Read Hay and Heartbreak Online

Authors: Bailey Bradford

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

Hay and Heartbreak (19 page)

BOOK: Hay and Heartbreak
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Dan pressed kisses all over Hector’s cock and balls, his inner thighs, his calves and even his feet. He stayed away from the ticklish soles once he discovered how very sensitive Hector was there. While Dan kissed, he also caressed and massaged with his hands, working the tense muscles of Hector’s legs.

Then he made his way back up, nipping more than kissing, his own need getting the better of him. He covered Hector again and kissed him with all the desperate longing that was building inside him.

Hector moaned and grabbed onto Dan’s arms as he bent his legs. He thrust and rutted, and clung to Dan in a way that satisfied him deeply. He’d have been happy to stay just like that longer had his cock not been so hard and his need so great that he was close to giving in and frotting until he came.

But Dan eased back, gentling the kiss until he made himself push up onto his knees.

“Dan,” Hector whispered, his eyes wide and wild, lips dark and swollen.

Dan pinched one already rigid, hot nipple. “I’m right here.”

“Fuck!” Hector arched his back, pushing his chest up.

Dan twisted a little more, then he had to get a condom on or he was going to embarrass himself. He opened the packet and rolled the sheath down.

Hector held one hand up. “Gimme some lube.”

Dan was glad he did as Hector demanded when Hector hitched up one leg and reached for his own hole.

“I don’t usually…” Hector trailed off, eyelids drooping as he slid a fingertip into his ass.

Dan slicked up his cock and a couple of fingers. He was torn between wanting to jack Hector’s cock or help him with the preparations a few inches down.

“Why not do both?” he said to himself.

He poured more lube onto his palm. With one hand, he gave Hector a wet, tight hand to fuck, and with the other, he took over opening Hector’s ass, sliding one finger in at first, then two once Hector’s inner walls and tight ring had loosened up some.

Dan stroked Hector’s shaft faster as he curled his fingers inside Hector in order to find his gland. When he did, Hector keened and almost sat up.

“Now,” Hector growled.

Dan withdrew his fingers. “Yeah, now.” He lined his cock up and Hector wrapped his legs around Dan’s hips.

Dan locked gazes with Hector. He leaned over as he began to push into Hector’s ass. Heat, and a velvet-smooth grip sucked Dan’s shaft in deeper. He ground his teeth as he fought to keep from just shoving in like an animal.

Hector turned his head aside and bit his fist.

Dan managed to hang onto his control until he was fully inside Hector.

But only just.

Hector clenched his ass and Dan made a sound he hadn’t known he was capable of, a guttural, base moan that came from his core. He pulled back, then thrust in, deep and hard.

Hector cried out around his hand. He shoved his hips up, and met Dan thrust for thrust.

Dan didn’t hold back. He couldn’t. He drove into Hector repeatedly, then moved just so, and his next thrust in was almost his last. Dan bit his cheek and kept from coming. He realized he’d let go of Hector’s cock at some point, and changed positions so he could reach it properly. It meant having to fully pull his dick from Hector’s ass, which almost kept him from doing it. Almost.

Kneeling, he pulled Hector up, using a steady hold on his waist to get Hector’s butt where he wanted it. Then Dan pushed back into Hector’s ass, a second later fisting his shaft too.

Hector bellowed loud enough that there was no way everyone hadn’t heard. Dan didn’t care. He slammed in harder, then harder still when Hector got out, “More! Gimme more!”

“I’ll give you more,” Dan promised him, marking each word with a deep, forceful thrust.

Hector’s mouth opened on a shout that he muffled with his own hand. Hot cum jetted over Dan’s hand as Hector came.

The grip of his ass around Dan’s cock was incredible. Dan panted and moaned as he held still, filling the condom with shot after shot of spunk.

Gradually, he became aware of clapping coming from the hallway. Dan’s cheeks burned hot.

Hector sighed and his eyes stayed closed.

Dan gently eased his cock from Hector’s hole. He took the condom off and tossed it in the trash can by the bed.

Tired as he was, he still got up long enough to find his shirt. He wiped down Hector’s belly, chest and cock. He gave his a swipe, too, then he turned out the light and crawled into bed with Hector.

The darkness didn’t bother him then, not when he was holding the Hector in his arms.


* * * *


Dan opened one eye. The bedroom was lighter, so he knew it was morning. Hector slept on beside him. Dan startled when the alarm went off.

Hector slapped at it without opening his eyes.

