moved against him, urging him forward. She didn’t want nice and slow. She wanted him hard and fast. As if he had read her mind, he pulled out damn near fully, before slamming back into her, his hands now gripping tightly to her waist.

“Is that what you want,
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? My cock?”

“For once shut up, Kaleb, and just fuck me.”

She heard his answering chuckle, just before he started moving in and out of her swiftly. Her orgasm built within. Words failed her as she reached for the blinding lights and weightlessness she knew awaited her. Kaleb leaned forward, taking one of her breasts in his hand, pinching the nipple, just before she felt the tips of his fangs at the flesh of her shoulders. And just as swiftly as he had entered her, he sank his fangs deeply into the meaty flesh, drawing from her.

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