Haynes, K. R. - The Light in Her Eyes [In Her Eyes] (Siren Publishing Classic) (11 page)

BOOK: Haynes, K. R. - The Light in Her Eyes [In Her Eyes] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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Quickly ditching her clothes, Chloe stood before him buck-ass naked. Slowly she lowered herself gracefully to the floor in the kneeling position Randall had instructed her on, with her knees apart, hands linked behind her lower back, and head lowered slightly. Her eyes were to remain lowered at all times while in the presentation pose, unless he commanded otherwise to her.

Even though this position made her feel thoroughly exposed, there was no mistaking the empowerment she felt by being in the presentation pose.
She held all the control. One word from her and it all ended. She held the power in this relationship and it was a heady experience.

For fifteen minutes, Chloe stayed in her presentation pose for him. Her ankle throbbed. Still, she never moved. Randall strolled around her. She could feel his eyes roaming over her naked form. Goose bumps rose on her bare flesh where his eyes travelled freely across her skin. Still, she refused to move. Refused to give in to the temptation to see his eyes, see how dark they had become and what they held. His fingers feathered through her hair. His feather-like touch felt so erotic, Chloe had to control the body shivers it caused.

His touch was a simple one, barely even there, yet at the same time it had a huge impact on her.

When he finally stood in front of her, Chloe kept her eyes down. He rewarded her by saying, “Good girl.” Knowing that she had pleased him
filled her with contentment.
Randall helped her up from her kneeling position on the floor and guided her back to the sofa. Plonking herself down, Chloe couldn’t help but relish in the softness of the cushions against her skin and her aching muscles.

She was left alone for a few minutes while Randall disappeared into the kitchen. When he returned to her he held a mug out to her. He had made her a cup of coffee.
Just the way she liked it, too, white with one sugar.
Her eyes watered from the kindness of the gesture, one she hadn’t asked for. And one she probably didn’t deserve either after disrespecting him so poorly.

Taking the mug from his steady hands, her own hands shook. Lifting the mug to her lips, his fingertips skimmed up her bare arms. She shivered, not from being cold. She shivered because she wanted more of his touch on her body, craved more from him and it was killing her that she couldn’t say anything to him. She wanted to scream at Randall that she wanted more from him. She wanted more of his touch, more of everything. She was sure the need inside her was going to destroy her if he didn’t touch her right this very minute.

Chloe wanted Jon Randall, all of him. However that came, she wanted him all.

Her wish came true, sort of. Randall settled down beside her on the sofa. He wrapped a strong arm around her shoulders then took the empty mug from her hands. Laying her head on his chest, she closed her eyes. While he drew a blanket across her naked form, Randall whispered softly in her ear. “Rest now, Chloe. I’ll wake you when it’s dinner time” were the only words he said before she dozed off
nestled safely in the strength of his arms.

Chapter Sixteen

Considering he had spent the last seventy-six hours straight on call down at the station, instead of in his bed with a very naked Chloe, Randall figured he was doing pretty well so far besides the fact he missed her like crazy and he still had another couple of lonely days at least left before he could go to her.

Randall found himself aching to just see Chloe, to hold her in his arms, to know that she was safe.

No matter how tired or exhausted he might feel right now, Randall knew he would find the inner energy to make love to Chloe all night long if needed. Just having her nestled safely in his arms gave him a strength he never knew he had. For hours he’d show her with his body how much he missed her, wanted her, and needed her in his life, as his words could never be sufficient enough to demonstrate to her how much she undid him every minute of every damn day.

However, showing Chloe how much she meant to him was pretty impossible being stuck down here at the station. Normally when on call you could still return home at the end of your shift, and not sleep your arse off down here at the station. Due to his recent reinstatement as an active member of the Bomb Squad, his ass of a team leader had decided Randall had to prove he belonged on the team. Prove his dedication to the team and to the job.

In other words, Randall was to remain at the station while on call, for the time being at least. So he found himself roaming the vacant station halls at one o’clock in the morning, too restless and way too wired to sleep. He wanted his woman. He wanted to hear her voice and know that she was all right.

There was still no word on who was behind the multiple threats Chloe had received over the past couple of months. The letter and the dead rose found at her house were still down at the lab awaiting results. Being that the lab was banked up with other cases with higher priority than Chloe’s case, her evidence had been put on the backburner. This displeased Randall when he got wind of it. He wanted results, he wanted the bastard caught, and he wanted the threats to her to end.

So with her safety and protection in mind, Randall had broached the subject of their living arrangements with Chloe before reporting in for his five day stay at the station. The discussion ended with her calling him a caveman for demanding that she stay at his place when he was on call. Hell, to be honest, Randall wanted his woman at his house permanently. If that made him a caveman in her eyes, so be it.

Chloe, however, had other ideas and refused to yield on the matter. Her actual words were something like, “I’m not about to let some sick fuck run me out of my own home, Jon.”

He laughed at her words now, remembering how worked up she had gotten, refusing to listen to reason. He had tried to reason with her many a time. Hell, her ass still probably throbbed from the spanking he had given her for not thinking reasonably enough by putting her own safety first and foremost every single time.

In the end it didn’t matter. Somehow Chloe managed to get her own way. How? Randall still didn’t know. So right now instead of being shacked up at his house safe and sound, and very naked, Chloe was tucked up in her own bed in her own damn house, alone.