“Morning,” Dan whispered in Hector’s ear. “I’ll get the coffee.”

He put on his sweats, then saw his wadded up T-shirt. That wasn’t going to cut it. Dan looked down at his belly. He didn’t see any spunk, but that didn’t mean there wasn’t any on him. After all, he hadn’t had coffee yet. His vision, and logic, couldn’t be trusted.

After he found a shirt in Hector’s dresser, Dan left the room. He got catcalls and smiled at everyone who teased him. It meant they accepted him, that he was welcome—and that they’d heard him pounding Hector’s ass through the mattress, which was kind of embarrassing but also kind of hot.

“You two were noisy as fuck last night,” Frankie said. “Made my little heart go pitter-patter.”

“Sounded more like your bed springs were goin’
eek eek eek
,” someone said.

Dan went right for the coffee. He took two mugs and filled them up. “Y’all play nice,” he advised with a wink. “Otherwise I’ll oil those springs and y’all won’t be living vicariously through me.” That got a laugh out of the people in the kitchen.

Back in the bedroom, he woke Hector with a kiss, and a cup of coffee.

And maybe a threat, though he wouldn’t have followed through with it, so he wasn’t sure it counted. “Get up or I’ll drink your cup of morning goodness.”

“I’m up,” Hector griped as he propped himself against the headboard. He took his mug. “Don’t touch my coffee. That’s mean.”

“I’m not mean.” Dan sipped at his java.

“No you’re not. You’re amazing.” Hector sniffed. “I smell like sex. Nice.” He smiled happily. “I’m tempted not to shower.”

Dan laughed. “Go on and get cleaned up. I’ll make sure you smell like sex tonight.”

“Deal.” Hector got up and grumbled as he went about finding something to cover his bits with. “You want to meet me in the kitchen?”

“Sure.” Dan watched Hector leave the room, then he went and found Duke and Frankie.

Dan chatted with them while Hector showered. No one had heard anything about Joaquin other than that he had survived surgery.

“I’m going to see if I can visit him,” Dan decided. “How far away is the hospital?”

Duke was already reaching for his crutch. “Couple of hours. I’ll come with you. Everyone else is workin’ today.”

“Okay.” Dan stood up. “I need to shower first.”

“Yeah, you do.” Duke pursed his lips.

Dan knew when he was about to be teased now. “Don’t even go there.” He hurried out of the door with the sound of Duke’s laughter chasing him.

By the time he and Duke were able to leave, Duke had talked to the bosses and gotten a little more information on Joaquin—he’d require lots of physical therapy since the bullet had damaged muscles and tendons, and chipped a bone, but he was going to be okay.

“I bet he’ll be a worse patient than me,” Duke announced.

Dan doubted that but didn’t say so.

“That guy Carlos brought back—”

“Sebastian,” Dan filled in, since Hector had told him about the man after Hector had showered.

Duke waved his uninjured arm in a ‘hurry up’ gesture. “Yeah, yeah, that guy, Sebastian. I guess Carlos and them took him to the hospital, but Sebastian told Carlos some stuff. Won’t give a last name, says he’s twenty-two, and he’d escaped from a crazy man that picked up when he was hitch hiking—five years ago.”

“Five years ago?” Dan felt sick. “He was a kid.”

“He was,” Duke agreed. “So this fucker picked him up and kept him prisoner for years. Sebastian got away, didn’t know what state he was in, even. Just ran and came upon the line shacks. He doesn’t know how the guy found him. I gotta wonder if Sebastian ain’t tagged somehow.”

The idea was horrifying. “Is that something that can be checked for? A body scan in one of those machines?”

“MRI, maybe. I’d think so. Anyway, Sebastian doesn’t even know the fucker’s name. Said he had to call him Master or get a beatin’,” Duke continued. “Some men just oughta be locked up forever, at the very least. Don’t take that wrong. State police are gonna continue lookin’ for the fucker today with their helicopter and they’re bringin’ in dogs, too.”

“Good, I hope they find him.” Dan reached over and patted Duke’s shoulder. “I’m not offended. I might not have done what I was sent to prison for, but I wasn’t a good person before then, either. Not that that makes it all right. My point is, I’d have probably ended up in prison anyway, or dead. I’m not going to spend another day being mad about what happened, and I don’t think prison is wrong, just…just sometimes things happen, and innocent people
end up there. Someone that does what was done to Sebastian? Yeah, even life in prison sounds too easy for them.”

