Haze of Dusk (A trilogy) (25 page)

BOOK: Haze of Dusk (A trilogy)
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Casandree speaks yet her words are blocked by m
y slothfulness. Khysso's shadow stalked me the entire night. His desperation and rage repeats itself in my head, it’s as if he inputted it on my mind on purpose, desiring distraction. Damn Khysso. He contaminated my mentality and is now stealing my world. Why would he think I’m teasing him? I've never led him to think so…or have I?  

“A male arclaw is
very sensitive to his partner. If their soul mate doesn’t return his love after he claims her. Do you know what happens, Judyala?” I wiggle to the sound of my name.

” I yank my hand from the table, all eyes in the room is on me. “When his love is not returned, after a while, the male arclaw becomes…untamed. He becomes destructive, soon finding his own annihilation,” her attention is on me. She's possibly unhappy by my absent-mindedness. I purse my lips, and move my eyes to the wall, where I sight a male arclaw killing without consideration. “This barely happens…but when it does…it is very unsafe.” She says walking to the front of the class. I sigh distressfully. The war is near, soon I’ll be facing the arclaws, am I prepared for this dangerous task. Am I prepared to take away many lives?

Azania’s mouth runs faster than the flames of a mad-dragon. She queries about my date with Corr, and alth
ough I cleared nothing happened, she still requests the details. She is easily irritating me, especially now that my head is somewhere else. We rest in Khysso’s class, waiting for his arrival. As the class murmurs about the bizarre howling, I munch on my lips for I have devoured the little nails I had left.

, last night, was there an arclaw on the field?” Azania asks me another of her one hundred questions. “No Azania, there wasn’t an arclaw, it was just a wolf…” I snap.
Not that I know, I just want to shut her mouth
. Her eyes widen. She buries her face with her hair. I sigh, regretting my cruel attitude towards her—before I can apologize, the room falls quiet, meaning he has arrived. I take in a deep breath. Relax, and show Khysso he won't pull you down. I proudly turn to face him—shockingly it’s not Khysso, but a short, fat ears, half yolk, half-sovy instructor.

“Good afternoon class, I’m
Sorcerer Willy, and starting today I will be your instructor for magic statistics.” Azania and I look at each other. We’re shocked by the news. “What…what happened to Instructor Shorewen?” A girl from behind asks in a desperate tone. “Instructor Shorewen has left to teach the warriors. He will no longer join us. Now open your books.” The boys rejoice over Khysso’s depart, especially Ramuso. As for the girls, they plunge down a hectic and disappointing path, and with them, I stand aside, bewildered by his leave. Could it be he left because of me?

I despondently lay on my bed remembering the way Khysso
hit the wall. The anger in him was apparent, all because of Corr. But if that’s the reason does it mean…he was jealous? It can't be. Khysso belongs to Casandree. He can't possibly think of me that way. He's my instructor, and I am his apprentice. Perhaps, he was being delusional. Yes, he must've confused me for someone else. And that heat I produce when around him, is it really something he’s doing to me. I violently sit up. It's later than midnight and I can't get any shut eye because of him. I urge for him to be remove from my mind. I know what can help! I need guidance. I stand, and walk to the room of the only person that can help me smile.

I enter my friend’
s room tip toeing. I don't have to fret about making noise, for Osys snoring overcomes any racket. I head to Ramuso, who dribbles carelessly. I stare in disgust. It happens to me sometimes, but watching someone else doing it, it’s truly unpleasant. I sit on the edge of his bed and shake his arm, quietly calling him. Ramuso wakes up in a hurry, rolling his eyes in all directions, until his sight clamps on me. “W-w-wha…where’s the fire!” he panics half asleep.

“I can’t sleep…
” he groans.

So, you come and interrupt my dreams. I was dreaming of Lucy from magic intro. Ah, she’s even hotter in my dreams,” his expression precious, making me forget my worries. I giggle, and as I do he intently looks at me. “What’s wrong with you? You’ve been acting weird the entire day?” I bite my lips. Not entirely all day, more like… since I found out about Khysso. I shrug. If I confess what happened between me and Khysso will he go mad?