Unclipping the phone from his belt, Randall stepped into an empty office and closed the door behind him. Pressing speed dial, he called the one person he needed to speak to. The only voice he ached to hear. Her grumpy “what” made him grin like a moron.

“Now is that the proper way to answer your phone, little girl?”

“We’re not in the bedroom—let me rephrase that—you’re not in my bedroom, Jon, so that’s the best damn hello you’re going to get.”

God, he loved teasing Chloe, loved bring out that sassy, fiery spirit of hers. Hearing the rustling of bedsheets as she moved around had him wondering if she was utterly naked under those sheets, caressing her body. His night was looking up if she indeed happened to be nude.

“Precious, are you sleeping nude as instructed?”

“Yes,” she whispered sleepily to him.

“Tell me, are the sheets rubbing against your bare breasts, making your nipples so hard that you ache to feel my cock deep inside that hot little pussy of yours, little girl?”


“Are you wet for me, precious?”

Her whispered “yes” was more of a sigh this time around. Time to turn up the temperature, make her so hot she would wish he was there to douse the fire inside of her.

“How wet are you, little girl? Tell me.”

“What?” Chloe stumbled out to him.

“Take your hand and slide it down your stomach, making sure you caress those beautiful, full tits of yours. Keep on going till you reach your pussy.”


“Do it, little girl. Do it for me now.”

“Fine, only this one time. Don’t go getting any crazy ideas about waking me up every goddamn night just so you can ask me how ready I am for you.” She huffed at him.

Smirking at her words, he waited for her to do as instructed, his ear straining to hear her movements. Hearing her muffled moans down the phone line, Randall knew straight away Chloe was more than ready for him.

Still, he waited patiently for her to verbally answer his question of how wet she was. When there was no reply, only her moans, Randall all but barked her name down the phone line for her to answer him immediately. His own voice sounded huskier from the aroused state he found himself in. He’d have to take care of his cock, which was near to bursting, after taking care of his woman.

“Chloe, damn it, tell me now how wet you are, right now!” he practically yelled his demand down the phone line when she remained verbally silent. Her voice came back over the line moments later with a breathy response. “Very wet, Sir.”

Just the sound of her lust-filled voice had his dick hardening even more. Groaning, Randall readjusted his jeans to alleviate some of the pressure on his cock.

“Good girl. Tell me, would you like permission to ease the ache in that pussy of yours, little girl?”

“Yes, Sir. Please.”

“Please what, Chloe?”

“Please may I come for you, Sir?” she groaned out to him.

Jon grinned. Chloe had come a long way in her submissive role in such a short period of time. It pleased him a lot that she had. “You have my permission to come, little girl. Pleasure yourself, lover. Use your fingers and slide them deep into your wet pussy. Pump them and pretend your fingers are my cock pumping deep inside of you.”

Randall waited for Chloe to do his bidding before speaking again.

“Are you doing as I instructed, little girl?”

“Yes,” she breathed. “Yes, Sir.”

“Good girl. Now rub your clit with your thumb, Chloe. Move those fingers and thumb faster and harder. I want to hear your moans. I want to hear you scream my name when I give you the command to come.”

“Yes, Sir,” she moaned out again.

Hearing her movements down the phone line and her breathy moans, Randall knew Chloe was damn close to going over the edge. He gave her his final command to come and scream his name when she did. And oh boy did she scream his name. Chloe screamed so loudly down the phone line, Randall had to hold the phone away from his ear.

When her screams stopped and her rapid breathing remained he placed the phone back to his ear.

“Good girl. You have pleased me a lot tonight, Chloe. Sleep well, precious. I’ll see you soon.”

Hanging up the phone, knowing his lover was sated and happy, Randall made his way out of the office and down to the change rooms. He was in need of cold shower now. There was no way he was going to jerk off in the shower. No, Randall would wait until he could empty his load inside Chloe. No way was he about to waste his seed on the bathroom tiles. Ditching his clothes and stepping under the cold spray of water, Randall just hoped he got to see Chloe sooner rather than later.

Chapter Seventeen

Pacing around her tiny kitchen, Chloe was pissed. After being apart for over five days straight, Randall had finally come home to her. That wasn’t what had her in such a foul mood tonight though. It was the damn phone call he had received, no less than twenty-four hours after returning home. His asshole of a boss had called him in, again. Randall had grumbled something to her about three guys down with gastro, and he had no choice but to go in. It fair dinkum pissed her off.

When Randall had been good enough to grace her with his presence, he had been too damned tired from lack of sleep, she had sent him straight to bed, to sleep instead of making love to her like they both wanted. Randall hadn’t been too happy about being made to go to bed, to sleep of all things, saying something to her about retribution or some kind of crap. Chloe didn’t care what he dished out to her. All that mattered to her was that he rested.

As it turned out it was the best thing for him at the time, being he ended up being called in earlier than his next rostered shift.

Now, Randall had been gone for two whole fucking days going on three.

There had been no phone call from him. No nothing.

Even after calling the station herself demanding to speak to Officer Randall, Chloe got some bullshit line about how he was on a case and could not be contacted at that time. After hearing that he couldn’t be contacted, her temper rose quick smart. She uttered “whatever” to the person over the phone and then threatened to come down to the station personally to see for herself why Officer Randall couldn’t her damn phone call. Chloe knew it would be a waste of her time though. Plus, her unwanted presence down at the station would only cause embarrassment for Jon, something even she wasn’t keen on doing.

BOOK: Haynes, K. R. - The Light in Her Eyes [In Her Eyes] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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