Duke patted Dan’s arm in return. “Good, we’re agreein’ on that.”

“Yup.” Dan started to comment further when his phone rang. “Edward.”

“Edward. That’s your lawyer, right?”

“It is.” Dan answered and put Edward on speaker. “Hey, Edward. What’s going on?”

“I thought you should know, Warren killed himself last night,” Edward said without any trace of emotion. “Somehow he got a razor blade.”

Dan had been justifiably angry at Warren. Maybe he still was. He didn’t wish the man dead, though. “I’m sorry about that.”

“You’re kinder than I would be,” Edward told him. “Much kinder. I don’t think his suicide will affect your settlement, and thanks to those interviews you did, that will be happening soon. I expect to have a deal for you to consider in the next two weeks. Unless you’ve changed your mind and want to go to court?”

“No.” That wasn’t debatable.

“How much is a settlement likely to be?” Duke asked. “Oh wait. Don’t answer that.”

Edward laughed. “Are you Dan’s brother? You two sound a lot alike.”

“I am. He’s a good one, ain’t he, Edward?” Duke grinned.

“One of the best,” Edward agreed. “And the settlement will have to be in the high six digits by the time my fees come out.
At least
. I won’t let Dan take anything less.”

Duke whistled. “Sounds like a lot, but it was a decade of his life.”

“No amount of money will make up for that, but I’ll aim for seven digits after my payment, since you hinted so nicely.” Edward told them he’d be in touch then the call was over.

“You’re gonna be rich,” Duke pointed out. “Don’t let it go to your head. And don’t forget us little people. Me and Frankie will expect at least one meal out at the diner, your treat.”

For the first time, Dan felt excited about the prospect of the settlement. “I could get my GED and pay for college like I was talking about doing.” And he could buy a house, maybe in Ashville.

And just maybe, if it wasn’t too far away, Hector could live with me. I want that. I want him. I want the dream.
He was going to reach out and grab it, and Hector, with both hands.


* * * *


That night, when he and Hector were alone in Hector’s room, Dan took Hector’s hands in his. “We’re going to try to make this work, even when I go back to Alabama?”

Hector frowned. “I wish you could stay here, but I understand. You have to take care of things there. I’ll be here, waiting for you.”

Dan’s eyes burned and he closed them as he leaned forward.

Hector kissed him, a sweet promise that Dan was going to cling to. He pushed Hector back onto the bed and melted into him, relaxed and so full of melancholy and affection that it was almost unbearable. Dan hated that he would need to leave, but he had to in less than two weeks. Until then, he and Hector could explore their budding relationship, and firm up the foundation of it so it’d be built to last.

He wanted so many things with Hector, had so many dreams. Dan tucked them away as he made love to Hector, sliding his clothes off, kissing warm, tan skin. He left marks of his own, lower down on Hector’s neck, and on his chest.

Dan found Hector’s nipples endlessly fascinating. He loved to nip at them and watch them harden, see the goosebumps that spread out all over Hector’s chest.

Hector hissed and held Dan’s head still, showing his obvious appreciate when Dan sucked firmly on one little nub.

Dan was still clothed, his dick so rigid it ached. He slid between Hector’s thick legs and rubbed his covered shaft over Hector’s naked one.

Hector mewled and shook as he thrust up against Dan. “More,” he demanded. “Fuck, don’t ever stop!”

Dan left a trail of kisses and marks all the way down to Hector’s cock. There he gripped that fat shaft at the base so he could take the leaking head into his mouth.

The garbled sound Hector made was so arousing, Dan had to reach down and give his own cock a squeeze or risk coming in his pants. He increased the suction on Hector’s dick and tongued his slit. At the same time, he pinched Hector’s left nipple.

“Dan!” Hector shouted.

Dan might have heard some clapping coming from the living room. He ignored it and reached for the lube, never one stopping the blow job he was giving Hector. Once he had the lube open, he slicked up his fingers and promptly worked two of them into Hector’s ass.

Hector moaned and pulled his knees to his chest, making a glorious display for Dan.

In reward, Dan took his cock in to the base and curved his digits inside Hector’s ass. He rubbed over Hector’s gland, and Hector went rigid, his cock spurting into Dan’s mouth as he backed off that length.

Dan sucked Hector through his orgasm, then he let Hector’s dick slip from his mouth. He kept caressing Hector’s gland, though, gently bringing him back to arousal.

BOOK: Hay and Heartbreak
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