“So you and Corr are seei
ng each other…right?” I grimace.
Together…as an item, why would he think that?

“No…no way, why
would you say this?” He twists his lips.

“Well, you two were
fairly amorous for training. He held your hand during dinner…”   True, we did ignore everyone else in the meal room as we talked. And for training, Corr personally assisted me, holding me close, but as friends…I think. Oh-no, could it be we
dating and I did not notice, but what happened with asking me.

-I guess...we are talking…” he lets out air and lowers his head. He anxiously rubs the back of his head.
Oh no, something’s wrong. He’s thinking, Ramuso never thinks.
“W-why are you doing the head thing?” He breathes out harshly.

“You’re my friend. I mean Corr is too, but… you’re a girl, and you have feelings so…umm…”
I’m a girl and I have feelings, does this mean boys don’t.

“Spill it!
” I command. He rolls his eyes all ways, assuring they sleep. “Corr still has feelings for Casandree.” He starts in a whisper. “Last night he called her name as he slept. If he’s after you it’s probably because he’s using you to forget her. You are beautiful and well…there’s not a man in this castle who doesn’t want to be with the girl who brought the dragon’s head. Not that to me that’s attractive. Actually, I’ll be afraid of a girl like you.” He says quickly. I chuckle at his say, but his confession doesn’t surprise me, I knew it from the start. Corr still loves her. Of course he does, he can’t possibly forget her so soon. Although touched, I'm liberated, for now I know I don't have any obligation towards Corr. Like me, his hearts is not corresponding.

understand what you are trying to say, but you don't have to worry, really." I say smiley. "Good, I'm sorry if I broke your heart. I simply don't want him to do so." I chuckle.“You’re not breaking my heart Ramuso. I'm fine." I assure.

u don't have to hide it from me, Judyala. I know you love Corr." I choke on my own saliva. "I don't love Corr, are you insane!" I snap, I slap my mouth. I don’t want to wake up the rest. I peek their way—they sleep. I look right back at Ramuso.

"He’s my fr
iend...that is it. Nothing more." I whisper.

-but your hate towards Sellias, I was certain it’s more like
..." I scoff, me… jealous, is Ramuso mad? I can never be jealous of that woman. Why would I?

“I do
n’t like her because she’s a bitch,”
Khysso’s bitch.
His lips rise from a side, and a strange silence encircles us, I can tell he doesn’t believe me.
“So, that was strange with Khysso. Why do you think he left?” Ramuso’s eyes rise high. My random question takes him aback. “I really don’t know. He’s been an instructor for years. It’s strange he would just leave. Something must be going on…” he looks at me sneakily.
“And since when do YOU call him Khysso?” My heart bounces. I yawn with a stretch of my hands. I overlook his question.
“Can I take a nap here?” I lay down on his bed. “Oh no, my bed is too small, go to your old one!” he complains, but I ignore him. There’s no turning back, alone I’ll think of him. The instant my head meets the pillow, I daze into my dream word, far from Khysso’s bewitching spell.

A rumbling
noise and low chattering forces my heavy eyes to open, I’m bushed, and I require more sleep. Fuzzy by my exhaustion, I can't distinguish my circle.

“What are you doing sleeping in Ramuso’s bed?”  I identify the yolk that stares in awe. I partly lift my head and indistinctly gape around. Ikumus, Onnet, and Corr stare at me in dismay. “I…sleep walked…” I
lie. I can give a better explanation when I’m fully awake. “Where’s Ramuso?” I notice his departure. They point at the floor. He sleeps hugging his sheet. I’m sure I kicked him out of the bed. I’m an awful sleeper. A kicker— Jorsay hates sharing a bed with me.

“Wake up you moron. You’re four hours late
to your classes.” Onnet cruelly kicks him as he sleeps. But the word
combined, shoots Ramuso up.

“I’m late!!” h
e screams and runs to get ready. As he does, he yells how it’s my fault for keeping him up, in which he is absolutely right. I should know not to wake up a kid who takes daybreak classes. I yawn, and lay back down. “Can you boys keep it down…I’m trying to sleep.” I garble closing my eyes.

“No she did n
ot. This is no longer your room, Zayras.” I hear Onnet whine. If I had any strength I would argue back, but sleeping is my prior interest.  “I’ll take care of this,” strong arms lift my body. I gasp, fully awakening.

” I exclaim blushy. He beautifully grins.

“Let’s take you
back before you get in trouble, Miss Zayras.”

Corr, I’m fine…really… I can go back…” I insist, but he’s willing to take me to my room in his arms again. I sigh, seeing no choice. Still, I’m a bit embarrassed for I wear my white, long-sleeved unfashionable gown. I should’ve worn my shorter, more alluring robe.
Damn dumb decisions.
“You’re silly, if you felt lonely why didn’t you come and get me?" Corr says as he walks the halls. I strain a smile. How does he know I felt lonely? Is my miserable life that obvious? Corr stops moving. He looks straight at the footpath, somewhat pale. I stir my sight to his interest to find a glaring Khysso, behind him is Casandree. Corr delicately puts me down. We gaze at them in a bottomless trance. Khysso's appearance makes my heart rush, and again, he’s with her—I don’t need another reason to think they are an item. It’s obvious they belong with one another.

” Corr takes my hand, when without any warning, Khysso rushes to Corr. He snatches Corr’s neck and slams him to the wall, his sudden deranging madness leaves us in an absolute shock.











  I smack a hand on my mouth dumbfounded by the conflict. An angry Corr punches Khysso on the face, only infuriating the strong man
that with a hand brings him down instantly.  Khysso jabs Corr on the floor. “Stop it! please stop!” Casandree exclaims as I gape petrify by the fight. Confusion gains control over me. I don’t find a motive for their fighting. Hands grasp my shoulder. Casandree is in tears.

“Help him. He will kill him, help him!” she cries.  It’s when it hit me, Khysso
’s strength and powers are vigorous. She’s right. I run to him, and stretch a hand.

“Enough!” I shout
. I use a gravity that pulls Khysso from Corr, a power that petrifies the body, yet, Khysso bears to stand. He waves a hand on the air— his powerful wind pushes me rear, dropping me to the floor.

I stare at him
in astonishment. It’s the first-time someone counterattacks me so powerfully. Not even Srogeri can fight against my powers without first putting out a good fight. I breathe heavily, staring at Khysso from the floor— I’m startled by his aggression. His eyes intensely meet mine. He appears lost, almost disoriented. Khysso hurries away. Casandree runs after him calling him, leaving us behind without any consideration. I crawl to Corr, and together we stand.

lord, Corr,” he’s bleeding from the corner of his eye, blood rushes down his nostrils. A few more blows and Khysso would’ve killed him. Corr is angry. I fear his dark, conniving glare, but because of the amount of blood he drops, I'm force to overlook his fury, and drag him to my bedroom. As I get a towel and my remedies, He paces back and forth. Then, in a rage attack, he angrily hits the wall. I can tell he wants more.

“I’m going to heal you,” I utt
er, but he still paces. “Corr sit down…sit!” I raise my voice. He meets with me. His angry expression gradually fades. “Sit, I’m going to heal you.” I command. And without questioning my techniques or denying the healing treatment, he obeys me. I know how to treat angry boys. I have my brother who always loses control.  I give him a pain-killer remedy to drink.  I set my hands on his face. “What you did…it was foolish. Why did you hit him?” I scold. The process of curing his injuries starts. He yanks his head away from me, almost angry. “Did you not see how he struck me to the wall? What the bloody-hell is his problem? We are allowed to do anything we want. I swear, next time I see him, I’m going to kill—”

“Don’t say it!”  I
break in. “What he did was wrong, but you don’t have to be like him.” I say in a calm tone.

“I simply don’t get it, what is his damn problem? Why the hell did he hit me? If anything
, it’s me who should be angry. He's the one who took my girl…” he says bluntly. I bow down my head slapped by his words. And he still calls her his girl. It’s obvious his love towards her is blazing, but it’s not the love he feels toward her that concerns me, but the fact he reminded me who Khysso belongs to— why Khysso did it. It doesn’t make sense.
“Put your head up.” I command picking up his stiff head. Again, I set my hands near his injuries, gently letting my warm energy heal his wound.

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